Dr. Brandt
09-05-2004, 07:54 AM
Thank you for sharing HW's remarks. Unfortunately, I do not have time at the moment to argue all his answers, one by one. Later on, perhaps.
I do not know about your ancestry, but I cannot allow you to make an "Israelite" out of me. My own ancestors were uncircumcised Aryans living in Europe during the period when the Israelites were so-called slaves in Egypt, wandering around in the desert, turning on the Aryan Philistines who early on had befriended them, and pretty much carrying on the same way they do today, 3,000 years later, in occupied Palestine and elsewhere in the world.
If you know anything about linguistics, you know that the language of the earliest Aryans was, for the most part, Proto-Indo-European. It was NEVER Hebrew, nor any other Semitic language, and it was not spoken in the Middle East. This is the language my earliest ancestors spoke.
Later—during the Old Testament times of the Israelites—this language-cultural family branched off into Germanic, Keltic, Italic, Helenic, Balto-Slavic, and Indo-Iranian groups, etc. During the time of Abraham my ancestors were living in Europe and speaking a Northern European form of Late PIE. During the time of King David they were speaking, not Hebrew, but Proto-Germanic and Proto-Keltic. They were nowhere near the Middle East.
Besides the linguistic evidence, one could cite that of archeology, genetics (DNA), prehistory and objective history—all demonstrating unmistakably that our true racial identity is to be found, not in the Middle East, but in Europe!
The simple fact is that Aryans are not Semites. There is no reason—apart from a secret desire to identify with "the people of the Book"—for us to want to be anything else.
Best wishes,
Don Jay
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com ;
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: Jesus NO Jew/Israelite vs. Jew || Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
CONRAD>>>A good response to a confused, and misguided, Don...
despite his remonstances, he is an Israelite...JRN
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 5:54 AM
Subject: Jesus NO Jew/Israelite vs. Jew || Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
Kindred greetings, Don Jay (New Order)...
First... To partially answer your 3 questions below:
Q(1) What do the Jews call the god they worship?
A: Jews do not usually refer to God as either God or Yahweh, as previous replies from informed Folk have mentioned. They prefer to use other words for their "most high," like, "Adonai" or "HaShem" ('the name') unless in mixed company; i.e., where Christians or others would hear them. In writing, they refer to God as G-d. Christians are told that the reason for this is to show respect; and/or to keep from uttering God's name in vain, etc.. Try that out on your boss or wife some time (mis-pronouncing their commonly-used name)
and see how "respectful" they thinks it is.
Further, their highest book is NOT the Bible, but a book known as TALMUD; spawned long before the New Testament era by the Priests of Babylon (Pharisees) -- of paganism, and Kabbalistic mysticism. Contrary to one comment, however, Talmud is far more than mere commentary (Gemara) on the Torah (Panteteuch) and O.T.. By their own admission, Talmud DEFINES, thus, to the Jew, has higher authority and significance.
Q(2) Do you, as an Aryan, feel comfortable
worshipping this same Semitic god?
A: Their "god" is NOT the same as the God of the Bible; i.e., the God of Adam and his descendants through Noah, Shem, Eber, the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, his sons and their descendants (true Israelites). Ipso facto, the Christian God of the Bible is NOT the "Jewish god."
IF the Jews had the same God, Jesus would NOT have told them, among many examples in John 8: "...You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also." "Where I am going you can not come."; "He said to them, "You are from below, I am from above;" My Father is not your father." "You are not my sheep." "IF Abraham were your father (ancestor in the sense of being unadulterated*), you would do as he did..."
The word, "IF," is often a conditional word; i.e., what follows must be analyzed for the conclusion. Example: IF you are the child of two white people, you must be white. If someone who is NOT white claims to be white, then the observation would be: "IF your parents were white, you would be white." The conclusion is that the claimant is lying.
In the case of Jesus speaking with the Jews, He uses the conditional word, "IF" to once again prove His point: that IF they were who they said, then they would NOT be against Him.
The conclusion is clear: SINCE the Jew has deviously attempted to usurp the scriptures - and pretend that they are theirs - knowledgable Christians are NOT "sharing" the same deity as the "Jews." Also see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, keeping in mind that the word, "Jews" is the Greek, Ioudaios, meaning Judaeans. Jesus calls the "Jews" blasphemous impostors for trying to pass themselves off as Israelites. IN John 8:33, the Pharisees ADMIT they are not Israelites by their comment: "We are the descendants of Abraham, and have never been slaves to anyone."IF they were Israelites, they certainly WOULD have been slaves (remember the REAL Israelites were in Assyrian captivity; the REAL Israelites were slaves in Egypt for 300 years; the REAL Israelites
were slaves in Babylon).
