View Full Version : South Asia Tsunami a warning from Allah to return to Islam

01-02-2005, 02:16 AM
It's always amusing what Muslim propagandists will say. This idiot is saying that the tsunami last week was Allah's punishment against non-Muslims because they aren't Muslims, and a warning against Muslims to "be better Muslims"! First of all, Allah could not have caused anything because he does not exist. And the real God does not go around indiscriminately slaughtering people.

I guess this just further reinforces what we already know: Islam is a false and hollow religion that resorts to lies, propaganda, and indoctrination (plenty of muslims actually believe this article) to advance itself.

ok, well here is the article/flimsy-muslim-propaganda:


A tsunami early last Sunday morning, triggered by a huge earthquake off the coast of northwestern Sumatra, has devastated the lives of millions of people in the surrounding regions, killing at least 100,000 people. The death toll is expected to rise even further in the next few days as relief and rescue workers comb through the wreckage, access isolated towns and villages and attempt to track down thousands of missing people. The worst affected areas are the east coast of Sri Lanka, southern India, the coastal areas of Thailand and Malaysia and the Muslim province of Aceh (in Indonesia) on the northern tip of Sumatra. Without warning, waves of up to 10 metres engulfed whole villages, sank fishing vessels and swept people, many of them young children and the elderly, out to sea.

As Muslims we are obliged to have fear and consciousness of Allaah (swt) and ponder over events that happen around us. The South Asian earthquake turned security into fear, richness into poverty, caused joined families to depart, and turned life into death. Without doubt, in it is a lesson for those who take lessons and a reminder for those who remember, so that they may return to their Lord and their Creator.

The Prophet (saws) has informed us that a multitude of earthquakes is a sign of the proximity of the Hour (the day of judgment). He informed us that they would be many at the end of the time. Ahmad relates in a hadeeth (prophetic tradition) narrated by Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (saws) said: "The Hour will not happen until knowledge is taken out, time passes quickly, earthquakes increase in number, tribulations (fitan) appear, and al-Harj increases in number." It was said, "What is al-Harj, O Rasoolullah?" He said, "Al Qatl, al Qatl (Killing)." And in other narrations the appearance of injustice and oppression in society is associated with divine punishments such as earthquakes, locusts and floods.

It is with this in mind that we need to view the effect of the quake on countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Three months after the US was attacked on September the 11th, 2001, the Buddhist Thai Prime Minister Thaksin (on behalf of his people) went to America and offered (at the alter of capitalism) Thailand's help to the Christian Crusaders in the war on terror (Islam). Since that time, Thailand has committed military forces outside Southeast Asia for the first time in more than 50 years in places as far afield as Afghanistan (where it has no business whatsoever) and elsewhere. Thai engineers have helped rebuild Afghanistan's national air field (for the Crusading Americans to airdrop in supplies and reinforcements) and has helped restore much of that country's infrastructure (in order to aide the re-colonization project).

Inside Thailand itself, the Thai government, with the blessing of the US, is pursuing Muslims mercilessly assaulting beating and killing them. Only last month in November, TV pictures of Thai soldiers firing bullets at unarmed protesters in the Islamic Sultanate of Pattani (South of the country) killed 86 Muslims in cold blood. The same criticisms can be leveled at the ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) party in Sri Lanka, which came to power after the April 2, 2004 election. The Sri Lankan government has dropped its limited criticisms of the US invasion of Iraq and, under the guise of supporting the “war on terrorism”, given its full backing to the Christian Crusaders inside the White House. The UPFA is supporting Washington’s military operations in the region, not only in word, but also in deed. The new government is proceeding to strengthen military ties with Washington that will facilitate the growing US presence in the Middle East and Central Asia.

The island of Sri Lanka is strategically located in the Indian Ocean aside important sea routes and offers a convenient supply point for US operations in the Middle East, Central Asia (e.g. Uzbekistan) and potentially South Asia. During a recent visit to the US by the Sri Lankan Foreign minister, US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage hinted at a press conference about the growing importance of Sri Lanka to US strategy. “Sri Lankan assistance to the US is given in all matters ... with regard to the war on terror,” he declared without elaborating. The Sri Lankan government has already begun discussions with the US over an Access and Cross Servicing Agreement to allow US warships and aircraft to use Sri Lankan facilities for refueling and other services.

