09-21-2004, 02:03 PM
We've all just seen how Petr is softpedaling the introduction of Biblical Law, claiming 'not to be an expert' when asked directly if saying 'goddamit' would bring an automatic death penalty (which, of course, it would).
Now I take a backseat to noone in my estimation of Petr's ignorance. However, I find it hard to believe that he would sign on for a restoration of his people's Law over the whole Gentile world (thus bringing on the Messianic Age, Micah 4:2 "And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the amountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.") while at the same time having no familiarity with it whatsoever. Is he ingnorant enough of this Law for us to say he is lying about it?
Just a few pages ago, Petr declared:
The Mosaic Law - like code of Hammurabi too - is NOT like Talmud: it is not meant to cover all conceivable situations with inflexible solutions, but to give EXAMPLES in whose SPIRIT men are supposed to give righteous judgments themselves, applying Biblical PRINCIPLES.
But anyone who wishes to examine for themselves the work of Rushdoony or the Chalcedon foundation can see that, true to Jewish form, the Law written by God's own is completely totalitarian in design and intent, which is to say, covering every aspect of life, especially interior life (I would take both points as being defining of totalitarianism: that it should tell you both how to wipe your ass and exactly what to think about it).
Petr says: The Mosaic Law is not meant to cover all conceivable situations.
Here's what the Theonomists themselves say:
What is really unique about the Reconstructionists is their rejection of the "pietistic" distinction between "sacred" things and "secular" things. Every area of our lives must be brought under the principles of the Word of God, according to the "Theonomists." They are surely correct (Matthew 6:24; 12:30; I Kings 18:21; Joshua 24:15,19).
Thus Reconstructionists have rightly pointed out that the Bible is indeed a textbook of science, a textbook of politics, economics, education, the vocations, indeed, of every area of life. There is no issue, action, or thought which is not governed by the Word of God.
His foggery regarding Biblical "principles" is easily dismissed - the Bible lacks them. There may be a few broad generalities, such as the idea that YHVH hates non Jews and intends to destroy their 'nations', but even so, the hundreds upon hundreds of neurotic commandments (614, if anyone cares) are elaborated in obsessive compulsive detail. They are indeed inflexibile, and they do indeed relate to every aspect of human life.
How long after the 'instauration' of Biblical Law will Petr have to set up elaborate provisions for avoiding the Law, as do his compatriots, the modern Jew? How soon before he is out on the street, shopping for Shabbos Goys to turn the lights on and off for him on Shabbat? Or to tear the toilet paper, as that constitutes 'work' according to the rabbis whose job it is to interpret this nonsense.
Petr says that no human interpretation is necessary, as the words of his "god" - the Jewish people - are frighteningly clear. Unfortuneately, this is not so. For the prohibition of work on the Sabbath, the Jews were faced with the question: is tearing toilet paper work? The Orthodox rabbis have decided, yes, it is, and accordingly Gentiles must do it.
A direct question for Petr: is tearing off a piece of toilet paper 'work', and therefore prohibited by your beloved Jewish "Law"? Will you have to get a Gentile to tear off each square for you? Or is it not work, therefore leaving you free to clean your own ass?
What says your flexible, principal based "law" on this important issue?
Where stands your "god" on the all important question of ass wiping?
Remember, we must bring "every area of our lives . . . under the principles of the Word of God". In deciding each case by case question, "Christians" like Peter will eventually have a compilation of case law as decided by Pastors (people like himself, Tex, and Okie), "Christianity's" very own Talmud.
What a spiritual triumph that day will be, when the Christian Talmud first hits bookstores! I look forward to it myself - perhaps Petr could answer the questions posed to Dr. Laura, and we could get a head start on seeing what this astonishing document would look like.
What say you, Petr?
Now I take a backseat to noone in my estimation of Petr's ignorance. However, I find it hard to believe that he would sign on for a restoration of his people's Law over the whole Gentile world (thus bringing on the Messianic Age, Micah 4:2 "And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the amountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.") while at the same time having no familiarity with it whatsoever. Is he ingnorant enough of this Law for us to say he is lying about it?
Just a few pages ago, Petr declared:
The Mosaic Law - like code of Hammurabi too - is NOT like Talmud: it is not meant to cover all conceivable situations with inflexible solutions, but to give EXAMPLES in whose SPIRIT men are supposed to give righteous judgments themselves, applying Biblical PRINCIPLES.
But anyone who wishes to examine for themselves the work of Rushdoony or the Chalcedon foundation can see that, true to Jewish form, the Law written by God's own is completely totalitarian in design and intent, which is to say, covering every aspect of life, especially interior life (I would take both points as being defining of totalitarianism: that it should tell you both how to wipe your ass and exactly what to think about it).
Petr says: The Mosaic Law is not meant to cover all conceivable situations.
Here's what the Theonomists themselves say:
What is really unique about the Reconstructionists is their rejection of the "pietistic" distinction between "sacred" things and "secular" things. Every area of our lives must be brought under the principles of the Word of God, according to the "Theonomists." They are surely correct (Matthew 6:24; 12:30; I Kings 18:21; Joshua 24:15,19).
Thus Reconstructionists have rightly pointed out that the Bible is indeed a textbook of science, a textbook of politics, economics, education, the vocations, indeed, of every area of life. There is no issue, action, or thought which is not governed by the Word of God.
His foggery regarding Biblical "principles" is easily dismissed - the Bible lacks them. There may be a few broad generalities, such as the idea that YHVH hates non Jews and intends to destroy their 'nations', but even so, the hundreds upon hundreds of neurotic commandments (614, if anyone cares) are elaborated in obsessive compulsive detail. They are indeed inflexibile, and they do indeed relate to every aspect of human life.
How long after the 'instauration' of Biblical Law will Petr have to set up elaborate provisions for avoiding the Law, as do his compatriots, the modern Jew? How soon before he is out on the street, shopping for Shabbos Goys to turn the lights on and off for him on Shabbat? Or to tear the toilet paper, as that constitutes 'work' according to the rabbis whose job it is to interpret this nonsense.
Petr says that no human interpretation is necessary, as the words of his "god" - the Jewish people - are frighteningly clear. Unfortuneately, this is not so. For the prohibition of work on the Sabbath, the Jews were faced with the question: is tearing toilet paper work? The Orthodox rabbis have decided, yes, it is, and accordingly Gentiles must do it.
A direct question for Petr: is tearing off a piece of toilet paper 'work', and therefore prohibited by your beloved Jewish "Law"? Will you have to get a Gentile to tear off each square for you? Or is it not work, therefore leaving you free to clean your own ass?
What says your flexible, principal based "law" on this important issue?
Where stands your "god" on the all important question of ass wiping?
Remember, we must bring "every area of our lives . . . under the principles of the Word of God". In deciding each case by case question, "Christians" like Peter will eventually have a compilation of case law as decided by Pastors (people like himself, Tex, and Okie), "Christianity's" very own Talmud.
What a spiritual triumph that day will be, when the Christian Talmud first hits bookstores! I look forward to it myself - perhaps Petr could answer the questions posed to Dr. Laura, and we could get a head start on seeing what this astonishing document would look like.
What say you, Petr?