11-24-2004, 07:06 PM
Lincoln a Napoleon? A dubious comparison.He was a bloodthirsty dictator who slaughtered his own kin to free a few niggers. Abraham Lincoln was the constitutionally elected President of the United States, a point that no one disputes, even the most diehard defenders of the Confederacy such as myself. Furthermore, the absolute last reason Lincoln sent Union troops into the South was to free the slaves. In fact, Lincoln was the proud sponser of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would have legalized slavery forever. He didn't want to free the slaves at all. He wanted to colonize them outside the borders of the United States.Forget the constitution and all. The Constitution is silent on the question of secession. The issue that was in dispute was whether or not secession was a right reserved to the states under the 10th Amendment.Everyone must do as Lincoln says or else. Abraham Lincoln was no Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. That is ridiculous. The Radical Republicans in the U.S. Congress certainly were not of that point of view, nor was Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy.What was gained by his jew-inspired madness?What the hell do the Jews have to do with the War Between the States? Do you know anything about the subject?Jefferson and the rest of those kike-worshipping "fathers" are dishonorable.The notion that Thomas Jefferson was a kike-worshipper is beyond ridiculous. A far more convincing case could be made that he was an Anglo-Saxonist.
"Were these prominent Americans merely expressing an abstract ideological exuberance that happened to have an English historical referent? Liah Greenfeld appears to take this stance, arguing that Americans equated Englishness with Liberalism and no more (Greenfield 1992: 409). Yet such an argument cannot explain the infatuation with the Anglo-Saxons displayed by both pre-Revolutionary pamphleteers and the statesmen of the New Republic (R. Smith 1997: 72-86). Most explicit in this regard was U.S. President and founding father Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed to John Adams after drafting the Constitution in 1776 that the Americans were "the children of Israel in the wilderness, led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; and on the other side, Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs whom we claim the honour of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed" (Horsman 1981: 22, emphasis added).
Notice that Jefferson distinguished between Americans' ideological and genealogical inheritance, both of which he saw as deriving from the Anglo-Saxons. The idea that the Anglo-Saxon English had self-selected themselves through immigration to escape the British (Norman) yoke to bring the torch of freedom to America was a quintessential myth of ethnogenesis (Ross 1984: 917; Gosset 1953: 82).
Eric P. Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2004), pp.17-18I despise those who betray their own kin just to save a nickel or a dime. They were rich bastards, what did they care about one less nickel here or there. This just goes to show how little you know about history. Jefferson and Madison were both in favor of sending blacks back to Africa. Indeed, Jefferson himself had nightmares about a racially amalgamated America.What a fucking joke, Americans really look up to these greedy snobbish bastards? No wonder America is the way it is!America is the way it is today because so many Americans have forgotten their own history. They have also forgotten who they are and where the principles they treasure came from. The racialist movement is in the shape it is today because far too many racialists are listening to people like you and Alex Linder.
"Were these prominent Americans merely expressing an abstract ideological exuberance that happened to have an English historical referent? Liah Greenfeld appears to take this stance, arguing that Americans equated Englishness with Liberalism and no more (Greenfield 1992: 409). Yet such an argument cannot explain the infatuation with the Anglo-Saxons displayed by both pre-Revolutionary pamphleteers and the statesmen of the New Republic (R. Smith 1997: 72-86). Most explicit in this regard was U.S. President and founding father Thomas Jefferson, who proclaimed to John Adams after drafting the Constitution in 1776 that the Americans were "the children of Israel in the wilderness, led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; and on the other side, Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs whom we claim the honour of being descended, and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed" (Horsman 1981: 22, emphasis added).
Notice that Jefferson distinguished between Americans' ideological and genealogical inheritance, both of which he saw as deriving from the Anglo-Saxons. The idea that the Anglo-Saxon English had self-selected themselves through immigration to escape the British (Norman) yoke to bring the torch of freedom to America was a quintessential myth of ethnogenesis (Ross 1984: 917; Gosset 1953: 82).
Eric P. Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2004), pp.17-18I despise those who betray their own kin just to save a nickel or a dime. They were rich bastards, what did they care about one less nickel here or there. This just goes to show how little you know about history. Jefferson and Madison were both in favor of sending blacks back to Africa. Indeed, Jefferson himself had nightmares about a racially amalgamated America.What a fucking joke, Americans really look up to these greedy snobbish bastards? No wonder America is the way it is!America is the way it is today because so many Americans have forgotten their own history. They have also forgotten who they are and where the principles they treasure came from. The racialist movement is in the shape it is today because far too many racialists are listening to people like you and Alex Linder.