View Full Version : Are Catholics Christian?
08-30-2004, 03:33 AM
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The following is from an anti-Muslim website:
I believe that the Qur'an is a bunch of garbage. I believe that the Holy Bible is God's Holy Word, preserved for all generations. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God Who came in the flesh. I believe that the God of the Muslims (Allah, as they call him) is a complete fraud. Allah is in reality the moon god.
The Qur'an is a jumbled mess of incoherent mumble. There is no prophecy in the Qur'an. It is just a biased book of hate against Jews and Christians. Further, the Muslims lump Catholics and Protestants all into one category of Christians. Let me say emphatically that I am NOT a Catholic, and that Catholicism is NOT Christian! ... I don't bow to Mary. I don't confess my sins to sinful men (priests). I don't abstain from beef on Fridays. I don't pray to the dead. I don't display a decrepit image of Jesus on a cross. I don't believe in holy water. I don't believe one needs to be baptized to enter heaven. I don't believe that holy Eucharist is necessary for salvation. I don't believe in the seven sacraments. I don't believe the Pope is anything special, he's a dirty-rotten scum-bag sinner like anyone else. I don't believe in the rosary. CATHOLICS ARE NOT CHRISTIAN!
To be a genuine Christian, you need Jesus Christ...not religion. Salvation is not found in a religion, good works, baptism, holy communion, church membership, or anything else...Salvation is ONLY found in a person--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Romans 10:13 declares that anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ for salvation WILL be saved. Not maybe; Shall be!
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08-30-2004, 03:37 AM
I really don't care about their religious beliefs, but the hierarchy and secret orders of the catholic church are despicable people... who along with being a bunch of child molesting hypocrites support every anti american cause and movement that there is( for once they are supporting a Republican in the Presidential election because hes promised to throw open the door to the Pope's precious ignorant hordes of mestizoes). Its not spontaneous action they have marching orders from their masters in Rome.
If I were king I would pull a Henry VIII and force the whole American catholic church to transfer alliegance to my Pope, forbid any contact outside the diplomatic level between Americans and the Vatican, and boil every member of Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus alive in an inverse auto-de-faye...
Niccolo and Donkey
08-30-2004, 03:41 AM
Yes, yes, yes, Keikel.
But Jews are wonderful American patriots.
08-30-2004, 03:46 AM
really don't care about their religious beliefs, but the hierarchy and secret orders of the catholic church are despicable people... who along with being a bunch of child molesting hypocrites support every anti american cause and movement that there is( for once they are supporting a Republican in the Presidential election because hes promised to throw open the door to the Pope's precious ignorant hordes of mestizoes). Its not spontaneous action they have marching orders from their masters in Rome.
Then your attitude is best represented by panels 3 & 4.
Catholics are also very "cliquish", and they often come off as "blind lemmings", for lack of a better term.
08-30-2004, 03:47 AM
Why are you trolling to start **** here TC( the funny thing is Ive been liking you on LF lately)?
Jews aren't the subject.
If jews are bad it would not make the Catholic Church a conservative pro western civilization in most of the Western World. Pissant countries full of gypsies and sheep stealers like Croatia may be an exception.
08-30-2004, 03:51 AM
If I were king I would pull a Henry VIII and force the whole American catholic church to transfer alliegance to my Pope, forbid any contact outside the diplomatic level between Americans and the Vatican, and boil every member of Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus alive in an inverse auto-de-faye...
Minus the boilings, this would make a great premise for a novel.
Ever read Hadrian VII?
08-30-2004, 03:51 AM
Then your attitude is best represented by panels 3 & 4.
Catholics are also very "cliquish", and they often come off as "blind lemmings", for lack of a better term.Your average catholic( in a given geographical area) is no diffrent then your average prot... its the minority who control the resources of the organization who cause the problems.
JFK for example was one of the few non treasonous( no matter what dumb **** the Bay of Pigs was) democratic presidents despite being Catholic... and unlike Kerry his unit stood by his war record...
Now the rest of his family however...
Edit: Let me amend this, "ethnic" catholics tend to have more of a clannish mentality...
