View Full Version : Lord Halifax.

07-02-2004, 01:38 AM
Halifax disliked Churchill , he had no confidence in him as Prime Minister.
He was off the opinion that Churchill would lead the Country to ruin and that the time had come to make Peace with Germany on the best trems that could be obtained.
To this end without Churchill's knowledge he made contact with Germany officals via a member of the Swedish Goverment keeping a line of communication open with Germany ?

There are a number of questions here.
1. Was this "behindbacks" initative more than disloyality to a prime Minister he disliked , or did Halifax think he was acting in , or what he thought might in time become the "National Interest" ?

2. Had Halifax and his supports prevailed and talks been openned with Germany what terms might have been obtained ?
Who would have done the talking and where would it have taken place ?
How would this have been sold to both German and British peoples ?
Would they have been in Britains long term interest ?
Would Germany have made further demands on Britain , should German interests have demanded it ?

3. Peace with Britain would have removed any American assistance to Russia ?
Would this have influnced the out come of "Barbarossa" ?