View Full Version : Cold War II

12-30-2004, 02:44 AM

Missing in the whole argument about the Cold War [see elsewhere in the History area at The Phora] is one critical nugget. That nugget applies to both America and the European countries: the question of democracies siding with Nazism or siding with communism both before and during WWII. That question in central to the Cold War. Key.

Nazism, for all its faults, worked and worked very well. Hitler took Germany from being a wreck to being a very powerful - and proud - nation in a short time. People could own private property and guns in Nazi Germany [unless they were Jewish, of course]. The quality of life for the 'average person' was great. Nazism made no phony promises based on lies. It was honest in its aims and goals.

Contrast Nazism to communism. Communism, the Jewish-invented-and-spread bullshit doctrine. It made all sorts of phony claims and dazzled its followers with all sorts of intellectual tricks - just like Jewish-dominated intellectualism does today. Due to the bogus shell-game of communism, entire countries have been murdered or enslaved. Or simply corrupted. Communism has murdered about 90 million people worldwide and its not finished yet, because communism exists still in China, Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe, as examples. Yet somehow, few people ever call those countries "evil." In fact, I have not seen any mainstream media refer to those countries as being evil.

States don't whither away. Yet communism claims that they do whither away - to create some sort of paradise. It's all dishonest bullshit - just the thing to subvert the West with. Of course, communism went much further than the West.

Nazism was at times thuggish, but it was honest. It made no phony claims. In fact, Nazism was much more humane than communism. The Nazis allowed tens of thousands of Jews to flee Germany and other countries during a period of about 4 years after Hitler took power. Did the Jewish Bolsheviks allow tens of thousands of gentiles to flee Russia? Nope. If a person didn't get out of Russia after late 1917, he was doomed to either die via a bullet or die via the gulags. Some choice, huh?

Hitler's aggressive actions in Europe came mostly after war was declared on Germany. It is hard to say what Hitler might have done if war was not declared by Britain and France over a 3rd-rate country [Poland].

Nazism, for any of its excesses, was morally superior to communism. That is the nugget of the Cold War: the allies/democracies sided with the wrong ideology. They sided with an anti-White, Jewish ideology which still harms innocents in China, Cuba and other communist states.



12-30-2004, 03:26 AM
The Nazis had a lot of interesting things to say about the United States. I am posting some of that for your benefit.

12-30-2004, 05:33 AM

Missing in the whole argument about the Cold War [see elsewhere in the History area at The Phora] is one critical nugget. That nugget applies to both America and the European countries: the question of democracies siding with Nazism or siding with communism both before and during WWII. That question in central to the Cold War. Key.

Nazism, for all its faults, worked and worked very well. Hitler took Germany from being a wreck to being a very powerful - and proud - nation in a short time. People could own private property and guns in Nazi Germany [unless they were Jewish, of course]. The quality of life for the 'average person' was great. Nazism made no phony promises based on lies. It was honest in its aims and goals.

Contrast Nazism to communism. Communism, the Jewish-invented-and-spread bullshit doctrine. It made all sorts of phony claims and dazzled its followers with all sorts of intellectual tricks - just like Jewish-dominated intellectualism does today. Due to the bogus shell-game of communism, entire countries have been murdered or enslaved. Or simply corrupted. Communism has murdered about 90 million people worldwide and its not finished yet, because communism exists still in China, Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe, as examples. Yet somehow, few people ever call those countries "evil." In fact, I have not seen any mainstream media refer to those countries as being evil.

States don't whither away. Yet communism claims that they do whither away - to create some sort of paradise. It's all dishonest bullshit - just the thing to subvert the West with. Of course, communism went much further than the West.

Nazism was at times thuggish, but it was honest. It made no phony claims. In fact, Nazism was much more humane than communism. The Nazis allowed tens of thousands of Jews to flee Germany and other countries during a period of about 4 years after Hitler took power. Did the Jewish Bolsheviks allow tens of thousands of gentiles to flee Russia? Nope. If a person didn't get out of Russia after late 1917, he was doomed to either die via a bullet or die via the gulags. Some choice, huh?

Hitler's aggressive actions in Europe came mostly after war was declared on Germany. It is hard to say what Hitler might have done if war was not declared by Britain and France over a 3rd-rate country [Poland].

Nazism, for any of its excesses, was morally superior to communism. That is the nugget of the Cold War: the allies/democracies sided with the wrong ideology. They sided with an anti-White, Jewish ideology which still harms innocents in China, Cuba and other communist states.



