View Full Version : Mark Twain: aider and abetter of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

11-10-2004, 04:20 PM
Two article from early-20th-century New York Times, showing what a liberal slimeball Mark Twain was.

I cannot understand why some WNs hold this guy in such an esteem - he was also quite hostile to the Southern way of life, wasn't he?


The New York Times, December 19, 1905


Jewish Benefit Audience Enjoys an Unusual Double Bill.


Humorist Says He and the Actress Are Two of the Youngest Persons Alive.

The benefit matinee for the Jewish sufferers in Russia, which was given at the Casino yesterday afternoon, drew a big crowd from the professional and social worlds. Among those who helped entertain it were Sarah Bernhardt and Mark Twain. During the hour just after luncheon the lobby of the theatre looked as if a greenroom reception for all New York were in progress.

Well-known actresses in their prettiest afternoon gowns sold programmes and flowers at fancy prices. The prices, however, were no more objectionable than the smiles that went with them, and this feminine lobbying proved a popular and profitable device.

Each well-known actor was besieged as he entered with friendly demands upon is patience and pocketbook. Jacob Adler, who came a little late, could hardly force his way into the theatre through the crowd of young women, each of whom insisted upon selling him a programme and a rose.

Inside the theatre, boxes, orchestra, and balconies were filled to their utmost capacity.

Among the actors and actresses who volunteered their services were Kate Condon, Kitty Cheatham, and Chauncey Olcott, who sang; Auguste Van Biene, cellist; Ilka Palmay, in Hungarian dances; Henry Miller and Martha Waldron, in "Frederic Lemaitre," and Margaret Anglin and her company in third act of "Zira."

Sarah Bernhardt presented for the first time the one-act play, in French, "L'Escarpolette," by Miss G. Constant Lounsbury, an American woman who spends most of her time in Paris. The play was given the following cast: Le Chevalier Robert de Bellancourt - Mme. Sarah Bernhardt; Celine - Mle. Seylor; The Marquis - M. Chameroy

The piece is a dainty little production in which an eighteenth century Marquis destined by his father to marry a fiancee whom the young man has never seen, falls in love with a Fragonard portrait of a young girl in a swing. In seeking the Celine of his father's choice the youth, after a bit of mystification, finds that his unknown fiancee is the original of his beloved Fragonard.

Mark Twain, who followed Mme. Bernhardt, spoke of the wonderful French language, which he always felt as if he were "just going to understand."

"Mme. Bernhardt is so marvelously young," he added. "She and I are two of the youngest people alive."

Then the humorist told a story of how when Mme. Bernhardt was playing in Hartford some years ago three charitable old ladies decided to deny themselves the pleasure of seeing the great actress and to send the money instead to some needy friends.

"And the needy friends," concluded Mr. Clemens drily, "gratefully took the money and bought Bernhardt tickets with it."

Both Mr. Clemens and Mme. Bernhardt received warm welcomes.

Among those in the boxes were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schiff, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Gureaux, Mme. Bernhardt, Miss Margaret Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lehman, Mr. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain), and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adler.

Ilka Palmay, Ruth Vincent, Kitty Gordon, Josephine Jacoby, Violet Holls, Isabelle Urquhart, and Annette Kohn were among those who distributed programmes and flowers in the foyer.

About $3,000 was realized from the performance.

Miss Anglin was asked by Mme. Bernhardt after the benefit if she would appear with her in Maeterlinck's "Pelleas and Melisande." Miss Anglin expressed her pleasure at the invitation, and it is said some arrangement may be made for a performance of the play in French after the Bernhardt road tour.

A special matinee performance of "La Tosca" by Mme. Bernhardt is announced for Friday afternoon at the Lyric Theatre.



The New York Times, April 12, 1906


Committee Formed to Raise Funds for Russian Freedom


"I Come to You a Beggar That Russia May Be Free," Says Gorky at A Club Dinner.

