View Full Version : Reality Time (On Christian Identity)

11-02-2004, 05:42 PM
Reality Time

by Varg Vikernes

Sometimes I receive so-called "White-Power" propaganda from the U.S.A. Most of it appears very sensible and intelligent, and in accordance with our version of history.

However, I do on occasion receive some so-called "White Power" propaganda from the U.S.A. that really puzzles me. In fact, it actually stuns me. From time to time I will read articles by Americans who advocate Christianity, or so-called Christian-Identity. They claim we - the Aryan race - are the "true Israelites" and they claim "Yahweh" as our God. At first I thought it was a bad joke, but then I understood that these people are in fact very serious. They believe that we are the "true Israelites". They claim the hebrew mythology (id est. the bible) is our "holy book" - so to speak.

For anyone with even the most basic historical knowledge this theory, known as "the British-Israel theory", is nothing but a misconception and an outright delusion. The Aryan tribes all have a common origin, known to us as Atlantis. This is not proven historically, but it IS proven that the Aryan race - id est. the so-called Indo-European, Caucasian, or simply the White race - has its origin in Europe and in Caucasia.

The British-Israel theory states that we came from Israel, or at least that we had lived there for some time - including the time around the birth of Jesus. They claim Jesus was an Aryan as well. Then they claim the Aryan race immigrated to Europe and that the Celt settlement in what is Turkey today is "proof" of this.

The problem is that this theory is obviously wrong. The first Celt settlement in Europe was in the southern part of Germany and in Austria. Known to us as the Hallstatt culture. This was in or around the year 700 before our time of reckoning. As if that is not enough, the Celts - or Galls as they seemingly called themselves - have existed in Europe even longer than that. They were called Celts or Galls from the year 700 before our time of reckoning and onwards, but before that they were known as "the Urnfield people". They got their Celt name simply because they moved from being a "bronze-age people" to being an "iron-age people". Another name for the Urnfield people is "proto-Celts", so there is no doubt about this.

As for the Celt settlement in what is Turkey today that has a reasonable explanation as well. The Celts expanded their new culture across large parts of Europe, and into Asia. They spread to northern Italia (Gallia Cisalpina), to the Iberian Peninsula (Galicia), to France (Gallia), to Eire, to the British Isles and to Turkey (Galatia). They also spread to Rome, Delphi in Greece, to Scythia (Ukraina or even further eastwards), and they pushed the Germanic tribes further north as well. All this occurred between the V and III century before our time of reckoning. In other words, the settlements in Galatia (Turkey) came from Europe, and not the other way around.

The Slavonic people spread across parts of Europe from the area in what is today Romania. The history of the Greeks and the Romans is all well known, so I will not discuss that here. Other Aryan tribes spread out from Caucasia into large parts of Asia. They settled in northwestern China, in the Indus valley, in Aria (Iran/Persia), in Sumér (Iraq), in Al-Khem (Egypt), and other places as well. Some tribes landed on the American continent, after Atlantis was covered with ice. Here they created High-Cultures, like the Eurasian tribes did, but like most Asian tribes they went under due to interbreeding and mixing blood with the native population. The Sumer culture was even conquered in its closing days, by Semitic tribes attacking from the west (Syria, Jordan, Israel/Palestine) in year 1890 before our time of reckoning (id est. about 3900 years ago) founding a new civilization on the ruins of the old, the new one known as Mesopotamian culture. Needless to say this proves that the Semitic peoples inhabited the lands of Israel even at that time.

During this time - for those who will point at the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt - Egypt had already lost its Aryan tribe (through interbreeding with the native population). The last Aryans disappeared from Egypt in 2550 before our time of reckoning at the latest. Henceforth all the peoples of the Middle East and Egypt are of non-Aryan origin.

Moving on to the most racially pure of the Aryan tribes- the Teutonic (Germanic) peoples. We have lived in the area around what is known as Denmark and northern Germany for tens of thousands of years. In Norway we have proof of Teutonic settlements aging back to 11000 years before our time of reckoning! The only newcomers to Scandinavia since then were the Sami/Lapp population (from Asia) to the northern parts around the year zero.

