View Full Version : The great debate-are the jews K's, like blacks and most whites?

09-11-2004, 02:18 PM
Put your evidence forth that they are not. :222

09-11-2004, 06:31 PM
What is a "K"? :confused:

09-11-2004, 06:38 PM
A garden variety human, with eleven joined ribs on each side. Could the jews just be this? I endlessly post details of what I'm talking about.

09-11-2004, 07:00 PM
Noddy, please, stop drinking.

09-11-2004, 07:45 PM
Are you joking?

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 01:29 AM
Perhaps if the question was reframed making some concessions to intelligibility we might be able to do something with it.

09-12-2004, 01:36 AM
It makes sense. You're missing data. It might help to have a look at this:


09-12-2004, 01:44 AM
It appears the argument is settled.

09-12-2004, 01:56 AM
Kids, if Noddy isn't proof you should stay away from drugs, I don't know that anything else will convince you.

09-12-2004, 02:04 AM
Kids, if Noddy isn't proof you should stay away from drugs, I don't know that anything else will convince you.
Thanks for pointing that out again mom.

09-12-2004, 03:24 AM
Noddy doesn't need drugs.

09-12-2004, 09:19 AM
Meh. It's true-you're all skeletally the same as jews. You are all inferior. :p

09-12-2004, 09:25 AM
Noddy doesn't need drugs.

I think those who believe jews have foreskins, and have a nine somewhere don't need drugs, they're already in a different reality. They exist-I've met them-the Australian kkk-golden showers, black and maori members, and some woman I remember who called me an askim after I flopped my twelve year old pecker out at her. She was kneeling on the floor at the time, having just blown two guys in white outfits. :p

So yes, I have a bone to pick with them.

09-12-2004, 09:33 AM
Kids, if Noddy isn't proof you should stay away from drugs, I don't know that anything else will convince you.

You do admit that what I come out with makes sense from a certain perspective? I don't doubt for a moment what I come out with might look a little strange, if you haven't followed my posts. After a procedure, the jews come out as K. It's drug-addled to believe the eleventh letter of the alphabet is a K?

Are you disputing this, that the jews are, as I refer to them, K? Or are the jews holograms?

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 10:23 AM
It makes sense. You're missing data. It might help to have a look at this:http://www.thephora.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3383

We're missing data because you didn't supply it, Dummkopf!

Now it makes even less sense.

09-12-2004, 10:49 AM
We're missing data because you didn't supply it, Dummkopf!

Before you get hostile, remember, you might have been better advised to have ignored this thread, if you didn't understand it.

Now it makes even less sense.

It makes even less sense? It's quite obvious, actually. Can you count? Are you blind?

09-12-2004, 10:53 AM
As to the question of the intelligebility of the title/question of the post, all you need to do, is ask 'what does 'k' designate?', which I have answered.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 11:19 AM
you might have been better advised to have ignored this thread, if you didn't understand it.

Perhaps, but in the light of your "clarifications" things have become even more obscure. It all smacks of gematria and other Jewish nonsense.

09-12-2004, 11:25 AM
The alphabet applied to human anatomy is jewish? Anyway, would you like to meet my grandad? You have a nazi avatar, and all: http://www.thephora.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384

09-12-2004, 11:27 AM
Perhaps, but in the light of your "clarifications" things have become even more obscure.

I'll agree, it's obscure.

It all smacks of gematria and other Jewish nonsense.

What is 'gematria'?

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 11:29 AM
The alphabet applied to human anatomy is jewish?

Yes, didn't you know that? Apart from having a numeric value, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a body organ. But I suspect you already knew that.

You have a nazi avatar

Very observant of you. Waffen SS.

09-12-2004, 11:40 AM
Yes, didn't you know that? Apart from having a numeric value, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a body organ. But I suspect you already knew that.

Alright, this is getting silly. I've never seen a jewish alphabet, though I am aware it has 22 letters. Do you have a source for this claim? Actually, FYI, the alphabet applied to anatomy comes from the Fidelis sect, which I doubt many here have heard of.

Very observant of you. Waffen SS.

I have a question for you, which I hope you can answer honestly: in what ways do jews differ from whites physically? There's nothing secret about it.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 11:54 AM
I've never seen a jewish alphabet

Of course you have, no one can avoid some familiarity with Hebrew typography.

