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11-20-2004, 07:37 AM
The BIBLE:Handbook for Survivalists, Racists, Tax Protesters,
Militants and Right-Wing Extremists.

By Pastor Pete Peters

"I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the Gospel of Christ."
Galatians 1:6,7.

The preceding scripture reveals the tendency for people to abandon the true
gospel and the tendency of others to actually DISTORT the true gospel of Christ. America's problems are a direct result of such reckless abandonment and treacherous deliberate distortion. The Bible clearly teaches righteousness
EXALTS a nation (Prov. 13:34), truth shall set FREE (John 8:32), LIBERTY is
found where the spirit of the Lord exists (II Cor. 3:14), and a people can be
destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). America was once exalted above all nations and revered worldwide, but now she is sinking to the gutter level of a bankrupt beggar. Her citizenry was once independent, hardy and free, but now dependent, insecure and entangled with
enslaving debt, choking regulations, required permits and crippling taxes. A
people who once feared and trusted their God and thus experienced exhilarating liberty are now required to get a number for their security, believe that the right to travel is a government granted privilege, allow their children to be wards of the state, etc. True destruction through plague, war and economics is now a real possibility for a nation formed by a once "blessed" race.WHY? Because a different gospel is being preached and followed in America! A DISTORTED gospel which produces an easily enslaved and readily controlled people. Karl Marx, whose vision and goal was a world enslaved by government control, called by some Communism and others Socialism, said religion was the opiate of the people. He knew, as do the one worlders today, that to enslave and control a people one must first change their religion. That change has taken place in America, producing a dull, splintered, passive, submitting Christianity that is diametrically opposed to the Christianity of the 1700's that was responsible for the independent free republic called the United States of America.


To support such a statement one only needs to study accurate history. The following quotes are taken from three different history books and all reveal a different clergy than today

(I) From The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution by J.T. Headly, page 7--

"Much is said of the intelligence, virtue, and submission to law which
characterized our Revolution, while those who refer to it with so much pride
forget or at least fail to recognize the fact that the rebellion in New
England rested on the pulpits -received its strongest impulse, indeed moral
character from it. "

Page 15--

"The British were aware of the tremendous influence the clergy wielded in the colonies, and saw with alarm that it was thrown on the side of rebellion.
Indeed they were accused of being at the bottom of it.''

(2) From The Christian History of the American Revolution by Verna M. Hall,
page 193--

"The clergy of the Revolution. . . They gave the sanction of religion--the
highest sanction that can fill the human breast-- to the cause of freedom, the holiest cause that can prompt human effort. They nurtured the idea in the people that God was on their side; and that power, however great would be arrayed in vain against them. No wonder that, in the day of Lexington, there were men who went to the field of slaughter with the same solemn sense of duty with which they entered the house of worship.''

(3) From The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, page257--

"Interestingly, in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, most
of New England's ministers were solidly behind the discreet resistance of the
colonies. For they firmly believed that acceptance of the Church of England's
official doctrine of passive submission to monarchy would be nothing less than a repudiation of all that God had been building in America, ever since He had called them to His new Canaan.'

'Page 258--
"Their resistance, however, did not go unnoticed. Nearly a century before the
Revolution, Charles II's advisors warned him that 'the ministers were
preaching freedom ' and urged him either to regulate them or to replace them
with Episcopal priests. " (Note that the king understood the need to change
the religion in order to control the people. Also remember the government
granting and/or removing of tax exempt status is a form of regulating.)

Page 291--
"Nor were the exhortations of their ministers confined to words. These men did not hesitate to put their own lives on the line. "

Page 292--
"So numerous, in fact, were the fighting pastors that the Tories referred to
them as 'the black regiment, ' and blamed them for much of the resurging zeal of the colonial troops.''