We know that our forefather Mannuz came to our lands, with his tribe from across the sea from Atlantis around 40000 years ago. His three sons, Ingvę (also known as Ing, Frųyr, Yngvi etc), Hermin and Istvę founded the first three Teutonic tribes. We have rock carvings from the old Scandinavian stone-age (from about 11000 years before our time of reckoning to 4000 years before our time of reckoning) showing Mannuz and his father Tuisto (also known as Tuiscon), Eržu (also known -as Neržus, later Frīg/Frīja), her husband Tiwaz (also known as Tyr, Ziu, Tiw, Tig, etc) and other Teutonic Gods and Goddesses.

The tribes that derived from the first three are, to give some examples- the Usips, Fris, Batavs, Tungrs, Aravisks, Osers, Treveres, Nervirs, Vangions, Triboks, Nemeters, Ubiers, Mattiakers, Chatters, Tenkters, Brukterers, Chamavers, Angrivariers (Angriv-ARIERS!), Dulguhniers, Cheruskers, Chasuariers (Chasu-ARIERS!), Chaukers, Fosers, Kimbry (Cimry), Teutoners, Germaners , Ambroners, Semnoners, Reudigners, Avioners, Variners, Eudosers, Svardoners, Nuitoners, Hermundurers, Thuringi (giving the name to Thüringen in Germany today), Markomaners, Naristers, Kvaders, Marsigners, Kotiners, Burers, Sarmaterns, Lugiers, Hariers (H-ARIERS!), Helvekoners, Manimiers, Helisiers, Nahanarvalers, Suiones (Svedes), Goths, Langobards, Angles, Rugiers, Lomoviers, Hordas, Halogii, Ranii, Arochi, Rugi, Augandzi, Raumers, Greners, Raners, and so on. All of these tribes had their origin in Scandinavia and northern Germany. The name Scandinavia itself derives from Skašin-awjõ (meaning; the Isles of Skaši, and for those who do not know; Skaši is a Teutonic Goddess!).

Aryan (2) is an old Sanskrit word meaning "noble, loyal to the Gods, of high birth", etc. Sanskrit was the language of the Aryan tribes living in the Indus Valley. In other words, we know perfectly well whence we came and anybody who claims we came from elsewhere, like from Israel, should faster than ever before shut up and face the fact that we do not.

I have already mentioned the false claim that the Celt settlement in Turkey, Galatia, came from Israel, but I can point at other false "evidence" in support of the British-Israel theory; the claim that Denmark (Danmark most Teutonic languages) got its name from the Israelite tribe of Dan. Before the landmasses we today call Denmark got if s current name it was called Fyn, Sjęlland and Jylland. The Jutes invaded Logres (known to us as England) from Jylland in the Scandinavian Iron-Age. The Angles invaded Logres from Fyn and Sjęlland in the same era. The Saxons also invaded Logres at the time, but from southern Jylland and mostly northern Germany. That is the why we call Englishmen and Americans of Northern European descent "Anglo-Saxons". Before any of these abovementioned tribes, the Kymbri (Cimry) invaded Logres. The Kymbri came from Jylland as well.

Then the Viking era began. The Norwegians, Swedes and Germans knew the Danes as "Skjoldungar" at this time. Skjoldungar meaning "Children of Skjold" (Skjold being a son of Wuotan - also known as Wštan Gwodan, Wodan, Woden, Oden, Óšinn, Odin, Wošu, Godan etc.). During the Viking age the Danes were Christianised - against their will of course. They then started to send missionaries to Christianise the Swedes and Norwegians as well - aiding the other European powers at the time in their de-Paganisation of Scandinavia. Mentioning this I can point to a relatively unknown fact concerning the Viking age. That is, the Viking age actually began due to the attacks on Scandinavia and northern Germany by the Christian powers (trying to force their faith unto us) and not the other way around!