Q(3) How did Christ reportedly describe this god
(John 8:44)?
A: It is better to begin with John 1:1, or even John 8:1... but go ahead and warp to John 8:39. Realize also that the ONLY times Jesus (who is not a Jew) gets angry is when He is talking with His enemies (the Jews, who want to murder Him). Also realize that almost everyone other than a Roman was (errantly) referred to as a "Jew," though it is obvious that there were "Jews" and non-Jews in Judaea. For example, most of us were led to believe that "the woman at the well" was of some other non-Israelite racial group, but when you read to the END of the passage, it is revealed that she is descended from Jacob -- the guy who made the well -- thus, she is an Israelite and NOT a "Jew."
Kindred are warned to avoid the use of the NIV and Schofield versions of the Bible, which have been terribly corrupted (Judaized). John 8:39~59 in particular should be some of the most revealing text to the beginning student with an open mind.
The writer, "John," (below) is technically, historically and Biblically correct. The great difficulty that many Europeans (non-Jews) experience is ignorance regarding the definitions of many words; among the most important: "Semitic," "Hebrew" and "Israelite." Even the words Aryan, Gentile, Greek, Egyptian and Roman are seldom accurately understood.
In point of fact, NONE of the above words in quotes are singular, plural or possessive descriptive forms of "Jewish." Historically - and admitted numerous times in their own writings - those who are known as "Jews" today are miscegenous Asiatic, Persian, Turkic, Hun in origin.
Although a litany of citations could be given, the facts are best explained in the book, The Thirteenth Tribe, by their own (Jew) Arthur Koestler. Certain Jews must have been enraged after the publication of the book. Koestler and his wife were found murdered in their apartment. Another source is Online, at a web site developed by an academic (Jew) Kevin Brook. (Search: Khazaria) Therein, you will find further confirmation of Koestler's revealing book; that the modern "Jew" is not a descendant of Adam through Noah, Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his sons. Another citation is The Jewish Almanac (1980), wherein it is admitted again that the Jews' claim to the name, "Israelite" is without merit. "John" wrote, "Jews are not Israelites and Israelites are not Jews," HOWEVER, anyone can take on the religion of the Jews; i.e., Saul was an Israelite from the Tribe of Benjamin who had taken up the teachings of the Priests of Babylon (Pharisees), yet he was removed from that religion and became the Apostle Paul.
For a few modern examples of Israelites who have taken up the religion of the Priests of Babylon, there are Madonna, Brittney Spears, Rosanne Barr, etc.. Note how the Christian virgin Spears quickly turned into a showy whore-like, sluttish, lesbian-like creature soon after taking up the teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah religion.
I also concur with "John," that the infighting amongst our Folk--between those who have NOT studied and those who HAVE -- is simply divisive and non-productive.
As much as I appreciate Horst Mahler's good works, he would do well to spend a little time getting educated about Real History regarding the origins and history of the true Israelites... and NOT confuse us with our enemies.
Best Kindred regards,
"Horst Wessel" (Conrad)
*In a later passage, Jesus tells them, in part, "although you are from Abraham," which would seem to be a contradiction. HOWEVER, as lineage shows, the Jews are from Abram -- but mixed with the seed of Ishmael (who mixed with blacks to generate the Arabs). THIS is how the Jews originally picked up the Shemitic gene, as explained in Galatians 4:21)
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 16:22:19 -0500 "New Order"
<neworder@execpc.com> writes:
(1) What do the Jews call the god they worship?
(2) Do you, as an Aryan, feel comfortable
worshipping this same Semitic god?
(3) How did Christ reportedly describe this god
(John 8:44)?
As an Aryan, my ancestors came from Europe— NOT the Middle East—and I do not want to be a Jew, a "Hebrew," a Semite" or an "Israelite" of any kind.
Best regards,
Don Jay
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
You err in your theology. By attacking Yahweh, who is Jesus Christ, as Satan, you lose credibility and alienate support from the Christian community.
The religion of the Jews is Talmudism which is diametrically opposed to the Torah and the entire Old Testament, except perhaps the Book of Esther.
Yahweh's ethnic cleansing of the non-White Canaanites and Edomite Jews in the Old Testament was to make way for his White Israelite, soon to become, Christians.
Just because a gang of Russian Khazar Jews invaded the land of Palestine and called it Israel does not make it true Israel. And putting a Mercedes insignia on a KIA does not ipso facto turn the KIA into a Mercedes.
Jews are not Israelites and Israelites are not Jews.
