10-13-2004, 08:06 PM
I found this interesting tidbit from a Jewish supremacist site "Jewish Task Force."
Biased, anti-Arab source, I know, and yet, a too good story not to be told, IMHO!
Apparently all it took for mister bad-as# rapist, "Soul on Ice" Eldridge Cleaver to return to the hands of those hateful US honkies was a touch with some North African racial realities:
" Algeria's ruling National Salvation Front has called for the destruction of America, and for decades has provided asylum to American fugitives who were involved in anti-American terrorist activity in the United States.
For example, Eldridge Cleaver, a leader of the cop-killing Black Panther Party, fled to Algeria in the early 1970s. Cleaver returned to the United States in 1975 disillusioned with his Arab Muslim "brothers."
In a January 1977 interview with The Boston Herald American, Cleaver said that
"having lived intimately for several years amongst the Arabs, I know them to be amongst the most racist people on earth. This is particularly true of their attitude toward black people.... Many Arab families that can afford to, keep one or two black slaves to do their menial labor. Sometimes they own an entire family. I have seen such slaves with my own eyes."
Biased, anti-Arab source, I know, and yet, a too good story not to be told, IMHO!
Apparently all it took for mister bad-as# rapist, "Soul on Ice" Eldridge Cleaver to return to the hands of those hateful US honkies was a touch with some North African racial realities:
" Algeria's ruling National Salvation Front has called for the destruction of America, and for decades has provided asylum to American fugitives who were involved in anti-American terrorist activity in the United States.
For example, Eldridge Cleaver, a leader of the cop-killing Black Panther Party, fled to Algeria in the early 1970s. Cleaver returned to the United States in 1975 disillusioned with his Arab Muslim "brothers."
In a January 1977 interview with The Boston Herald American, Cleaver said that
"having lived intimately for several years amongst the Arabs, I know them to be amongst the most racist people on earth. This is particularly true of their attitude toward black people.... Many Arab families that can afford to, keep one or two black slaves to do their menial labor. Sometimes they own an entire family. I have seen such slaves with my own eyes."