At this point the Norwegians and the Swedes started to call the Danes "Churchlords", as that was what they were, men of the Church trying to Christianise us, and we called their lands the "Churchlord-fields". This was in the late Viking age - id est. around year 900 in our time of reckoning. If we translate these words into Norse (old Norwegian/Swedish/Danish) it becomes "Danes" (Churchlords) and "Dan-mark" (Churchlord-field).

In other words the name has absolutely nothing to do with the Israelite tribes of Dan! So this "evidence" in support of the British-Israel theory holds no truth either!

Then a new question arises; if the British-Israel theory is a lie, why do so many people actually believe in it? The answer is simple, and I quote Nietzsche, who said that "the Jews have through their work made humanity so thoroughly false that even a Christian can feel Anti-Jewish today, without understanding that he himself is THE MOST EXTREME JEWISH CONSEQUENCE!" Instead of taking the consequence of the fact that their faith is all-Jewish, they desperately try to twist the truth. They have sold their souls to a Jewish "God" and have serious problems accepting that as the fact it is. Instead of disassociating themselves from this Jewish fable they cling to it with extreme fanaticism. They do all they can to convince themselves (and everybody else for that sake) that it is truly is Aryan, and that they are the "true God's chosen people" after all and that the Jews have "stolen" their heritage. It is really just sad, and actually it is not an ideological or religious problem; it is a problem for medical science. It is a mass-psychosis, a spiritual plague.

Even the Jews themselves laugh at them and their theory. As early as in 1925 a Rabbi wrote an article in "Century Magazine", under the title "A real case against the Jews" that; "We have thrown your culture off the road, and replaced it with our culture. Our God. Our faith. Our laws. We have made you agents of our people".

That is just what all Christians are - willingly or unwillingly: agents of the Jews! It was Christians who burned the library in Alexandria around year 200 in our time of reckoning. It was the Christians who destroyed everything Aryan in Europe, as best they could, when they forced their Jewish faith unto the Aryan peoples of Europe with the most dishonourable means one can possibly imagine. It was Christians who slaughtered our ancestors who stayed faithful to the Aryan Gods and Goddesses. It was Christians who burned all our Holy sites, and who built temples of worship for a Jewish "God" on the ruins. It was Christians who burned one million Aryan women and men alive at the stake, because they tried to keep parts of the Aryan culture alive. One million, mostly women and girls, who were tortured for years, who were systematically raped and then burned alive! Can you imagine how they suffered? It was Christians who condemned everything Aryan to Hell forever! It was Christianity who made our Aryan race coward and degenerate! Christianity has been the origin of everything evil in Europe since it arrived here! To quote a Saxon Chieftain, who responded to a missionary's comment that all Pagans go to Hell, "I would rather burn in Hell with my forefathers, than go to Heaven with you!"

Then we continue, to the next question. Who in fact are these people, which propagate and advocate this British-Israel theory? It is mostly, if not exclusively, Americans. So who are these Americans? They come from Europe alright - that is the White population of America of course. That is common knowledge, but what is not very well known is the type of Europeans who immigrated to "the New World" in the first place. A fact is that a lot of these immigrants were extreme Judeo-Christian sects who fled to avoid further persecution here in Europe. Also, the least resourceful and poorest had to sell everything they had to get a ticket to America, to survive! Famine and extreme poverty was widespread in Europe at the time, over-population and decay. In Norway - and probably in other countries, some towns and villages actually collected money so that they could buy tickets to America for the scum of the town or village. To get rid of them of course, as they were a problem. Criminals fled to America to escape punishment here in Europe as well.