08-30-2004, 03:53 AM
Minus the boilings, this would make a great premise for a novel.
Ever read Hadrian VII?
No. Whats it about.
Niccolo and Donkey
08-30-2004, 03:56 AM
Why are you trolling to start **** here TC( the funny thing is Ive been liking you on LF lately)?
Jews aren't the subject.
If jews are bad it would not make the Catholic Church a conservative pro western civilization in most of the Western World. Pissant countries full of gypsies and sheep stealers like Croatia may be an exception.
Please list the countries where the Church is against western civilization, and stack them up against the countries where they are pro-western civilization.
08-30-2004, 04:00 AM
USA, Canada, England, France( according to Braun no less... he had one of his moments the night before the old Phora tanked). Hell... I would think they would show some sanity on their home ground in Italy but apparently they keep telling Ber and Bossi to show more compassion towards migrants.
Niccolo and Donkey
08-30-2004, 04:02 AM
USA, Canada, England, France( according to Braun no less... he had one of his moments the night before the old Phora tanked). Hell... I would think they would show some sanity on their home ground in Italy but apparently they keep telling Ber and Bossi to show more compassion towards migrants.
So you've listed four of them, and two of them are solely on the argument of immigration.
You of course are wrong on Italy and France, but that's expected.
But let's for the sake of argument give you four countries.....that sure does leave a lot of countries that would be in the pro side.
08-30-2004, 04:07 AM
Ill dig up the article on Italy tommorow if we can keep this from becoming a flame fest.
08-30-2004, 05:22 AM
Minus the boilings, this would make a great premise for a novel.
Ever read Hadrian VII?
No. Whats it about.
It's a very funny novel about the Church.
Spurned by the Catholic Church but refusing to deny his Vocation, George Arthur Rose is a penniless writer in cheap London digs. He is first reconciled with the Church, then, through the vagaries of curial politics, elevated to the papacy as Hadrian VII. From that position he confounds the Vatican bureaucracy, directs European politics, and settles old debts. But then some low-life acquaintances from his former life come to Rome with the intention of blackmailing him...
The protagonist's situation at the beginning of Hadrian the Seventh reflects that of Frederick Rolfe ('Baron Corvo') himself -- he was a Catholic convert who failed to gain admission to the priesthood -- and much of the novel is clearly wish-fulfillment. It gives Rolfe a chance to indulge himself with diatribes on politics, national character and religion, and to settle scores with institutions and individuals, in an eccentric mix of reactionary authoritarianism, fawning on royalty, and English nationalism. And Hadrian's defense of his life as George Arthur is surely Rolfe's defense of his own.
This may sound like a terrible recipe for a novel, but the result has a curious charm. There's not much action in Hadrian the Seventh, but it rarely drags. And Rolfe is a brilliant sculptor of words, with a style that is all his own. The result may be an Edwardian curiosity, but it's one that's worth checking out.
08-30-2004, 05:23 AM
I believe that the God of the Muslims (Allah, as they call him) is a complete fraud. Allah is in reality the moon god.
I know the Moon god. You, Allah, are no moon god.
Why are you trolling to start **** here TC( the funny thing is Ive been liking you on LF lately)?
Wouldnt wont to troll on a substantive thread like this.
08-30-2004, 06:32 AM
If you really want to read a funny satire on the Catholic Church... read Terry Pratchett's "Small Gods"...
08-30-2004, 06:57 AM
I know the Moon god. You, Allah, are no moon god.
For sure. He's the patron of Mars which is how Cairo came to be named after the Red Planet.
*** *** ***
Meanwhile on the subject of the religion of my fodders:
Catholicism stands in odd reproof to the theory of upward progress; we are the religion who hates the fact that the arrow of time moves only from past to future. ("We" refers to my Catholic upbringing and not current affiliations since I am an apostate to monotheism generally, not only to the Papist variety.)
Catholics do not (no matter what you may have heard) read the Bible. I had over a decade of Catholic schools and never saw one. Plenty of Church history, lots of Liturgy, zero Bible.