Today's modern, state approved, tax exempt Christianity is quite different
than the 1776 model. It has been made more refined and holy and is epitomized by such buzz words and phrases as: charity, forgiveness, meekness, gentleness, love they neighbor, turn the other cheek, render unto Caesar, submit to authority, save souls, God is no respecter of persons, etc. Such words and phrases are in the scriptures, but the scriptures are distorted, twisted, improperly taught and misunderstood by most pulpits today. The result has been a refined, palatable, goody goody religion that fits well within the plans of the one world Neo-Communist conspirators, is tenderly embraced by an effeminate world, and is socially accepted by a Christless, Lawless, Humanistic society. There are some-other buzz words and terms used by the anti- Christ forces, who unfortunately control our media and often negatively influence our government with their money, to describe a socially unacceptable people. A people not embraced by the effeminate nor condoned by the one worlders. These people are
painted as a threat to the country's welfare and even monitored by the A.D.L. and sometimes by unrestrained governmental bureaucratic agencies. These people are unacceptable to the Communists, Socialists and lawless and are often labeled FRINGE GROUPS or even HATE GROUPS. The words and terms used to describe them are: SURVIVALISTS, RACISTS, TAX PROTESTERS, MILITANTS, and RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS.
But the gospel truth of the matter is these are the very type of people God
has honored in the Bible (perhaps there is a reason Communists hate the
Bible). In fact, the Bible is about such people, heralding them as heroes and
even role models for our children. There will be deceived,, modern, pious
Christians who will indignantly say--"My God doesn't honor and condone such
people!" Truthfully, their God probably doesn't; for they are following a
different God than the God of the Bible, failing to heed the words of

Deuteronomy 11:16--

"Beware lest your hearts be deceived and you turn away and serve other Godsand worship them."

We shall consider the fringe group, extremist people of the Bible, but first
let's again remember that the God of the Christian Bible does not change. He
is the same today as yesterday and forever (Hebrews 1:12; 13:8) and he has
decreed that sin is sin only if there has been a transgression of His law (I
John 3:4). As we consider the people of the Bible, let's also acknowledge the
truth of Romans 15:4--

"For whatever was written in earlier times was written
for our instruction... " The meaning of this verse is self- evident and useful
as we consider some of the Bible's heroes.

God told Noah to build an ark. He and all on board the ark were the only ones
who escaped the flood alive. GENESIS 6:7
ONE OF THE FIRST HEROES OF THE BIBLE WAS A SURVIVALIST. His name was Noah. He is found in the sixth chapter of Genesis, busy making survival preparations including food, water and a getaway boat. He was in the purest sense of the word a Survivalist. God told Noah to build an ark. He and all on board the ark were the only ones who escaped the flood alive. GENESIS 6:7 The definition of survival is--

"the action of living longer than another person or beyond something, the
continuation of life or existence in the presence of or despite difficult

Noah wanted to live longer than the rest and was willing to exist under
difficult conditions. He could see and understand an impending calamity and
did not say, "Oh I just wouldn't want to live if such a thing happened." He
didn't foolishly say, "Well I'm paid up and prayed up and ready to go so I'll
just sit and wait for a rapture or death." Noah's actions were within the will
of God. Being a Survivalist then was not sin nor is it now, for God does not
change nor is it a transgression of His law.

Remember the only person who does not want you to survive is YOUR ENEMY.

It is a sick, distorted religion and society that would condemn or hold in low
esteem a Survivalist. I defy anyone to refute this one simple fact-- one of
the first heroes in the Bible, Noah, was a Survivalist and he found favor in
the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8).

