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  1. Indians Largest Non-White Group in Britain
  2. Surprisingly large Liberal minority
  3. Political Platform
  4. Police searching 300% more Asians
  5. Plans for Mandela statue rejected
  6. Stupid New Zealand
  7. BNP Jewish win
  8. Referendum talk gains momentum
  9. Description Needed
  10. Euro-Canadian Genocide?
  11. Poll: over 40% of Canadian teens think America is "evil"
  12. Thousands party at Gay Pride
  13. UK industry in 'dramatic' decline
  14. UK Jews protest radical sheikh's visit
  15. Canada sends 100 police to Haiti mission
  16. Fears as British HIV cases rise by 16%
  17. Australia Is The World's Dirtiest Country
  18. US warns against 'fortress Australia'
  19. new anti-religious hatred law in Britain?
  20. Sex offender back in jail in less than 24 hours
  21. Should Canada accept refugees?
  22. Monarchy or Republic?
  23. Alberta Separatism
  24. A Racialist Party for Canada
  25. Australia 'Becoming A Nation Of Thugs & Boors'
  26. Australia refugee camps slammed
  27. Blair pondering over resigning as UK leader
  28. We Must Be Allowed To Criticise Islam
  29. Little bundles of $3000 arrive
  30. BNP racism exposed in undercover documentary
  31. Call to scrap British knighthoods
  32. Western Separatism
  33. New Zealand imprisons alleged Israel spies
  34. BNP Leader Affirms: Islam 'Wicked' Faith
  35. US Congress approves free trade pact with Australia
  36. Blair Loses One Seat, Nearly Two, as Iraq Bites
  37. Commission for Racial Equality comes under fire for racism
  38. BBC reveals 'true face' of Britain's BNP
  39. Revamp of prostitution laws planned
  40. Nominations to close in SNP race
  41. Fighting police racism cost her, ex-officer says
  42. CRTC approves Al-Jazeera for Canadian viewers
  43. Vandals deface Jewish graves in NZ
  44. BNP 'mole' refuses to be moved by threats
  45. Angry Prime Minister hammers Israel
  46. Government condemns claims of bias from Jewish Council
  47. Update in the Zundel Case: Canadian Judge Blais protects his cronies
  48. BNP threatens legal action after Barclays freezes funds
  49. Bishops claims new prayers will resort to Anti-Semitism
  50. 70,000 moving 'for better school'
