View Full Version : Pope sees hope in victim relief

01-04-2005, 06:52 PM
Saturday, January 1, 2005

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope John Paul II celebrated a special Mass early Saturday in his private chapel for the victims of the Indian Ocean tidal waves and later publicly praised the outpouring of aid for the stricken populations as a sign of hope for 2005.

"Once more I express my nearness to the populations struck by the tragic cataclysm of these past days," John Paul said in a New Year's Day greeting from his studio window overlooking St. Peter's Square at noon.

"In assuring my prayer for the victims of the catastrophe and for their families, I note favorably the solidarity efforts which are developing in every part of the world," the pontiff said.

"On this sense of human solidarity, in addition to God's help, is based the hope of better days during the year which begins today," the pontiff said, sitting in a chair in front of the window as thousands of pilgrims, tourists and Romans listened below in the square.

The Vatican gave no details of the private Mass that began at midnight in the pope's chapel in his apartment, but on Friday the Holy See's press office had said the pontiff would "remember the families of the victims and how much they are suffering in these days because of the consequences of the disaster, as well as those who are working to relieve the immense suffering of the stricken populations."

John Paul has made several appeals to encourage international relief efforts for victims of the earthquake-triggered tidal waves that swamped coastlines in Asia and Africa.

Many national governments around the world have pledged millions of dollars in aid, and United Nations, Red Cross and private aid groups have been working to relieve suffering with medical, food and logistical aid. Private citizens have also flooded humanitarian organizations with money and other offerings of assistance.

The Roman Catholic Church dedicates the first day of each year to the theme of global peace.

"World Peace Day constitutes an invitation to Christians and to all men of good will to renew their determined commitment to build peace," John Paul said in his homily in a public service in late-morning in St. Peter's Basilica.

In the face of evil, he said, it is necessary to promote peace through dialogue, justice and teaching about pardon, John Paul said.

"To conquer evil with the arms of love becomes the way in which each one can contribute to the peace of everybody," the pontiff said. "This is the path which Christians and believers of various religions are called to take," John Paul said.

John Paul, 84, suffers from Parkinson's disease, which makes it difficult for him to speak and move. Wearing gold-colored robes, he read the homily slowly but in a clear voice as he sat in a chair in front of the central altar of the basilica.

Although John Paul's holiday schedule is somewhat lighter than it was several years ago, when he still had better health, the pontiff has kept the major traditional appointments eagerly awaited by the faithful, and has held up well during the long public ceremonies.

CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/01/01/italy.pope.ap/index.html)

01-04-2005, 07:01 PM
According to this (http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=3&art_id=26769) article, groups associated with the Vatican have donated $6 million. The Pope sits in a golden throne wearing fine silk robes covered in gold and jewels. He is a multi-multi-billionaire. He lives in a palace surrounded by priceless art and artifacts stolen from various people by the Romans. And he has the audacity to say 'help the poor' and 'give to the church.'

Niccolo and Donkey
01-04-2005, 07:02 PM
According to this (http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=3&art_id=26769) article, groups associated with the Vatican have donated $6 million. The Pope sits in a golden throne wearing fine silk robes covered in gold and jewels. He is a multi-multi-billionaire. He lives in a palace surrounded by priceless art and artifacts stolen from various people by the Romans. And he has the audacity to say 'help the poor' and 'give to the church.'

You should lead the Caliphate and sack Rome in the name of Allah.

01-04-2005, 07:03 PM
The Catholic Church makes Enron look like Mr. Rogers

...I think I get it

01-04-2005, 07:06 PM

A Song by Papal Bull (to a Poguish beat)

Far away in the City of Rome
Lives the Pope on his golden throne,
Making the rules that Catholics live by
And none of them ever asking why.

(Shading to sardonic)
Far away in the City of Rome
Eating with Bishops from plates of gold,
They call him His Holiness, blest of the blest,
And somehow no-one questions this.

Far away in the City of Rome
Under the shell of St. Peter's dome
Collecting the billions the faithful surrender,
Calling it offerings, legitimate plunder.

(Implicating and indicting)
Far away in the City of Rome,
Pervert priests find a new home,
And the Pope rewards Law, the repeat offender,
With a Vatican post, for being their defender.

He's never had sex in the normal way,
So how's he find the nerve to say,
Far away in his City of Rome,
How Catholics must act in their beds in their homes.

He's never borne a baby in his whole damn life,
Never even had a girlfriend or a wife;
But he still makes rules over women's wombs,
And enforces his edicts with the threat of doom.

He's never once drawn an American breath,
But he accepted the medal Bush pinned on his chest
"Defender of Freedom" -- If you believe that,
You'd prob'ly look good in a campaign hat.

He's never once voted in his whole damn life
Except in secret elections with the Italian guys,
So where's he get off with telling us how to vote?
He doesn't live here and his churches are broke.

They've laundered the money for pervert defense,
And circled the wagons just like Jesus said,
They turned the other cheek, oh surely they did,
In the sacristy, with some little kid.

So we should believe him,
That he knows what's best
For planet and people,
Oh give it a rest,
His whole damn religion's a downright shame
And at least with him,
We've got someone to blame.

So dare I say on Judgment Day
The Lord will not know him
And drive him away,
Far away on his Golden Throne;
He can rule in hell, a more fitting home.

So fuck the Pope, dare I say,
I don't speak Italian when I pray
Fuck the Pope in the ordinary way
And then we'll hear what he has to say!

Fuck the Pope, for a month and a day,
Post the clips on the Internet
Then see what he say --
'Bout what it's like to be fucked
in the plain old human way.

Far away in the City of Rome,
An old man lies wheezing in his Vatican home;
Soon he'll be dead, the Ring plucked from his finger,
The Cardinals' new man will be God's dead ringer,
And the lie will continue
In the minds of believers
Who receive only lies
From the lips of deceivers.

So Fuck the Pope and his whole fucking tribe
They're no more God's messengers
than Bonnie and Clyde;
They've nothing to tell us -- they're rotten inside
So Fuck the Pope, And Let's Go For a Ride.

Fuck the Pope
We're goin for a ride
Fuck the Pope
And his whole fucking tribe
Fuck the Pope
It pleases me to say
Fuck the Pope
For a month and a day!

_____ (http://www.american-buddha.com/far.away.htm)

01-04-2005, 07:09 PM
You should lead the Caliphate and sack Rome in the name of Allah.

I'd have to be like an Islamic version of Mulan and dress like a dude. :p