A RACIST... With a javelin Phinehas killed an Israelite man and a Midianite
woman who had committed whoredom. This stopped the plague. NUMBERS 25:7,8 A BIGOT AND A RACIST IS ANOTHER GREAT HERO OF THE BIBLE or at least he would be so labeled by modern standards. His name was Phinehas, a man who understood God's law on interracial marriage and integration. Notice that law from

Deuteronomy 7:1-3--

"When the Lord your Cod shall bring you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and shall clear away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, and when the Lord your Cod shall deliver them before you and you shall defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no favor to them. Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. "

Perhaps there was an organization in Phinehas' day known as the N.A.A.C.P.
(National Association for the Advancement of Canaanite People) who took
exception with this teaching of segregation. Perhaps there were pulpits
proclaiming a more tolerant and socially accepted view and government agencies crusading for "affirmative action." We really do not know; but we do know from the Bible story in Numbers chapter 25 that the Israel people began to disobey God's law, accept integration, cultural exchange and a type of interracial marriage, and thus were struck collectively by a plague Phinehas was the man who courageously fought against the racial treason even to the point of bloodshed, and he too was honored by God (Numbers 25:6-13). Today, churches would condemn such a Phinehas and accuse him of the sin of racism. But has God changed? Has God's law changed? The definition of racism in Webster's 7th Collegiate Dictionary is--

"a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

In light of such a definition and in light of God's law, how could churches
call racism a sin? Racism is a sin in the HUMANIST religion, not in the true
Christian faith based upon the Bible.

There was a time in America when interracial marriage was against the law and integration was not only socially but religiously unacceptable. In those days, America had no racial problems nor a killing plague such as AIDS. The white Nordic race who settled within her borders knew they were Israel and that the law of their God forbid certain racial interactions. They also knew that because their God loved the world and other races--this did not give them the license to distort His word to comply with the Humanist religion on racial issues. When those people wrote in the preamble of the constitution--"WE THE PEOPLE..." they meant one people. (This fact has been researched and substantiated by scholarly patriotic men of late).

Gideon Threshed wheat by the winepress to hide it from the Midianites JUDGES6:11 A TAX PROTESTER IS ALSO HONORED IN THE BIBLE. His name is Gideon and he is listed as a faith hero in the New Testament book of Hebrews (chapter 11). His story is in Judges chapter 6. Note part of the story in the following Bible quotes found in Judges chapter 6:1-6--

"Then the sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and the
Lord gave them into the hands of Midian seven years-- For it was when Israel had sown, that the Midianites would come up with the Amalekites and the sons of the east and go against them. So they would camp against them and destroy the produce of the earth as far as Gaza, and leave no sustenance in Israel as well as no sheep, ox or donkey. For they would come up with their livestock and their tents, they would come in like locusts for number, both they and their camels were innumerable; and they came into the land to devastate it. So Israel was brought very low because of Midian. .. "vs. 3-6.

"Then the angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak that was in Ophrah,
which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite as his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press in order to save it from the Midianites. " vs. 11.
This story has a strong parallel to America today. An America invaded by
hoards of illegal aliens and sons of the East that bleed a welfare system
whose blood bank is the hearts of millions of laboring, overtaxed Americans.
Notice in the story that Gideon was hiding his wheat to keep it out of the
hands of the Midianites (who perhaps came around every April 15th). Gideon was a tax protester who would today be condemned by Christian pulpits where Romans 13, I Peter 2:13 & 14 and Titus 3:1 is distorted, yet he is placed in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as a hero.
Such was not the case from the Christian pulpits in 1776. The following quotes of a 1776 sermon were taken from The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution, page 10, to illustrate this point: It was for this purpose Samuel West, of Dartmouth, in the election sermon of 1776, took for his text the first verse of the 3rd chapter of Titus,

"Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey
magistrates, to be ready to every good work." Having thus cleared everything from his path, as he advanced in his argument, he closed it by boldly declaring that "any people, when cruelly oppressed, had a right to throw off the yoke, and be free. " He proved this from the history
of the Israelites, quoting the commands of Cod to break the bonds of
oppression, and showed that no people ever had a clearer right to rebel from
this cause than ourselves. "Does not every one know that the King and Parliament have assumed to tax us without our consent?"

"Reason and equity require that no one be obliged to pay the tax that he had
never consented to.''