The American auxiliary movement to aid the cause of freedom in Russia was launched last night at a dinner given at the Club A House, 3 Fifth Avenue, with Mark Twain and Maxim Gorky as the principal spokesmen.

"If we can build a Russian republic to give to the persecuted people of the Czar's domain the same measure of freedom that we enjoy, let us go ahead and do it," said Mark Twain. "We need not discuss the method by which that purpose is to be attained. Let us hope that fighting will be postponed or averted for a while, but if it must come -" Mr. Clemens's hiatus was significant.

"I am most emphatically in sympathy with the movement now on foot in Russia to make that country free," he went on. "I am certain that it will be successful, as it deserves to be. Anybody whose ancestors were in this country when we were trying to free ourselves from oppression must sympathize with those who now are trying to do the same thing in Russia.

"The parallel I have just drawn only goes to show that it makes no difference whether the oppression is bitter or not; men with red, warm blood in their veins will not endure it, but will seek to cast it off. If we keep our hearts in this matter Russia will be free."

The dinner was given by Ivan Narodny, the representative in this country of the Russian military revolutionists, in honor of Maxim Gorky. The list of guests included Dr. Nicholas Tchaykoffsk, Robert Collier, Kikolay Zavolsky Pieshkoff, the adopted son of Gorky; Nikolas Burenin, his friend and private secretary; Arthur Brisbane, David Graham Phillips, Robert Hunter, Ernest Poole, Dr. Walter Weyl, Leroy M. Scott, and Howard Bruebaker. W. D. Howells and Peter Finley Dunne had been invited but were unable to attend.

Mark Twain's speech followed the reading by Robert Hunter of a manifesto formally inaugurating the American movement to help make Russia free. This movement will involve the appointment of a large committee of men of National reputation to aid in the collection of funds throughout the United States for the purchase of arms for the Russian revolutionists.

Mr. Clemens, Mr. Collier, Mr. Howells, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Phillips, Miss Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago, and others have already accepted places on the committee, and it was said by Mr. Hunter that invitations have been sent to a great number of others who are expected to join the movement.

Funds for Russian Freedom

"The object of the committee," said Mr. Hunter, in his after-dinner speech, "is to collect funds to help the movement for Russian freedom. An appear will be issued to the American public within a couple of days, and there is no doubt that there will be a generous response when we ask Americans to help the oppressed people of Russia to gain the same freedom that our fathers fought for, and which we have enjoyed these hundred years and more.

"In other words, we will ask the American people to aid the Russians in gaining freedom of the press, freedom of speech and of assembly, freedom of ballot, and of conscience. All these things we have in America, and to them we owe our well being, our happiness, our peace, and our prosperity."

Mr. Hunter said after the dinner that the friends of the Russian cause gathered at 3 Fifth Avenue had so far scrupulously refrained from discussing the means by which the purpose of the Russian revolutionists is to be accomplished. They prefer to leave that to the revolutionists themselves. Among the latter there is practical unanimity at this moment that Russia's freedom can be gained only by an armed uprising.

The money raised here, it was said, will in all probability be handed over to a general committee composed of delegates from all the various organizations now at work to make Russia free. This, however, has not been definitely determined, and the final disposition of the funds remains at present in a large measure optional with the committee on this side.

Mark Twain sat on the right of M. Narodny. Maxim Gorky sat on the right of Mr. Clemens. On the other side of the Russian writer sat his adopted son, who acted as interpreter during the animated conversation which was carried on between the American author and the writer who has depicted so vividly the tragic depths of the life of the lower classes in Russia.

Mr. Clemens, in beginning his speech, paid a warm tribute to Gorky, and this was returned by the Russian when his turn came to speak.

Gorky Praises Mark Twain.

"I am very glad to meet Mark Twain," he said. "I knew him through his writings almost before I knew any other writer. I was little more than a boy when I began to wait and hope for the meeting which has been realized tonight. It is a happy day - a day happy beyond all expectation to me.

