View Full Version : Venus / Columba / Aphrodite, ...the Dove

11-08-2004, 04:55 AM
Venus Columba (Roman)

Venus Columba (dove) is the aspect of the Goddess of Love which is most concerned with peace. No mother wishes her children dead, or in conflict of war. She who brings hearts together desires our happiness, reconciles opposites and blesses those who love.

The emblem of Venus/Aphrodite is the dove. Merlin Stone has written;

“White bird of the heavens, dove wings gliding over the sea,
Aphrodite Ourania, Queen of Heaven,
came from ancient Phoenicia to the nearby isle of Cyprus.
Landing at Paphos, those who saw her s
ake the water from her wings upon the rocks
thought that she had been born of the sea,
the whiteness of her feathers blending with the whiteness of the foam.”

In religion and art the dove symbolizes peace and gentleness. Universally doves - especially white doves - have been associated with purity, innocence, faithfulness, love and peace. The dove is a social animal that prefers company, thus it represents brotherhood. Bearing an olive branch they are a symbol of peace, forgiveness and deliverance. Doves are the fecundating Spirit, and thus are sacred to all Great Mother Goddesses and Queens of Heaven. Mystically they represent the creative spark that ignites spiritual life within the soul. The dove is also an emblem of wisdom and has often been seen as a messenger of the divine will

Whenever we see an image of a dove, or whenever we contemplate the meaning of the dove, a deep part of our consciousness connects to its profound well of sacred and archetypal associations. The sign of the dov
e activates within us the vibration of peace, love, compassion, creativity and renewal. The gentle song of the dove of Venus sings to us of love and peace.

Prayer to the Holy Dove of Peace

Aphrodite Columba, Great Goddess, Holy Dove of Peace,
Hear your daughters as they call to you again, after the turning of centuries;
For they are humanities life-giving mothers.
They know the toil of birthing and nurturing.
They know war to be a waste of their precious toil, and a desecration of your earth.
Kind Mother, give your daughters power to oppose the forces of war,
To prevent aggressive destruction,
To establish your laws of peace and kinship.
Help women raise their children with the teachings of peace.
Help men resist the myths of glory in conflict.
Help us all to respect life more than conquest.
Let the return of the Divine Mother image usher in a new era,
As women of all nations reach out to one another with understanding, under your symbol.
Aphrodite Columba,
may our prayers rise to you as the white dove rises on her wings.
Blessed Be.

11-08-2004, 04:56 AM

The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by the French and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are claimed to be representations of the Babylonian Queen Semiramis by writer David Icke. They are also believed to be one of the four interpretations of the Goddess Columbia. Recently there was a story in the New York Post that stated that officials have contingency plans if American Icons are destroyed. One of them mentioned was the statue of Liberty.