View Full Version : Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda

friedrich braun
09-15-2004, 04:10 PM
Dealing in Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda

Dr. Michael F. Connors

Table of Contents

The Germanophobic fallacy
Nineteenth century German prestige
Historic German 'militarism'
Public opinion of Germany to 1914
Entente propaganda
Lusitania incident
Atrocity propaganda
American scholars and 'war guilt'
Germanophobia and Hitlerism
Propaganda and the 'war guilt' charge again
The vilification of Germany, 1941-45
Unconditional hatred
World War Two Historical Revision, Online Books....
Post-World War II Germanophobia
Allied 'war crimes'
German 'guilt' in perspective
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Dealing in Hate

The Development of Anti-German Propaganda
Dr. Michael F. Connors

The Germanophobic fallacy

It is widely conceded today that the kind of thinking which presents any ethnic or national group in terms of
a crude, unflattering caricature is undesirable and sloppy at the very least. Conversely, acceptance of others
on the basis of individual merit, without reference to racial or national background is regarded as one of the
distinguishing marks of the truly educated man.
One of the most widely publicized reason, offered in explanation of our opposition to the regime of the late
Adolf Hitler was its severe policy directed at Jews and other enemies of the regime. By some curious irony,
however, many of the same Americans who were so quick to attack the Nazi racial doctrines have been the
worst offenders in spreading abroad a fantastic myth of singular German wickedness. As a consequence of
this Germanophobic myth, the very word German conjures up in all too many minds an uncomfortable, if
vague, image of robot-like, goose-stepping legions of glassy-eyed storm troopers set in motion by the harshly
barked commands of an Erich von Stroheim type "Prussian" officer. Furthermore, "militarism,"
"aggressiveness," and a marked preference for "authoritarian" over democracy have well-nigh universally
been regarded as "typically German" national traits.
Germanophobia in the thirties and forties had for the "educated" classes in the West an appeal which could
never have been held for such concepts as "white supremacy" or anti-Semitism. It is precisely this academic
and intellectual respectability of the notion of unique German wickedness, on the basis of specious racial and
historical arguments, that has made of it such a dangerous fallacy.


09-15-2004, 05:13 PM
This could be mirrored completley by say an attitud e to the Jews or slavs.
For goodness sake if the author actually believes that people subscribe to a hatred of the german peoople and see the sterotype Erich von / Prussian officers runing around with a dueling scar on the face and a close cropped hair cut well that is rather sad.
Likewise jews with big noses greasy hair looking with lust on blonde haired girls in country dress or a hooked nosed big eyed over weight lady with furs and money falling from her pocket as she looks down her nose at you well its all propaganda and daft to boot.
To be honest i don't think nor have I yet to meet anyone who might subscribe to a hatred of the german people or the German Army apart from those who endorse anad promote in this insane form.
Catch a grip , this serves a purpose truth and historical accuracy is not it.
A quick look at the structure of the book via its contents speaks for itself.
I would read it if only for a laugh or two.
History regarding WW1 that I have read is not written from anything only a neutral point of view no , baby eating Germans or Belgian raping huns to be seen.
Likewise WW2 history that i have read tells it warts and all , saints and sinners on all sides.
I don't and won't subscribe to a rabit hatred of Germany nor will I subscribe to a rabit hatred of the Jews .
Propaganda and truth , they are not compatible.

friedrich braun
09-15-2004, 05:30 PM

A good rule of thumb before you run your motor mouth and the decide to spam The Phora:

1) Read the book/article; only then

2) comment


(Warning: stop commenting on things you haven't read or I'm going to start deleting your posts every time you do that.)

09-15-2004, 07:19 PM
I based my coments on the structure of the contyent as per your post.
My comment was based on the structure and direction of the chapter content , which is pretty obvious in what it is driving at.
Now if everyone goes by what you say are we all to read this book before posting ?
If this is the case why not have a section which introduces books in this fashion .

When posting I take it you wanted some form of reply on the subject ?
Yes hands up I have not read the book , never claimed to , I made no secret as to the general nature of the reply based on the chapter titles and structure alone.
If you don't want any comment back then don't post , perhaps you only want posts which say " here , here".

FB , have you read the book ?