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  1. Crusades Debate
  2. Toba eruption did not cause human bottleneck
  3. What do you think about the bombing of Dresden?
  4. The world would be a far saner won place today if Adolf Hitler's Germany had won
  5. Fascist Sparta
  6. Lord Halifax.
  8. The Decline of the Roman Empire
  9. Rudolf Hess - Was it murder?
  10. So how come the Americans won the space race?
  11. The Cold War
  12. Could Germany have won WW2 at any stage?
  13. 'Eastern Europe'
  14. Where Did The West Go Wrong?
  15. Medieval Architecture and Sculpture
  16. The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America
  17. Race for sanctions : African Americans against apartheid, 1946-1994
  18. The European Concept of Time
  19. Ancient European Remains Discovered In Qinghai (China)
  20. Favourite Monarch
  21. Hitler, Hitler Everywhere
  22. Jews Unhappy - Estonians honor SS veterans
  23. "Operation Citadel"
  24. 1938-39
  25. Project on "After the Roman Empire"-any ideas?
  26. a good article about the history of intelligence-failures
  27. Found.
  28. King George III - Mad Or Poisoned?
  29. Five Invasions of French Territory
  30. The Spanish Civil War
  31. Idi Amin as a model for the destruction of Western Civilization
  32. The Origins of "Racism"
  33. 'We have proof that Lenin died of syphilis'
  34. 60 years ago
  35. Denial historians
  36. American Nordicist Lothrop Stoddard on the Great War
  37. Analysis: Bosnia-Herzegovina And The Legacy Of Gavrilo Princip
  38. The Nazi War on Cancer
  39. Doctors may have killed Napoleon
  40. Documents on the Expulsion of Germans
  41. Reagan won the Cold War all by himself? It's a myth
  42. HITLER: A Universal Symbol
  43. The Legendary Battleship "Yamato"
  44. Favorite wars to study?
  45. War Elephants
  46. Spy claims Israel assassinated JFK
  47. About North Ireland Issue
  48. Whats your combat style?
  49. about the Elgin marbles and other artifacts
  50. Israel killed JFK, says Vanunu
  51. The Legendary Battleship "Bismarck"
  52. Historians Split on German WWI Role
  53. Hail, the Conquering War Criminal Comes!
  54. Hitler was a methamphetamines user
  55. Scharnhorst.
  56. The European Legal Revolution
  57. The Cult of Kim
  58. The Czech Conspiracy
  59. Separate Peace.
  60. Dossier "Oluja"(Storm), Croatian victory day
  61. Spain lost Gibraltar 300 years ago today: it should get over it
  62. slaveauction
  63. Der Panzergraf
  64. The Führer vs. Roosevelt (Hitler´s best speech ever)
  65. Bromberg Bloody Sunday
  66. Battle of Vienna
  67. Iraqi Abuses Revive Nightmares for German POWs
  68. The Greatest War Crime
  69. 60 Years ago this month.
  70. Fraud exposed - after 3,000 years
  71. Hitler the insane
  72. Russian and German Night Combat Tactics of WW2
  73. Hitler the Gay
  74. The NSDWP in Adelaide, Aus. in the 30's
  75. The Spanish Civil War in Light of Recent Historiography
  76. Who Started WWII?
  77. Crete
  78. Kipling's Back
  79. U.S. Crimes in Korean War
  80. The Future Knows Only Germans!
  81. Why and For What?
  82. Hitler - The Making Of A Fuhrer
  83. National Socialist Economics
  84. The Coup of 1787
  85. Bit like Desert island Discs.......
  86. 1944/45.
  87. Behind the myth of Che Guevara lie darker truths.
  88. Prussian Reserve, Militia, and Irregular forces of Napoleonic Wars
  89. Crete.
  90. Malta.
  91. Germany 1933 Medical Care.
  92. The Women of Rome
  93. The De-Nazifying of Europe After WWII
  94. Survival of Japanese military sex slavery
  95. Looking for a Stalin Biography
  96. He speaks
  97. Excellent Free E-Books
  98. Napoleon's Disastrous Russian Campaign
  99. Juan Donoso Cortes: A Catholic Biography
  100. The most Cowardly War Ever Fought?
  101. Less well known.
  102. Pinochet - Saviour or Evil Madman?
  103. Prehistoric 'shoes' better than modern hiking boots
  104. Hundred Years of War against Germany, by Steffen Werner
  105. Hitler and the Third Reich
  106. Pliny: On [the] Indians
  107. Rome Gives the World a Calendar - Twice
  108. The Case for National Socialist Germany
  109. Scientists go in search of the true Brits
  110. Dr.Goebbels "Nazi-Sozi" Book
  111. The Fayum Portraits
  112. Death in Poland
  113. The French Revolution
  114. Eugenics in China
  115. Our Plight Has No Historical Precedent
  116. The Racial Makeup of the Original Egyptians
  117. Egypt.
  118. Desegregation and Integration in America
  119. Neville Chamberlain, Appeasement and the British Road to War
  120. What Was So Distinctive About the Russian Bolshevik Party?
  121. The Development of Stalinism
  122. US-China-Israel - The Real Axis Of Evil
  123. Winston Churchill: A Critical Review
  124. WW II: Whose War was it?
  125. New Aspects of Andreij Vlassov: The Russian Army of Liberation (ROA)
  126. Viking graves found in England
  127. 8th May 1945 Flyer.
