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12-23-2004, 05:11 AM
Our Destiny
by Norman Lowell

we are living in dangerous times. The whole planetary political scene is in flux. Anything could happen, anytime. And the White world is unprepared –- actually we are weak, very weak. We are weak in spirit, in political will -– we are divided amongst ourselves. We lack real leadership. We are like a ship without a compass, having lost our sense of direction. We have no bearing, no distant fixed star to guide us.

We must re-discover ourselves, our inner nature. We need to listen, heed that divine spark within us and base all our decisions on a clear, comprehensive philosophy illuminated by that spark. We need to understand that deep inner source from which our feelings and intuition about Race and High Politics, and all concomitant issues, arise.

The universe is continually changing, evolving. With its more than 120,000 galaxies, creation is moving towards ever more complex, ever higher forms of existence. And not only that: The universe is evolving as a conscious whole.

Yes, we as a race are a manifestation of the Creator. Our planet earth, our living Gaia is itself a manifestation of the universe. For the universe has a consciousness, a will of its own. We are part of, a manifestation of, the Creative Will, the Cosmic Force of the universe.

We must become the conscious manifestation of the Universal Will!


12-23-2004, 05:42 AM
Cosmotheism is a religion for higher man. Unfortunately you won't find many of them on this planet.

12-24-2004, 06:54 PM
Cosmotheism is a religion for higher man. Unfortunately you won't find many of them on this planet.

Yes, but we Cosmotheists don't claim to be higher man. Our religion teaches that higher man is the next evolutionary step and this will require in fact a spiritual as well as material evolution.

The Creator existed before man, and the Creator will exist after man has surpassed himself. The step on the Path before man was sub-man, and the step on the Path after man is higher man. But man is now, for a time, a part of the Creator, of the ever-changing, ever-evolving Whole. - The Path 4:2

12-26-2004, 05:17 PM
Our destiny is dirt. I will be, you will be. We will be.

12-26-2004, 07:38 PM
Yes, but we Cosmotheists don't claim to be higher man. Our religion teaches that higher man is the next evolutionary step and this will require in fact a spiritual as well as material evolution.

Although I respect Cosmotheism I find it laughable to think that there is any thing beyond the Aryan.

Our destiny is dirt. I will be, you will be. We will be.

The Aryan always triumphs, that is why you had the ability to type that message.

12-27-2004, 12:59 AM
Our destiny is dirt. I will be, you will be. We will be.
This requires some context.

Yes my destiny is dirt, but our is collective and in this context we are the White race.

Our destiny (should we choose to accept it) is eternal evolution.

12-27-2004, 01:03 AM
Although I respect Cosmotheism I find it laughable to think that there is any thing beyond the Aryan.

Before man, each part of the Whole was blind, and it could not see the next step on the Path. The gases of the void could not foresee the suns which they were to become, nor could sub-man foresee man. The Urge carried the Whole along the Path, and each part of the Whole, though blind, served the Creator's Purpose. - The Path 4:3

Likewise, many men cannot foresee higher man.

12-27-2004, 01:55 PM
Likewise, many men cannot foresee higher man.

I envision higher man, however I foresee him as a purer, more defined Aryan, not as another natural evolutionary step as within Cosmotheism but rather as a testimony to the Aryan in the form of Eugenic, conscience decision, moulding evolution to fit our utmost desires.

12-27-2004, 05:17 PM
Our destiny is dirt. I will be, you will be. We will be.

It is possible that mankind will continue indefinitely.

12-28-2004, 02:16 AM
Norman Lowell is not an American. Our destiny has nothing to do with him. We are not Aryans either.

12-28-2004, 04:06 AM
Norman Lowell is not an American. Our destiny has nothing to do with him.

"...in this context we are the White race."

