Giordano Bruno
08-05-2004, 11:53 PM
During the first week of the German invasion of Poland, there is little agreement as to the number and manner of minority Germans killed during Bromberg Bloody Sunday Doubtless, some Germans participated in subversive acts, and equally doubtless, panicked and frustrated Polish soldiers and civilians were indiscriminant in attacking subversives Germans. There is still disagreement between historians, as to how many Germans were killed and the circumstances. The lowest number given for German victims was around 600. Nazi propaganda reported 60,000 people and used it as the second pretext for repression against Poles (after Provocation in Gliwice).
According to Nazi propaganda:
In addition to the events in Bromberg, throughout western Poland a portion of the German residents were rounded up, jailed, marched eastward, shot and buried in nearby woods. This all occurred in the confusion of the military retreat. When advancing German forces neared the prisoner marches, they were some times executed as a spies, but more frequently released.
German and Polish historians continue to argue about the validity of the claims.
As German forces gained control, immediate executions killed over 3,000 Poles, many with unproven culpability. More reprisals were soon to follow. A British witness described the beginning of the massacre as follows:
The first victims of the campaign were a number of Boy Scouts from twelve to sixteen years of age, who were set up in the marketplace against a wall and shot. No reason was given. A devoted priest who rushed to administer the Last Sacrament was shot too. He received five wounds. A Pole said afterwards that the sight of those children lying dead was the most piteous of all the horrors he saw.
Following this, the Wehrmacht troops began rounding up schoolboys in the street, who were similarly executed. The witness continues:
Thirty-four of the leading tradespeople and merchants of the town were shot, and many other leading citizens.
The troops then attacked the Jesuits, looting and ransacking the church. The priests were taken to a barn, where the local Jewish population was already imprisoned, and they were all subjected to abuse. Altogether, some 1,000 people were killed in the ensuing massacres.
Bromberger Blutsonntag or Bromberg Bloody Sunday is an event that is said to have taken place on September 3, 1939, in and around Bydgoszcz (German Bromberg) in territory referred to as the Polish Corridor.
This territory was a part of Poland until 1772 (the First Partition of Poland) and was in 1921 returned to Poland after the Versailles Treaty. The German inhabitants of this part of Poland felt not welcome, because Germany was one of the neighbouring countries that was seen by Poland as wanting to wipe out Poland from the map of Europe and the ethnic Germans were quite often seen as just members of the fifth column.
Claims of Polish atrocities against Germans
Many former German citizens, now only ethnic Germans, had already resorted to leave the German provinces that fell to Poland after WWI, partially as effect of German propaganda which thought that without German lawyers and doctors Poland will be forced into chaos. After the death of the moderate leader of Poland Jozef Pilsudski in 1935, Polish nationalism, supported by the Catholic church, flared.
After invasion against Poland by German forces a number of ethnic Germans were collected by the Polish authorities from of a number of cities and towns and sent on a march, herded from town to town. Some German sources claim that many of them were murdered including many pastors, precisely because they were now the 'official link' remaining to the ethnic Germans. It's hard to say how many Germans died during such marches; a few German historians claim the number as high as 1700 and attributes it mainly to Polish atrocities, but Polish side points that since Germans were marching during war, most of losses should be attributed to war conditions, especially since many German witnesses confirm, that columns were sometimes attacked by Luftwaffe (which strafed all civilians on the roads) and artillery.
Most controversial is case of Bydgoszcz events in September the 3rd. Polish witnesses testified that early that day Polish army withdrawing via Bydgoszcz was attacked by diversants; someone was shooting at soldiers and civilians from roofs and church towers. The fact of shooting is confirmed by some German witnesses, who however guessed that it was Polish provocation. There is no proof however that such diversion had place, no preserved documents, and German historians generally take whole fact of diversion as fantasy.
Polish soldiers claimed that German diversants were shooting at them and started to search houses. In the next hours a disputed number of Germans were executed, most of them probably innocent of subversive involvement. The scale of the event is controversial. De Zayas estimates it for 2000. Hugo Rasmus compared Bydgoszcz address books and data for population for 1939 with Nazi lists of supposed victims and found 358 persons known from name who died that day in Bydgoszcz. Most of them are female and children. Jastrzebski, Polish historian, initially doubting in the scale of event, now is backing the Hugo Rasmus' number, thinking that Polish official government was unable to control the mob and sanctioned later what was in fact lynch. However, Jastrzebski has bad opinion among Polish historians, because he used to support communists propaganda.
