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11-21-2004, 11:28 PM
Clovis spear people were Europeans!
PBS did a great show on the Clovis spear people. It said they came from Europe!
Scientific American Frontiers . Coming Into America | PBS
Where the First Americans European?
For years it was believed that Clovis people came through Alaska using a land bridge from Siberia, then traveled south just as ice sheets across Canada were breaking up. So archeologists have long looked for signs of Clovis people in Alaska.
In 1989, road builders in Alaska's Tanana River valley accidentally uncovered a site called Broken Mammoth. With artifacts dating back 14,000 years, it was the oldest site in Alaska-but it held no Clovis points. Later, another nearby site yielded artifacts a few hundred years older, but still no Clovis points. It did, however, contain microblades and scrapers typical of Siberian and Russian sites going back more than 20,000 years.
For Alaska state archeologist Chuck Holmes these findings suggest that early Alaskans weren't the predecessors to Clovis. And he's not alone.
Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian Institution spent years in Alaska and found no connection between Siberian artifacts and Clovis technology. His new theory is that Clovis people came not from Siberia, but from Europe. The Solutrean people of France and Spain were their predecessors, he says.
Photo of Clovis spear shaft wrench.
This Clovis spear shaft wrench was made first by the Solutrean people --found in France and Spain.
Shared technology-including bifacial points and a spear shaft wrench made of mammoth bone-and cultural traits suggest the two are related. But, as Stanford explains to Alan, there are two problems with this theory. First, the Solutrean culture is 5,000 years older than Clovis. Second, how did the Solutreans cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to North America?
A site in Virginia called Cactus Hill may hold some of the answers. Artifacts found there have been dated at 18,000 years-too early for Clovis, but just right for Solutrean. Stanford believes a fossil walrus jaw found in the nearby Chesapeake could suggest how the Solutreans made their way to North America. Ice-loving walrus could only have reached the Chesapeake during the height of the last Ice Age, around 15,000-20,000 years ago. Stanford says that's when the Solutreans got here, and they did it by bringing their boats along the ice edge which stretched across the ocean at the time.
11-22-2004, 02:19 AM
I'm surprised they did after the government and media suppressed the Kennewick man find.
This is going to be detrimental to the "victim status" of Indians.
- "I'm surprised they did after the government and media suppressed the Kennewick man find."
Yes, Travis, those allmighty Jews do not control all aspects of life in America.
11-22-2004, 02:30 AM
- "I'm surprised they did after the government and media suppressed the Kennewick man find."
Yes, Travis, those allmighty Jews do not control all aspects of life in America.
PetrNo they don't. Sometimes they have to do a little damage control for their image and actually report things they don't want to. If they didn't the absence of coverage would give too much credence to the "paranoid conspiracy theorists".
- "Sometimes they have to do a little damage control for their image and actually report things they don't want to. If they didn't the absence of coverage would give too much credence to the "paranoid conspiracy theorists"."
So, even those examples that would seem to disprove the idea of an all-powerful conspiracy are just confirmations of it.
Truly paranoid logic.
11-22-2004, 02:46 AM
So, even those examples that would seem to disprove the idea of an all-powerful conspiracy are just confirmations of it.No, not really. Just because their power has limits does not mean it's non-existent. Their power is subtle. They are slowly unraveling the fabric of Western civilization, carefully doing only what goes under the radar screen of the TV addled masses. They use the power of suggestion, the power of censorship, the power of repetition, the power of scrutiny and the power of smear to the degree that it evades detection, doing so over a long period of time.
Like death of a thousand pin pricks. It's easy to get by with because anyone who draw attention to one of the little pricks and calls it a conspiracy can easily be ridiculed.
Truly paranoid logic. One mans vigilance is another man's "paranoia".
Believe me, I am vigilant enough on the comings and goings of the Jewish community, and would gladly see their influence annihilated.
So don't you give me that more-vigilant-than-thou act.
BUT, I do not also do not concieve Jews as some kind of semi-divine "puppetmasters." I also do not consider them to be invincible, neither physically nor intellectually.
The Jewish race is going to disappear from the face of this earth during this century - in the one way or another.
11-22-2004, 03:03 AM
Believe me, I am vigilant enough on the comings and goings of the Jewish communityWell I look around me and see mass genocide. Race-mixing so rampant that it's sure to exterminate us in a generation or two. I see the Jews have engineered this and are aggressively promoting it. That's why I find it's a waste of my precious time to expend my energies (but I do anyway)opposing Blacks, Mexicans and Arabs.
The Jewish race is going to disappear from the face of this earth during this century - in the one way or another. I don't understand why you would arrive at this conclusion, I think it will be Pax Judaica. I doubt we will survive this century. But I'm going to do what I can to oppose it anyway.
- "I don't understand why you would arrive at this conclusion, I think it will be Pax Judaica. "
Don't make me laugh. Jews have piss-poor birthrates, their intermarriage levels are soaring and homosexuality and other self-destructive liberal vices are rampant among them.