12-28-2004, 04:13 AM
"...in this context we are the White race.""American" Ethnicity Defined

The Anglo-American myth-symbol complex that had arisen by 1820 and had spread widely by 1850 can be summarized as follows. The "Americans" believed that:

They were an elect who shared a covenant with God to spread Liberalism and Protestant Christianity throughout America and the Western Hemisphere, an event that would herald the millennium on earth.
They were destined to spread across the West to the Pacific (at the very least), and theirs was a chosen land, a New Israel that at the same time served to regenerate the freedom of the American people.
Their material and political success showed them to be a chosen people, an elect descended from the pre-Norman, freedom-loving Anglo-Saxons described by Tacitus.
They knew themselves by the cultural markers of the white race, [American] English language/surname, nonconformist Protestant religion, and Liberal ideology.
Their founding fathers included the Puritans and the leaders of the American Revolution. Virtually all the main figures in this ethnohistory (that is, John Winthrop, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson) were of English Protestant origin.
They were an egalitarian, independent, self-improving Yeoman people: a grassroots pioneer constituency from which organically flowed the American spirit of democracy and pure Christian morality.
The era of the Yeoman Republic, described by Jefferson in an allusion to both the Bible and King Alfred's Anglo-Saxons, constituted a Golden Age for America, to which it should return.

12-28-2004, 07:06 AM
Although I respect Cosmotheism I find it laughable to think that there is any thing beyond the Aryan.

The Aryan always triumphs, that is why you had the ability to type that message.

What the hell is an Aryan? As I understand it, Aryan is a people that lived 3000 years ago. And why did evolution cease and desist after this Aryan came into existence?

12-28-2004, 08:34 PM
And why did evolution cease and desist after this Aryan came into existence?

Why does a mathematic equation stop after you have defined what it equates to? Because it has reached it's the desired out come. From Gudea of the Sumerian civilisation to the present day white man, the Aryan has proven to be the zenith of nature, the desired out come of evolution.

12-29-2004, 04:20 AM
Why does a mathematic equation stop after you have defined what it equates to? Because it has reached it's the desired out come. From Gudea of the Sumerian civilisation to the present day white man, the Aryan has proven to be the zenith of nature, the desired out come of evolution.

If we've already reached the zenith of nature, then we have no where else to go. Your view is static and without vision.

12-29-2004, 08:48 AM
If we've already reached the zenith of nature, then we have no where else to go. Your view is static and without vision.

It is true that humankind can evolve much higher than our current status.

However I see this evolution progressing along many lines than simply (the white) race, but rather amongst distinct but varied groups, of which ancestral racial identity might, or might not be, a significant component.

12-29-2004, 08:58 AM
What the hell is an Aryan? As I understand it, Aryan is a people that lived 3000 years ago. And why did evolution cease and desist after this Aryan came into existence?

I am quite surprised to see this statement from you;

I find it ridiculous that (western) europeans consider themselves to be of the "Aryan race", when there is little, if any, traces of true Aryan lineage within them.

Europeans being "Aryan" is something more spiritual than racial. There is nothing wrong this, if it is recognised by the adherent, though.

I don't think that evolution necessarily stopped with the Aryan though. Civilisation can be both baneful and beneficial to the upward progress of Man, depending on whatever paradigm is in effect.

12-30-2004, 12:15 PM
Your view is static and without vision.

My vision is that we have reached natures zenith and need to protect it, we must fight and bleed to retain it's purity! This is a vision far from static.

12-31-2004, 01:28 AM
I am quite surprised to see this statement from you;

What's surprising about it?

12-31-2004, 01:31 AM
My vision is that we have reached natures zenith and need to protect it, we must fight and bleed to retain it's purity! This is a vision far from static.

So our goal is simply to exist in a pure state. To simply exist as is is static.

12-31-2004, 10:03 PM
What's surprising about it?

Most of the nordishists I have met in person, and online, are fond of referring to themselves as "Aryans".

12-31-2004, 10:53 PM
Most of the nordishists I have met in person, and online, are fond of referring to themselves as "Aryans".

Not me. I have never used that term. Aryans were probably a very small number that settled among a larger number of non-Aryans. Much like the Spanish when they settled in Central and South America. Aryans probably had a closer resemblance to Iranians and Pakistanis than Europeans.

01-01-2005, 02:35 PM
So our goal is simply to exist in a pure state. To simply exist as is is static.

The struggle to exist is never static.

