View Full Version : THE KNIGHTS OF RUNES (armanen.org)

12-03-2004, 04:07 AM
THE KNIGHTS OF RUNES (armanen.org)

Looks like a fun site. :)

by Dr. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels

"Theozoology or the Tale of the Apelings of Sodom and the Gods' Electron. An Introduction into the Oldest and Newest Weltanschauung and Justification of the Feudal System and of the Aristocracy." By Dr. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels.

This work is considered by Ariosophists to be Lanz's finest work. Originally released in 1905 under the title of "Theozoologie oder Die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron. Eine Einführung in die älteste und neueste Weltanschauung und eine Rechtfertigung des Fürstentums und des Adels" the work was privately translated and printed for a small study group in the late 1980's and has long since disappeared. In the past, we had a very small stock of that translation, and today its relative scarcity allows book sellers to ask rather high prices. Rather than scour the used book market for our customers and pay these high prices, we are proud to offer it in a new format for those who are interested. Soft-cover. With 45 illustrations.

"Theozoology" by Dr. Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels $16 USA ($21 International) INCLUDES POSTAGE

"The Invincible" by Guido von List (translated by Edred Thorsson) $15 USA ($21 International) INCLUDES POSTAGE

Facsimile edition of the 1898 "Germanic catechism" by the man who would later become the leader of an esoteric Germanic revival just a few short years later. Beautifully illustrated by Timothy Weinmeister, whose work closely follows the original edition.

"Secret of the Runes" by Guido von List (translated by Stephen E. Flowers, PhD) $17 USA ($22 International) INCLUDES POSTAGE

The work that started the Armanen runic renaissance. Details the 18 runes of the Armanen Futhork as revealed to List, and presents a good overview of the themes of all of his works. The Introduction (written by Flowers) is an excellent piece in itself, describing List's life, his works and Armanism in general. ESSENTIAL!
