View Full Version : The Czech Conspiracy

Dr. Brandt
08-01-2004, 01:48 AM
The Czech Conspiracy
A Phase in the World-War Plot
George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers


08-01-2004, 12:16 PM
I followed the link to the site from Dr. Bs. parent post.
I was drawn to the Dresden link on it.
On Friday past I saw a new book on the Bombing of Dresden which I didn't buy but did spend a few minutes looking for specific pieces of information.
I will buy it "on line" in due course. ( cash in pocket went on Overys's book on Stalin and Hitler -"The Dictators").

Bottom line is the death total for Dresden is 25,000 well short of the " at least" 135,000 quoted by this site.
The author of the book was able to provide sources for his figures and reviewed those in previous books which were using limited sourses , then not open to the public ( those in East Germany).
Why this post. basically its nice to have information which can be traced.
Common to a lot of internet material posted you are asked to take it all at face value, "authors" make much of their "qualifications" but don't list their sources.
fade did at one point aask in a thread that no links be made to websites but to quote information from written works which could be redsearched , I would think with the same thoughs in mind as I have.