I failed to mention in post #1 that Nazism was not totalitarian, an important fact in weighing Nazism-vs.-communism. For example, a [gentile] person could own a home in Nazi Germany. Not so in the communist Soviet Union.

I am sorry that I forgot that fact.


12-30-2004, 05:52 AM
I failed to mention in post #1 that Nazism was not totalitarian, an important fact in weighing Nazism-vs.-communism. For example, a [gentile] person could own a home in Nazi Germany. Not so in the communist Soviet Union.

I am sorry that I forgot that fact.


Not really, no. If you took a Jewish girlfriend home and had sex with her the Government would throw you in prison. Ownership implies control - now if it's the Government that controls your home and what you do in it, how exactly do you own it?

12-31-2004, 12:57 AM
Not really, no. If you took a Jewish girlfriend home and had sex with her the Government would throw you in prison. Ownership implies control - now if it's the Government that controls your home and what you do in it, how exactly do you own it?

The fact remains: Nazism was the lesser of two evils, yet, according to most Western media, historians, etc. the Nazis were eeeeevil while Stalin was merely kinda-thuggish-but-not-such-a-bad-guy-really. Bullshit.


12-31-2004, 01:14 AM
If you took a Jewish girlfriend home and had sex with her the Government would throw you in prison.

Unless you happened to be Joseph Goebbels.

12-31-2004, 01:14 AM
The fact remains: Nazism was the lesser of two evils, yet, according to most Western media, historians, etc. the Nazis were eeeeevil while Stalin was merely kinda-thuggish-but-not-such-a-bad-guy-really. Bullshit.Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States. Joseph Stalin did not. Americans have no affection for Nazism or Bolshevism either. Most people see little difference between the two.

12-31-2004, 01:17 AM
I failed to mention in post #1 that Nazism was not totalitarian, an important fact in weighing Nazism-vs.-communism.Sure it was totalitarian. Schmitt himself wrote about the total state. And that is because there was no separation of the state and civil society in Nazi Germany.For example, a [gentile] person could own a home in Nazi Germany. Not so in the communist Soviet Union. I am sorry that I forgot that fact.Private property was not totally abolished in the Soviet Union either. Peasants were allowed to keep "private plots" where they could grow their own food.

12-31-2004, 02:30 AM
The fact remains: Nazism was the lesser of two evils, yet, according to most Western media, historians, etc. the Nazis were eeeeevil while Stalin was merely kinda-thuggish-but-not-such-a-bad-guy-really. Bullshit.

Admit it Franco, you lost. Bardamu is correct. Nazism was a variety of totalitarianism.

12-31-2004, 03:23 AM
Adolf Hitler declared war on the United States. Joseph Stalin did not. Americans have no affection for Nazism or Bolshevism either. Most people see little difference between the two.

Why would Stalin declare war on America when we were supplying his regime with war material? Had we truly remained neutral it is unlikely that Hilter would have done anything to antagonize us.

12-31-2004, 03:48 AM
Nazism made no phony promises based on lies. It was honest in its aims and goals.

Was it honest ?
Its aims and its goals ?

This is meant to be as serious statement you are making Franco ?

"Nazism was at times thuggish, but it was honest."
In what way was Nazism " thuggish" , how do you reconcile this with honesty ?

Was this "honesty" reflected in the press ?

My old favorite "T4" , good old murder , was it "honest" or was it merely " thuggish" or was it " excessive" ?

The Night and Fog decree was it "thuggish" or was it "excessive" ?

Was what happened to make Germany a Nazi State honest ?
Hitler made an oath when he took office , did he keep it ?

Nazism, for all its faults, worked and worked very well.
No it did not it was a corrupt system , Germany was not a strong power in ecomonic terms , the country was going broke , good times ahead.
A lie Franco.
A Fuhrer who cared for the people , also a lie Franco.

Hitler's aggressive actions in Europe came mostly after war was declared on Germany.

Its hard to be aggressive in the armed sense without going to war.
he was aggressive towards Austria , Czechs and Poles , although he did invade Poland.
Aggression , before September 39 he was being aggressive towards his own people , is this what you meant by being " thuggish" ?

It is hard to say what Hitler might have done if war was not declared by Britain and France over a 3rd-rate country [Poland].