"Mark Twain's fame is so well established all the world over that I could not add anything to it by any words of mine. He is a man of force. He has always impressed me as a blacksmith who stands at his anvil with the fire burning and strikes hard and hits the mark every time. He has done much to beat away the dross and bring out the true steel of character in his writings.

"I come to America expecting to find true and warm sympathizers among the American people for my suffering countrymen, who are fighting so hard and bearing so bravely their martyrdom for freedom. Now is the time for the revolution. Now is the time for the overthrow of Czardom. Now! Now! Now! But we need the sinews of war, the blood we will give ourselves. We need money, money, money. I come to you as a beggar that Russia may be free."

The remarks of the Russian writer were translated to the little company at the table by his adopted son, and were loudly applauded. Gorky did not appear in evening dress, but in the blue blouse, buttoned high up at the neck, which is familiar from the pictures of him which have appeared in print. Young Nikolay, in attire, was an exact replica of his father by adoption.

The Aldine Association will entertain Gorky next Wednesday at a luncheon at their rooms, 111 Fifth Avenue. The Socialists on the east side are planning a dinner for the Russian writer at some date yet to be fixed to suit his convenience. Another dinner is being planned at which he is to meet a number of literary men.

Gorky Feels at Home.

Looking out from his window high up in the Hotel Belleclaire Gorky saw the Hudson River yesterday afternoon and exclaimed:

"What, is this my native Nishni-Novgorod, and is this the Volga? Then I am at home, indeed."

A Russian friend, who was at his elbow at the time, said that Nishni-Novgorod and New York were words almost identical in their meaning. Gorky interrupted him and said:

"Oh, what does it matter after all? I feel at home, though the language of New York is not my own, and I do not understand a word of it. I never visited a place so kindling to my imagination. I had not been here one hour before I felt that this was the biggest city and the United States the greatest country on the face of the earth. This is the country of all countries to which the social revolutionists can look with hope. In this will be worked out the salvation of humanity."

Maxim Gorky was still the recipient yesterday of the devoted homage of his countrymen in New York and of the friends in this city of the cause of freedom for Russia. He received in the course of the day about 100 visitors, and he had hardly a breathing moment. But when the night came he was as happy as a boy who had found a new toy.

One of the first callers yesterday was Oscar S. Straus, formerly United States Minister to Turkey. Mr. Straus was a long time explaining that he wished to see Mr. Gorky, and a protracted comedy of errors was enacted on the ninth floor while Mr. Straus was kept waiting in the lobby of the hotel.

Mr. Straus said that he had merely paid a social visit, but that he probably would see Gorky again, and that he might have something to say then.

Among the callers on the Russian novelist were Abraham Cahan, editor of The Jewish Forward, and himself a writer of some distinction as well as a Russian by birth.

Revolutionists Call.

Two members of the Russian Bund in this city paid their respects to the Russian and conferred with him upon the plans now pending to make Russia free. One of these was Dr. Maxim Romm. The other was Moses Gulevitch. Mr. Gulevitch escaped from a Russian prison eighteen months ago. He is a member of the Central Committee of the Nihilist organization, and was sent to this country by his political friends to be out of harm's way for the present.

That, as a matter of fact, is the reason for so many of the Russian revolutionists seeking a refuge here for the next few months. The first call to arms will see the procession starting back again.

Gorky was asked yesterday whether he was a subject of the Czar.

"Subject? No," replied the Russian writer. "I am not. I am a citizen of underground Russia. We are all citizens there just as you are in this great free country, and there are several millions of us. Politically, I'm an outlaw."

The Russian novelist told the reporters again and again that this city had made an almost overwhelming impression upon him.

It is not quite as grand as the ocean, but almost," he said.

Marvels at The Times Building.

One of the skyscrapers of which Gorky got a close range view was the Time Building.

"Wonderful! wonderful!" he exclaimed, looking through his carriage window. "I mean to know how it is possible to erect such structures before I leave this country."

