View Full Version : Manipulating History

09-17-2004, 12:49 PM
Okay, I just had a weird, frustrating, experience at college. I study Political Science with a minor in history. Today a special class about 'scientific history' started. In this first class, so we were told, we were going to learn why exactly a scientifc approach towards history is needed. Namely, because if "we" (honest academics) were to leave the recording of history to ordinary people - or not so honest academics) then we would end up with bogus history being taught in schools, which would be very wrong (the prof said).

He started by giving some examples of the re-writing of history by showing edited pictures and paintings from the Soviet Union (I assume most people here are aware of this). During this I had a funny feeling, because I suspected were this might lead to. And, indeed, after those pictures he quickly moved to another example; Holocaust (how do you do trademark on a keyboard?) Revisionism, specificallly the Institut for Historical Review (IHR). In no time the IHR site was projected on the big screen of the college room. It felt quite ackward for me, because I have visited the site more than once and I agree with some (though not nessecarily with everything) writings published there and have read some of the books they advertise for. I like think that I've learned from that site.

Of course the reaction of the students was to be expected; everybody made sounds of laughter or disbelieve or expressed shock. The professor then proceeded to ridicule the whole things by calling it 'idiotic' and ' the worst kind of historic nonsense' and calling all Holocaust revisionists 'neo-nazis' etc, etc, you know how it goes.

Needless to say that I didn't stand up and said something, I'm not thave brave (or stupid?) yet. Even later on when I was talking to some friends about this class I didn't really had the energy to give my point of view. At the other hand, even if I did felt like speaking my mind, I don't think I would've because what the hell does it matter if some unimportant Dutch students think.

Anyways, that professor was really into Jews, I think. He just kept giving examples of (so he believed) historical misrepresentation that involved Jews. First, about how the 'blood libel' is still being used in the Arab World, or how Arabs believe in the Protocols and other crazy stuff like that Israel might be involved in the September 11 attacks. At that moment I had no desire to talk about other examples of Israeli involvement in attacks on US targets (like the whole Avron-affair, for example), but it did make me wonder about other examples of people using history for their own ends. Well, actually I had thought about that before (because of what Fade has said here) and I think that no historian is objective, because all are exposed to the current culture where they live in.

Still, I find it interesting to document the more exaggerous cases where this happens. A good example of such a case was when former President Bush invited some Black leaders to the Ovall Office and said that he looked forward to the day that a Black would be President and, finally, 'the vision of Abraham Lincoln' could be fulfilled. Of course, as we all know, Lincoln never said such a thing and, in fact, would have sent all American Blacks back to Africa.

So, I was wondering, do you know of any other examples of clear historical manipulation? Situations were people have clearly abused history to use it in their own advantage.

09-18-2004, 10:27 PM
I don't know where you live, but if you live in Europe, just keep your mouth shut.
I live in South America, so there are no laws against revisionism (yet) or NS, so I can argue with my teachers on a regular basis, and prove them wrong (hardly anyone reads books actually, so it's pretty easy to make them make a fool out of themselves).

In this country (Chile), I see on a daily basis how the marxists and the socialists are trying to re-write history regarding the Allende (marxist) government and the Military Government that overthrew him; just like in Germany, marxists are getting paid millions in "reparations" for their "suffering"... needless to say that the soldiers and civilians that died or got injured due to the marxist bombings and terrorists attacks never see a dime....
When all of this happens, I try to remember what Dr. Goebbels say: "Truth cannot be stopped by lies or force... it will get through".

09-18-2004, 10:30 PM
I pick my battles carefully these days.

Anonymity is a friend; you WILL be discriminated against for your view.

Better to say nothing in class and then flier the entire department with a coherent, solid, well-documented printed response.

Doing so almost guarantees a newsworthy incident.

09-18-2004, 10:35 PM
I'm not good at doing that, I never leave a room without saying what I think :D.. Sure, I have many enemies, and one day there will be a car bomb waiting for me, but, my cause is worth fighting for.
Victory or Valhalla

09-26-2004, 04:14 PM
Odin , do you really believe that your death to a car bomb in a school car park will happen .
Victory or Valhalla , what age are you ?
One "Volk" one "Reich" one "Fuhrer" do you really believe and put store in this creed , why ?