''But, if they have the right to take our property from us without our
consent, we must be wholly at their mercy for food and raiment, and we know, by sad experience, that their tender mercies are cruel."
'It is an indispensable duty, my brethren, which we owe to Cod and our
country, to rouse up and bestir ourselves; and being animated with a noble
zeal for the sacred cause of liberty, to defend our lives and fortunes to the
shedding of the last drop of blood."

"We must turn our plow-shares into swords, and our pruning- hooks into spears, and learn the art of self-defense against our enemies. To be careless and remiss, or to neglect the cause of our country through the base motives of avarice or self-interest, will expose us, not only to the resentments of our fellow-creatures, but to the displeasure of Cod Almighty. For to such base wretches, in such a time as this, we may apply, with the utmost propriety, the passage in Jer. xlviii. 10: 'Cursed he be that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood. "'

Samson overcame the enemy by slaying a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. JUDGES 15:15
MILITANTS ADEPT IN THE ART OF SELF DEFENSE AND WARFARE ARE HERALDED, EXTOLLED AND HONORED ALL THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE. To support this statement, one can choose as an example nearly any Bible hero, as its hard to find one who wasn't proficient in this area. In Hebrews chapter 11 where Godly men of faith are extolled, we read in verse 32--
"And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak,
Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets"

The Bible stories concerning these men reveal they were all warriors at one
time or another when forced to be. In fact, verse 34 states these men--
"became mighty in war. " What Bible believer can deny this?
Samson is just one example, but who can deny he was militant at times and that God blessed his brave and militant feats. Feats that used to be told to Sunday School children throughout America. Certainly no one can deny that
Christianity is not a predominately militant faith. It is just the opposite;
for Jesus Himself taught in principle it was better to turn the other cheek
and to go the second mile. Better to suffer a wrong and endure an insult. That is why our Christian forefathers were willing to even suffer greatly under the rule of a tyrannical King George and fought only as a last resort. (In their case it began on Lexington Green the day the British came to take their guns.) Even in the life of Samson you will find no militant action in his biography until Judges 14:19. It occurred as a result of a conspiracy to defraud him of property. In Judges 15:8, Samson again fights because unGodly authorities murdered his wife and father-in-law (Judges 15:6).

Jesus Christ urged his apostles to arm themselves even if they had to sell
their garments to do so. LUKE 22 :36

The Bible does not deprive one of the God given right for self defense any
more than the law of nature deprives a cornered deer or coyote of the same
right. Those laws were created by the God of the Bible and when a she-bear
kills to protect her cubs from a kidnapper, she abides within the plans of her

Today's passive, state-approved Christianity has so distorted the Gospel that
Christian people, in the name of Jesus, have peacefully stood by and watched their crying children removed from their homes. Such was not the Gospel position of 18th century Christianity. The following quotes taken from a sermon preached to the artillery company in Boston, June 7th, 1773 by Simeon Howard proves the point. (The text was taken from Galatians 5:1-- ''Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free.'' ):

Every man is bound both by the law of nature and revelation, to provide in the best manner he can, for the temporal happiness of his family; and he that neglects this, has, according to the declaration of an inspired apostle,
denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. But in what way can a man be
more justly chargeable with this neglect, than by suffering himself to be
deprived of his life, liberty or property, when he might lawfully have
preserved them?

A people who would stand fast in their liberty, should furnish themselves with
weapons proper for their defense, and learn the use of them.
But since it has been supposed by some that Christianity forbids all violent
resisting of evil, or defending ourselves against injuries in such a manner as
will hurt, or endanger those who attack us; it may not be amiss to enquire
briefly, whether defensive war be not allowed by the gospel of Christ, the
Prince of peace.

But it is only defensive war that can be justified in the sight of God. When
no injury is offered us, we have no right to molest others. And Christian
meekness, patience and forbearance, are duties that ought to be practiced both by kingdoms and individuals. Small injuries, that are not likely to be
attended with any very pernicious consequences, are rather to be submitted to, than assisted by the sword.

