View Full Version : Crete.

08-19-2004, 01:54 PM
As Dr. Brandt's thread never actually discussed anything in relation to the assult on Crete.
Had the Allies not withrawn from the high ground around Maleme would the Germans have been able to take the airfield , would the invasion have failed completely ?

Ultra no doubt warned that an airborne assult was coming , was the real corner stne to German victory the victory over the Royal Navy which could only move safely at night ?

Hitler took the view that this was to be the end of the large scale deployment of paratroops , and probably had some influence in the decision not to attack Malta .
Was this victory at Crete damaging to the direction of the war in the Med. ?
Would Malta have been a better option at this early stage ?

Dr. Brandt
08-19-2004, 02:04 PM
A Crete thread exists already. Post it there.