View Full Version : Religion & Mythology

  1. Is liberalism the natural conclusion of Christianity?
  2. The Sacred Eclipsed? Alain de Benoist on Christianity
  3. THULE (Auf Deutsch)
  4. Race and the Church
  5. Christianity in Literary Creation: Chateaubriand and Dostoevsky
  6. The Cosmological and Anthropological Revolution of the Biblical Narrative
  7. Philo-Semitism in Anglo-Christianity
  8. Does God Exist?
  9. Rituals
  10. Religious-Philosophical Dimensions of European culture
  11. What causes religions?
  12. Religion as opium of the people
  13. Jews are nowadays God's Chosen People...
  14. Christianity and the Lord of the Rings
  15. @ Wintermute Great book!
  16. the real story of Creation
  17. Are you a theist or a non-theist? Please read before voting.
  18. An interesting commentary on Mormons
  19. Martin Luther: solitary genius and troubled soul
  20. Which Way, Western Man?
  21. Today In Catholicism:
  22. Majority of Russians against reunification of Orthodox and Catholic Churches
  23. God, Shrimp, and Homosexuality
  24. George W Bush, abstinence and condoms
  25. Flame of the Ancient Faith Still Flickers in Iran
  26. NYTimes article: melting eyes and horses?!?
  27. God or man, suicide or birth - which side are YOU on?
  28. Death to the World - Orthodox Christian Nihilism
  29. Apocalypse Now
  30. I am insulted...
  31. Christian Doctrine of Nations
  32. Old-time religion on the decline
  33. Catholic Rosary
  34. Children and religion
  35. Ritual, Magick & How Pagans will Save the World
  36. The Vatican's Big Secret
  37. The Christian Communities of Israel
  38. Is "God" a Jewish Fairy?
  39. Should I convert to Christianity?
  40. Apocalyptic Christians ... Promoting WW III
  41. Women Criticize Vatican Document on Feminism
  42. A Godless Europe and A Tidal Wave of Christianity
  43. Maitreya - The Second Coming?
  44. Michael Moore is a Roman Catholic
  45. Small Florida town officially bans Satan, Muslims, people who disagree with the ban.
  46. Papal Encyclical on Socialism
  47. In my Father's house there are many manisons
  48. Philo-Semitic Protestantism
  49. Concerning the 1965 Vatican Ruling
  50. Is "Intelligent Design" theory really "Creation Science" version 2.0?
  51. How real is the phenomenon of Stigmata?
  52. Introduction to Gnosticism
  53. HELLENISTIC VISION of Julian the Apostate
  54. Is there more to belief than the suspension of reason?
  55. Why Christianity is Still Professed.
  56. Development of Beliefs in Paranormal and Supernatural Phenomena
  57. Dispensationalism and Racism
  58. In the Name of the Devil
  59. The Marcionites
  60. Are Catholics Christian?
  61. The River of Fire; a perspective on Hell
  62. Otto v. Corvin DER PFAFFENSPIEGEL
  63. Write in Runes
  64. A Newsletter
  65. Christianity and The Movement
  66. Serb schools told to drop Darwin
  67. What Use is Religion?
  68. Axis Past Life Homepage
  69. Christianity and Individualism (and modernity)
  70. My God Problem
  71. Beastly Psychology of the Old Testament -- Anton Denikin
  72. R.D. Rushdoony on the Biblical marriage
  73. Yes, Jews Are The Problem -- But THERE'S MORE
  74. LIGHTS, CAMERA – INSULTS! (Catholic/Jew relations)
  75. Did Revilo P. Oliver believe in the Satanist conspiracy?
  76. Ghandi: The Other Prophet of Racial Suicide
  77. Website to be investigated: site calls for execution of Christians and Jews
  78. Court Orders Florida City to Level Crosses at Cemetery
  79. ChurchArson.com draws church ire
  80. No theology, please, we're British
  81. Petr to compile Christian Talmud
  82. The New Cult of the Temple
  83. American faith remains as weird as it ever was
  84. The Christian Future is in the Third World
  85. Moderate Fundamentalism
  86. Purgatory for Everyone
  87. Hellenism
  88. An European Pagan and Non Western Perspective
  89. Lutheran Blues
  90. Is Christianity a form of humor?