The Jew Hunter
01-01-2005, 06:44 PM
Not me. I have never used that term. Aryans were probably a very small number that settled among a larger number of non-Aryans. Much like the Spanish when they settled in Central and South America. Aryans probably had a closer resemblance to Iranians and Pakistanis than Europeans.

Agreed. As a Nordish person, I don't want to associate with Pakistani "Aryans".

01-01-2005, 07:37 PM
The struggle to exist is never static.

The struggle is not static but to exist as is is.

01-04-2005, 02:32 AM
but to exist as is is.

Isn't that a good thing?

01-04-2005, 10:49 AM
I read this essay some months ago on National Vanguard (http://www.nationalvanguard.org). It is truly magnificent. Norman Lowell is a genius; the Francis Parker Yockey of the 21st century.

Hail Lowell!

01-04-2005, 10:56 AM
Although I respect Cosmotheism I find it laughable to think that there is any thing beyond the Aryan.

Why do you assume Aryan human evolution has ceased? We are not perfect, nor would one desire us to be stagnant, I should think. We live in dysgenic times, but presumably we will resume our continuing process of improvement/adaptation/evolution (hopefully unto the point where we are no longer part of the same species as the Negroes, and thus will have no moral reason to concern us effecting their systematic removal from the planet, along with all other non-Aryans; as long as we remain members of the same species, I'm not sure I can support such an otherwise seemingly desirable outcome, even in the abstract; as a matter of practical reality, its clearly out of the question for the time being).

01-04-2005, 11:07 AM
Norman Lowell is not an American. Our destiny has nothing to do with him.

Norman Lowell is an Englishman resident in Malta (which during the 1960s, sent members to the British Parliament, along with Gibraltar), and thus is a member in good standing of the Anglosphere. Or have you come to some new set of ideas that has caused you to reject Anglospheric unification? In any event, you presumably possess the rudimentary intelligence, despite attempts such as your post here to disguise that fact, which would lead you to conclude that the White race will likely exist in a thousand years, while the USA will almost certainly not (although it may). Our biological destiny is what is being discussed here, not whether Chuck Hagel or Hillary Clinton will be elected in 2008, or whatever odd perversion of the meaning of the initial post you claim to be adhering to.

We are not Aryans either.

While the more traditional, 19th century definition of the term "Aryan" referred largely to the Persians, and the ancient conquerers of India who established Hinduism, in the 20th century it evolved to be synonymous with the common use, racially taxonomic term "White." Any dictionary that excludes this definition of the term is engaged in a falsification of the contemporary use of the term. The fact you know this, yet pretend not to, is puzzling.

01-04-2005, 11:10 AM
If we've already reached the zenith of nature, then we have no where else to go. Your view is static and without vision.

Which doesn't suffice to falsify it (yet I strongly suspect it is false).

01-04-2005, 11:16 AM
Why do you assume Aryan human evolution has ceased? We are not perfect, nor would one desire us to be stagnant, I should think. We live in dysgenic times, but presumably we will resume our continuing process of improvement/adaptation/evolution (hopefully unto the point where we are no longer part of the same species as the Negroes, and thus will have no moral reason to concern us effecting their systematic removal from the planet, along with all other non-Aryans; as long as we remain members of the same species, I'm not sure I can support such an otherwise seemingly desirable outcome, even in the abstract; as a matter of practical reality, its clearly out of the question for the time being).
Are we really the same species? http://rafonda.com/index.html So, while genetic research does support traditional and common-sense racial distinctions, it is even more consistent with a nuanced view that the major distinction is between the indigenes of New Guinea/Australia and sub-Saharan Africans versus Eurasians. The differences between Europeans and northern Asians are minor by comparison, so the old tri-racial distinction of white, yellow, and black, while not invalid, is not strictly accurate from a taxonomic perspective. Genetically, we should regard Europeans and northern Asians as varieties of H. s. sapiens; the sub-Saharan Africans and Australian/NG populations as subspecies, and the back-crossed hybrid indigenes of N. Africa and much of southern Asia as one or more races.

01-04-2005, 11:22 AM
Are we really the same species?

As long as we can breed true, I fear the answer is "yes."