Likewise, with Indonesia, the worlds largest Muslim nation, the Kufr (non-Islamic) government of the apostate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is actively fighting against Islam at home and abroad, by openly supporting the US foreign policy. Indeed, only last week, at the opening of a two-day meeting of Asia-Pacific religious leaders in central Java, the President called terrorism (Islam) the enemy of all religions (the man-made false religions such as Christianity Judaism and Hinduism as well as the religion of Secularism and Democracy) and urged religious leaders to fight it.

In a region on the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, called Aceh, the Indonesian army has long been fighting the Muslims (mujahideen) who want to liberate themselves from the cloak of Kufr surrounding Indonesia and establish an Islamic sultanate where the Sharee'ah (Islamic laws) prevail. The government has used the 'US war on terror' as cover for an all out offensive on the Muslims in that region, and elsewhere. It was with great sadness that many of those dead in Indonesia came from the province of Aceh, almost 40,000 in total gaining martyrdom Allaah willing. Indeed, for the Muslims, this is nothing but a test from Allaah (swt).

Allaah (swt) has said: "do you think that you will enter Paradise without being tested like those before you. They were touched by wars and great harms" [EMQ 2:214]

This ayah is for those Muslims left behind in Aceh and elsewhere. Allaah has asked you to stay patient during this time, to continue your struggle to bring back Islam (as a complete ideology) to that part of the world, and has promised you on that patience a great victory, Allaah willing.

Along side the fact that these governments are actively fighting Islam and Muslims on a national and international scale, their peoples are also involved in wide scale Shirk (polytheism - associating partners alongside Allaah in either his names, attributes, or functions). The whole South Asian region is characterized by Shirk (polytheism). In Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, the Shirk is in the form of setting up rivals (andaad) besides Allaah (in his Ruboobiyyah, Lordship). We see the many Buddhist statues and idols that the people have created out of their own hands as illustration of this fact e.g. the golden statues of Buddha, Hanuman, Ganesh, Gandhi etc etc. In Indonesia, the Shirk is more subtle, and takes the form of setting up laws and constitutions in parliament based on Kufr. The Shirk of ruling by man-made laws as opposed to the Sharee'ah (is in direct contradiction to the Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah).

No matter what the form of Shirk, one thing is certain, the punishment of Allaah (swt) for this crime.

"And of mankind are some who take (for worship: idols, statues and ideas) others besides Allaah as rivals (to Allaah). They love them (i.e. their idols, their statues, their ideas) as they love Allaah. But those who believe, love Allaah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong (by associating partners with Allaah) could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allaah and that Allaah is Severe in punishment (in this world and in the hereafter)" [EMQ 2:165]

In conclusion then, the earthquake of South Asia is a warning from Allaah (swt), not only to the people of that region, but rather to the whole of humanity, and to the Muslims in particular, that they may return back to their Lord and their Deen. Many of the Muslims today have gathered many sins, some of those sins are so great (kabaa'ir), that it has taken them outside the fold of Islam, while others are on the verge of the Kufr. We see those who delay and neglect prayers, eat haram foods e.g. food that is stunned before being slaughtered, deal with riba (interest), do not fulfill their trusts (covenants), order the evil (munkar) and forbid the good (ma'roof), rule by Kufr laws, uphold and make excuses for the apostate rulers and their governments in the Muslim lands, associate partners with Allaah in his names, attributes and functions, indulge in free mixing, display their awrah, listen to music and songs, smoke and have abandoned the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. All these exist in our society.


(note: the above website is a pro-Muslim anti-Christian anti-Western propaganda site.)

01-02-2005, 02:39 AM
Why should Muslims support the US led war on "terrorism"?

01-02-2005, 02:50 AM
Why should Muslims support the US led war on "terrorism"?If Islam and terrorism didn't go together like horse and carriage, Muslims would have nothing to worry about with regard to the war on terror.

01-02-2005, 03:17 AM
Why should Muslims support the US led war on "terrorism"?
Because if they don't clean up their act we'll have no choice but to carpet bomb the lot of them to their 72 virgins.

John Rocker
01-02-2005, 03:38 AM
Muslims have more to fear than that fake moon god allah, they have to fear Karma, the forces of good and the real God.