View Full Version : More on the so-called "Promise Keepers"

11-06-2004, 05:46 AM
More on the so-called "Promise Keepers"

I have always hated this sick perverts! Let us also remember he can not keep his our house in order. McCartney's daughter is a whore. She had two half Afro babies by two Black football payers, this all happened after he started the so-called "Promise Keepers"! Now that is sick! What kind of a sicko lets the football players he coaches use his own child as a whore?



Lyndi McCartney realized that her husband was just as hooked on ministry as he was on coaching.

"As PK grew, every ounce of Bill's time was spent on this additional love in his life," she said, in one of her commentaries in "Sold Out," a spiritual autobiography by Bill McCartney and journalist David Halbrook. "Instead of his time being consumed during football season, it was consumed all year long - in the name of an organization that promotes being a godly husband and father. ... I grew to resent PK as just another thief that stole my husband away from me."

She hid in the empty nest of their home outside Boulder, Colo., fighting depression and bulimia with the aid of stacks of self-help books. She saw her only daughter deliver a second child out of wedlock -- both fathered by football players. Lyndi McCartney lost 80 pounds and thought about suicide. About this time the coach confessed that, shortly before his 1974 "born again" conversion, he had committed adultery.


And also

Bill McCartney And Promise Keepers

Original Dissent: More on the so-called "Promise Keepers'

11-07-2004, 06:35 AM
More on Bill McCartney and his whore of a daughter.

A 1989 story reported that the daughter of hallowed University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney had given birth to a child conceived with star quarterback Sal Aunese. Westword went on to say that Aunese wasn't discovered to be the father until several candidates -- all football players -- had taken paternity blood tests. Rumors had been circulating around Denver for some time, but until Westword's story, nothing firm had been printed. When Aunese died of cancer shortly after the baby was born, much of laid-back Denver concluded that the paper was on an extremely cruel streak.


There are other compelling parts to this story, though. There's the revelation that McCartney's only daughter, Kristen, who in 1989 gave birth to the child of ailing Colorado quarterback Sal Aunese, has had another child. (Aunese, who didn't admit paternity until a blood test did it for him, died of cancer when his son was five months old; McCartney publicly acknowledged his grandchild at Aunese's memorial service.) Fifteen months ago Kristen gave birth to the son of Shannon Clavelle, another of her father's more infamous charges. (Last month the defensive tackle received a deferred sentence on an assault charge; Aunese's rap sheet rated a place in SI's infamous "What Price Glory?" piece on CU's brawlers back in 1989.)

"I had been dating Shannon for a while, which they didn't like," Kristen told SI about her parents. "But I was a grown woman, 24 years old. They couldn't tell me what to do. When I did tell them I was pregnant, they were hurt and upset, but completely supportive."

Supportive, in fact, to the point of continuing to support Kristy, an unemployed, unmarried masseuse, and her growing family.

It's arguably admirable that McCartney has seen fit to embrace his daughter's two children, and that his wife, Lyndi, is willing to babysit while Kristy continues to party. And it's true that it's difficult to tell a 24-year-old daughter what to do. Except that if you are supporting her, you can tell her to stay away from your football players. Or you can resign your position as coach, and stay away yourself.

McCartney's inability to influence his daughter wouldn't be so annoying if he weren't so busy trying to influence everyone else. This summer he preached to over 50,000 men who'd gathered at Folsom Field for the fourth annual Promise Keepers rally. He told them that their families must be their first priority, that men must take charge of their wives. The speech would have been much more impressive if McCartney actually practiced what he preached--but he's been saying essentially the same thing for years.