Initially, Nazis claimed that 5000 Germans died in Poland in September 1939. Later, they inflated that number in 1940 to 58,000, and Hitler personally raised that number to over 60,000. De Zayas now estimates "conservatively" that number to be 5,000. Although many of those killed were victims of the war conditions (many Germans were drafted to Polish army for example, cities were bombed by Luftwaffe and artillery, civilians on the roads were strafed), it's without doubt that some Germans were victims of local acts of violance, of which Bydgoszcz was the most known example.
A common argument for the lack of provocation by Germans of Polish soldiers, is the contention that no Germans in Poland had been allowed to possess weapons for years. It would not be realistic to believe that all weapons had been removed, surely some had hidden their guns, rather than turning them in, if only for economic reasons. It is also believed that German sabotageurs acting in other cities were provided weapons from outside and so also for those in Bydgoszcz. While there are German documents confirming actions by saboteurs in other cities, no such documents are preserved in case of Bydgoszcz; one may assume, that it would be unlikely that German secret services would omit Bydgoszcz specifically from its actions.
There are also Polish claims of German atrocities against Poles in Bydgoszcz, cited in the evidence given to the War Crimes Tribunals. A document produced by the Polish authorities claims that:
"On 3 September 1939, at 1015 in the morning, German Fifth Columnists attacked Polish troop units retreating from Bromberg. During the fighting 238 Polish soldiers and 223 German Fifth Columnists were killed. As a consequence of the events after the entrance of the German troops into the town of Bromberg, they began mass executions, arrests, and deportations of Polish citizens to concentration camps, which were performed by the German authorities, the SS, and the Gestapo. There were 10,500 murdered, and 13,000 exterminated in the camps.
However, the updated version of Polish claims should by confirmed by IPN.
Source: Nuremberg Trial Proceedings. Vol. 9, day 88, Friday, 22 March 1946
Literature: Dywersja czy masakra? W?odzimierz Jastrz?bski, Gda?sk 1988.
External links
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, question to G?ring (Nitzkor)
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, question to G?ring (Yale) (same material as above)
Outside link with partial list of names and towns of murdered pastors
Text of German claims published in 1940
According to Nazi propaganda:
In addition to the events in Bromberg, throughout western Poland a portion of the German residents were rounded up, jailed, marched eastward, shot and buried in nearby woods. This all occurred in the confusion of the military retreat. When advancing German forces neared the prisoner marches, they were some times executed as a spies, but more frequently released.
German and Polish historians continue to argue about the validity of the claims.
As German forces gained control, immediate executions killed over 3,000 Poles, many with unproven culpability. More reprisals were soon to follow. A British witness described the beginning of the massacre as follows:
The first victims of the campaign were a number of Boy Scouts from twelve to sixteen years of age, who were set up in the marketplace against a wall and shot. No reason was given. A devoted priest who rushed to administer the Last Sacrament was shot too. He received five wounds. A Pole said afterwards that the sight of those children lying dead was the most piteous of all the horrors he saw.
Following this, the Wehrmacht troops began rounding up schoolboys in the street, who were similarly executed. The witness continues:
Thirty-four of the leading tradespeople and merchants of the town were shot, and many other leading citizens.
The troops then attacked the Jesuits, looting and ransacking the church. The priests were taken to a barn, where the local Jewish population was already imprisoned, and they were all subjected to abuse. Altogether, some 1,000 people were killed in the ensuing massacres.
Bromberger Blutsonntag or Bromberg Bloody Sunday is an event that is said to have taken place on September 3, 1939, in and around Bydgoszcz (German Bromberg) in territory referred to as the Polish Corridor.
This territory was a part of Poland until 1772 (the First Partition of Poland) and was in 1921 returned to Poland after the Versailles Treaty. The German inhabitants of this part of Poland felt not welcome, because Germany was one of the neighbouring countries that was seen by Poland as wanting to wipe out Poland from the map of Europe and the ethnic Germans were quite often seen as just members of the fifth column.