I will make it perfectly clear that not all White Americans are of this bad "quality", but it is clear that the same fanatic sects that fled to America in the XIX century and earlier are the very origin of the sick and twisted religious theories of the U.S.A. of today, like the British-Israel theory. We have the sickening "In God we Trust" slogan, the widespread belief in "God", and a system extremely Hebrew in nature. All because of these sick and degenerate sects! The more Christian an American is, the more likely it is that he or she descended from one of these degenerate Judeo-Christian fanatics. Known to some as "genetic garbage". They had to flee from Europe in order to continue their sick religious practice, and one of the results of this is "Christian-Identity".

Then another question; what did Adolf Hitler and his Comrades say about this? Adolf Hitler stated in 1940 that he would "exterminate Christianity in Germany, lock, stock and barrel, with all its roots and branches". Heinrich HimmIer stated under a speech for SS-Volunteers in Zagreb, the 3rd of August 1941, that "those who swear loyalty to the Hakenkreuz must hate all other crosses, and even fight them" Martin Bormann stated in 1942 that "National-Socialist and Christian opinions are incompatible". Rudolf Hess stated the 13th of July 1941 that Germany intended to do away with Christianity as being only a Jewish fable. Adolf Hitler even stated that "it does not matter if we talk about the old or the New Testament, or about Jesus' words, it is all the same Jewish nonsense. It is madness to present Jesus as an Aryan". He also said, according to Rudolf Hess, that Christianity is alien to the racial understanding of the Germanic people. Both of Adolf Hitler's favourite writers, F.W. Nietzsche and Niccolo Machiavelli, were hostile towards Christianity - I have already quoted Nietzsch earlier in this article. Goebbels stated that they should "take care of" the Church once the war was over - unfortunately they lost the war, and the Jewish madness (Christianity) continued.

So, whom are YOU going to listen to? What Hitler, Bormann, Nietzsche, Himmler, Goebbels, Hess and not least what our Pagan forefathers said? Or are you going to listen to what some degenerate American "Christian-Identist" tells you?

Another obvious question to the Identity Christians will be; how dare you call me and my people "Israelites"? How dare you call Adolf Hitler an "Israelite"? How dare you spit on my culture, my people, my race and everything I love and cherish like that? How dare you - with your rotten, degenerate, 300-years old, Judeo-Christian, Capitalist pig-culture - even speak of "racial pride"? As long as you have your Jewish faith you are Artificial Jews and shall be treated accordingly!

This British-Israel theory is not only insane; it is contra-effective and dangerous to our survival. It starts with their symbolical murder of Aryan children - which they call baptism. This is a ritual murder of the Aryan soul, they symbolically drown the Pagan man and bring him back to life as an Artificial Jew, by "shouting out" the name of the Jewish soul that is to replace the Aryan one. First they destroy our Aryan soul, with Christianity, and then they use this to destroy our Aryan blood - as the resistance to this genocide has been broken down by the murder of our Aryan souls! So wake up my friends! Wake up from the Jewish sleep and reclaim Your Aryan souls, by hailing Wuotan! Fight for the truth, like our forefathers did, like the Third Reich did! Like WE do! Wake up brothers and sisters, wake up and follow the call of Wuotan! Follow the voice of your blood, and of your heart! It will not lie to you! Heil Wuotan!

You may ask, so who am I to say this? Why should you listen to ME? First of all I will point at the fact that all I am doing here is stating the facts! I quote the greatest heroes of our century, and if you do not view my words as worth any attention, then at least listen to what they have said! Think about it...

11-02-2004, 06:01 PM
Yup, this Vikernes dude certainly is one of the finest representatives of the Western culture nowadays:


"Euronymous eventually got offed himself by a rival Black Metaler, the surprisingly interesting neo-Nazi Varg Vikernes of Burzum, in large part because Varg thought Euronymous wasn’t "evil" enough. Vikernes’ own account of how he killed Euronymous, chasing him around an apartment building knifing him while the Black Metal victim screamed for help, is truly one of the great slapstick moments in murder history: "I hit him directly into his skull and his eyes went boing! and he was dead." (I particularly like Varg’s Looney Tunes "boing"!"


