View Full Version : The Vatican's Big Secret

07-23-2004, 06:05 AM
The Vatican's big secret


In August last year, a German-based chaplain with close ties to the Vatican found and leaked a 42-year-old papal instruction to US lawyers who say it is explosive evidence of a Vatican "ratline" to shield accused child abusers.

Called Crimine Solicitaciones, marked confidential and bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII, its English title reads: "On the manner of proceeding in cases of the crime of solicitation."

Sent to every bishop in the world in 1962, it outlines procedures for dealing with sexual abuse in the church - specifically the crime of using the privacy of the confessional for acts of sex abuse or to solicit sexual favours.

What it commands is the utmost secrecy among those involved, on pain of excommunication, and, lawyers argue, promotes a culture of keeping abuse problems in-house. Alarmingly, the 69-page instruction spells out procedures for shifting accused clerics to new postings.

07-23-2004, 08:06 PM
when will these idiots realise that christianity is bull**** and no one should trust their children with these sex-starved old perverts.

07-26-2004, 10:50 AM
, marked confidential and bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII, its English title reads: "On the manner of proceeding in cases of the crime of solicitation."

That comes as no suprise.
Pope John XXIII was the guy who initiated Vatican II, which destroyed the Catholic liturgy, illegally replaced the Tridentine Mass with the Novus Ordo Missae (New Order of the Mass) which has little Catholicism in it, overturned 2000 years of doctrine with positions formally condemned as heresy only several decades before hand, allowed Freemasons into the highest levels of the Church hierarchy and basically scandalised the Church in a way his successors have merely continued.

While the Church is full of these Anti-Catholic people (and from what I've heard from first-hand reports of what takes place in the seminaries then it will be for the forseeable future) then we can only expect these scandals to occur regularly, further discrediting the Church (which is after all the entire point)

Tamoril 3.0
07-27-2004, 01:14 AM
when will these idiots realise that christianity is bull**** and no one should trust their children with these sex-starved old perverts.

I dislike the catholic church also Finality, but you cannot judge all Christians by their actions, nor even all catholics, only the people involved. I know many Pastors who I would trust with my life and the lives of my family.

08-14-2004, 04:20 PM
I will be honest and lay my cards on the table. I despise Christians. I would like to see them exterminated, expunged in the most cruelest way. Christians are untermensch and deserve what they get.

Yes there are good Christians, however it is more of an oxymoron combining good and Christian together. I was raised Roman, but I couldn't get it or Christianity and dropped it as soon as I could. Any religion that denies the normal sexual urges of humans will naturally attract the deviate or the mentally unstable. It is no wonder that Romanism has more depravity than the other Christian cults.

08-14-2004, 09:51 PM
- "I will be honest and lay my cards on the table. I despise Christians. I would like to see them exterminated, expunged in the most cruelest way. Christians are untermensch and deserve what they get."


I appreciate your honesty, Graeme.

Can you give us some info on how you intend to realize this ambitious program, or will it remain on the level of some loser in the bar corner grumbling to himself on how he's "going to kick everyone's ass"?


08-15-2004, 01:36 PM
Petr boy I don't frequent bars and hardly drink. By the sound of your words, it is you that is the loser. It isn't me who has to get rid of Christians. Christians have been doing a good job of it for years and now that most Christians are going to be non caucasoids that job will be even easier. Anyway, those Muslims will be snapping at your heels from now on, out breeding and out fighting you. Me, I probably be providing the means to achieve their ends. Nothing personal, business is business.

08-15-2004, 03:44 PM
Nothing wrong with most Christians, im all for wiping catholic clergy( and the liberal prot denominations I suspect they are behind corrupting) off the face of the earth though.