Catholics are very good at trumping Freemasons; between Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta it's possible Catholics are the bigger players in the secret society sweepstakes. A current novel, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, exploits this fact to the hilt.
And Catholic secret societies play both sides of the streets as adroitly as the Elders of Zion ever did. While the CIA and NSA are firmly Knights of Malta turf, Pat Buchanan -- supposed antidote to these globalist enablers -- is a devout KofM also.
Catholic complicity in the New World Order is real. William F. Buckley Jr (Skull & Bones 1950, also CIA) ran interference for 40 years while the capstone was put in place. At no point did Buckley deviate from the corporate Wall Street agenda for a moment. He objected to the political window-dressing, which no longer fools anyone because it no longer needs to.
08-31-2004, 06:26 AM
Here ya go TC italy migrants (
09-11-2004, 08:03 PM
If I were king I would pull a Henry VIII and force the whole American catholic church to transfer alliegance to my Pope, forbid any contact outside the diplomatic level between Americans and the Vatican, and boil every member of Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus alive in an inverse auto-de-faye...
There is no reason for blasphemous chest beating at this point. Watching the statistics South Americans will probably outnumber you anyway. Its a disaster from racial point of view, but from religious point of view its a marvelous triumph in breaking the Western heresy. Being drowned in mestizo hordes is a worse punishment than boiling your freemason ass in oil. :D
Its no wonder that GB is dragging Turkey inside EU, supporting islamization of Catholic Europe (France, South Germany and Western Balkans) seaking to destroy us, but rest assured, we shall ultimately survive - rotten protestants of Britaistan, El Amerikwas and most of the Commonwealth shan't! I'm not certain should I remorse or gloat about it, but listening your hateful Anglo-Protestant slander the second impulse seems more appealing.
Those who think modern Papal ecumenism is too much should try and put themseves in the place of an Anglican Catholic, who finds himself with a head of the church who's now the 'Defender of ALL faiths' :D - instead "Defender of THE Faith" (originally an anti-Catholic title of Henry VIII.)
09-12-2004, 02:20 AM
There is no reason for blasphemous chest beating at this point. Watching the statistics South Americans will probably outnumber you anyway. Its a disaster from racial point of view, but from religious point of view its a marvelous triumph in breaking the Western heresy. Being drowned in mestizo hordes is a worse punishment than boiling your freemason ass in oil.
Thank you for accurately stating the reason why I want the boy buggering hypocrite commisars of your vile mary worshipping superstition boiled alive. They're helping the mestizos jump the border. How can anyone give their religious allegiance to such a despicable sect of homosexual communists. And im not a freemason, not that I have anything against freemasons.
Its no wonder that GB is dragging Turkey inside EU, supporting islamization of Catholic Europe (France, South Germany and Western Balkans) seaking to destroy us, but rest assured, we shall ultimately survive - rotten protestants of Britaistan, El Amerikwas and most of the Commonwealth shan't!
Im against the Islamization of anything.
09-12-2004, 06:29 AM
Sadly I have lost faith the the supernatural afterlife but I have not an inch of a doubt that I do feel closest to Catholicism as a heavily european adapted version of Christianity since the antiquity rather than the more Jewish oriented Protestant versions. If anything Protestantism began our march downwards in Europe from healthy Jew hunting and Crussades to a market mentality. If anything what we do need is more blind fanatism.
09-12-2004, 05:57 PM
If anything what we do need is more blind fanatism.
Rousseau hit the nail on the head on this question(btw this quote is cited from Chateaubriand's Genius of Christianity):
"Fanaticism, though sanguinary and cruel, is nevertheless a great and powerful passion, which exalts the heart of man, which inspires him with a contempt of death, which gives him prodigious energy, and which only requires to be judiciously directed in order to produce the most sublime virtues. On the other hand, irreligion, and a reasoning and philosophic spirit in general, strengthens the attachment to life, debases the soul and renders it effeminate, concentrates all the passions in the meanness of private interest, in the abject motive of self, and thus silently saps the real foundations of all society; for so triflinf are the points in which private interests are united, that they will never counterbalance those which they oppose one another."
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