  128. September 11th, 1973
  129. Dozens of women want Bronze Age hunter's babies
  130. Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era
  131. How two criminal gangsters, Stalin and Churchill, determined nations' fates
  132. Allies starve millions of Germans as punishment.
  133. Operation Barbarossa
  134. Did Russia Win D-Day?
  135. "Hate Germany" Propaganda Exposed
  136. P. Bauer - Himalayan Quest (1938)
  137. Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda
  138. Why I hate England and America: Wilson, Churchill, Roosevelt, Bush, and Treason
  139. Manipulating History
  140. 60 Years ago Today.
  141. Did You Know. . .
  142. Irish not celts?
  143. Adolf Hitler's Declaration of War Against the United States of America
  144. Your Opinion towards Hitler?
  145. The Perfidious Albion: Rasputin wanted Russia out of WWI, so the English killed him
  146. Hitler Soldiers
  147. Bearing - Duty - Fatherland: The German Spirit
  148. The German Folk Community: Every man for himself vs every man for the community
  149. Rolf Gardiner - Father of the English Greens
  150. Churchill's War
  151. Civilization One
  152. Injury May Have Led to Red Baron's Death
  153. British Foreign Policy and the Polish Corridor
  154. Some Reasons for the Tremendous Economic Miracle of NS Germany
  155. Occupied Germany, 1945-1949
  156. Of heros and clowns in the WN/NS movement
  157. Mugwort
  158. Conspiracy and Betrayal Around Hitler
  159. The Enigma of Hitler
  160. An Anti-Holocaust Intifada Grows among the Arabs
  161. An Interview with General Otto Ernst Remer
  162. The Russians in Berlin in 1945
  163. Hitlers Political Testament
  164. "Reeducation": How The Victorious Allies Imposed Their Worldview on Defeated Germany
  165. The Road To War
  166. Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People
  167. Polish Population Losses during World War Two
  168. The Life and Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess
  169. General Remers Interview with ALSHAAB
  170. Benes and Stalin
  171. wintermute
  172. The Satellite State of Slovakia and the National Socialist 'New Order'
  173. The New Order: A Snapshot
  174. Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver called Arabs "the most racist people on earth"
  175. Did the Soviet Union Fake Its Own Demise?
  176. Are the Japanese Slaves of America?
  177. Is Germany a Satellite of Canada and the Ukraine?
  178. England's Germanic Culture
  179. The Sinking of Viribus Unitis
  180. Is Germar Rudolf a Vaterlandsverräter?
  181. Roman Comet 5,000 Times More Powerful Than A-Bomb
  182. Medieval teeth 'better than Baldrick's'
  183. Germany's Bronze Age Blockbuster
  184. New Book from Max Hastings.
  185. The greatest mistake in analyzing history
  186. Liberty and the Anglo-Saxons
  187. [REQ] Documentary "Defilada" (1989)
  188. "Was Hitler's Secretary Martin Bormann a Soviet Spy?"
  189. Hitler's Principles
  190. How much of a post-war invention was the French Resistance?
  191. Excerpts from Diary of a Man in Despair
  192. Would the world be better if it was ruled by Hitler?
  193. Hungary: Satellite of Nazi Germany
  194. Hitler's War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order
  195. The Vikings
  196. The four-spoked sun wheel
  197. Early Chinese Explorations
  198. Yockey's Thesis: USSR the Lesser Evil
  199. Mark Twain: aider and abetter of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
  200. The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin
  201. September 15, 1939
  202. Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe?
  203. Opinions, please: Is Mussolini an embarrassment for the WN cause?
  204. History, Eugenics, And The Jews
  205. POLL: biggest threat towards western culture
  206. Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War 2
  207. The Real Adolf Hitler
  208. Clovis spear people were Europeans!
  209. Fascism in Scandinavia
  210. The Racialism of Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson
  211. The other man who tried to appease Hitler
  212. The Bilbonic Plague: Senator Theodore Bilbo
  213. Midnight Sun on Abraham Lincoln and the Founders
  214. Babel's First Love: The Jews and the Russian Revolution
  215. American Anglo-Saxonism
  216. Viking map may rewrite US history
  217. "America" Dismantled in Fifty Years by James Owens
  218. Arthur Kemp
  219. T4 Euthanasia Program
  220. H. L. Mencken - The Anglo-Saxon
  221. WW2 Photos, Western Allies
  222. WW2 Photos, Axis
  223. De Tocqueville on Race in America
  224. German Super Heavy Tank Makes Royal Tiger Pale In Comparison
  225. Thomas Carlyle, James Anthony Froude, and Victorian Racialism
  226. Jewish pirates
  227. The Fall of Anglo-America
  228. Khazars
  229. Sulla Victory Monument Unearthed
  230. Galatia
  231. Hitler, a secret agent?
  232. The European Role in the Decline of Racialism
  233. The most perverted Roman emperor
  234. Old America
  235. The Anglo-American Establishment
  236. Celts and Teutons
  237. Beware of Greeks bearing writs: The truth about Alexander the Great (by Taki)
  238. No bang for Boney's party
  239. What Was Attila the Hun?
  240. Women warriors from Amazon fought for Britain's Roman army
  241. The farce
  242. Defending Imperial Japan
  243. Testimony About Churchill
  244. Leo Africanus: Description of Timbuktu
  245. The Great Betrayal
  246. The Eagle Triumphant: How America Took Over The British Empire
  247. Jews did 911
  248. Hating America: A History
  249. Cold War II
  250. The United States Through Nazi Eyes