View Full Version : DIANA, the Moon Goddess... also known as ARTEMIS

11-08-2004, 04:09 AM
Our bust of the goddess Diana, or Artemis, as she was known to the Romans, is classic in form.

Diana was goddess of the moon and of hunters. She was also the special goddess of women and child birth. Diana was "born" in Delos and spent much of her time bathing in streams and dwelling in the groves.

Her temple at Ephesus in Asia Minor was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was a spectacle of ancient architechture, 391' long and 211' wide, it had 100 Ionic columns 54' high made of dark-green marble. It was built on the burned ruins of a previous temple around 356 B.C. A great statue of her dominated the inner shrine.