An innocent people threatened with war are not always obliged to receive the first attack.--This may frequently prove fatal, or occasion an irreparable
damage. When others have sufficiently manifested an injurious or hostile
intention, and persist in it, notwithstanding all the admonition and
remonstrance we can make, we may, in order to avoid the blow they are
meditating against us, begin the assault.
The following quote comes from The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution.--
There, too, was the amiable and learned Payson, of Chelsea. He was so adverse to bloodshed and all the horrors of war that he had felt it his duty to preach patience and even submission. His bolder and more resolute brethren near him took such umbrage at this that they refused to let him preach in theirpulpits. They wanted no conciliatory doctrines taught to their people. The brutal outrage at Lexington transformed this peaceful scholar and meek divine into the fiery, intrepid soldier, and seizing a musket he put himself at the head of a party, and led them forward to the attack. The gentle voice that had so long spoken only words of peace suddenly rung like that of a prophet of old. A body of British soldiers advancing along the road, he poured into them such a destructive volley that the whole were slain or taken prisoners. He was a man of peace and conciliation, but the first citizen's blood that crimsoned the green sward made a clean sweep of all his arguments and objections, and he entered with his whole soul into the struggle."

Why did these Christian men fight and even die in the name of Jesus Christ?

Because they didn't follow a distorted Gospel as exists today. They understood the meaning of Jesus' words in Luke 22:36--

''But now...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one.''

They knew a sword in Jesus' day was equivalent to a flintlock in their day or
an M-16 in our day), thus they knew it was their Christian duty not only to
own one, but be able to use one. Also, they knew who they were as can be
evidenced by the following words of the 1773 proclamation of the town of

"Death is more eligible than slavery. A free-born people are not required by
the religion of Jesus Christ to submit to tyranny, but may make use of such
power as God has given them to recover and support their laws and liberties. . [[we] implore the Ruler above the skies, that He would make bare His arm in
defense of His Church and people, and let ISRAEL GO. "

Notice those Americans knew they (not the Jews) were the Israel people of
scripture; obviously they had not heard today's distorted Gospel. They knew
they had descended from Abraham, who was himself a militant man when he had to be (Genesis 14:14).

Because Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the king's golden Image, they were thrown into the fiery furnace. DANIEL
Lastly, let it be said that RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS ARE FOUND AS HEROES OF THE BIBLE. Their names are Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, found in Daniel chapter 3 defying the highest authority in the land, KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR. The King had decreed that all bow to his creation and threatened dire punishment to those who would dare refuse his decree. All obeyed the new additional government regulation except these three extremists. It was these three God honored.

Today's distorted Christianity would tell them to bow, to submit, to obey, to
be good slaves. These men would be viewed not only as extremists but as
sinners by a humanistic religion often called Judeo Christianity. To a
humanist, man decides right and wrong and is thus God and thus sovereign.
Collectively, men become the state and thus to a humanist the state is
sovereign and to be obeyed as God.

The Christianity of the 1700's knew the Bible taught--

"He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.''[/b]--II Sam.

Even the Anglican Church, who supported King George and stood to gain from the suppression of American resistance, had men of conscience attempt to stop the King from unlimited sovereignty. In 1774, Jonathan Shipley, Bishop of Saint Asaph, spoke these words in the House of Lords:
[i]'We pursue a vain phantom of unlimited sovereignty which was not made for
men, and reject the solid advantages of a moderate, useful and intelligent
authority. '' In Boston, preacher Jonathan Mayhew preached these words in two sermons: ''It is blasphemy to call tyrants and oppressors Cod's ministers... When (magistrates) rob and ruin the public, instead of being guardians of its peace and welfare, they immediately cease to be the ordinance and ministers of God, and no more deserve that glorious character than common pirates and highwaymen. ''
"The king is as much bound by his oath not to infringe the legal rights of the
people, as the people are bound to yield subjection to him. From whence it
follows that as soon as the prince sets himself up above the law, he loses the king in the tyrant. He does, to all intents and purposes, un-king himself by acting out of and beyond that sphere which the constitution allows him to move in, and in such cases he had no more right to be obeyed than any inferior officer who acts beyond his commission. The subject's obligation to allegiance then ceases, and to resist him is no more rebellion than to resist any foreign invader...it is making use of the means, and the only means, which God has put into their power for mutual and self-defense. "