Gorky said that plans for his stay here had not been completed. Hs stay in New York will in all probability be more protracted than he at first had expected.

"There is so much to see, and I haven't seen anything as yet," he said, his wife acting as interpreter. "I have been a prisoner all day long in my apartments, but it wasn't unpleasant when compared with my prison experience in Russia. The first opportunity I get I shall take a drive through Central Park, of which I caught a glimpse on my way up from the steamer."

Gorky said that among English authors he admired Byron most, and among the French Gustav Flaubert and the elder Dumas. Among the Germans he registered his preference for Heine and Goethe among the poets, and Nietzsche and Schopenhauer among the philosophers.

Gorky was asked what he thought of Kipling as a writer.

"Kipling," he said, "is a man of bone and blood. He is a great poet and a greater novelist. But he should not lend his pen to the support of an ephemeral imperialism, even though the imperialism of Great Britain is humane and the word there means something different from what it means with us. Kipling should sing the songs of the people."

Regarding his own mode of writing, he said:

"I am not aiming at producing literature or art. I am striving to paint life as I find it and to tell the truth always."

"What have you read in American literature?" Gorky was asked.

"I have read Mark Twain. The reading proved an inspiration to me. It is part of the liberal education of Russia to read Mark Twain's works. They have all been translated and sold in hundreds of editions.

"And you would be surprised to know what the prestige of Edgar Allen Poe is among the Russian people. We love him better than his own country men do."

"I think that it is the women who prevent you from loving him as well as you should," broke in the writer's wife.

Mme Gorky, who was an actress, was asked whether she had acted in her husband's plays. She said she had, but that it was long ago.

"At present I am just my husband's wife, nothing else, and I don't wish to be before the public in any other capacity," she said.

11-10-2004, 05:36 PM
I also can't understand why another prominent social critic and humorist, H.L. Mencken is held in such high esteem by white nationalists.

H.L. Mencken, you may recall, was a big supporter of the NAACP and an opponent of Jim Crow laws. On the other hand, he hated working-class whites (especially southerners and Irish Catholics).

Many WN's also praise Mencken to the skies for stating something to the effect of "anti-Semitism is disliking Jews more than is necessary," while forgetting that Mencken attacked Roosevelt for not pushing to liberalize immigration law to allow Jewish "refugees" into the US during WWII. Let's see now, according to WN, Roosevelt was a "Jew tool," while the man who attacks Roosevelt for not doing enough to aid the Jews is a hero. Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

11-10-2004, 06:40 PM
This might balance out your view on Twain, Petr:

As for Russia, Twain was not a supporter of Czarism. In The Innocents Abroad, he joked that when he was in Russia he noted the most intelligent man in that nation was always the czar, anyone more intelligent was sent to Siberia.

11-10-2004, 06:44 PM
This isn't even funny:

"When Twain died in 1910, the American Jewish press mourned. His obituaries in that press often reprinted the words of the president of New York’s Hebrew Technical School for Girls: "In one of Mr. Clemens’s works he expressed his opinion of men, saying he had no choice between Hebrew and Gentile, black men or white; to him, all men were alike."


"These same words found their echo in Twain’s reaction upon learning in 1909 that his daughter Clara was engaged to a Russian-Jewish pianist, Ossip Gabtilowitsch. Twain told Clara, "Any girl could be proud to marry him. He is a man – a real man."


Yes, to top it all, Twain's daughter married a Russian Jew with his consent!

The New York Times, October 7, 1909


WEST REDDING, Conn., Oct. 6. - Miss Clara L. Clemens, daughter of Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain,) was married at noon today to Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the Russian pianist. The wedding took place in the drawing room at Stormfield, Mr. Clemens's country home, with the Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Twitchell of Hartford, a close friend of Mr. Clemens, as officiating clergyman.


While the ceremony was being performed Mr. Clemens was attired in he scarlet cap and gown which he wore when the Degree of Doctor of Literature was conferred upon him by Oxford University. After the wedding he wore a white flannel suit.