09-27-2004, 06:26 AM
I've been out of school for quite some time, now, the car bomb thing was just an expression.... a metaphore if you will...
Now, let's not be stilly, we NS face dangers every day (i.e. the pipe and parcel bombs that Zündel received, the arsonist that destroyed his house et cetera), if you don't believe me, ask how many members of the Novemeber 9th Society have died because of their beliefs... how many NS have been kidnapped and killed... more than the media will ever tell you... after all, we are the "bad guys", right? :rolleyes:... so, we had it coming...
I'm a National Socialist to the bone, If I have to die for the Führer or the movement, I will.

09-27-2004, 10:06 AM
He is already dead , the Fuhrer that is.
Sincerely hope you do not recieve any metaphors in the post no matter what your views are.
The bad guys , "evil be to him that evil thinks".

Sulla the Dictator
10-04-2004, 12:45 AM
I'm not good at doing that, I never leave a room without saying what I think :D.. Sure, I have many enemies, and one day there will be a car bomb waiting for me, but, my cause is worth fighting for.
Victory or Valhalla

Its surprising to hear that your teachers don't take you seriously. Secret enemies? Nordic mysticism? Arent' these the building blocks of all South American societies?

10-04-2004, 11:49 PM
Odin , are you still at play school ?
If not you must go to a very bad school .

10-05-2004, 01:43 AM
When I studied history is was usually taught by a woman who of course just memorised what the books and masses said and repeated them. You know what the masses say, and the books taught a standard, corrupt version of history, the 'Nazis' were insane criminals who wanted to take over the world, the Soviets weren't particularly nice but their hearts were in the right place, the upper-class exploits and abuses the poor oppressed working class, sadistic, insane White imperialists had no right to go into Africa and so on and so on. Whenever Jews were mentioned they were in the right, I remember being propagandised about the Dreyfus affair and the 'Holocau$t' (®). One male history lecturer who taught me I think was genuine, but not bright enough to break through the lies. There's a chance that was was, but was intimidated into lying. He taught what the books said, but pushed it out a little towards the truth.

At university 75%+ of my classmates and lexturers were female, and as you know there is no point in arguing with women. The male staff were often 'right-on', homosexuals, Irish catholics, left-wing socialists, effete, etc.

Just like in the mass-media, about 75% of what is said is fully Jewish, and 25% is neutral and aquiescent. Less than 1% is White.

The education systems of First-World countires are filthy and kosher. :jew:

10-05-2004, 01:44 AM
Odin you seem like a good fellow, don't worry about what the weaklings say. Sieg Heil! :mad:

Sulla the Dictator
10-05-2004, 05:02 AM
When I studied history is was usually taught by a woman who of course just memorised what the books and masses said and repeated them.

You seem upset about the fact you had a female teacher. Whats a woman's place, George?

10-05-2004, 05:10 AM
You seem upset about the fact you had a female teacher. Whats a woman's place, George?

A woman's place is in the kitchen where she belongs.

In fact, women were 'in the kitchen' until a Jewish ideology called feminism changed that.


10-05-2004, 05:20 AM
Franco, that is incorrect. Even before "feminism", women were nurses, secretaries, teachers, shopkeepers, worked in factories, and learned profitable trades.

10-05-2004, 06:05 AM
Franco, that is incorrect. Even before "feminism", women were nurses, secretaries, teachers, shopkeepers, worked in factories, and learned profitable trades.

Hey, I didn't know that you were an admin. [Franco bites his fingernails and begins to sweat]. That post was basically intended as opposition to Jewish-led feminism......heh, heh....no offense intended... :D


10-06-2004, 01:49 AM
Well I think that women should play a supporting role to men. They should do firstly caring tasks, such as nursing, cooking, cleaning etc., and secondly they should spend some time filling gaps in the economy of simple tasks which do not require a man's abilities, answering the telephone, picking potatoes or whatever. Thirdly, if a woman can fight her way up to some talent-based activity like singing or dancing then all the best to her.