View Full Version : Beastly Psychology of the Old Testament -- Anton Denikin

09-12-2004, 06:39 PM
I am reading Anton Denikin's memoires (he was a Russian Army general in WWI and later one of the leaders of White anti-bolshevik movement). I am reading the original Russian-language version. My search on Amazon produced the following English-language title: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0816606986/qid%3D1095010123/104-8487279-4836700.
The book is written very well and reads like fiction, and I recommend it to people interested in history. One gets a message of a powerful country full of life and energy. What a great contrast to what is Russia now. A clear message to any other white country.

Back to the subject of this thead. He is talking about his religious doubts when he was a teenager. First, from the book it's absolutely clear that this kind of doubts was quite wide-spread among his contemproraries and he makes it sound natural, and here's how he finally resolved it: "A human isn't able to comprehend the laws of being and creation. I reject all the beastly psychology of the Old Testament, but entirely embrace Christianity and [Russian] Orthodoxy". This meshes nicely with what wintermute has been preaching, and is a great contrast to the zhid-worshipping "Jesus was a Jew" crowd.

The zhid G-d is a beast.

09-12-2004, 07:09 PM
Ironic I just read something last night about the Ukrainian nationalist thinker Dmitri Donstov who thought along the same lines.

Personally, I dont have much of a preference for either the Old or New Testaments. Theres much I like and dislike in both cannons. I usually prefer the so-called "Wisdom Books" of the OT, which are Proverbs, Pslams, Book of Songs, etc. In fact the Cossacks had a tradition of memorizing the Pslams by heart.

09-12-2004, 07:16 PM
By the way, I am not sure how good the translation is, because the original Russian title has been mistranslated, perhaps deliberately: the English-version "The Career of a Tsarist Officer" seems neutered and biased when compared to a more literal translation "The Way of a Russian Officer".

Also, Dr. Brandt should like this book, because in the very beginning the author is talking about his father chasing Polish rebels and conspirators in the then Polish Province of the Russian Empire". :D

09-12-2004, 10:23 PM
The Old Testament's standout bit is Deuteronomy. I mean, it's completely nuts. Rules for selling your daughter into sexual slavery, how rape is probably the woman's fault, etc.

Why should we, in the modern world, live our lives by the horrendously backwards social rules of the ancient Hebrews?

As far as I am concerned, religion is only useful for tying groups together. Beyond that, it breeds nothing but superstition and ignorant opposition to science and reason.

09-12-2004, 10:32 PM
I have been reading Jung's writings on the story of Job. If I had proof that Yahweh exists, I would probably be highly suspicious that Lucifer is actually the Good Guy. :222