Mr. Clemens prepared the following characteristic interview "to avoid any delays at the ceremony," as he expressed it. Speaking of the bride and bridegroom Mr. Clemens said: "Clara and Gabrilowitsch were pupils together under Leschetizky, in Vienna, ten years ago. We have known him intimately ever since.


"The marriage pleases you, Mr. Clemens?"

"Yes, fully as much as any marriage could please me or perhaps any other father. There are two or three tragically solemn things in this life, and a happy marriage is one of them, for the terrors of life are all to come. A funeral is a solemn office, but I go to them with a spiritual uplift, thankful that the dead friend has been set free. That which follows is to me tragic and awful - the burial. I am glad of this marriage, and Mrs. Clemens would be glad, for she always had a warm affection for Gabrilowitsch, but all the same it is a tragedy, since it is a happy marriage with its future before it, loaded to the plimsoil line with uncertainties."




11-10-2004, 06:48 PM
This might balance out your view on Twain, Petr:

As for Russia, Twain was not a supporter of Czarism. In The Innocents Abroad, he joked that when he was in Russia he noted the most intelligent man in that nation was always the czar, anyone more intelligent was sent to Siberia.

I believe that Twain wrote the piece tongue in cheek, as an attack on "anti-Semitism." He wrote the piece as an intentional over the top parody of anti-Jewish articles. Twain himself was notoriously philosemitic (as well as a negrophile), and championed every trendy "progressive" cause (from the "emancipation" of women to "equal rights" for the negro) in his day. I think of him as a somewhat more intelligent and refined 19th century version of Michael Moore.

11-10-2004, 06:49 PM
How can a Protestant christian be anti semitic Petr, by the words of the bible you are accursed and condemned to hell for it.

11-10-2004, 06:50 PM
I think of him as a somewhat more intelligent and refined 19th century version of Michael Moore.

Not nice to shit on the dead like that.

Whatever Twain was he was better then the fat liar Michael Moore.

Nuclear Thoughts
11-10-2004, 07:07 PM
One reason why Mark Twain is honored by some WNs is the fact that he's a very famous and respected American icon that can be used to counter-act multicultural/egalitarian claims that historical Americans were all unabashedly "anti-racist".

Whatever your personal view of Mr. Twain, it's clear that he was a very complex man, who may have held some contradictory outlooks over the long years of his life.

That said, his famous essay, "The Noble Red Man", is definitely something that supports "our side" far better than it supports "their side". If you've never read it before, please indulge yourself:

The Noble Red Man

by Mark Twain
Published 1870

"In books he is tall and tawny, muscular, straight and of kingly presence; he has a beaked nose and an eagle eye.

His hair is glossy, and as black as the raven's wing; out of its massed richness springs a sheaf of brilliant feathers; in his ears and nose are silver ornaments; on his arms and wrists and ankles are broad silver bands and bracelets; his buckskin hunting suit is gallantly fringed, and the belt and the moccasins wonderfully flowered with colored beads; and when, rainbowed with his war-paint, he stands at full height, with his crimson blanket wrapped about him, his quiver at his back, his bow and tomahawk projecting upward from his folded arms, and his eagle eye gazing at specks against the far horizon which even the paleface's field-glass could scarcely reach, he is a being to fall down and worship.

His language is intensely figurative. He never speaks of the moon, but always of "the eye of the night;" nor of the wind as the wind, but as "the whisper of the Great Spirit;" and so forth and so on. His power of condensation is marvelous. In some publications he seldom says anything but "Waugh!" and this, with a page of explanation by the author, reveals a whole world of thought and wisdom that before lay concealed in that one little word.

He is noble. He is true and loyal; not even imminent death can shake his peerless faithfulness. His heart is a well-spring of truth, and of generous impulses, and of knightly magnanimity. With him, gratitude is religion; do him a kindness, and at the end of a lifetime he has not forgotten it. Eat of his bread, or offer him yours, and the bond of hospitality is sealed--a bond which is forever inviolable with him.

