View Full Version : Opinions, please: Is Mussolini an embarrassment for the WN cause?
I think that most people on this forum has now come to a conclusion that Adolf Hitler gave White Nationalism a bad name by associating it with mindless brutality.
So I ask, is it possible that Mussolini also did his own share in discrediting Fascism/Nazism, but instead by associating it with laughable inefficiency, operetta-style politics and totally anti-climactic collapse through the lack of popular support?
Paraphrasing Talleyrand, if Hitler made crimes that made Nazism look bad, could Mussolini might have done something even worse - blunders that made Fascism look ridiculous, an unadmirable political system?
Does anyone here know any real accomplishments made the Italian Fascist regime? Something that modern WNs could look back at with pride? Was Mussolini even a consistent racialist?
(I have heard that he managed to somewhat suffocate Mafia in Sicily)
And let's hear something besides that old cliche about trains running in time; according to the "Urban Legends" website:
"The Italian railway system had fallen into a rather sad state during World War I, and it did improve a good deal during the 1920s, but Mussolini was disingenuous in taking credit for the changes: much of the repair work had been performed before Mussolini and the fascists came to power in 1922. More importantly (to the claim at hand), those who actually lived in Italy during the Mussolini era have borne testimony that the Italian railway's legendary adherence to timetables was far more myth than reality. "
11-13-2004, 12:30 AM
He raised the population quite fast with a sensible natality policy, and made the Italian economy far more self reliable than it was. Italy's grainimports fell to almost nothing under him.
Does that count?
Raina v.34
11-13-2004, 12:32 AM
One thing you seem to overlook: neither Hitler nor Mussolini were "white nationalists." Perhaps it is unfair to ask the question of either. Neither of these men had anything to do with "white nationalism."
- "He raised the population quite fast with a sensible natality policy, ..."
This is, indeed, something we can admire.
Anything else?
11-13-2004, 01:58 AM
So I ask, is it possible that Mussolini also did his own share in discrediting Fascism/Nazism, but instead by associating it with laughable inefficiency, operetta-style politics and totally anti-climactic collapse through the lack of popular support?This is a good topic for debate, one of the best new topics I have seen here in awhile now. Think about this for a second. Do Europeans really hate Mussolini the way they hate Hitler? How about Franco? I don't think so. I don't see many people getting worked up over either of them today. Mussolini was a belligerent expansionist like Hitler but most people would agree that he does not fall into the same category. He was a dictator but he wasn't the sort of ruthless dictator that Hitler was. Having said that, I don't think Fascism is a viable vehicle for racialism in America. Allying himself to the ball and chain of Nazism was the worst mistake Mussolini ever made.
11-13-2004, 03:34 AM
Early Mussolinni was a good guy, later Mussolinni screwed up.
11-13-2004, 04:24 AM
Allying himself to the ball and chain of Nazism was the worst mistake Mussolini ever made.
Huge. Italians gave up imperialism many centuries ago. Hitler and Mussolini are apt demonstrations of the fact that systems are only as good as the humans who run them.
Sulla the Dictator
11-13-2004, 12:35 PM
Think about this for a second. Do Europeans really hate Mussolini the way they hate Hitler? How about Franco? I don't think so. I don't see many people getting worked up over either of them today. Mussolini was a belligerent expansionist like Hitler but most people would agree that he does not fall into the same category.
No, but I've always gotten the impression that Europeans view Mediteranean dictators the way we in the US view Latin American dictators. Tinpot, bemedaled asses often oozing a bizarre mixture of nationalist fantasy and religious fervor.
11-13-2004, 01:23 PM
11-13-2004, 01:41 PM
No, but I've always gotten the impression that Europeans view Mediteranean dictators the way we in the US view Latin American dictators. Tinpot, bemedaled asses often oozing a bizarre mixture of nationalist fantasy and religious fervor.
I always liked Mussolini, he was the coolest of that bunch.
11-17-2004, 11:27 AM
It has been said of benito that " at least he made the trains run on time".
Which if he could do the same with British railway system would be something which could sercure his place in transport history.
Mussolini was an expansionist and is perhaps less hated in Europe for it as he did his expanding in Africa , using air force to police and control in the same way as the British did. ( Policing an Empire on the cheap).
If Hitler had not brought on war its highly unlikely that Mussolini would have started any military moves in Europe.
He had no overtly racist policy but still had his own thugs which exerted control at home.
Mussolini was murdered and it was an animalistic act , he has a grave and its respected.
Could you see Hitler having the same ?
S.S.Time is quite right , hitching himself to Hitler's rising star was a major error , Franco was less easy to lead and remained untouched by the war.
As far as acting goes " Fighting Men of Italy, TO ARMS" even today it does not sound right and Benito does look rather comical .
( Not unlike Captain Bertorelli from "Allo, Allo").
11-17-2004, 11:33 AM
It's hard to picture Italians fighting yes, and there are numerous reports of Germans from during the war which complain about Italian soldiers. I believe it was Rommel himself who wrote a long litany about their lack of disciplin and their softness in battle, which ended with the phrase: 'But oh well, there's more to life than war, and they know that all too well.' I personally always liked the Italians, and I have a soft spot for Mussolini.
11-17-2004, 12:41 PM
One thing you seem to overlook: neither Hitler nor Mussolini were "white nationalists." Perhaps it is unfair to ask the question of either. Neither of these men had anything to do with "white nationalism."
I quite agree.