Do you have a source for this claim?

Its Kabbalistic - http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/yetzirah.html


in what ways do jews differ from whites physically? There's nothing secret about it.

I have no idea, I more concerned with the moral differences - which are immense - but I am open to being informed . . .

09-12-2004, 11:59 AM
Yes, didn't you know that? Apart from having a numeric value, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a body organ. But I suspect you already knew that.

Well, my charming friend, I am not jewish, and one of my grandparents was a genuine nazi, so when I see you coming out with this, it makes me wonder if I've upset you somehow. The jews are not six-foot nordics with funny skeletons, who don't know they're jewish, the jews are originally a semitic race, generally shorter than whites, browner, and with skeletons the same as yourself, as hard as this may be for you to accept. I have a whole 'net worth of photos of jews at my disposal, unless of course you've two-faced the word 'jew' into meaning something else. There's nothing secret about the jews physically. They're skeletally normal, and have missing foreskins. The jews 'magically' having bones different to whites seems to indicate possible magical thinking.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 12:07 PM
As I said it is the moral difference which has preoccupied me. In that department they are so different as to be almost from another planet. They conceive of themselves in this way, particularly amongst the orthodox as the Talmud and the Kabbalah amply demonstrates. They believe themselves to be truly human and the rest of us as mere beasts. The extent of their self-delusion is so extreme that it effectively renders them as the enemies of mankind - as their endless subversion throughout history proves.

09-12-2004, 12:14 PM
Of course you have, no one can avoid some familiarity with Hebrew typography.

I have seen a few hebrew characters in my time.

Its Kabbalistic - http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/yetzirah.html

Let me post a few excepts:

They consist of ten Sephiroth out of nothing and of twenty-two fundamental letters. He divided the twenty-two consonants into three divisions: Three Mothers, fundamental letters or first elements; Seven Double; and Twelve Simple consonants.

Well well well, we have a twenty-two, which would correspond to the number of joined ribs in yours and the jews anatomy.

Ten are the Sephiroth {often translated as "numbers", this word has no English true equivalent} out of nothing, and not the number nine, ten and not eleven. Comprehend this great wisdom, understand {Chokmah and Binah in the text} this knowledge, inquire into it and ponder on it, render it evident and lead the Creator back to His throne again {In other words, descend the Tree of Life to learn Ma'aseh Beri**** and ascend it to accomplish the goal of Ma'aseh Merkabah.}

I basically have nine joined ribs on each side. Where is a reference to this anywhere? I've seen 22, and 12, so far.

None of this anywhere in this link is remotely like my 'thing'. Twenty-two is repeated constantly, however. Your thoughts?

And also, the hebrew alphabet is not European, and the European alphabets are the products of Europeans themselves. There is no connection between jews and European alphabets.

I have no idea, I more concerned with the moral differences - which are immense - but I am open to being informed . . .

Alright then.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 12:17 PM
Your thoughts?

That all this playing around with letters, numbers and body parts is Kabbalistic Jewish nonsense.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 12:22 PM
and the European alphabets are the products of Europeans themselves

Not true. The alphabet (alpehbeth) came to Europe through the Phoenicians.

There were indigenous writing systems but they were not alphabetic

09-12-2004, 12:51 PM
That all this playing around with letters, numbers and body parts is Kabbalistic Jewish nonsense.

In application, what I do is nothing like what was in your link, and is based upon the numbered alphabet, and letter strings, niether of which I found reference to in the link.

The argument you are putting forth is that ANYTHING numerical or alphabet-related is somehow jewish, which is silly. Counting is not jewish, numbers are not jewish, European alphabets are not jewish, and nor am I, more so than yourself. Mystical jewish 22's ( two 11's), and the jewish alphabet of 22 consonants is nothing to do with anything other than the jews.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 12:55 PM
The argument you are putting forth is that ANYTHING numerical or alphabet-related is somehow jewish

Why are you trying to make a straw-man here?

My argument is that gematria is Jewish nonsense. Trying to infer significances from letters and their numerical values is Jewish nonsense. That is what you are doing with your ribs and letters and numbers.

European alphabets are not jewish, and nor am I, more so than yourself

And why do you keep denying that you are Jewish? Have I accused you of being such?