Thank you for sharing HW's remarks. Unfortunately, I do not have time at the moment to argue all his answers, one by one. Later on, perhaps.
I do not know about your ancestry, but I cannot allow you to make an "Israelite" out of me. My own ancestors were uncircumcised Aryans living in Europe during the period when the Israelites were so-called slaves in Egypt, wandering around in the desert, turning on the Aryan Philistines who early on had befriended them, and pretty much carrying on the same way they do today, 3,000 years later, in occupied Palestine and elsewhere in the world.
If you know anything about linguistics, you know that the language of the earliest Aryans was, for the most part, Proto-Indo-European. It was NEVER Hebrew, nor any other Semitic language, and it was not spoken in the Middle East. This is the language my earliest ancestors spoke.
Later—during the Old Testament times of the Israelites—this language-cultural family branched off into Germanic, Keltic, Italic, Helenic, Balto-Slavic, and Indo-Iranian groups, etc. During the time of Abraham my ancestors were living in Europe and speaking a Northern European form of Late PIE. During the time of King David they were speaking, not Hebrew, but Proto-Germanic and Proto-Keltic. They were nowhere near the Middle East.
Besides the linguistic evidence, one could cite that of archeology, genetics (DNA), prehistory and objective history—all demonstrating unmistakably that our true racial identity is to be found, not in the Middle East, but in Europe!
The simple fact is that Aryans are not Semites. There is no reason—apart from a secret desire to identify with "the people of the Book"—for us to want to be anything else.
Best wishes,
Don Jay
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com ;
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: Jesus NO Jew/Israelite vs. Jew || Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
CONRAD>>>A good response to a confused, and misguided, Don...
despite his remonstances, he is an Israelite...JRN
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 5:54 AM
Subject: Jesus NO Jew/Israelite vs. Jew || Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
Kindred greetings, Don Jay (New Order)...
First... To partially answer your 3 questions below:
Q(1) What do the Jews call the god they worship?
A: Jews do not usually refer to God as either God or Yahweh, as previous replies from informed Folk have mentioned. They prefer to use other words for their "most high," like, "Adonai" or "HaShem" ('the name') unless in mixed company; i.e., where Christians or others would hear them. In writing, they refer to God as G-d. Christians are told that the reason for this is to show respect; and/or to keep from uttering God's name in vain, etc.. Try that out on your boss or wife some time (mis-pronouncing their commonly-used name)
and see how "respectful" they thinks it is.
Further, their highest book is NOT the Bible, but a book known as TALMUD; spawned long before the New Testament era by the Priests of Babylon (Pharisees) -- of paganism, and Kabbalistic mysticism. Contrary to one comment, however, Talmud is far more than mere commentary (Gemara) on the Torah (Panteteuch) and O.T.. By their own admission, Talmud DEFINES, thus, to the Jew, has higher authority and significance.
Q(2) Do you, as an Aryan, feel comfortable
worshipping this same Semitic god?
A: Their "god" is NOT the same as the God of the Bible; i.e., the God of Adam and his descendants through Noah, Shem, Eber, the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, his sons and their descendants (true Israelites). Ipso facto, the Christian God of the Bible is NOT the "Jewish god."
IF the Jews had the same God, Jesus would NOT have told them, among many examples in John 8: "...You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also." "Where I am going you can not come."; "He said to them, "You are from below, I am from above;" My Father is not your father." "You are not my sheep." "IF Abraham were your father (ancestor in the sense of being unadulterated*), you would do as he did..."
The word, "IF," is often a conditional word; i.e., what follows must be analyzed for the conclusion. Example: IF you are the child of two white people, you must be white. If someone who is NOT white claims to be white, then the observation would be: "IF your parents were white, you would be white." The conclusion is that the claimant is lying.
In the case of Jesus speaking with the Jews, He uses the conditional word, "IF" to once again prove His point: that IF they were who they said, then they would NOT be against Him.
The conclusion is clear: SINCE the Jew has deviously attempted to usurp the scriptures - and pretend that they are theirs - knowledgable Christians are NOT "sharing" the same deity as the "Jews." Also see Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, keeping in mind that the word, "Jews" is the Greek, Ioudaios, meaning Judaeans. Jesus calls the "Jews" blasphemous impostors for trying to pass themselves off as Israelites. IN John 8:33, the Pharisees ADMIT they are not Israelites by their comment: "We are the descendants of Abraham, and have never been slaves to anyone."IF they were Israelites, they certainly WOULD have been slaves (remember the REAL Israelites were in Assyrian captivity; the REAL Israelites were slaves in Egypt for 300 years; the REAL Israelites
were slaves in Babylon).