Check out "The Vanishing American Jew" by Alan Dershowitz:
"Although Jews make up just over 2 percent of the population of the United States--approximately 5.5 million out of 262 million--many Americans mistakenly believe that we constitute a full 20 percent of the American people, because of our disproportionate visibility, influence, and accomplishments. But our numbers may soon be reduced to the point where our impact on American life will necessarily become marginalized.
One Harvard study predicts that if current demographic trends continue, the American Jewish community is likely to number less than 1 million and conceivably as few as 10,000 by the time the United States celebrates its tricentennial in 2076. Other projections suggest that early in the next century, American Jewish life as we know it will be a shadow of its current, vibrant self--consisting primarily of isolated pockets of ultra-Orthodox Hasidim."
Besides, many colored races now hate Jews as well, and by the way things are going, someone's going to nuke out Israel sooner or later.
And all this excludes the possibility of outburst of White nationalism in the West, which would mean the end for the Jews.
11-22-2004, 03:27 AM
Don't make me laugh. Jews have piss-poor birthrates, True, but one sheep dog can herd hundreds of sheep and one sheep herder can, with the right body language voice and whistles control dozens of sheepdogs. They don't fight with numbers, they fight by grabbing the steering wheel of our bus.
their intermarriage levels are soaring and homosexuality and other self-destructive liberal vices are rampant among them. Their intermarriage levels have increased, but not anywhere near as much as ours has. Their other vices do not seem to be destroying them.
Check out "The Vanishing American Jew" by Alan Dershowitz: To quote youself "don't make me laugh!". An alarmist Jew! Oh no!
Besides, many colored races now hate Jews as well, and by the way things are going, someone's going to nuke out Israel sooner or later. But they are both dumb and infiltrated. any opposition to Jews from the dark races will be led by Marranos.... to make sure it goes nowhere. The clever tribe is very ambitious and has covered all the bases.
And all this excludes the possibility of outburst of White nationalism in the West, which would mean the end for the Jews.
PetrI think we are way beyond that point, my only hope is that our people can somehow survive.
- "True, but one sheep dog can herd hundreds of sheep and one sheep herder can, with the right body language voice and whistles control dozens of sheepdogs."
You truly are a one self-hating White in a WN disguise.
- "Their intermarriage levels have increased, but not anywhere near as much as ours has. "
You're dead wrong. The intermarriage rate among American Jews is now about 50 %. That a WAYYY bigger percentage than the portion of Whites marrying non-Whites.
"The rate of intermarriage has risen dramatically in the past 30 years, from an average of 9% before 1965 to 52% in 1990. The 1990 NJPS5 , summarized in part on TABLE 1, indicates that Secular, Reform and Conservative Jews are far more likely to intermarry than Orthodox Jews. Secular Jews have doubled their intermarriage rate, while Reform and Conservative Jews have tripled theirs. Secular Jews in the 18 to 39 year age group have an intermarriage rate of 72%, while those over age 39 have an intermarriage rate of 35%. Younger Reform Jews now at a 53% rate, compared to a 16% rate for the older group. Among younger Conservative Jews, the intermarriage rate has increased to 37%, compared to 10% for those over age 39. Only Orthodox Jews have reversed this trend: Their intermarriage rate has fallen from 10% among those over 39 to 3% of the 18-39 group today6 ."
"A 2001 study by the American Jewish Committee found that only 12% of Jewish parents strongly oppose their children intermarrying (a figure only slightly higher than the percentage of Orthodox Jews). Well over half responded that they would not be troubled at all by their children intermarrying."
- "To quote youself "don't make me laugh!". An alarmist Jew! Oh no!"
So far I have been too polite to say that many of your sources or claims are pure non-documented or unverified BS.
Dershowitz, on the other hand, is a quite reliable source on these matters (that book was first and foremost intended for the internal use of the Jewish community).
Those statistics Dershowitz is quoting are easily confirmed from independent sources.
- "But they are both dumb and infiltrated."
The Chinese and Japanese are onto Jews as well, and the possible hegemony of China will be bad news indeed for Jews:
(China giving strategic support to Israel's worst enemy)
" A major new alliance is emerging between Iran and China that threatens to undermine U.S. ability to pressure Tehran on its nuclear program, support for extremist groups and refusal to back Arab-Israeli peace efforts. "
- "The clever tribe is very ambitious and has covered all the bases."
You really are in superstitious awe of those mighty Jews.
11-22-2004, 04:14 AM
You truly are a one self-hating White in a WN disguise. I don't understand your position. I think it's more self hating to blame Whites for all the things Jews did to them.
You're dead wrong. The intermarriage rate among American Jews is now about 50 %. That a WAYYY bigger percentage than the portion of Whites marrying non-Whites.
