View Full Version : White People's Religion

12-28-2004, 04:55 AM
White People's Music; White People's Religion
by Steven E. Romer – an American

About the Author (http://logosecho.home.mindspring.com/Book%20Author.htm )
I never intended to write a “White Power” type book, but it did turn out that way. In it, you realize that race is the most important thing in the world because only one race invented science based on objectivity and freedom, and only one race ever came up with the idea of justice based on truth that we see in the statue of the blindfolded lady with scales outside many of our courtrooms. This is not just coincidence. The White race is the divine race, the just race, the race of truth and beauty. God's own children if there ever was – the vanguard and creation of the force which brought life into existence from the cosmic dust.
Our intellects and our race's motivation to discover truth are divine. To increase these is religion, pure and simple. Taking this path of increasing intelligence and truth-seeking also brings great ability to overcome environmental obstacles with creativity. This is no accident – the universe is constructed this way. There is a message in that. There is judgment in that.

With our higher abstract intellects, we can apprehend what has been written in the universe by the Creator directly. We can see clearly what it means when we put the evidence together into a singular picture, simply by following the contours of the pieces of this great puzzle. Let us hold up both the torch and the scales of justice as the creator has done before us.

Mr. Romer is a behavioral neuroscientist and is the author of The Textbook of the Universe: The Genetic Ascent to God.

12-28-2004, 01:42 PM
- "God's own children if there ever was – the vanguard and creation of the force which brought life into existence from the cosmic dust."

What force exactly? Blind chance and movements of dead materia?

To what sect in the anti-God religion of evolutionism does this guy belong to?

Pagan Nazi pseudoreligiosity is pathetic. They despise Christianity and yet need to cling to some sort of moralistic and/or teleological jargon to make their lives seem not as so completely meaningless as they would be in a consistently materialistic worldview.

"Natural selection" is a cheap secular imitation of Christian "Providence."

- "Let us hold up both the torch and the scales of justice as the creator has done before us."

"Scales of justice"? Darwinian "justice" means "might is right," or to be more precise, "you are entitled to everything you can get away with."


12-28-2004, 06:21 PM
What force exactly?
The life force, the Urge, the spirit of God.

To what sect .... does this guy belong to?
Mr. Romer is a Cosmotheist. Cosmotheists, like Christians, believe that the universe and it's complex process of creation are evidence of intelligent design. The Creator is God.

Pagan Nazi.....
Mr. Romer is neither a pagan nor a nazi.

"Natural selection" is a cheap secular imitation of Christian "Providence."
Natural selection pre-dates Christianity by millions of years. Think about it.

"Scales of justice"? He that hath eyes, let him read.
only one race ever came up with the idea of justice based on truth that we see in the statue of the blindfolded lady with scales outside many of our courtrooms.
Mr. Romer is not discussing Darwinian justice.
“Romerian” "justice", means "intelligence is right," or to be more precise, "you are entitled to everything you create and every truth you discover".