  51. Synagogue attack leaves community devastated
  52. BNP leader faces racism inquiry
  53. Split Between English and Scots Older Than Thought
  54. Shared inheritance
  55. Multiculturalism Starts Losing Its Luster
  56. Mosley had the Jew and today Griffin has the Muslim
  57. Wedding bash turns bloody
  58. Hamas hails New Zealand stance on Israeli agents
  59. White supremacist denies being behind Perth attacks
  60. Toronto Second In Proportion Of Foreign-Born
  61. 90% Of Whites Have Few Or No Black Friends
  62. Britain’s Rights Body Indicts Itself For Discrimination
  63. Five arrested over BNP film
  64. Northern Tradition, White Rebellion, part 1
  65. Canada's first lesbian divorce underway
  66. Canada goes to pot
  67. When does religion become a hate crime?
  68. Israel warns Britain over UN barrier resolution
  69. Pair hid cocaine inside dogs to smuggle it in the UK
  70. British Worry That Drinking Has Gotten Out of Hand
  71. 'I'm no racist' - Princess Michael
  72. Britain Denies Departing Envoy Snubbed Mugabe
  73. Britain ready to send 5,000 troops to Sudan
  74. Four out of 10 whites do not want black neighbour, poll shows
  75. Australia stands firm after attack threats
  76. Vancouver Struggles With Gang Violence
  77. Philippines protesters burn Aussie flags
  78. HIV Positive Zim Refugee In ‘Spa Pool Sex Orgy'
  79. Police Restore Order after Whites and Asians Clash
  80. Britain Drops Plans To Test Immigrants For HIV
  81. British Police banned from joining BNP
  82. Martin and ethnic groups
  83. STD Rates Continue to Rise in Britain
  84. Multicultural Festival Ends In Punch-Ups
  85. Canadian Gov't Bans David Duke books
  86. From the Civil Rights Front - Animals
  87. Toronto librarian accused of being wanted Panther
  88. Punjabi is now fourth language in the House
  89. British children to get jabs against drug addiction
  90. A real bearer for punishment
  91. British eurosceptic’s fridge jibe sparks Mussolini chill
  92. Young Britons think Germany is uncool
  93. Canada's troops in Haiti coming home
  94. Bandidos biker gang could expand into B.C.
  95. Home Office 'guilty of racism'
  96. Van Tongeren denies death threats
  97. Police raid nets four after gang rape of girl, 17
  98. New Zealand issues guide for prostitutes
  99. Man dies in chariot race, police plan investigation
  100. Triple Assault On The BNP
  101. Favorite AFL team
  102. Night curfew goes into effect in Quebec town
  103. Basque galleon discovered at Red Bay
  104. Church leaders defy Ottawa on refugee sanctuary
  105. From Frying Pan to Fire?
  106. Britons 'ignorant of UK history'
  107. B.C. union hires Robinson on contract
  108. Polygamists' wives defend commune life
  109. BNP faces internal revolt and financial turmoil
  110. John Tyndall Throws Down Gauntlet To Griffin!
  111. First Wnp London Meeting A Great Success!
  112. Yahoo Group for ALL British Nationalists!
  113. Republic
  114. Inter-racial tension in Britain 'at worst level for 50 years'
  115. Mugabe says Britain will always be enemy
  116. Mafia boss Rizzuto to stay in jail
  117. For the love of our child (idiotic prime candidates for sterilisation)
  118. Can tolerant Canada tolerate sharia?
  119. NZ driving rules
  120. A Stink in High Places
  121. The Great Blair Grovel
  122. Madhouse Britain
  123. Fans of CHOI-FM take rally for rock to Ottawa
  124. Grant Bristow
  125. Percentage Population by Ethnic Origin, 1971
  126. Mother Tongue Population of Canada, 1961
  127. Aboriginals reach out to Israel's Jews
  128. How the Muslims won the election
  129. Australia an unfair nation, say young
  130. Canada's biggest cities see influx of new immigrants
  131. Hate crimes probe launched on VNN Forum Poster
  132. On track for record cold summer
  133. Northern Ireland exam results best in UK
  134. London's sex trade 'like a slave market'
  135. Canadian Boat Song
  136. We will destroy BNP, UKIP leader pledges
  137. Govt overhauls rules on residency
  138. Supremacist website untouchable
  139. 14-year jail plan for racist attacks
  140. Illuminati Symbols in Ottawa - David Icke
  141. Disgruntled fishers fly upside-down Canadian flag
  142. 'Shantytown' asks city for portable toilet, garbage pickup
  143. Poll finds Australians more accepting of asylum seekers
  144. Crackdown on people-smuggling
  145. Stranded Afghan Refugees Find a Home in Canada
  146. White Police In UK Claim Racism Force Faces Wave Of Lawsuits
  147. anyone know anythin about guns?
  148. Legacy of Romans in Britain
  149. Fortress of Solitudes
  150. Canadians Look South To Adopt Black Kids
  151. Winnipeg distributing free crack pipes to known addicts
  152. Cargo Cult
  153. Scottish Councillor Hopes to Ban Patriotic Parade
  154. Buying Your Way Into Canada
  155. Mass gay wedding in Manchester
  156. MP removes racist web link
  157. Big Brother watches Britain
  158. Bad and bored - Britain is sick and tired
  159. In Melbourne
  160. £2million Scottish Asylum Giveaway!
