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  1. Democracy is Not Freedom
  2. Paleoconism vs. Postmodernism: Enlightenment Racism vs. Counter Enlightenment Racism
  3. The Faye-Benoist Debate: Has the European New Right abandoned biological racialism?
  4. Racial Nihilism
  5. Racial Communitarianism vs. White Nationalism
  6. Rothbard v. Rand
  7. Your Ideal State
  8. A Global Power Shift in the Making
  9. Russia's Demographic Crisis
  10. Eurasia Contra America
  11. South Africa In Our Future?
  12. Neo-Conservatives 101
  13. Effects of the neo-con agenda
  14. Ireland recently
  15. What is Fascism?
  16. Saddam Hussein in a combative moment in court Thursday.
  17. Bush Marks Civil Rights Act Anniversary
  18. On Escaping Democracy: This Ain't Fifth Century Athens
  19. The Tyranny of Liberalism
  20. 'Cultural Conservatism'
  21. The Patriot Acts
  22. Moderator Needed
  23. Social Equality -- A Communist Tool
  24. A good book: Three Critics of the Enlightenment by Isaiah Berlin
  25. On leftwing robbery of the Counter-Enlightenment thought
  26. Johann Gottfried von Herder: the father of ethnic Nationalism
  27. National 'Socialism'?
  28. Edward Goldsmith: a Fascist?
  29. Gray Dawn: How the Coming Age Wave Will Transform America and the World
  30. The Middle-Class Mind: Insecurity and Self-Importance
  31. The Nazis and Monopoly Capital
  32. Amnesty eyed for illegal aliens
  33. Rodina
  34. On Torture
  35. Is Our President a Wackjob? Does it matter?
  36. Demon Complexity
  37. VILFREDO PARETO A Concise Overview of His Life, Works, And Philosphy
  38. The very Catholic Buchanan applauds the destruction of Whites
  39. How to Be a Republican
  40. Bush Reaches Out to Hispanics
  41. The October Surprise?
  42. California Democrats Against America
  43. Legal Nonsense
  44. Was Ronald Reagan the first neocon?
  45. Bush prepares for the election
  46. Fury over Pentagon cell tha briefed White House on Iraq's 'imaginary' al-Qaeda links
  47. The Constitution of the USA
  48. Terminologies
  49. Our Imperial Imperative
  50. Who Are We? Book Review by John Sullivan
  51. The Man Who Would Be Dictator
  52. Business, Racism, and South Africa
  53. On Milosevic and Saddam
  54. Kumai
  55. Paternity: Innocence Is Now a Defense
  56. Kerry Gets Warm Reception From NAACP
  57. "Anti-Racism": the Mailed Fist of Multiculturalism
  58. The Disgusting Grooming Habits of Wolfowitz
  59. Where Is This Safer America?
  60. Crimes and Punishment
  61. Gramsci as Icon
  62. Toward a Communitarian Ecology
  63. Neocon Riots Rock DC
  64. The coming foreign policy civil wars: Part Two – The Republicans
  65. Being Nothing: George W. Bush as Presidential Simulacrum
  66. What is National Socialism?
  67. now Iran supposedly took part in planning 9/11
  68. Young Right Tries to Define Post-Buckley Future
  69. We can't prove Iran-Sept 11 link: CIA
  70. Who Are We?
  71. Election Predictions
  72. When the State Is the Enemy Of The Nation
  73. The Daily Show With George Bush
  74. Democracy Revisited: The Ancients and the Moderns
  75. No nationalists on Jack's 'shining hill'
  76. Is political opinion based on reason or sentiment?
  77. Chomsky debates neocon Richard Perle
  78. The Political Compass
  79. Our 'Boomer' Problem?
  80. The New York Times and the threat to cancel the November election
  81. National Anarchism
  82. The Present Danger
  83. Neo-Cons, Israel, and the Bush Administration
  84. Neo-conservatives profiting from Iraq war
  85. Deliver Us From Sean Hannity
