View Full Version : Sorry, Santa’s Grotto Go

11-13-2004, 02:55 AM
British culture continues to disappear.


BOSSES have banned Santa from a shopping centre—in case he offends non-Christians.
The Scrooges struck at Birmingham’s famous Bullring.

A spokeswoman said: “We wish to be sensitive to people of other religions over the festive period. There are a lot of people in the region who are not Christians and do not celebrate Christmas.”

James Lovell, of Santa training school the Ministry of Fun, said: “This is a great shame, as Santa is for everyone, regardless of religion.”

The Sun launched a Don’t Sack Santa campaign yesterday after stores on London’s Oxford Street also snubbed Father Christmas. Mean shop chiefs reckon he takes up too much room.

SANTA will also be missing from these shopping centres: Brent Cross, North London; Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow; Swansgate Centre, Wellingborough, Northants; Clayton Square, Liverpool; Prospect Centre, Bradford; Whitgift Centre, Croydon; Oracle Centre, Reading, Berks; Merry Hill Centre, Dudley, West Midlands.

11-13-2004, 07:54 PM
This is stepping-on-eggshells paranoia to the utmost degree. I wonder if anyone finds Santa to be a religious symbol at all, much less an offensive one.

11-13-2004, 07:58 PM
He's not a religious symbol. Looks like those wonderful Brits seem quite happy with the direction their country is going in, and if they're happy, well...

11-13-2004, 08:02 PM
This is stepping-on-eggshells paranoia to the utmost degree. I wonder if anyone finds Santa to be a religious symbol at all, much less an offensive one.

Totalitolerance strikes again.

11-15-2004, 06:20 AM
Perhaps most comical is the fact that "Santa Claus," cany canes, reindeer an the like, in this country at least, were promoted this century to divest Christmas of its religious character an make the celebration more inclusive and secular.

11-15-2004, 03:45 PM
This is about as pathetic when they declared Frosty the Snowman a racist/sexist symbol. That would actually be funny if it werent so stupid!

11-15-2004, 11:19 PM
I don't get it. Like has been said before, Santa has nothing to do with christianity. He has more to do with Heathenism, a direct link can be made between Tór (Thor, Thunar, Donar, ect.) and the fabled "Santa Claus." Throughout Europe, ancient pagan symbols have been used in christian holidays to keep the ancient ways alive within the spirit of the folk. I see this as a destruction of age-old culture and beliefs and nothing to do with Christianity. Those banning the use should be publically flogged.

11-16-2004, 04:00 AM
I don't get it. Like has been said before, Santa has nothing to do with christianity. He has more to do with Heathenism, a direct link can be made between Tór (Thor, Thunar, Donar, ect.) and the fabled "Santa Claus." Throughout Europe, ancient pagan symbols have been used in christian holidays to keep the ancient ways alive within the spirit of the folk. I see this as a destruction of age-old culture and beliefs and nothing to do with Christianity. Those banning the use should be publically flogged.

So you dont understand why certain conspicuous Tribes would object to Majority culture if its not Christian? :p

11-16-2004, 01:02 PM
So you dont understand why certain conspicuous Tribes would object to Majority culture if its not Christian? :p

I don't understand the question. :confused:

11-30-2004, 03:17 AM
I don't get it. Like has been said before, Santa has nothing to do with christianity. He has more to do with Heathenism, a direct link can be made between Tór (Thor, Thunar, Donar, ect.) and the fabled "Santa Claus." Throughout Europe, ancient pagan symbols have been used in christian holidays to keep the ancient ways alive within the spirit of the folk. I see this as a destruction of age-old culture and beliefs and nothing to do with Christianity. Those banning the use should be publically flogged.
Not at all, he was based on the Byzantine Saint Nicholas. The 'christmas tree', however, is.

Here in the Netherlands, but also in Flandern and in several parts of Northern France, we have the 'Sint Nicolaas', also known as 'Sinterklaas', celebration. Which is a bit like Christmas with Santa Clause but more specifically based on the actual person he was based on. Which we celebrate it before christmas, despite the fact that more and more people (due to Americanism) are celebrating Christmas with Santa Clause ('Kerstman') nowadays.

11-30-2004, 11:16 AM
$in73rk144$ pwns $4n74 C74u$

12-12-2004, 05:33 PM
It is all so incredibly silly - like referring to Christmas as the Traditional Mid-Winter Holiday - if they must have some other word instead of Christmas they could go back to calling it Yuletide; that would take care of those who ignore the religious aspects of Christmas and those who are of other religious persuasions. There are far too many people with nothing better to do than make up silly rules; we need to show tolerance for others and respect for their ideas, but this falling-over backwards to protect them from being offended doesn't do them any favours and is downright patronising.