11-02-2004, 06:45 PM
Marlaud, I honestly have to say this Christian-bashing honestly does you no good. I like the stuff you post when concerning politics, but when concerning religion you're way off the mark. And the fact you tried proving how Christianity gave rise to Marxist teaching by relying on the writings of Elaine Pagels(whose been refuted by Philip Jenkins and even admitted herself a few years ago on a PBS special "From Jesus to Christ" that the early church was not eqalitarian) only further this image.

If you want to be a pagan, fine, but you pagans really need to knock off this constant Christian-bashing. That seems to be a more important element to paganism these days than worshipping any of the Gods/Goddesses. Even many pagans are annoyed by this.

Since I dont have time to deal with all the nonsense in this piece, I'll deal with one argument made here I think will interest many.

It was Christians who burned all our Holy sites, and who built temples of worship for a Jewish "God" on the ruins.

Thats quite interesting.....I guess Ireland was the exception huh?

“Paradoxically, it was Christian poetry written in Ireland that celebrated the pagan high places of Ireland. Many of these had ceased to function for centuries before the coming of Christianity. Only the outlines of their earthworks and the great burial mounds containing prehistoric passage graves survived. But the landscape was still charged with their mute presence. The glories of these places were now evoked, as if they had only recently passed away. They provided an epic backdrop for the thriving, pan-tribal sanctuaries of Christian times…”
--Peter Brown The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity AD 200-1000 pg. 330

So yeah, you pagans abandon your own holy sites and it was the evil Christians who glorified them. How nice. Of course that was just the exception right? Although Brown notes that much of what happened in Ireland was not the exception, but was commonplace throughout Europe in the early Medieval period.

11-03-2004, 05:44 PM
Here's an old post of mine that examines and, perhaps, sheds light on the Christian Idenity Movement:

Roughly thirty years ago, while in collage, I became interested in the Christian Identity Movement. Its leading voice at the time was Shelton Emory, who ran a radio ministry. Through his program I purchased “Tracing Your Ancestors”—the book that served as the canon for the movement. It was the work of a Scot, can’t remember his name, though I do the book, a fascinating account filled with stuff you wont find in history books.

In the introduction the writer pointed out that it was an old Jew antique dealer who first turned him on to the assumption that Northern European peoples, namely Celts and Anglo-Saxons, were not really white people, but were instead ancient Israelites--the Ten Lost Tribes of Biblical lore taken captive in 721 BC by the Assyrians and merged, hence lost to history.. I was amazed to discovered these alleged British Israelites were the ancestors of the British and American peoples, my people, and that we and not Jews as I had been taught in Sunday School, were the beneficiaries of God’s promise to Abraham. In other word, we were the noble, conquering race, destined to rule the world.

Archeological finds of the mid-nineteenth century played a part in the lore of the British Israelites, but I suspect the Jew also played a role in promoting the idea. The Zionist Movement came into being about the same time as the British Israelites, and the Jew/ Zionist needed solidarity with the Brits, the most powerful nation on earth then, to bring into reality modern-day Israel. And what better way to do it than to promote the idea of brotherhood, that they (Jews) were really the racial kinsmen of Anglo-Saxons.

There was a downside for the Jews, however, I read for first time in “Tracing Your Ancestors” about the Khazar Empire, how it converted to Judaism eight centuries after Christ, that 90-percent of Jews in the world today were not Abraham’s descendants at all, but rather sprang from Turkic-Mongol tribes.

The writer warned of Nazism--the book was published in 1927 before Hitler came to power—he feared they didn’t properly understand his idea of racial supremacy, in his case the Anglo-Saxons of the British Empire, and that it could result in catastrophe. He proved to be prophetic. We all know how the Jew exaggerated the “Final Solution” which was really a Jewish State in Madagascar into the Holyhoax in which six-million chosenites replaced Christ on the Cross, and how this new religion of victimhood has replaced traditional Christianity.

The truth seems to be that we white folks are victims of a mighty hoax, in which the true story of our great, unsurpassed civilization is distorted by Jews and wanna-be Jews whose lies are invented to destroy us.