  161. Detroit on the Chattahoochee
  162. Roll Call
  163. Sweet Home Alabama...
  164. Southern Secession and the War Between the States
  165. Maori group claims outer space
  166. Southern Nationalist Organisations
  167. Half Of Officers: Scotland Yard Is Racist
  168. Enemy Within? - Troy Southgate
  169. Free Ernst Zundel Protests Today
  170. Indonesia
  171. Howard and interest rates
  172. Only 1/5 young Britons would fight for country
  173. School System ‘Is Failing Black Boys’
  174. Tax collectors across Canada walk off job
  175. BNP’s Griffin gets Islamic ‘Oscar’
  176. British Nationalists Crush Establishment Parties - Twice in One Week
  177. Commons stormed as MPs vote to ban hunting
  178. Revealed: Full Scale of Euthanasia in Britain
  179. BNP Wins First London Seat Since 1993
  180. Indian culture a key part of Britain
  181. Stormfront Poster in Human Rights Complaint
  182. Australia an Aboriginal nation: Greer
  183. Bigotry in bastions of tolerance
  184. Racist group seeking transtasman alliance
  185. Newspapers accused of misusing word 'terrorist'
  186. UA Faculty Senate: Hate speech not welcome here
  187. Four out of 10 whites do not want black neighbour, poll shows
  188. Race storm rocks Tories in Bradford
  189. Ontario vows to stop private U.S. MRIs
  190. Nova Scotia becomes sixth (Canadian) province, territory to allow same-sex marriages
  191. Pupils sent home after racist chants
  192. Overcrowding crisis hits Muslim families hardest
  193. 'I'd be happy to die for my cause'
  194. Britain Offering to Pay Off 10% of Third World Debt
  195. Web Site Says U.K. Hostage Kenneth Bigley Dead
  196. Fox hunting ban passed amid violent clashes
  197. Britain sends supplies to Haiti storm victims
  198. They're always watching in Britain
  199. Howard woos Britain's Sikhs
  200. John Tyndall comments on being (temporarily) outside the party he founded
  201. A Culture In Crisis
  202. Needs Are Vast In Ethnic Enclaves
  203. What We Think
  204. The Party I Want
  205. Discrimination row ends Met woman's crusade against racism
  206. We must regain respect in Asia: Rudd
  207. Now Reading
  208. Israeli spies leave NZ after serving half their prison term
  209. Canada Stalls On Gay Marriage
  210. The Expulsion and Return of the Jews to England
  211. Watch Channel 4 Now!
  212. Gurkhas win UK citizenship rights
  213. ‘Cut Taxes And We’ll Vote Tory’
  214. Coming To Canada With Dreams And HIV
  215. Blunkett Refugee Plan Misfires
  216. Immigration Poses Threat To British Values, Warns Davis
  217. 45% of non whites people live in London
  218. When Britain ruled the waves, foreign trade, empire followed
  219. Aussies return Bush ally Howard to office
  220. Villagers bristle at accusation of rural prejudice
  221. UK: Jews-Only Housing Development Planned
  222. The Racial Transformation of Britain
  223. Teenage Gang Members Lose Plea For Privacy
  224. Hanson fails to make Senate
  225. Ottawa set to toughen hate crimes legislation
  226. Man told to pay gay man $1,000 for comment
  227. Duncan Smith attacks 'creeping euthanasia'
  228. Notice the timing?
  229. Mystery Mini-Monster Washes Up
  230. How Labour is turning Britain into a land of paupers
  231. Muslim faith draws converts from NZ prisons
  232. Thousands of Britons Protest War in Iraq
  233. Nova Scotia voters say 'no' to Sunday shopping
  234. FCS - For the Federation of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
  235. Harper proposes to model Canadian federation on Belgium example
  236. Child’s murder prompts fears over paedophiles
  237. No10 did not tell truth about Iraq, says diplomat who quit
  238. BNP governors to be imposed on schools
  239. China set to buy Canadian industry
  240. Kilroy-Silk set to be expelled from UKIP
  241. The Madness of St George
  242. Science 'excludes black people'
  243. Royal Navy to allow devil worship
  244. Head of Race Watchdog Should Resign, Say Police
  245. Calls For More Black History In Schools
  246. Sorry, Santa’s Grotto Go
  247. Canada-US defence integration, mandate pending
  248. Muslims urged to allow tolerance teachings
  249. Winston Churchill, Traitor and War Criminal?
  250. John Tyndall