View Full Version : Kilroy-Silk set to be expelled from UKIP

10-23-2004, 11:20 AM
Haha! w00t! :cool:


Robert Kilroy-Silk was facing expulsion (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;sessionid=524Z05VC0O4TJQFIQMGCM54AVCBQUJVC?xml=/news/2004/10/21/nukip21.xml) last night from the UK Independence Party after hinting that he might attempt to set up a "new" party if he is blocked from standing as UKIP leader.

Nigel Farage, UKIP's leading Euro-MP, condemned Mr Kilroy-Silk as now "absolutely beyond the pale" and confirmed he would move next week for the former chat show host to be ejected from the party's Euro-MP group.
"I am absolutely finished with him," Mr Farage told The Telegraph.

In an interview to be screened on GMTV's Sunday Programme tomorrow, Mr Kilroy-Silk said disillusioned voters wanted a "new voice and a new style of politics". He said he had thought UKIP could be the party to deliver it.

And yesterday, he made clear that he had no intention of "toeing the line", accusing the party leadership of "old-style bar-room politics."