09-12-2004, 12:57 PM
Not true. The alphabet (alpehbeth) came to Europe through the Phoenicians.

It is common knowledge that the Greeks came up with the alphabet. A form was copied by the Romans, spread to Germany, and to England and elsewhere, along with so-called 'civilization'.

There were indigenous writing systems but they were not alphabetic

Yes, there were runes, which varied from locale to locale. Did you know the earliest alphabetic writing found in England is 'HIEL', on the inside of a bracelet?

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 01:20 PM
It is common knowledge that the Greeks came up with the alphabet.

Then it is common ignorance becasue the alphabet cam to the Greeks through trading contacts with the Phoenicians. This is known.

The word 'alphabet' comes from 'alpha, beta (gamma)' etc, which in turn comes from the semitic letters, in Hebrew. 'aleph, beth, gimel' etc. If you don't know this then how can we take your theories seriously?

Here, this might help http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/alphabet.htm

09-12-2004, 01:35 PM
Then it is common ignorance becasue the alphabet cam to the Greeks through trading contacts with the Phoenicians. This is known.

Links? I'm here to learn, and test ideas.

The word 'alphabet' comes from 'alpha, beta (gamma)' etc, which in turn comes from the semitic letters, in Hebrew. 'aleph, beth, gimel' etc. If you don't know this then how can we take your theories seriously?

The jews invented the alphabet, and passed it on to the Greeks? I'd assume the reverse. Did German originate from yiddish? No, yiddish is a degenerate form of German.

The main thrust of your argument, seems to be the constant insinuation that I'm a yehudi. I am not, simple. Why the determination to show our alphabet is jewish?

What are my 'theories'?

Here, this might help http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/alphabet.htm

Didn't you state earlier that hebrew letters correspond with body parts? According to your own link, they do not.

Similarly the Semitic 'aleph' which is taken to mean 'ox' is matched with an Egyptian hieroglyph for an ox but the sound is `kt`, quite different from that of aleph. It is hardly surprising that where the names of Semitic characters are thought to have a specific meaning (based on their shape), Egyptian hieroglyphs chosen as having the same meaning should have somewhat similar shapes. In many cases the comparisons are very far-fetched and certainly not at all persuasive in demonstrating an Egyptian origin for the links between sounds and shapes in Semitic alphabets.

Clearly, you have demonstrated there were several early alphabets.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 01:51 PM
Links? I'm here to learn, and test ideas

Well now you have learned something about the origin of the alphabet.

The jews invented the alphabet, and passed it on to the Greeks

I never said that. I said the source was semitic.

The main thrust of your argument, seems to be the constant insinuation that I'm a yehudi. I am not, simple.

Then why do you argue like one?

For example;

Why the determination to show our alphabet is jewish?

this is a straw-man. I repeat, the alphabet is of semitic origin. The Jews probably stole it from the Phoenicians. They are incapable of producing anything original except mischief.

Didn't you state earlier that hebrew letters correspond with body parts? According to your own link, they do not.

The you did not read it closely enough, they also signify much else, in fact the letters signify the whole of creation.

Scroll down to this and read on;

"The twelve constellations in the world are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. The twelve {Hebrew} months of the year are: Nisan {the seventh month}, Ivar, Sivan, Tamus, Ab, Elul, Tishri, Mavcheshvan {also called Chesvan} Kislev, Tebet, Shebat and Adar. The twelve organs of the human body are: two hands two feet, two kidneys, gall, small intestines, liver, esophagus, stomach and milt (either the spleen or reproductive organs. Both systems have been often confused in Theosophical writings and ancient sources. The degree of absurdity involved in this relationship is incredible. This presumes a "rape" ethos in the culture, owing to the association of violence to the spleen and sex to the genitals.}"



Clearly, you have demonstrated there were several early alphabets.

Here you are again with your strawman arguments. You contend that the alphabet is a Greek invention; I have shown that it is Semitic in origin. You want to twist that and say that I am arguing that it is Jewish. Then you cite a passage for the link I gave to prove that it is not Jewish but of general semitic origin! Incredible!

For a non-Jew you do a very good impersonation of one!

09-12-2004, 02:34 PM
I never said that. I said the source was semitic.