He loves the dark-eyed daughter of the forest, the dusky maiden of faultless form and rich attire, the pride of the tribe, the all-beautiful. He talks to her in a low voice, at twilight of his deeds on the war-path and in the chase, and of the grand achievements of his ancestors; and she listens with downcast eyes, "while a richer hue mantles her dusky cheek."

Such is the Noble Red Man in print. But out on the plains and in the mountains, not being on dress parade, not being gotten up to see company, he is under no obligation to be other than his natural self, and therefore:

He is little, and scrawny, and black, and dirty; and, judged by even the most charitable of our canons of human excellence, is thoroughly pitiful and contemptible. There is nothing in his eye or his nose that is attractive, and if there is anything in his hair that--however, that is a feature which will not bear too close examination . . . He wears no bracelets on his arms or ankles; his hunting suit is gallantly fringed, but not intentionally; when he does not wear his disgusting rabbit-skin robe, his hunting suit consists wholly of the half of a horse blanket brought over in the Pinta or the Mayflower, and frayed out and fringed by inveterate use. He is not rich enough to possess a belt; he never owned a moccasin or wore a shoe in his life; and truly he is nothing but a poor, filthy, naked scurvy vagabond, whom to exterminate were a charity to the Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he oppresses. Still, when contact with the white man has given to the Noble Son of the Forest certain cloudy impressions of civilization, and aspirations after a nobler life, he presently appears in public with one boot on and one shoe--shirtless, and wearing ripped and patched and buttonless pants which he holds up with his left hand--his execrable rabbit-skin robe flowing from his shoulder--an old hoop-skirt on, outside of it--a necklace of battered sardine-boxes and oyster-cans reposing on his bare breast--a venerable flint-lock musket in his right hand--a weather-beaten stove-pipe hat on, canted "gallusly" to starboard, and the lid off and hanging by a thread or two; and when he thus appears, and waits patiently around a saloon till he gets a chance to strike a "swell" attitude before a looking-glass, he is a good, fair, desirable subject for extermination if ever there was one.

There is nothing figurative, or moonshiny, or sentimental about his language. It is very simple and unostentatious, and consists of plain, straightforward lies. His "wisdom" conferred upon an idiot would leave that idiot helpless indeed.

He is ignoble--base and treacherous, and hateful in every way. Not even imminent death can startle him into a spasm of virtue. The ruling trait of all savages is a greedy and consuming selfishness, and in our Noble Red Man it is found in its amplest development. His heart is a cesspool of falsehood, of treachery, and of low and devilish instincts. With him, gratitude is an unknown emotion; and when one does him a kindness, it is safest to keep the face toward him, lest the reward be an arrow in the back. To accept of a favor from him is to assume a debt which you can never repay to his satisfaction, though you bankrupt yourself trying. To give him a dinner when he is starving, is to precipitate the whole hungry tribe upon your hospitality, for he will go straight and fetch them, men, women, children, and dogs, and these they will huddle patiently around your door, or flatten their noses against your window, day aft er day, gazing beseechingly upon every mouthful you take, and unconsciously swallowing when you swallow! The scum of the earth!

And the Noble Son of the Plains becomes a mighty hunter in the due and proper season. That season is the summer, and the prey that a number of the tribes hunt is crickets and grasshoppers! The warriors, old men, women, and children, spread themselves abroad in the plain and drive the hopping creatures before them into a ring of fire. I could describe the feast that then follows, without missing a detail, if I thought the reader would stand it.

All history and honest observation will show that the Red Man is a skulking coward and a windy braggart, who strikes without warning--usually from an ambush or under cover of night, and nearly always bringing a force of about five or six to one against his enemy; kills helpless women and little children, and massacres th e men in their beds; and then brags about it as long as he lives, and his son and his grandson and great-grandson after him glorify it among the "heroic deeds of their ancestors." A regiment of Fenians will fill the whole world with the noise of it when they are getting ready invade Canada; but when the Red Man declares war, the first intimation his friend the white man whom he supped with at twilight has of it, is when the war-whoop rings in his ears and tomahawk sinks into his brain. . ..

