View Full Version : History
- Crusades Debate
- Toba eruption did not cause human bottleneck
- What do you think about the bombing of Dresden?
- The world would be a far saner won place today if Adolf Hitler's Germany had won
- Fascist Sparta
- Lord Halifax.
- The Decline of the Roman Empire
- Rudolf Hess - Was it murder?
- So how come the Americans won the space race?
- The Cold War
- Could Germany have won WW2 at any stage?
- 'Eastern Europe'
- Where Did The West Go Wrong?
- Medieval Architecture and Sculpture
- The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America
- Race for sanctions : African Americans against apartheid, 1946-1994
- The European Concept of Time
- Ancient European Remains Discovered In Qinghai (China)
- Favourite Monarch
- Hitler, Hitler Everywhere
- Jews Unhappy - Estonians honor SS veterans
- "Operation Citadel"
- 1938-39
- Project on "After the Roman Empire"-any ideas?
- a good article about the history of intelligence-failures
- Found.
- King George III - Mad Or Poisoned?
- Five Invasions of French Territory
- The Spanish Civil War
- Idi Amin as a model for the destruction of Western Civilization
- The Origins of "Racism"
- 'We have proof that Lenin died of syphilis'
- 60 years ago
- Denial historians
- American Nordicist Lothrop Stoddard on the Great War
- Analysis: Bosnia-Herzegovina And The Legacy Of Gavrilo Princip
- The Nazi War on Cancer
- Doctors may have killed Napoleon
- Documents on the Expulsion of Germans
- Reagan won the Cold War all by himself? It's a myth
- HITLER: A Universal Symbol
- The Legendary Battleship "Yamato"
- Favorite wars to study?
- War Elephants
- Spy claims Israel assassinated JFK
- About North Ireland Issue
- Whats your combat style?
- about the Elgin marbles and other artifacts
- Israel killed JFK, says Vanunu
- The Legendary Battleship "Bismarck"
- Historians Split on German WWI Role
- Hail, the Conquering War Criminal Comes!
- Hitler was a methamphetamines user
- Scharnhorst.
- The European Legal Revolution
- The Cult of Kim
- The Czech Conspiracy
- Separate Peace.
- Dossier "Oluja"(Storm), Croatian victory day
- Spain lost Gibraltar 300 years ago today: it should get over it
- slaveauction
- Der Panzergraf
- The Führer vs. Roosevelt (Hitler´s best speech ever)
- Bromberg Bloody Sunday
- Battle of Vienna
- Iraqi Abuses Revive Nightmares for German POWs
- The Greatest War Crime
- 60 Years ago this month.
- Fraud exposed - after 3,000 years
- Hitler the insane
- Russian and German Night Combat Tactics of WW2
- Hitler the Gay
- The NSDWP in Adelaide, Aus. in the 30's
- The Spanish Civil War in Light of Recent Historiography
- Who Started WWII?
- Crete
- Kipling's Back
- U.S. Crimes in Korean War
- The Future Knows Only Germans!
- Why and For What?
- Hitler - The Making Of A Fuhrer
- National Socialist Economics
- The Coup of 1787
- Bit like Desert island Discs.......
- 1944/45.
- Behind the myth of Che Guevara lie darker truths.
- Prussian Reserve, Militia, and Irregular forces of Napoleonic Wars
- Crete.
- Malta.
- Germany 1933 Medical Care.
- The Women of Rome
- The De-Nazifying of Europe After WWII
- Survival of Japanese military sex slavery
- Looking for a Stalin Biography
- He speaks
- Excellent Free E-Books
- Napoleon's Disastrous Russian Campaign
- Juan Donoso Cortes: A Catholic Biography
- The most Cowardly War Ever Fought?
- Less well known.
- Pinochet - Saviour or Evil Madman?
- Prehistoric 'shoes' better than modern hiking boots
- Hundred Years of War against Germany, by Steffen Werner
- Hitler and the Third Reich
- Pliny: On [the] Indians
- Rome Gives the World a Calendar - Twice
- The Case for National Socialist Germany
- Scientists go in search of the true Brits
- Dr.Goebbels "Nazi-Sozi" Book
- The Fayum Portraits
- Death in Poland
- The French Revolution
- Eugenics in China
- Our Plight Has No Historical Precedent
- The Racial Makeup of the Original Egyptians
- Egypt.
- Desegregation and Integration in America
- Neville Chamberlain, Appeasement and the British Road to War
- What Was So Distinctive About the Russian Bolshevik Party?
- The Development of Stalinism
- US-China-Israel - The Real Axis Of Evil
- Winston Churchill: A Critical Review
- WW II: Whose War was it?
- New Aspects of Andreij Vlassov: The Russian Army of Liberation (ROA)
- Viking graves found in England
- 8th May 1945 Flyer.