We should look more towards Germanicism, not 'White Nationalism'. I care not for the other meta-cultures of Europe, not to mention Non-European Caucasian cultures.
As for Mussolini, he was a facist and I think that I have read that he wasn't an anti-semite either. So, I don't think he would want to be bunched in the the "WN-Crowd" if he were alive.
11-17-2004, 03:25 PM
'But oh well, there's more to life than war, and they know that all too well.' I personally always liked the Italians, and I have a soft spot for Mussolini.
You have to admire people who will devote two years to the production of a sliced ham and ten years to the production of a bottle of vinegar.
11-17-2004, 03:39 PM
You have to admire people who will devote two years to the production of a sliced ham and ten years to the production of a bottle of vinegar.
Hell yeah. Best food in the world is Italian. I fucking love that country.
11-17-2004, 05:09 PM
Maybe its because neither Mussonlini nor Franco did much to anoy the Choosen ones which are the ones who are brainwashing the population with their holocost soapoperas. You can kill communists, reactionaires and other assorted gentile folk as much as you want, just do not touch the Jews.
11-17-2004, 05:23 PM
I think that most people on this forum has now come to a conclusion that Adolf Hitler gave White Nationalism a bad name by associating it with mindless brutality.
So I ask, is it possible that Mussolini also did his own share in discrediting Fascism/Nazism, but instead by associating it with laughable inefficiency, operetta-style politics and totally anti-climactic collapse through the lack of popular support?
Paraphrasing Talleyrand, if Hitler made crimes that made Nazism look bad, could Mussolini might have done something even worse - blunders that made Fascism look ridiculous, an unadmirable political system?
Does anyone here know any real accomplishments made the Italian Fascist regime? Something that modern WNs could look back at with pride? Was Mussolini even a consistent racialist?
(I have heard that he managed to somewhat suffocate Mafia in Sicily)
And let's hear something besides that old cliche about trains running in time; according to the "Urban Legends" website:
"The Italian railway system had fallen into a rather sad state during World War I, and it did improve a good deal during the 1920s, but Mussolini was disingenuous in taking credit for the changes: much of the repair work had been performed before Mussolini and the fascists came to power in 1922. More importantly (to the claim at hand), those who actually lived in Italy during the Mussolini era have borne testimony that the Italian railway's legendary adherence to timetables was far more myth than reality. "
No, the WW2 Italian soldier made Mussonlini look bad. :D
11-17-2004, 05:53 PM
Maybe its because neither Mussonlini nor Franco did much to anoy the Choosen ones which are the ones who are brainwashing the population with their holocost soapoperas. You can kill communists, reactionaires and other assorted gentile folk as much as you want, just do not touch the Jews.
Not as if either country had that many jews to begin with.
11-17-2004, 06:09 PM
Since Mussolini was not a racialist and actually attacked the racial ideas of National Socialism, what he did has no influence on "White Nationalism" one way or another. His only relationship to "White Nationalism" is being part of the Axis, which was due to Fascist Italy's anti-Communism rather than any "racialism" inherent to Fascist ideology.
Had he not allied with Hitler, Mussolini would probably be remembered in the same way that Franco is remembered by history.
11-17-2004, 06:16 PM
Maybe its because neither Mussonlini nor Franco did much to anoy the Choosen ones which are the ones who are brainwashing the population with their holocost soapoperas. You can kill communists, reactionaires and other assorted gentile folk as much as you want, just do not touch the Jews.Mussolini and Franco are not blamed for starting the most destructive war in world history either.
11-17-2004, 06:44 PM
Benito waited until he was sure that things were not going to go pear shaped before he waded in.
Why the Italians would ever want to be on the River Don so far away from the Med. is beyond me.
The Italian Army gets a bad press but their Navy and Air Force were not behind the bush when it came to being active.
11-17-2004, 07:44 PM
Not as if either country had that many jews to begin with.
Precisely Stan, precisely...look though on how more defamed the Arrow Cross puppet goverment in Hungary is though. They hunted Jews down bigtime..bad guys. I would even say that Jew huntin´ Vichy France has a worse reputation that Franco Spain. Touch a Jew and you are f@cked historically...look a Torquemada´s Spain while throwing out all those Sefaradic Jews, now that´s how the media makes Spain look at its historical worse. Jew hunting is bad historical damnation.
11-17-2004, 08:04 PM
Precisely Stan, precisely...look though on how more defamed the Arrow Cross puppet goverment in Hungary is though. They hunted Jews down bigtime..bad guys. I would even say that Jew huntin´ Vichy France has a worse reputation that Franco Spain. Touch a Jew and you are f@cked historically...look a Torquemada´s Spain while throwing out all those Sefaradic Jews, now that´s how the media makes Spain look at its historical worse. Jew hunting is bad historical damnation.
I don't deny this Eb, they will fuck you over good if you touch them, I think there's a universal consensus about that in the group here. My point was that they could afford not to worry about them, and not just deliberately ignored their threat. Franco probably had that luxury in a large degree due to Torquemada's efforts.
11-17-2004, 08:13 PM
Hell yeah. Best food in the world is Italian. I fucking love that country.I like them despite Italy being full of communists and homeland of the Vatican... good food sense of humor and attitude on life.
11-17-2004, 08:16 PM
So do you don't want to nuke Italy along with France and Sweden?
11-17-2004, 08:19 PM
Nope... France and Sweden gotta go though :D.
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