View Full Version : The Case for National Socialist Germany

friedrich braun
08-29-2004, 06:54 AM
A good introduction to the way Germans lived during National Socialism:


08-29-2004, 08:29 AM
No mention of the Butlins of Germany , no mention of the Blood and Honour Laws , no mention of the removal of all oter political parties , no mnetion of Hitler setting himself above the law and telling the Judicial system that they could be independenat if they did what he told them and by the way i see myself as the supreme Judge in Germany.
Went something like that , did it not ?
No mention of the T4 which was getting into its swing , no mention of murdering the mentally ill or the enforced sterilization of anyone who was handicaped , even if the physical handicap had no genetic background ?
Lots of things not mentioned.
Its rose tinted glasses time again , I see this as a piece of history to be viewed within the context of the time against the value system of the goverment of the day.
What has this got to offer today ?
Would you see concentration camps re-openned again , would you see T4 as being something which every nation should have ?
Would you bring back the blood and honour laws , would you extend them to other races apart from Jews?
Would you reform the legal system to have it serve the Fuhrer , you know the leader who gives orders and takes advice , the strong man with a whole raft of values and disicpline , the man who gave Karl Brandt a free hand to do his own thing .
The control of the media , would you have a news system run by the State for the State , often misinforming the people , he who controls news , controls events.
What news would you give out in 1933-45.
Would you inform the people about T4 , would you inform them about what concentration camps really did , would you inform them what resettlement really menat , would you inform them that you didn't expect Britain and France to go to war , would you inform them that you had been defeated outside Moscow , would you inform them that Stalingrad was lost , would you inform them what defeat at Kursk really meant , would you inform them that the battle of the Atlantic was lost in 1943 , would you inform them that Italy wanted out of the war , would you inform them that Normandy was lost , would you inform them that the ez groups were resettling thousands with bullets , would you inform them that the whole of Army Group centre had been defeated , as well as Normandy being lost , what woudl you tell them ?
This is only what springs to mind and you know just how little the german people were actually told?
At what pint in this seies of victories do you think it would be time to change leader given the mistakes which ahd been made , and the responsibility which you outlined in another thread ?
Man of straw is what Fade usually says at this point , but its your man FB ?
As far as goverment goes its a bankrupt system , its serves a political party not the people its a system which is focused on the leader , not the people .
Its a myth.