View Full Version : Religion & Mythology
- Is liberalism the natural conclusion of Christianity?
- The Sacred Eclipsed? Alain de Benoist on Christianity
- THULE (Auf Deutsch)
- Race and the Church
- Christianity in Literary Creation: Chateaubriand and Dostoevsky
- The Cosmological and Anthropological Revolution of the Biblical Narrative
- Philo-Semitism in Anglo-Christianity
- Does God Exist?
- Rituals
- Religious-Philosophical Dimensions of European culture
- What causes religions?
- Religion as opium of the people
- Jews are nowadays God's Chosen People...
- Christianity and the Lord of the Rings
- @ Wintermute Great book!
- the real story of Creation
- Are you a theist or a non-theist? Please read before voting.
- An interesting commentary on Mormons
- Martin Luther: solitary genius and troubled soul
- Which Way, Western Man?
- Today In Catholicism:
- Majority of Russians against reunification of Orthodox and Catholic Churches
- God, Shrimp, and Homosexuality
- George W Bush, abstinence and condoms
- Flame of the Ancient Faith Still Flickers in Iran
- NYTimes article: melting eyes and horses?!?
- God or man, suicide or birth - which side are YOU on?
- Death to the World - Orthodox Christian Nihilism
- Apocalypse Now
- I am insulted...
- Christian Doctrine of Nations
- Old-time religion on the decline
- Catholic Rosary
- Children and religion
- Ritual, Magick & How Pagans will Save the World
- The Vatican's Big Secret
- The Christian Communities of Israel
- Is "God" a Jewish Fairy?
- Should I convert to Christianity?
- Apocalyptic Christians ... Promoting WW III
- Women Criticize Vatican Document on Feminism
- A Godless Europe and A Tidal Wave of Christianity
- Maitreya - The Second Coming?
- Michael Moore is a Roman Catholic
- Small Florida town officially bans Satan, Muslims, people who disagree with the ban.
- Papal Encyclical on Socialism
- In my Father's house there are many manisons
- Philo-Semitic Protestantism
- Concerning the 1965 Vatican Ruling
- Is "Intelligent Design" theory really "Creation Science" version 2.0?
- How real is the phenomenon of Stigmata?
- Introduction to Gnosticism
- HELLENISTIC VISION of Julian the Apostate
- Is there more to belief than the suspension of reason?
- Why Christianity is Still Professed.
- Development of Beliefs in Paranormal and Supernatural Phenomena
- Dispensationalism and Racism
- In the Name of the Devil
- The Marcionites
- Are Catholics Christian?
- The River of Fire; a perspective on Hell
- Write in Runes
- A Newsletter
- Christianity and The Movement
- Serb schools told to drop Darwin
- What Use is Religion?
- Axis Past Life Homepage
- Christianity and Individualism (and modernity)
- My God Problem
- Beastly Psychology of the Old Testament -- Anton Denikin
- R.D. Rushdoony on the Biblical marriage
- Yes, Jews Are The Problem -- But THERE'S MORE
- LIGHTS, CAMERA – INSULTS! (Catholic/Jew relations)
- Did Revilo P. Oliver believe in the Satanist conspiracy?
- Ghandi: The Other Prophet of Racial Suicide
- Website to be investigated: site calls for execution of Christians and Jews
- Court Orders Florida City to Level Crosses at Cemetery
- draws church ire
- No theology, please, we're British
- Petr to compile Christian Talmud
- The New Cult of the Temple
- American faith remains as weird as it ever was
- The Christian Future is in the Third World
- Moderate Fundamentalism
- Purgatory for Everyone
- Hellenism
- An European Pagan and Non Western Perspective
- Lutheran Blues
- Is Christianity a form of humor?
- Are Psychedelic Mushrooms the Biblical "Manna"?
- A Real Case against Jews
- Mjollnir
- Anglicans Urge Ban on Gay Marriage, Gay Bishops
- The Bible
- Petr-was there life before the 'adam'
- Christian Zionism
- For Christians especially: What if the Devil were all-powerful?
- Reality Time (On Christian Identity)
- More on the so-called "Promise Keepers"
- The archetype Aryan sun god as the origin of Christianity
- DIANA, the Moon Goddess... also known as ARTEMIS
- The Oracle of Delphi,... the priestess of Apollo
- MINERVA, ... Goddess of Wisdom
- Brigit
- Isis
- SOPHIA, ... Goddess of Wisdom/Fate
- ATHENA, ...war goddess of the ancient Greeks
- Venus / Columba / Aphrodite, ...the Dove
- Balder/Baldur/Baldr, ... The White God for White People
- pre-Christian Aryan tribalism, ...Wotanism
- Mithras, the soldier's god, .. The Cult of Mithras
- The Tarot, ... tool for divination
- Cernunnous, ...Horned God of the Celts
- Carl G. Jung, ... and the Collective Unconscious
- Alchemy, ...and The Philosopher's Stone
- Theosophy, ...and H.P. Blavatsky
- The Thule Society
- Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, -- 1919-1945
- The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults
- Christianity not dead on the European right
- Satanism And Racialism: Dividing Lines and Common Ties
- Christian Reconstructionism
- The Balfour Decision Reconsidered
- God's Anointed One Was Elected - Be Afraid
- Precursors to Christianity, ... Greek religion
- Paganism...
- The Mythical Moderate Muslim
- About the Holy Bible. 1894
- The BIBLE:Handbook for Survivalists, Racists, Tax Protesters,
- Vatican returns relics to Orthodox Church
- The Inner West; interesting book on Western mysticism
- Italy's Church and State: A Mostly Happy Union
- The origins of Christmas - Saturnalia
- Church of Nav: new Russian Ariosophist Sect
- Why is religion exempt from criticism?
- The origins of Santa Claus
- The Viking God Odin – A queer God of War
- Looks like Revilo P. Oliver was on the level of VNN Forum...
- Happy Chanukah
- Recognizing Christian Identity.
- National Socialism and Wotanism
- Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
- The Tree of Knowledge
- The Second Vatican Council: Why Pope John XXIII Would Weep
- War On Christmas Is A War On The West
- Racism still a problem among Catholics
- Why Christianity and Buddhism are the same Sickness
- Christmas isn't very merry for Iraqi Christians
- Putting their faith in Islam
- @ Petr
- Godless Conservatism By ROGER SCRUTON
- Our Destiny
- Cosmotheism and William Pierce
- White People's Religion
- What Does Your Birth Chart Say About You
- Jesus was Nordish!
- Lawsuits Bankrupting the Catholic Church
- The Ghost Dance Religion
- What is...Rapturism?
- Catholicism's campaigns against racism
- Roman Catholicism: An Unbiblical Religion
- "Vows" of Celibacy
- South Asia Tsunami a warning from Allah to return to Islam
- Catholic school angers some by admitting gay couple's sons
- Pope sees hope in victim relief
- Romanticism of Islam, Arabia, and The Arcadian Myth
- The Judeo-Masonic Matrix
- Question for the American Christian patriots.
- How scientific were the pagans?
- France and the revival of traditional Catholicism
- Patriarch of Terror; Catholic patriach praises Jihad against Israel
- Virtual Religion Index
- Jesus Seminar
- Radical Traditionalism: An Overview Of The Aryan Faith
- Burden of Proof
- Charles Lindgergh - Science and Religion
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