- September 11th, 1973
- Dozens of women want Bronze Age hunter's babies
- Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era
- How two criminal gangsters, Stalin and Churchill, determined nations' fates
- Allies starve millions of Germans as punishment.
- Operation Barbarossa
- Did Russia Win D-Day?
- "Hate Germany" Propaganda Exposed
- P. Bauer - Himalayan Quest (1938)
- Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda
- Why I hate England and America: Wilson, Churchill, Roosevelt, Bush, and Treason
- Manipulating History
- 60 Years ago Today.
- Did You Know. . .
- Irish not celts?
- Adolf Hitler's Declaration of War Against the United States of America
- Your Opinion towards Hitler?
- The Perfidious Albion: Rasputin wanted Russia out of WWI, so the English killed him
- Hitler Soldiers
- Bearing - Duty - Fatherland: The German Spirit
- The German Folk Community: Every man for himself vs every man for the community
- Rolf Gardiner - Father of the English Greens
- Churchill's War
- Civilization One
- Injury May Have Led to Red Baron's Death
- British Foreign Policy and the Polish Corridor
- Some Reasons for the Tremendous Economic Miracle of NS Germany
- Occupied Germany, 1945-1949
- Of heros and clowns in the WN/NS movement
- Mugwort
- Conspiracy and Betrayal Around Hitler
- The Enigma of Hitler
- An Anti-Holocaust Intifada Grows among the Arabs
- An Interview with General Otto Ernst Remer
- The Russians in Berlin in 1945
- Hitlers Political Testament
- "Reeducation": How The Victorious Allies Imposed Their Worldview on Defeated Germany
- The Road To War
- Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People
- Polish Population Losses during World War Two
- The Life and Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess
- General Remers Interview with ALSHAAB
- Benes and Stalin
- wintermute
- The Satellite State of Slovakia and the National Socialist 'New Order'
- The New Order: A Snapshot
- Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver called Arabs "the most racist people on earth"
- Did the Soviet Union Fake Its Own Demise?
- Are the Japanese Slaves of America?
- Is Germany a Satellite of Canada and the Ukraine?
- England's Germanic Culture
- The Sinking of Viribus Unitis
- Is Germar Rudolf a Vaterlandsverräter?
- Roman Comet 5,000 Times More Powerful Than A-Bomb
- Medieval teeth 'better than Baldrick's'
- Germany's Bronze Age Blockbuster
- New Book from Max Hastings.
- The greatest mistake in analyzing history
- Liberty and the Anglo-Saxons
- [REQ] Documentary "Defilada" (1989)
- "Was Hitler's Secretary Martin Bormann a Soviet Spy?"
- Hitler's Principles
- How much of a post-war invention was the French Resistance?
- Excerpts from Diary of a Man in Despair
- Would the world be better if it was ruled by Hitler?
- Hungary: Satellite of Nazi Germany
- Hitler's War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order
- The Vikings
- The four-spoked sun wheel
- Early Chinese Explorations
- Yockey's Thesis: USSR the Lesser Evil
- Mark Twain: aider and abetter of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
- The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin
- September 15, 1939
- Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe?
- Opinions, please: Is Mussolini an embarrassment for the WN cause?
- History, Eugenics, And The Jews
- POLL: biggest threat towards western culture
- Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War 2
- The Real Adolf Hitler
- Clovis spear people were Europeans!
- Fascism in Scandinavia
- The Racialism of Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson
- The other man who tried to appease Hitler
- The Bilbonic Plague: Senator Theodore Bilbo
- Midnight Sun on Abraham Lincoln and the Founders
- Babel's First Love: The Jews and the Russian Revolution
- American Anglo-Saxonism
- Viking map may rewrite US history
- "America" Dismantled in Fifty Years by James Owens
- Arthur Kemp
- T4 Euthanasia Program
- H. L. Mencken - The Anglo-Saxon
- WW2 Photos, Western Allies
- WW2 Photos, Axis
- De Tocqueville on Race in America
- German Super Heavy Tank Makes Royal Tiger Pale In Comparison
- Thomas Carlyle, James Anthony Froude, and Victorian Racialism
- Jewish pirates
- The Fall of Anglo-America
- Khazars
- Sulla Victory Monument Unearthed
- Galatia
- Hitler, a secret agent?
- The European Role in the Decline of Racialism
- The most perverted Roman emperor
- Old America
- The Anglo-American Establishment
- Celts and Teutons
- Beware of Greeks bearing writs: The truth about Alexander the Great (by Taki)
- No bang for Boney's party
- What Was Attila the Hun?
- Women warriors from Amazon fought for Britain's Roman army
- The farce
- Defending Imperial Japan
- Testimony About Churchill
- Leo Africanus: Description of Timbuktu
- The Great Betrayal
- The Eagle Triumphant: How America Took Over The British Empire
- Jews did 911
- Hating America: A History
- Cold War II
- The United States Through Nazi Eyes
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