Christian Identity cannot withstand serious scholarship.

The Assyrian annexation of the small kingdom of Israel (745-722 BC) exiled thousands of its leading citizens and replaced them with foreigners from other conquered lands; such a campaign would have had little, if any impact upon the Indo-European wanderers who, far to north, had been marching into Europe for more than a millennium before the conquest. The vast majority of the ancient Israelis, i.e. the Ten Lost Tribes, remained in Israel, and they were referred to in later literature as “Samaritans.”

Eyes have one language everywhere: Bo Derek brings a Valkyrie to mind, not some Esther serving a Persian king. Despite what the Jew says, the Nordic and the Semite, or we might say the Khazar, are not the same—physically or spiritually.

The study of historical and comparative linguistics, philology, puts the final nail in the Christian Identity coffin. Philologists surmise that around 1000 BC the ‘Old European language’ began to disintegrate into individual languages such as Italic (the early form of Latin) Germanic, Slavic, Baltic and Celtic. The speakers of ‘Old European’ were warriors who tamed the horse and set up a new hierarchical social system on that basis. They had brought the horse into western and central Europe from where it had originated, the steppes of Eurasia, not deserts of the Middle East

The root of both the ‘Old European’ and the ‘Indo-European’ languages is the Ur-language, which, after years of research and study, has been traced to the mouth of the Volga River. Toward 2000 BC these Indo-European speakers began to migrate from their homeland and brought forth a series of new cultures in Europe and Asia, ranging from Aryan Indians via the Hittite Empire and the Mycenaean principalities of Greece, celebrated by Homer. Later the Dorian Greeks and Latin speakers entered Western Europe, followed by the Celtic and Germanic tribes.

To make a long story short, people, if there was anything at all to Christian Identity notions we would all be speaking Hebrew, not English.


11-04-2004, 05:15 AM
To the assertions of Zoroaster the wannabe Semite who chose a Persian name, I will reply in depth sometime later.

11-08-2004, 05:20 PM
British-Israelism was first hinted at by the British Member of Parliament, John Sadler, in his Rights of the Kingdom (1649). But the movement began in the eighteenth century after the self-styled 'Nephew of the Almighty', Richard Brothers, published his book A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times (1794). Brothers was, as one source puts it, "a Canadian madman". He became troubled by visions, and said that the British parliament was the 'beast' of Revelation. Brothers believed he was a descendant of King David, and that only he had the right to be king of England. Unfortunately for him, King George III disagreed. The Cambridge Biographical Enyclopedia (1994 says:

Brothers, Richard (1757-1824) British religious fanatic and ex-naval officer, born in Newfoundland, Canada. He announced himself in 1793 as the 'nephew of the Almighty', apostle of a new religion, the Anglo-Israelites. In 1795, for prophesying the destruction of the monarchy, he was sent to Newcastle and subsequently to an asylum.

Brothers was confined to the mental asylum from 1795-1806. Despite this, and the failure of his prophecy that Jerusalem would be restored to the Hebrews in 1798, his movement flourished. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were said to number two million adherents of British-Israelism, most of them Church of England members. In 1859, John Taylor of London expanded the theory into the field of Pyramidology. In the book The Great Pyramid, Why Was It Built and Who Built It? John Taylor tried to show how Israelites built the Pyramid of Cheops, and how British Inches and measurements could be found in its design. The present day advocate of this outrageous doctrine was Herbert W. Armstrong who founded the World Wide Church of God and Plain Truth Magazine.
Herbert W. Armstrong’s book: The United States and Britain in Prophecy (http://www.bible.ca/pre-british-israelism-herbert-armstrong.htm)
Land Promise to Abraham fulfilled (http://www.bible.ca/d-3-promises-to-abraham.htm)
Detailed refutation (http://www.bible.ca/pre-british-israelism-foy-wallace.htm) of almost every angle of this ridiculous unbiblical doctrine