I refer you again to the declaration of war from Chamberlain which I have previously posted.
tell me why do you think he sign a pact with Stalin , was he being honest there ?
Did Hitler intend to honour that non aggression pact ?
If you say "Yes" you are deluded , it was a means to an ends and was dishonest from start to finish.

Nazism, for any of its excesses, was morally superior to communism.

The "excesses" of nazism , what would you use to illustrate this point ?
As far as being morally superior , you are willing to accept " thuggish" and " excessive" behaviours , do you have any concerns regarding the eventual outcomes of these behaviours ?

12-31-2004, 03:56 AM
"Why would Stalin declare war on America when we were supplying his regime with war material? Had we truly remained neutral it is unlikely that Hilter would have done anything to antagonize us."

Stalin would never have had an interest in declaring war on the USA at that time.
As far as Hitler goes , why did he declare war on America in 1941 ?
It must remain one of his most insane decisions.
If he though it would suit him to confront America he would have done so , had he been victorious in Europe and in Russia , he would have wanted to dominate any contact he had with America- he was that kind of person.

12-31-2004, 03:57 AM
Admit it Franco, you lost. Bardamu is correct. Nazism was a variety of totalitarianism.

The Soviet Union was the most evil regime that ever existed. Not only did it murder about 20 million people, but it communized/tried to communize many countries, all over the world.

There should have been no question, in about 1936, as to which ideology to support: communism or Nazism. The choice was clear. Some Europeans in England and France even had a saying: "Better Hitler than Stalin." Indeed. Morally, the clear choice between Hitler and Stalin was Hitler. All the allies should have naturally aligned with Germany in about 1936. WWII would not have happened then. Instead, the Soviet Union would have been defeated. As a result, most communist countries would not exist today, since most of those countries 'learned' their communism from the Soviets, or, were actually communized by their actions. Look at Chile circa 1972: they were supported by the Soviets. So was Cuba. So was Nicaragua. Evil [yes, communism is evil] spread from the Soviet Union to other countries.


12-31-2004, 04:01 AM
Admit it Franco, you lost. Bardamu is correct. Nazism was a variety of totalitarianism.

I'm not the one who said that. It was Fade.

12-31-2004, 04:09 AM
The Soviet Union was the most evil regime that ever existed. Not only did it murder about 20 million people, but it communized/tried to communize many countries, all over the world.

There should have been no question, in about 1936, as to which ideology to support: communism or Nazism. The choice was clear. Some Europeans in England and France even had a saying: "Better Hitler than Stalin." Indeed. Morally, the clear choice between Hitler and Stalin was Hitler. All the allies should have naturally aligned with Germany in about 1936. WWII would not have happened then. Instead, the Soviet Union would have been defeated. As a result, most communist countries would not exist today, since most of those countries 'learned' their communism from the Soviets, or, were actually communized by their actions. Look at Chile circa 1972: they were supported by the Soviets. So was Cuba. So was Nicaragua. Evil [yes, communism is evil] spread from the Soviet Union to other countries.


Or we could have been entirely principled and supported neither regime. We could have cut a deal with Hitler: safe passage of the Jews to wherever in exchange for Britain and the US staying the hell out of the conflict. The end result: no Soviet Union and no slaughter of innocent Jews (so far as communist Jews go, well good riddance ...)

01-04-2005, 05:56 AM
The Soviet Union was the most evil regime that ever existed. Not only did it murder about 20 million people, but it communized/tried to communize many countries, all over the world.

And Hitler attempted to Nazify the rest of Europe, dismember European nations and grind the eastern Slavs to a pulp. It was stopped, Communism was stopped quite a bit later, so we don't really know which is more equal, asides from what Hitler was hoping to make happen. And what does evil mean to you, Franco?

There should have been no question, in about 1936, as to which ideology to support: communism or Nazism. The choice was clear. Some Europeans in England and France even had a saying: "Better Hitler than Stalin." Indeed. Morally, the clear choice between Hitler and Stalin was Hitler. All the allies should have naturally aligned with Germany in about 1936. WWII would not have happened then. Instead, the Soviet Union would have been defeated. As a result, most communist countries would not exist today, since most of those countries 'learned' their communism from the Soviets, or, were actually communized by their actions. Look at Chile circa 1972: they were supported by the Soviets. So was Cuba. So was Nicaragua. Evil [yes, communism is evil] spread from the Soviet Union to other countries.


With all this anti-Communist stuff you're sounding almost like a cold war version of a NeoCon. On a side note, Nazism was more than the events subsumed under it in 1936.