  91. Are Psychedelic Mushrooms the Biblical "Manna"?
  92. A Real Case against Jews
  93. Mjollnir
  94. Anglicans Urge Ban on Gay Marriage, Gay Bishops
  95. The Bible
  96. Petr-was there life before the 'adam'
  97. Christian Zionism
  98. For Christians especially: What if the Devil were all-powerful?
  99. Reality Time (On Christian Identity)
  100. More on the so-called "Promise Keepers"
  101. The archetype Aryan sun god as the origin of Christianity
  102. DIANA, the Moon Goddess... also known as ARTEMIS
  103. The Oracle of Delphi,... the priestess of Apollo
  104. MINERVA, ... Goddess of Wisdom
  105. Brigit
  106. Isis
  107. SOPHIA, ... Goddess of Wisdom/Fate
  108. ATHENA, ...war goddess of the ancient Greeks
  109. Venus / Columba / Aphrodite, ...the Dove
  110. Balder/Baldur/Baldr, ... The White God for White People
  111. pre-Christian Aryan tribalism, ...Wotanism
  112. Mithras, the soldier's god, .. The Cult of Mithras
  113. The Tarot, ... tool for divination
  114. Cernunnous, ...Horned God of the Celts
  115. Carl G. Jung, ... and the Collective Unconscious
  116. Alchemy, ...and The Philosopher's Stone
  117. Theosophy, ...and H.P. Blavatsky
  118. The Thule Society
  119. Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, -- 1919-1945
  120. The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults
  121. Christianity not dead on the European right
  122. Satanism And Racialism: Dividing Lines and Common Ties
  123. Christian Reconstructionism
  124. The Balfour Decision Reconsidered
  125. God's Anointed One Was Elected - Be Afraid
  126. Precursors to Christianity, ... Greek religion
  127. Paganism...
  128. The Mythical Moderate Muslim
  129. About the Holy Bible. 1894
  130. The BIBLE:Handbook for Survivalists, Racists, Tax Protesters,
  131. Vatican returns relics to Orthodox Church
  132. The Inner West; interesting book on Western mysticism
  133. Italy's Church and State: A Mostly Happy Union
  134. THE KNIGHTS OF RUNES (armanen.org)
  135. The origins of Christmas - Saturnalia
  136. Church of Nav: new Russian Ariosophist Sect
  137. Why is religion exempt from criticism?
  138. The origins of Santa Claus
  139. The Viking God Odin – A queer God of War
  140. Looks like Revilo P. Oliver was on the level of VNN Forum...
  141. Happy Chanukah
  142. Recognizing Christian Identity.
  143. National Socialism and Wotanism
  144. Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
  145. The Tree of Knowledge
  146. The Second Vatican Council: Why Pope John XXIII Would Weep
  147. War On Christmas Is A War On The West
  148. Racism still a problem among Catholics
  149. Why Christianity and Buddhism are the same Sickness
  150. Christmas isn't very merry for Iraqi Christians
  151. Putting their faith in Islam
  152. @ Petr
  153. Godless Conservatism By ROGER SCRUTON
  154. Our Destiny
  155. Cosmotheism and William Pierce
  156. White People's Religion
  157. What Does Your Birth Chart Say About You
  158. Jesus was Nordish!
  159. Lawsuits Bankrupting the Catholic Church
  160. The Ghost Dance Religion
  161. What is...Rapturism?
  162. Catholicism's campaigns against racism
  163. Roman Catholicism: An Unbiblical Religion
  164. "Vows" of Celibacy
  165. South Asia Tsunami a warning from Allah to return to Islam
  166. Catholic school angers some by admitting gay couple's sons
  167. Pope sees hope in victim relief
  168. Romanticism of Islam, Arabia, and The Arcadian Myth
  169. The Judeo-Masonic Matrix
  170. Question for the American Christian patriots.
  171. How scientific were the pagans?
  172. France and the revival of traditional Catholicism
  173. Patriarch of Terror; Catholic patriach praises Jihad against Israel
  174. Virtual Religion Index
  175. Jesus Seminar
  176. Radical Traditionalism: An Overview Of The Aryan Faith
  177. Burden of Proof
  178. Charles Lindgergh - Science and Religion