The Light and The Glory, page

Today, in America, new bureaucratic agencies and officers from O.S.H.A.
to dog catchers are continually created and unconstitutional Communistic
regulations require Americans not to bow, but to file, report, register, pay,
submit, remit, buckle up, get a sticker, take a test, touch your nose, etc.
Those Christian people who attempt to regain the inalienable God given right
protected by the constitution are often made to feel unspiritual and
unchristian by pious churches spreading a distorted gospel. Yet God has not
changed and it was He who gave, for our learning, the story of three radicals
standing in the name of their God when all others bowed.

Christians in America need to be aware there are those who would distort the
gospel to their own end, yea who must distort the gospel if that end is
enslavement and one world government. Let it also be acknowledged that said distortions have taken place over such a long period of time that many sincere ministers are preaching a Christian faith as they learned it, little realizing the truths of this writing.

It has been known for decades there is an anti-Christ power and force bent on destroying the Republic of the United States of America and enslaving an
unsuspecting passive populace. During much of this time public attention has
been focused on a potential outside threat while inside true corruption and
destruction has been going on. Liberties have been insidiously eroded by
runaway bureaucracy and private property has been confiscated by taxes and an unlawful debt usury system much more all with the aid and abet of a new type of Christianity.
Those powers are now so strong that it threatens, thru grand juries,
government harassment and media slander, men who would dare write the stark truths contained herein. This tactic is not new, as can be seen from the following quote from The Christian History of the American Revolution--

"The Tories censure, in a very illiberal manner, the preacher who speaks boldly for the liberties of the people, while they lavish their praises on him who dares to teach the absurd doctrine, that magistrates have a divine right to do wrong, and are to be implicitly obeyed.'' Because such threatening powers exist, it needs to be said that it is not the purpose of this writing to
advocate a revolution and overthrow, for that was done in 1776. It is the
purpose of this writing to encourage Christian people to stand for truth and
righteousness and liberty so that the courageous Christian deeds of 1776 will
not have been in vain. It is not the purpose of this writing to promote or
advocate violence, but rather to stir a Christian people to such a stance that
none would dare provoke violence.

This writing is to present the truth of God's word and to expose a false and
evil humanistic, Judeo-Christian, dangerous theology which attempts to malign and destroy Godly SURVIVALISTS, RACISTS, TAX PROTESTERS, MILITANTS and RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS.

"These things I have spoken to you, that you may be kept
from stumbling. They will make you outcasts from the SYNAGOGUE (emphasis
added), but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is
offering service to God. And these things they will do, because they have not
known the father, or me."-- John 16:2.

LINK (http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=199702050220.SAA01630%40mailmasher.com&output=gplain)

With Shrub getting so many Evangelical Zombies to vote for him I have been re-evaluating the role that Christianity could possibly play in the White Racialist movement. Before I have considered Christianity to be a purely Semetic conception alien to the Aryan mind, but perhaps Shrub is onto something and it has some utility that could be adapted to Whites.

Also I have noticed that there is a recent speech by Dr. Kevin MacDonald (apparently he was accepting a reward for the Occidental Quarterly) where he wonders "Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive? " Link: www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/2004b/MacDonaldJewishModel.htm that has also led me to wonder about some of the judeo-Christian and its possible uses.

What is your opinion of this piece, White Man???