I hope you're right. I lend no credence to Jewish sources or Dishwitz. They are the ones who engineer all the "studies".
This is what puzzles me about people who know how much media control the Jews have; Doesn't it make sense to get your information from someone other than those who have shown their utter contempt for the free exchange of information by attempting to monopolize it?
So far I have been too polite to say that many of your sources or claims are pure non-documented or unverified BS.
"documentation" ....sigh.... Who do you think have positioned themselves to be the documentors of almost everything that happens in this world? Documentation does not prove anything, how it fits together does. Means motive etc... remember? And strategic value. That's how you separate the wheat from the chaff.
The Chinese and Japanese are onto Jews as well, and the possible hegemony of China will be bad news indeed for Jews:Disinformation. Why would you think the Jews would let the Chinese media have autonomy? Do you think they would sieze the media of one superpower and not the other? China has plenty of Jews and you can bet the ones that look the most Asiatic get nose Jobs and name changes just like our Jews do. An issue of McCleans magazine in the 50's claimed Mao had "Jewish ancestry. Lennin and Trotsky did, so why not Mao? Don't underestimate the clever tribe.
- "I lend no credence to Jewish sources or Dishwitz. They are the ones who engineer all the "studies"."
Then you mustn't lend credence to Kevin MacDonald either, for he bases his books to a very great degree on Jewish authors. He also doesn't think that the Protocols are authentic.
- "Who do you think have positioned themselves to be the documentors of almost everything that happens in this world?"
A very handy excuse for not being able to back up your claims.
- "Documentation does not prove anything, how it fits together does."
Caveman scholarship, plus using your own imagination as the final arbiter of truth.
- "Disinformation. Why would you think the Jews would let the Chinese media have autonomy? Do you think they would sieze the media of one superpower and not the other? China has plenty of Jews and you can bet the ones that look the most Asiatic get nose Jobs and name changes just like our Jews do. An issue of McCleans magazine in the 50's claimed Mao had "Jewish ancestry. Lennin and Trotsky did, so why not Mao? Don't underestimate the clever tribe."
OK, now we can officially call you a "paranoid crank." Stop wasting our time with this juvenile trash.
11-22-2004, 04:44 AM
- "I lend no credence to Jewish sources or Dishwitz. They are the ones who engineer all the "studies"."
Then you mustn't lend credence to Kevin MacDonald either, for he bases his books to a very great degree on Jewish authors. He also doesn't think that the Protocols are authentic. I think Prof. Macdonald uses the "rope" of Jewish authors very selectively to hang them with. I have not seen his comments on the Protocols, perhaps you could steer me to them.
- "Who do you think have positioned themselves to be the documentors of almost everything that happens in this world?"
A very handy excuse for not being able to back up your claims. Perhaps it is "handy" but it is valid nonetheless.
- "Documentation does not prove anything, how it fits together does."
Caveman scholarship, plus using your own imagination as the final arbiter of truth.
I suppose motive, means physical evidence, opportunity, modus operandi and modus agendi is insufficient for Mr. Petr. I don't think you have been to the school of hard knocks. If you did you would put much more emphasis on motives and strategic value. I would like to see you try to refute my positions on those grounds.
- "Disinformation. Why would you think the Jews would let the Chinese media have autonomy? Do you think they would sieze the media of one superpower and not the other? China has plenty of Jews and you can bet the ones that look the most Asiatic get nose Jobs and name changes just like our Jews do. An issue of McCleans magazine in the 50's claimed Mao had "Jewish ancestry. Lennin and Trotsky did, so why not Mao? Don't underestimate the clever tribe."
OK, now we can officially call you a "paranoid crank." Stop wasting our time with this juvenile trash.
PetrGreat. Ad hominem again. That's an illegitimate way to deal with ideas that challenge your long-held beliefs. Reality exists independently of how long you have believed the OJV (official Jewish version). Good night.
- "I have not seen his comments on the Protocols, perhaps you could steer me to them."
"The discussion of the Protocols and references to them throughout the work is definitely the low point of TIJ. Since the Protocols were exposed as fraudulent, it has been very easy to discredit the entire enterprise of TIJ because of its extensive use of them, and that is exactly what Baldwin does. "
- "I don't think you have been to the school of hard knocks."
What imaginary school is that, and how does it give you any special abilities to interpret these issues?
- "Great. Ad hominem again. That's an illegitimate way to deal with ideas that challenge your long-held beliefs."
Cry me a river. I am also prejudiced against ideas that the Moon is made of cheese. I'm also not the one trying to argue that Mao Zedong was Jewish.
Let's see you supporting that idea with some serious evidence.
11-22-2004, 05:48 AM
Petr and Travis,
Did you two have to put all this unrelated rantting on my thread?
This has nothing to do with them. :mad:
11-22-2004, 11:41 AM
poor Faust
11-22-2004, 11:43 AM
That's better.
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