View Full Version : BBC reveals 'true face' of Britain's BNP

07-16-2004, 05:26 AM
Oh no! He committed a thought crime!



Television documentary exposes leader of far-right British party condemning Islam as 'vicious, wicked faith.'

LONDON, - An activist for a far-right British party that demands an end to immigration has boasted about committing a racially-motivated crime in an undercover BBC television documentary to be aired Thursday.

The film shows also British National Party (BNP) leader Nick Griffin condemning Islam as a "vicious, wicked faith" and adding that he would face seven years in prison if he made such comments in public.

A BBC reporter, who spent six months undercover with the BNP, recorded party member Steve Barkham confessing to taking part in a racially-motivated attack on an Asian man during race-related riots three years ago in the city of Bradford, northern England.

Another BNP activist, Stewart Williams, told reporter Jason Gwynne that he wanted to "blow up" Bradford's mosques with a rocket launcher and to machine-gun worshippers with "about a million bullets".

Griffin, in footage recorded secretly at a BNP meeting in the town of Keighley, northern England said:

"You've got to stand up and do something for the British National Party because otherwise they (Muslims) will do for someone in your family. That is the truth.

"For saying that, I tell you, I will get seven years if I said that outside, if I said that in front of people who go and report it to the police."

Griffin told his audience that the Koran encourages followers to "take any woman you want as long as they're not Muslim women", again stating that expressing such views in public would land him in jail.

He added: "That's the way that this wicked, vicious faith has expanded through a handful of cranky lunatics about 1,300 years ago until it's now sweeping country after country."

Magistrate Bary Malik, who is the president of Bradford's Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, said he was "shocked but not surprised" by the content of the programme and called on Home Secretary David Blunkett to take action. "The BNP has been a racist organisation from day one but they've hidden their true face. This programme shows the true nature of the BNP and I hope people get that message."