Q(3) How did Christ reportedly describe this god
(John 8:44)?
A: It is better to begin with John 1:1, or even John 8:1... but go ahead and warp to John 8:39. Realize also that the ONLY times Jesus (who is not a Jew) gets angry is when He is talking with His enemies (the Jews, who want to murder Him). Also realize that almost everyone other than a Roman was (errantly) referred to as a "Jew," though it is obvious that there were "Jews" and non-Jews in Judaea. For example, most of us were led to believe that "the woman at the well" was of some other non-Israelite racial group, but when you read to the END of the passage, it is revealed that she is descended from Jacob -- the guy who made the well -- thus, she is an Israelite and NOT a "Jew."
Kindred are warned to avoid the use of the NIV and Schofield versions of the Bible, which have been terribly corrupted (Judaized). John 8:39~59 in particular should be some of the most revealing text to the beginning student with an open mind.
The writer, "John," (below) is technically, historically and Biblically correct. The great difficulty that many Europeans (non-Jews) experience is ignorance regarding the definitions of many words; among the most important: "Semitic," "Hebrew" and "Israelite." Even the words Aryan, Gentile, Greek, Egyptian and Roman are seldom accurately understood.
In point of fact, NONE of the above words in quotes are singular, plural or possessive descriptive forms of "Jewish." Historically - and admitted numerous times in their own writings - those who are known as "Jews" today are miscegenous Asiatic, Persian, Turkic, Hun in origin.
Although a litany of citations could be given, the facts are best explained in the book, The Thirteenth Tribe, by their own (Jew) Arthur Koestler. Certain Jews must have been enraged after the publication of the book. Koestler and his wife were found murdered in their apartment. Another source is Online, at a web site developed by an academic (Jew) Kevin Brook. (Search: Khazaria) Therein, you will find further confirmation of Koestler's revealing book; that the modern "Jew" is not a descendant of Adam through Noah, Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his sons. Another citation is The Jewish Almanac (1980), wherein it is admitted again that the Jews' claim to the name, "Israelite" is without merit. "John" wrote, "Jews are not Israelites and Israelites are not Jews," HOWEVER, anyone can take on the religion of the Jews; i.e., Saul was an Israelite from the Tribe of Benjamin who had taken up the teachings of the Priests of Babylon (Pharisees), yet he was removed from that religion and became the Apostle Paul.
For a few modern examples of Israelites who have taken up the religion of the Priests of Babylon, there are Madonna, Brittney Spears, Rosanne Barr, etc.. Note how the Christian virgin Spears quickly turned into a showy whore-like, sluttish, lesbian-like creature soon after taking up the teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah religion.
I also concur with "John," that the infighting amongst our Folk--between those who have NOT studied and those who HAVE -- is simply divisive and non-productive.
As much as I appreciate Horst Mahler's good works, he would do well to spend a little time getting educated about Real History regarding the origins and history of the true Israelites... and NOT confuse us with our enemies.
Best Kindred regards,
"Horst Wessel" (Conrad)
*In a later passage, Jesus tells them, in part, "although you are from Abraham," which would seem to be a contradiction. HOWEVER, as lineage shows, the Jews are from Abram -- but mixed with the seed of Ishmael (who mixed with blacks to generate the Arabs). THIS is how the Jews originally picked up the Shemitic gene, as explained in Galatians 4:21)
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 16:22:19 -0500 "New Order"
<neworder@execpc.com> writes:
(1) What do the Jews call the god they worship?
(2) Do you, as an Aryan, feel comfortable
worshipping this same Semitic god?
(3) How did Christ reportedly describe this god
(John 8:44)?
As an Aryan, my ancestors came from Europe— NOT the Middle East—and I do not want to be a Jew, a "Hebrew," a Semite" or an "Israelite" of any kind.
Best regards,
Don Jay
----- Original Message -----
To: neworder@execpc.com
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2004 1:06 AM
Subject: Re: HITLER: A Universal Symbol
You err in your theology. By attacking Yahweh, who is Jesus Christ, as Satan, you lose credibility and alienate support from the Christian community.
The religion of the Jews is Talmudism which is diametrically opposed to the Torah and the entire Old Testament, except perhaps the Book of Esther.
Yahweh's ethnic cleansing of the non-White Canaanites and Edomite Jews in the Old Testament was to make way for his White Israelite, soon to become, Christians.
Just because a gang of Russian Khazar Jews invaded the land of Palestine and called it Israel does not make it true Israel. And putting a Mercedes insignia on a KIA does not ipso facto turn the KIA into a Mercedes.
Jews are not Israelites and Israelites are not Jews.