View Full Version : Hitlers Political Testament
Dr. Brandt
09-29-2004, 12:51 PM
09-29-2004, 09:15 PM
This merely admits that defeat is only a matter of time.
The German people and the German Soldier deserved better.
09-29-2004, 10:57 PM
The problem is degenerative within Indo-Europeans.
Bad values = lost wars.
Hitler was the only one awake enough to do what he did, but he was an artist, not a military leader.
The population did well by him, but failed him in certain understandings they needed to work together. This also dragged them all down.
WIthout fixing the philosophical problems of Indo-Europeans, there is no workable solution.
09-30-2004, 12:09 AM
" Indo-Europeans" , what is the connection between "Indo-Europeans" and the statement quoted ?
Bad values = Lost war. Don't see the connection.
Values stand irregardless of the defeat.
Population did well by him , I would question this and that they failed him by not working together ?
Hitler was not worthy of the German people , the German people deserved better.
The idea that they , the People failed the leader is absurd.
Hitler himself said that the German people had proved themselves unworthy of him , the statement quoted at the start of this thread , Hitlers later remark about the German people say more about him than they collectively do about the German Nation.
Awake enough to do what he did and artist not a military leader ?
Hitler would have other thoughts on what you just said about him, he would not agree with his not being a military leader.( He knew he was a military genius , that is what you fail to see , the fatla flaw of the man himself , ego.
Hitler could never be wrong , others make mistakes , he did not).
This makes an excuse for him , his direction of the war has everything to do with him the person and above all he the Fuhrer and his style of leadership.
I still say they deserved better than Adolf Hitler , what you seek to do is to make excuses for him.
09-30-2004, 01:43 PM
A source of what Dr. Brandt , your even handed , balanced and objective reasoning ?
If you had not wanted any posts or any reply made why did you not lock it.
To reiterate on behalf of the Good Doctor :
Your own very objective reply on my " stupid mouth" , the crowd of drooling retards and the mongrelized bastardhordes which represent my culture stands as a finely crafted statement which must be the reason you are a moderator.
Boy do I only wish I was as cultured and intelligent as you with your wisdom and understanding of the finer things in life.
Well I can but dream and look up to you as a shining example of what I aspire to be one day. :rolleyes:
Sulla the Dictator
10-03-2004, 10:58 PM
We have facing us an incongruous coalition, drawn together by hatred and jealousy and cemented by the panic with which the national socialist doctrine fills this Jew-ridden motley. Face to face with this amorphous monster, our one chance is to depend on ourselves and ourselves alone; to oppose this heterogeneous rabble with a national, homogeneous entity, animated by a courage which no adversity will be able to shake.
***Sorry, that was uncalled for***
10-03-2004, 11:29 PM
:: Maybe the Reich faked its downfall and is now in hiding, like the USSR.
Hitler faked his death and fled to Argentina. I saw it in Weekly World News.
Sulla the Dictator
10-04-2004, 12:37 AM
I'm sorry, was I flamed by the moderator in his moderation of my post?
Sulla the Dictator
10-04-2004, 12:38 AM
:: Maybe the Reich faked its downfall and is now in hiding, like the USSR.
Hitler faked his death and fled to Argentina. I saw it in Weekly World News.
According to Hellboy, WWII ended in 1956 with the death of the resurrected Sorcerer Hitler.
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