View Full Version : Politics
- Democracy is Not Freedom
- Paleoconism vs. Postmodernism: Enlightenment Racism vs. Counter Enlightenment Racism
- The Faye-Benoist Debate: Has the European New Right abandoned biological racialism?
- Racial Nihilism
- Racial Communitarianism vs. White Nationalism
- Rothbard v. Rand
- Your Ideal State
- A Global Power Shift in the Making
- Russia's Demographic Crisis
- Eurasia Contra America
- South Africa In Our Future?
- Neo-Conservatives 101
- Effects of the neo-con agenda
- Ireland recently
- What is Fascism?
- Saddam Hussein in a combative moment in court Thursday.
- Bush Marks Civil Rights Act Anniversary
- On Escaping Democracy: This Ain't Fifth Century Athens
- The Tyranny of Liberalism
- 'Cultural Conservatism'
- The Patriot Acts
- Moderator Needed
- Social Equality -- A Communist Tool
- A good book: Three Critics of the Enlightenment by Isaiah Berlin
- On leftwing robbery of the Counter-Enlightenment thought
- Johann Gottfried von Herder: the father of ethnic Nationalism
- National 'Socialism'?
- Edward Goldsmith: a Fascist?
- Gray Dawn: How the Coming Age Wave Will Transform America and the World
- The Middle-Class Mind: Insecurity and Self-Importance
- The Nazis and Monopoly Capital
- Amnesty eyed for illegal aliens
- Rodina
- On Torture
- Is Our President a Wackjob? Does it matter?
- Demon Complexity
- VILFREDO PARETO A Concise Overview of His Life, Works, And Philosphy
- The very Catholic Buchanan applauds the destruction of Whites
- How to Be a Republican
- Bush Reaches Out to Hispanics
- The October Surprise?
- California Democrats Against America
- Legal Nonsense
- Was Ronald Reagan the first neocon?
- Bush prepares for the election
- Fury over Pentagon cell tha briefed White House on Iraq's 'imaginary' al-Qaeda links
- The Constitution of the USA
- Terminologies
- Our Imperial Imperative
- Who Are We? Book Review by John Sullivan
- The Man Who Would Be Dictator
- Business, Racism, and South Africa
- On Milosevic and Saddam
- Kumai
- Paternity: Innocence Is Now a Defense
- Kerry Gets Warm Reception From NAACP
- "Anti-Racism": the Mailed Fist of Multiculturalism
- The Disgusting Grooming Habits of Wolfowitz
- Where Is This Safer America?
- Crimes and Punishment
- Gramsci as Icon
- Toward a Communitarian Ecology
- Neocon Riots Rock DC
- The coming foreign policy civil wars: Part Two – The Republicans
- Being Nothing: George W. Bush as Presidential Simulacrum
- What is National Socialism?
- now Iran supposedly took part in planning 9/11
- Young Right Tries to Define Post-Buckley Future
- We can't prove Iran-Sept 11 link: CIA
- Who Are We?
- Election Predictions
- When the State Is the Enemy Of The Nation
- The Daily Show With George Bush
- Democracy Revisited: The Ancients and the Moderns
- No nationalists on Jack's 'shining hill'
- Is political opinion based on reason or sentiment?
- Chomsky debates neocon Richard Perle
- The Political Compass
- Our 'Boomer' Problem?
- The New York Times and the threat to cancel the November election
- National Anarchism
- The Present Danger
- Neo-Cons, Israel, and the Bush Administration
- Neo-conservatives profiting from Iraq war
- Deliver Us From Sean Hannity
- Age of Consent
- Destroying Freedom to Save It
- Bush’s Retreat on Immigration Reform
- If Dante Knew of Bush and the Neo-Cons...
- The Present Danger: Neocons attempt a comeback
- Where The Real New Right Is—And Isn't
- Regime Change in Iran Now in Bush's Sights
- Is free speech important? If so, why?
- Why is it...
- Irish Political Parties.
- The Dialectics of Neoconservatism. -- Ex-Trotskyites occupy the Bush administration.
- Do We Want a War Criminal as President?
- Original Dissent Forum
- Nationalsozialistische Japanische Arbeiterpartei
- Fade, some questions:
- Incompetent Imperialists
- Incompetent Imperialists
- Political Philosophy quiz
- 42 Percent Of Americans Pee In The Shower - 7 Percent Never Bathe
- Bush Administration Politics
- A Party of Cowards
- Michael Moore Rages: GOP Promotes 'Hate-triotism'
- Bush is taking anti-depressants
- The Voice of the White House 27th July, 2004
- Trauma into Trojan Horse: The Political Agendas Behind the College Date Rape Issue
- Sullen, Depressed President Retreats Into Private, Paranoid World
- Exit Buckley
- On the French (New and Old) Right: An Interview with Alain de Benoist
- Christian-Zionist anti-German hate
- Michael: the Savage Wiener
- Another presiden who won't budge the Middle East
- Have Fun: What All Fascist Regimes Have In Common
- Reading "World on Fire"
- Pissed off
- Not a 'conservative vs. liberal' issue
- The Nature and the Fall of America
- talk about flipflopping :s
- The Buzzwords Game - Euroscepticism encourages Britain's dark streak of racism
- Bush: Raise limit for Mexico
- National-European Communitarian Party Manifesto
- Flawed Elections
- Harvard Hates Whites
- The clandestine Soviet Union
- Who Would Jesus Vote For?
