View Full Version : What makes you antisemitic?

10-01-2004, 01:19 AM
Why is it I hate jews? The first reason that comes to mind is their inherent dishonesty-a prime example of this is their tendency to two-face words into meaning something else-you can never be sure what the jews are referring to in a conversation-deception seems to give them the impression they're brighter than gentiles-whilst they are talking to you, another jew listening in on the conversation might well be hearing something else.

Contrast this with the simple honesty of the gentile-what the gentile says, he or she actually means-this mode of being is alien to the jew. Take christianity as an example-the first five books of the old testament are actually a version of the jewish torah, which means the jews are able to practice judaism, whilst outwardly giving the appearance of being christian-the word 'christian' then becomes to the jew another word for 'jewish'-and those who dare criticise christianity suddenly are accused of being jews themselves-gentiles suddenly become the target of the ire of christians, whilst the degenerate jew slips in through the back door, amused at the gentiles being turned against each other!

Take america as an example of jewish corruption-despite the fact that to be jewish, one must be born of a jewish mother-yet somehow, the jews are a variety of white male-apparently the number of syllables in an advanced textual language tell americans what the jews are-and again, the actual jews melt away into the background, smirking. Whenever I hear an american talking about jews, much of the time I can't be sure what they're talking about, and I wonder if they have any idea themselves. Indeed, if I were to listen to some americans, the jews were camp guards, whilst Germans turned on their own countrymen. Only the jews would originate twisted and idiotic freemasonic filth. Behold the magic barking dogs! Denn die juden ist der deutsches, und der Deutsches ist der jude. Die unter ist der uber, und der uber ist der jude. Die untermenschen sprechen, und sprach die juden ist the you....

As der Fuhrer once said, the weapons of the jews are lies, deciet, and slander, whilst the weapons of the gentile are physically real, as genuine as the force of bullets hitting an object. To the jew, the gentile exhibits nothing more than naivete, in saying what he means. When the gentile speaks his own language, he speaks of what has come from the blood of his ancestors, whereas the jew only sees an opportunity for personal profit, following the instincts of his own blood.

10-01-2004, 04:40 AM
I am anti-Judaic, and a racial separatist.

Thus, I believe Indo-Europeans should have no part of Judaism.

I also believe that Semites belong in the middle east.

10-03-2004, 08:13 AM
Much of my hatred of modern-day Jewry is centered around Israel and its supporters. Although I consider myself pro-White, I am not without concern for the sufferings of other races (I hate to see even animals suffer needlessly), so it sickens me to see what the Israelis regularly perpetrate against the hapless Palestinians. The most disgusting thing about that, however, is the fact that Israel wouldn't be able to get away with what they do without US monetary and political support. Everyone knows the story: Jews in the US have subverted the US government, and much of the national media, to serve the ends of Israel. Consequently, Israel receives several billion dollars in US aid each year, plus lots of free weapons and other goodies; the US runs interference for Israel in the UN; Israeli spies in the US are generally not dealt with aggressively; and, worst of all, Israel has suckered the US into fighting in the Middle East on Israel's behalf. In a word, Israel has all but taken control of US foreign policy, and pro-Israel Jews in America, along with their highly influential and subversive lobbying groups, are the reason.

Some might argue that since not all Jews support Israel (and many non-Jews do), it would make more sense to be anti-Zionist than anti-Jewish. But my perception is that most Jews do support Israel and/or "Greater Judea", and the ones who don't are often supporters of manifold putative "liberal" political causes I detest: gun control, "hate crime" legislation, multiculturalism, homosexual "liberation", "radical" feminism, and so on. By no means do all Jews agree on the best ways to serve Jewish interests at the expense of non-Jews, but nearly all Jews DO agree that Jews have a right to press their own agenda, agreed upon or not, on non-Jews.

Lastly, it's also worth noting that Jews are often personally abrasive and obnoxious.

Reinhold Elstner
10-03-2004, 12:06 PM
Angler said;

By no means do all Jews agree on the best ways to serve Jewish interests at the expense of non-Jews, but nearly all Jews DO agree that Jews have a right to press their own agenda, agreed upon or not, on non-Jews.

This is what is so obnoxious, this infantile selfishness as if the whole world is their plaything, and we are all just extras in their sick psycho-drama. As a people they have the emotional age of c. 4.

Lastly, it's also worth noting that Jews are often personally abrasive and obnoxious.

Too true, they are for the most part unbearable in their insolence.

10-04-2004, 10:41 AM
I am not Jewish , not gay and not black ( Just in case Dr. B . joins in , he sees me as being so).

Not Anti Jewish and not Pro- Jewish , I have no feelings for them either way.
I do agree with Angler in that their treatment of other peoples in the Middle East must change. They are part of the problem and are part of the solution , in common with other nations in that region.
Certainly they are no saints ( how could they be :jew: ) ?
But they are not the :222 's they are painted to be either.

10-04-2004, 11:35 AM
As with most people here, jews are the reason for my antisemitism.

Jolly Roger
10-04-2004, 02:26 PM
:jew: never forgive, never forget. For them, every means are good to reach their goals, and they know no limits in their predation, which makes me think there is something unnatural with them : animals of prey never over-exploit their environments (because they know instinctively, it would be detrimental to them in the long run), but influent jews do...

For a true indo-european aristocrat, fighting is a mean to secure a fair and just peace, for somebody of jewish mentality, it is just a free way to exteriorize their (auto)destructive tendancies.

For an IE, the conquered people of yesterday is to be associated to the victors on a fair rank to build the society of tomorrow. For a jew, it is at worst, to be slaughtered, at best, to be reduced to a state of more or less subtle slavery and perpetual humiliations, preventing any progress and renewal of the ruling classes, in a way most reminiscent of the ancient mediterranean or oriental worlds. It is no wonder that they find the strongest affinities in their struggle against "Old Europe" among the people who are remnants of those decadent civilisations. :rolleyes:

As Adolf Hitler wisely conceded in his political testament, the problem with jews is more a question of mentality than of race. Their problems lie in their mental heredity to be more accurate, and even in some of their most untasty traditions : as pointed by the great Dr Polacco de Menasce (who happens to be jewish and pro-NS!...), there are some serious evidences that circumcising a child as early as the eighth day of life, plays havoc with his endocrine system, with all the ill-fated consequences it may have on his later behavior.