  86. Age of Consent
  87. Destroying Freedom to Save It
  88. Bush’s Retreat on Immigration Reform
  89. If Dante Knew of Bush and the Neo-Cons...
  90. The Present Danger: Neocons attempt a comeback
  91. Where The Real New Right Is—And Isn't
  92. Regime Change in Iran Now in Bush's Sights
  93. Is free speech important? If so, why?
  94. Why is it...
  95. Irish Political Parties.
  96. The Dialectics of Neoconservatism. -- Ex-Trotskyites occupy the Bush administration.
  97. Do We Want a War Criminal as President?
  98. Original Dissent Forum
  99. Nationalsozialistische Japanische Arbeiterpartei
  100. Fade, some questions:
  101. Incompetent Imperialists
  102. Incompetent Imperialists
  103. Political Philosophy quiz
  104. 42 Percent Of Americans Pee In The Shower - 7 Percent Never Bathe
  105. Bush Administration Politics
  106. A Party of Cowards
  107. Michael Moore Rages: GOP Promotes 'Hate-triotism'
  108. Bush is taking anti-depressants
  109. The Voice of the White House 27th July, 2004
  110. Trauma into Trojan Horse: The Political Agendas Behind the College Date Rape Issue
  111. Sullen, Depressed President Retreats Into Private, Paranoid World
  112. Exit Buckley
  113. On the French (New and Old) Right: An Interview with Alain de Benoist
  114. Christian-Zionist anti-German hate
  115. Michael: the Savage Wiener
  116. Another presiden who won't budge the Middle East
  117. Have Fun: What All Fascist Regimes Have In Common
  118. Reading "World on Fire"
  119. Pissed off
  120. Not a 'conservative vs. liberal' issue
  121. The Nature and the Fall of America
  122. talk about flipflopping :s
  123. The Buzzwords Game - Euroscepticism encourages Britain's dark streak of racism
  124. Bush: Raise limit for Mexico
  125. National-European Communitarian Party Manifesto
  126. NYTimes.com: Flawed Elections
  127. Harvard Hates Whites
  128. The clandestine Soviet Union
  129. Who Would Jesus Vote For?
  130. And So It Goes
  131. Power is overcentralised what do you think?
  132. Hate in Advertising/Casting/Media
  133. Not Scared Yet? Try Connecting These Dots
  134. The Myth of the American “Concentration Camp”
  135. William S. Burroughs: No More Stalins, No More Hitlers
  136. Two neocons critices to Alain de Benoist
  137. America's frustrating war on cocaine
  138. Time to Challenge Russia
  139. Saddam, Chalabi and Allawi Epitomize U.S. Foreign Policy
  140. Two Kinds of Competition
  141. Francisco Franco
  142. The great doomsayer: Oswald Spengler's 'The Decline of the West'
  143. All in the Neocon Family
  144. The Single Party (Sobran)
  145. Only One Choice
  146. World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win
  147. People Like Obama (Sam Francis)
  148. Bush Country
  149. Bush's Withdrawal From the World
  150. The Star Chamber Is Back
  151. Hollow Woman
  152. The Sins of Clinton vs. Bush
  153. Kerry and Bolivia: To the Right of Bush?
  154. Reinventing Democracy
  155. Michael Savage equates the left with Al Qaeda
  156. Is Bush Unhinged?
  157. NYC to GOP: Drop Dead
  158. Geopolitics in Iraq an old game
  159. For War And The Draft, Vote Republican By Paul Craig Roberts
  160. One Thing Is Certain: Kerry Was There On That Boat In Viet Nam. Where Was Bushie?
  161. The Star Chamber is Back
  162. Mestizo Bush: Hispanic influence positive
  163. How Do They Get With It?
  164. Negative Ads Often Prove Effective
  165. National Review on David Brooks
  166. Neocon Treason
  167. WILL BUSH MAKE WAR ON IRAN? ( Sam Francis)