- And So It Goes
- Power is overcentralised what do you think?
- Hate in Advertising/Casting/Media
- Not Scared Yet? Try Connecting These Dots
- The Myth of the American “Concentration Camp”
- William S. Burroughs: No More Stalins, No More Hitlers
- Two neocons critices to Alain de Benoist
- America's frustrating war on cocaine
- Time to Challenge Russia
- Saddam, Chalabi and Allawi Epitomize U.S. Foreign Policy
- Two Kinds of Competition
- Francisco Franco
- The great doomsayer: Oswald Spengler's 'The Decline of the West'
- All in the Neocon Family
- The Single Party (Sobran)
- Only One Choice
- World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win
- People Like Obama (Sam Francis)
- Bush Country
- Bush's Withdrawal From the World
- The Star Chamber Is Back
- Hollow Woman
- The Sins of Clinton vs. Bush
- Kerry and Bolivia: To the Right of Bush?
- Reinventing Democracy
- Michael Savage equates the left with Al Qaeda
- Is Bush Unhinged?
- NYC to GOP: Drop Dead
- Geopolitics in Iraq an old game
- For War And The Draft, Vote Republican By Paul Craig Roberts
- One Thing Is Certain: Kerry Was There On That Boat In Viet Nam. Where Was Bushie?
- The Star Chamber is Back
- Mestizo Bush: Hispanic influence positive
- How Do They Get With It?
- Negative Ads Often Prove Effective
- National Review on David Brooks
- Neocon Treason
- Kevin MacDonald in Occidental Quarterly - Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement
- Diversity Diary
- Vice President Dick Cheney Says He Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Ban
- Stephen Steinlight
- The Thief of Baghdad
- Group of MPs determined to impeach Blair
- Neo Thought Of the Day
- What is National Socialism?
- Protests Take A Nasty Swing In Bronx.
- Goldberg on Spengler and Buchanan
- The Right’s New Wing
- Candidate in 'Spiritual Battle'
- The National Socialist World-View
- GOP Immigration Idiocy In Illinois
- Deserter Bush Attacks A Wounded Vietnam Vet
- Swift Intelligent Smokescreen
- Derbyshire: Unpleasant Truths
- Robert Locke Article - Boycott Bush
- Latinization of the USA - white guy trying to order a sandwich
- SPAM Attack
- `That Same Old Stuff' (Charley Reese)
- Lemming Republicans Follow Bush Over Cliff
- Europe: Remorse and Exhaustion
- A European neo-conservatism of the left?
- Today I Went to the Show
- Abu Buchanan's Fatwah on Israel
- The NeoCon Implosion Begins
- Electing the Emperor
- Is the Iraq Occupation Fracturing the 'Neo-Con' Movement?
- Immigration Reform Can't Be Found In Either Camp
- Spy Probe Scans Neocon-Israeli Ties
- Is this where all the homos hang out?"
- Crowning Prince George
- Letter From A Wwii Combat Veteran
- Grocery Store
- Late Night at Jack in the Box
- Book Store
- Dubya's Moral Imperialism
- The European Dream
- Ghetto Wedding
- Buchanan: Neo-Cons Are Not Jews
- On the tram going home from Melbourne Uni...
- "10 or 20 years in Iraq": How old are your kids?
- The First European Environmentalists were the National Socialists
- Between The Lines: Bush Speech To Convention
- Ghetto Prom
- Inept President, Craven Congress(Charley Reese)
- My diversity experiences
- Pentagon to check Kerry war record
- Concentration Camps for U.S. Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision
- he pulled strings to get George W into the Air National Guard
- Neo Cons Under Fire
- Spy Case Gets Ugly -- Margolis
- Night on the town: Negroids LOVE white women
- Too Much of Everything is Just Enough
- William Pierce: A Reminiscence
- Crackhead George W.! (Daily Mirror, UK)
- Bush Will Bury Kerry
- The President’s Coming! Goodbye Bill of Rights
- A Shabby & Sinister Case for War being made by N. Podhoretz
- Neoconservatism and Espionage
- More Bull**** At The Library
- What is "American Patriotism" today?
- One-Way Judicial Activism
- What drives the US war policies
- How do you spell "circuit"
- now LOADED with Spooks (PsyOps at Work)
- "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning"
- Buchanan: "Pollardism at the Pentagon"
- Chalmers Johnson: Dissing the Republic to Save It
- Terrorism Is the Price of Empire
- The Chechens' American friends
- Peculiar parts of European constitutions
- Neocons Blast Bush Inaction on "Spy" Affair
- Ghosts of 9/11
- A Nation Remembers III
- "Intelligence Matters" by Sen. Bob Graham
- Hate and Delusion Have the Bit in Their Teeth
- The John McCain Saga
- Army report
- Dumbest. Election. Ever.
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