The Noble Red Man seldom goes prating loving foolishness to a splendidly caparisoned blushing maid at twilight. No; he trades a crippled horse, or a damaged musket, or a dog, or a gallon of grasshoppers, and an inefficient old mother for her, and makes her work like an abject slave all the rest of her life to compensate him for the outlay. He never works himself. She builds the habitation, when they use one (it consists in hanging half a dozen rags over the weather side of a sage-brush bush to roost under); gathers and brings home the fuel; takes care of the raw-boned pony when they possess such grandeur; she walks and carries her nursing cubs while he rides. She wears no clothing save the fragrant rabbit-skin robe which her great-grandmother before her wore, and all the "blushing" she does can be removed with soap and a towel, provided it is only four or five weeks old and not caked. Such is the genuine Noble Aborigine. I did not get him from books, but from personal observation.

11-10-2004, 07:11 PM
- "How can a Protestant christian be anti semitic Petr, by the words of the bible you are accursed and condemned to hell for it."

Dare I ask for a Scriptural quotation from an ignoramus like you?

(And I'm more like anti-Judaic, not racially anti-Semitic. There have been, and are, many decent Jews who have not been talmudists or atheists.)

You seem to be theologically even more clueless than in historically, you are buying into pro-Jewish superstitions invented by pro-Jewish dispensationalists.

It is the followers of Jesus Christ who are the "Israel of God" and "the Chosen people" now, those who are nowadays called "Jews" are on their way to a fire everlasting.

Modern heretical Judaizers have done a great deal to obfuscate these simple Biblical truths.

As Michael Hoffman II succinctly puts it in here:

"Christianity is the only true religion of the Bible. It was founded by Israelites who adhered to the Torah (Pentateuch) and who recognized in Christ's gospel of salvation through grace, the fulfillment of the Old Testament. It is the followers of Jesus who constitute the holy nation and the royal priesthood (I Peter 2:9)."



11-10-2004, 07:24 PM
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee".

11-10-2004, 07:41 PM
"Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee"."

I KNEW that that would be the only verse you could come up with, all those Judaizing preachers use this one too to drive superstitious fear of Jews to their parishioners.

According to the New Testament doctrine, Christians are now the true descendants of Abraham. Jews who do not accept Jesus Christ have been disinherited.

John 8:39-44:

"They answered and said unto him, Our father is Abraham. Jesus said unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

"But now ye seek to kill me, a man that told you the truth, which I heard from God: this did not Abraham.

"Ye do the works of your father. They said unto him, We were not born of fornication; we have, one Father, even God.

"Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I came forth and am come from God: for neither have I come of myself, but he sent me.

"Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word.

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father, it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

Revelation 3:9:

"Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Revelation 2:9:

"I know thy tribulation, and thy poverty (but thou art rich), and the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

(No-holds-barred commentary here:

"This, along with "them that say they are Jews, and they are not" shows that John has preempted the glorious titles of the once chosen people for the Christians. Christians are the real Jews, the true sons of Israel, as in Rom. 2:28. The Jews' meeting place is here designated "a synagogue of Satan."



11-10-2004, 07:55 PM
There is also the apple of my eye one.

11-10-2004, 07:56 PM
"Constantinus" should be able to appreciate this: Mark Twain's scathering attack on King Leopold II's mismanagement of his Congo colony:


"King Leopold's Soliloquy"

By Mark Twain

(Includes a supplementary essay: "Ought King Leopold to Be Hanged?")



11-10-2004, 07:59 PM
- "There is also the apple of my eye one."

That promise has also been transferred to Christians. Jews themselves can expect only THIS from Yahweh now:

Deuteronomy 28:63:

"63 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. "
