View Full Version : Precursors to Christianity, ... Greek religion

11-13-2004, 01:31 PM
The religion of ancient Greece is well-known in the modern western world via Greek mythology. Tales of the Greek gods and mythological heroes remain popular to this day.

Greek paganism was never a unified belief system. The Greeks worshipped a large pantheon of deities, with the Olympians predominating, but with many local deities recognised as well. Deities from other cultures were freely adopted by the Greeks, and through syncretism many gods from other lands throughout the Mediterranean were identified with their Greek counterparts (most notably the Roman gods.) The ancient Greeks also developed a number of mystery religions such as the Eleusinian Mysteries. These mystery cults became widely popular in late antiquity, and are perceived by some as precursors to Christianity.

The Eleusinian Mysteries were initiation ceremonies for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at Eleusis in ancient Greece. Of all the mysteries celebrated in ancient times these were held to be the ones of greatest importance. These myths and mysteries later spread to Rome. The rites and cultic worships and beliefs were kept secret, and initiation rites united the worshipper with god including promises of divine power and rewards in life after death.

11-13-2004, 03:51 PM
The ancient Greeks also developed a number of mystery religions such as the Eleusinian Mysteries. These mystery cults became widely popular in late antiquity, and are perceived by some as precursors to Christianity.

"During a period of time running roughly from about 1890 to 1940, scholars often alleged that primitive Christianity has been heavily influenced by Platonism, Stoicism, the pagan mystery religions, or other movements in the Hellenistic world....most Bible scholars regard the question a dead issue."
--Ronald Nash The Gospels and the Greeks: Did the New Testament Borrow from Pagan Thought? pg. I

01-01-2005, 06:26 PM
Athena's Temple, The Parthenon, Athens, Greece