Claims of Polish atrocities against Germans
Many former German citizens, now only ethnic Germans, had already resorted to leave the German provinces that fell to Poland after WWI, partially as effect of German propaganda which thought that without German lawyers and doctors Poland will be forced into chaos. After the death of the moderate leader of Poland Jozef Pilsudski in 1935, Polish nationalism, supported by the Catholic church, flared.
After invasion against Poland by German forces a number of ethnic Germans were collected by the Polish authorities from of a number of cities and towns and sent on a march, herded from town to town. Some German sources claim that many of them were murdered including many pastors, precisely because they were now the 'official link' remaining to the ethnic Germans. It's hard to say how many Germans died during such marches; a few German historians claim the number as high as 1700 and attributes it mainly to Polish atrocities, but Polish side points that since Germans were marching during war, most of losses should be attributed to war conditions, especially since many German witnesses confirm, that columns were sometimes attacked by Luftwaffe (which strafed all civilians on the roads) and artillery.
Most controversial is case of Bydgoszcz events in September the 3rd. Polish witnesses testified that early that day Polish army withdrawing via Bydgoszcz was attacked by diversants; someone was shooting at soldiers and civilians from roofs and church towers. The fact of shooting is confirmed by some German witnesses, who however guessed that it was Polish provocation. There is no proof however that such diversion had place, no preserved documents, and German historians generally take whole fact of diversion as fantasy.
Polish soldiers claimed that German diversants were shooting at them and started to search houses. In the next hours a disputed number of Germans were executed, most of them probably innocent of subversive involvement. The scale of the event is controversial. De Zayas estimates it for 2000. Hugo Rasmus compared Bydgoszcz address books and data for population for 1939 with Nazi lists of supposed victims and found 358 persons known from name who died that day in Bydgoszcz. Most of them are female and children. Jastrzebski, Polish historian, initially doubting in the scale of event, now is backing the Hugo Rasmus' number, thinking that Polish official government was unable to control the mob and sanctioned later what was in fact lynch. However, Jastrzebski has bad opinion among Polish historians, because he used to support communists propaganda.
Initially, Nazis claimed that 5000 Germans died in Poland in September 1939. Later, they inflated that number in 1940 to 58,000, and Hitler personally raised that number to over 60,000. De Zayas now estimates "conservatively" that number to be 5,000. Although many of those killed were victims of the war conditions (many Germans were drafted to Polish army for example, cities were bombed by Luftwaffe and artillery, civilians on the roads were strafed), it's without doubt that some Germans were victims of local acts of violance, of which Bydgoszcz was the most known example.
A common argument for the lack of provocation by Germans of Polish soldiers, is the contention that no Germans in Poland had been allowed to possess weapons for years. It would not be realistic to believe that all weapons had been removed, surely some had hidden their guns, rather than turning them in, if only for economic reasons. It is also believed that German sabotageurs acting in other cities were provided weapons from outside and so also for those in Bydgoszcz. While there are German documents confirming actions by saboteurs in other cities, no such documents are preserved in case of Bydgoszcz; one may assume, that it would be unlikely that German secret services would omit Bydgoszcz specifically from its actions.
There are also Polish claims of German atrocities against Poles in Bydgoszcz, cited in the evidence given to the War Crimes Tribunals. A document produced by the Polish authorities claims that:
"On 3 September 1939, at 1015 in the morning, German Fifth Columnists attacked Polish troop units retreating from Bromberg. During the fighting 238 Polish soldiers and 223 German Fifth Columnists were killed. As a consequence of the events after the entrance of the German troops into the town of Bromberg, they began mass executions, arrests, and deportations of Polish citizens to concentration camps, which were performed by the German authorities, the SS, and the Gestapo. There were 10,500 murdered, and 13,000 exterminated in the camps.
However, the updated version of Polish claims should by confirmed by IPN.
Source: Nuremberg Trial Proceedings. Vol. 9, day 88, Friday, 22 March 1946
Literature: Dywersja czy masakra? W?odzimierz Jastrz?bski, Gda?sk 1988.
External links
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, question to G?ring (Nitzkor)
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings, question to G?ring (Yale) (same material as above)
Outside link with partial list of names and towns of murdered pastors
Text of German claims published in 1940