  168. Kevin MacDonald in Occidental Quarterly - Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement
  169. Diversity Diary
  170. Vice President Dick Cheney Says He Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Ban
  171. Stephen Steinlight
  172. The Thief of Baghdad
  173. Group of MPs determined to impeach Blair
  174. Neo Thought Of the Day
  175. What is National Socialism?
  176. Protests Take A Nasty Swing In Bronx.
  177. Goldberg on Spengler and Buchanan
  178. The Right’s New Wing
  179. Candidate in 'Spiritual Battle'
  180. The National Socialist World-View
  181. GOP Immigration Idiocy In Illinois
  182. Deserter Bush Attacks A Wounded Vietnam Vet
  183. Swift Intelligent Smokescreen
  184. Derbyshire: Unpleasant Truths
  185. Robert Locke Article - Boycott Bush
  186. Latinization of the USA - white guy trying to order a sandwich
  187. SPAM Attack
  188. `That Same Old Stuff' (Charley Reese)
  189. Lemming Republicans Follow Bush Over Cliff
  190. Europe: Remorse and Exhaustion
  191. A European neo-conservatism of the left?
  192. Today I Went to the Show
  193. Abu Buchanan's Fatwah on Israel
  194. The NeoCon Implosion Begins
  195. Electing the Emperor
  196. Is the Iraq Occupation Fracturing the 'Neo-Con' Movement?
  197. Immigration Reform Can't Be Found In Either Camp
  198. Spy Probe Scans Neocon-Israeli Ties
  199. Is this where all the homos hang out?"
  200. Crowning Prince George
  201. Letter From A Wwii Combat Veteran
  202. Grocery Store
  203. Late Night at Jack in the Box
  204. Book Store
  205. Dubya's Moral Imperialism
  206. The European Dream
  207. Ghetto Wedding
  208. Buchanan: Neo-Cons Are Not Jews
  209. On the tram going home from Melbourne Uni...
  210. "10 or 20 years in Iraq": How old are your kids?
  211. The First European Environmentalists were the National Socialists
  212. Between The Lines: Bush Speech To Convention
  213. Ghetto Prom
  214. Inept President, Craven Congress(Charley Reese)
  215. My diversity experiences
  216. Pentagon to check Kerry war record
  217. Concentration Camps for U.S. Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision
  218. BUSH OPENS LEAD ON KERRY...or has he?
  219. he pulled strings to get George W into the Air National Guard
  220. Neo Cons Under Fire
  221. Spy Case Gets Ugly -- Margolis
  222. Night on the town: Negroids LOVE white women
  223. Too Much of Everything is Just Enough
  224. William Pierce: A Reminiscence
  225. Crackhead George W.! (Daily Mirror, UK)
  226. Bush Will Bury Kerry
  227. The President’s Coming! Goodbye Bill of Rights
  228. A Shabby & Sinister Case for War being made by N. Podhoretz
  229. Neoconservatism and Espionage
  230. More Bull**** At The Library
  231. What is "American Patriotism" today?
  232. One-Way Judicial Activism
  233. What drives the US war policies
  234. How do you spell "circuit"
  235. LibertyForum.org now LOADED with Spooks (PsyOps at Work)
  236. NYTimes.com: "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning"
  237. Buchanan: "Pollardism at the Pentagon"
  238. Chalmers Johnson: Dissing the Republic to Save It
  239. Terrorism Is the Price of Empire
  240. The Chechens' American friends
  241. Peculiar parts of European constitutions
  242. Neocons Blast Bush Inaction on "Spy" Affair
  243. Ghosts of 9/11
  244. A Nation Remembers III
  246. "Intelligence Matters" by Sen. Bob Graham
  247. Hate and Delusion Have the Bit in Their Teeth
  248. The John McCain Saga
  249. Army report
  250. Dumbest. Election. Ever.