Bearing in mind the context of this argument, you could have meant two things.

Then why do you argue like one?

Here we go again. This is not VNN. Flaming, and calling posters jews is not permitted here. Believe me, I'd love to have a flame war.

For example;

Why the determination to show our alphabet is jewish?

this is a straw-man.

The jews are semites. In addition, you contend that the first three characters of the Greek alphabet are jewish in origin. Aleph, etc.

I repeat, the alphabet is of semitic origin. The Jews probably stole it from the Phoenicians. They are incapable of producing anything original except mischief.

Your argument is that jews stole the alphabet off the Phoenicans, passed it on to the greeks... whereby it passed through the Roman empire, and is an integral part of modern civilization? You are either trying to associate the alphabet with jews, or you are arguing an important historical role for them.

The you did not read it closely enough, they also signify much else, in fact the letters signify the whole of creation.

Scroll down to this and read on;

"The twelve constellations in the world are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. The twelve {Hebrew} months of the year are: Nisan {the seventh month}, Ivar, Sivan, Tamus, Ab, Elul, Tishri, Mavcheshvan {also called Chesvan} Kislev, Tebet, Shebat and Adar. The twelve organs of the human body are: two hands two feet, two kidneys, gall, small intestines, liver, esophagus, stomach and milt (either the spleen or reproductive organs. Both systems have been often confused in Theosophical writings and ancient sources. The degree of absurdity involved in this relationship is incredible. This presumes a "rape" ethos in the culture, owing to the association of violence to the spleen and sex to the genitals.}"


This is the link I was referring to,http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/alphabet.htm with the quote:

Similarly the Semitic 'aleph' which is taken to mean 'ox' is matched with an Egyptian hieroglyph for an ox but the sound is `kt`, quite different from that of aleph. It is hardly surprising that where the names of Semitic characters are thought to have a specific meaning (based on their shape), Egyptian hieroglyphs chosen as having the same meaning should have somewhat similar shapes. In many cases the comparisons are very far-fetched and certainly not at all persuasive in demonstrating an Egyptian origin for the links between sounds and shapes in Semitic alphabets.

The first letter of the hebrew alphabet refers to a bovine. There might well be twelve bodily references in the hebrew alphabet, but what do the rest signify?

Here you are again with your strawman arguments. You contend that the alphabet is a Greek invention; I have shown that it is Semitic in origin.

I have a question. What came first, Alpha, or aleph? The Greek or the jewish?

You want to twist that and say that I am arguing that it is Jewish.

I have a question. What came first, Alpha, or aleph? The Greek or the jewish?

Then you cite a passage for the link I gave to prove that it is not Jewish but of general semitic origin! Incredible!

Clearly, you have shown there were several early alphabets.

I have a question. What came first, Alpha, or aleph? The Greek or the jewish?

For a non-Jew you do a very good impersonation of one!

This is not VNN. Grow up.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 03:08 PM
Bearing in mind the context of this argument, you could have meant two things

Bearing in mind the context - linguistics etc - Semitic means the semitic language group.

Here we go again. This is not VNN. Flaming, and calling posters jews is not permitted here.

First of all I am not familiar with VNN. Secondly I am not calling you a Jew - you will search in vain for such an accusation. I did say that you argue like one. Notice - comparing not ascribing.

The jews are semites. In addition, you contend that the first three characters of the Greek alphabet are jewish in origin. Aleph, etc.

That the Jews are Semites and that I said the alphabet is of Semitic origin does not entitle you to ascribe to me the straw-man argument that I am saying the alphabet is Jewish. As you acknowledge below.

Your argument is that jews stole the alphabet off the Phoenicans, passed it on to the greeks.

I made no argument to such an effect; I speculated that this was so.

You are either trying to associate the alphabet with jews, or you are arguing an important historical role for them.

Neither, I said that the alphabet was transmitted to the Greeks by the PHOENECIANS.

This is the link I was referring to, with the quote

but I reposted that link because of this;

Didn't you state earlier that hebrew letters correspond with body parts? According to your own link, they do not.

Did you miss this link- http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/yetzirah.html - when I first posted it?

The second link I posted - http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/alphabet.htm -was to demonstrate the Semitic origin of the alphabet (something not disputed by any one who knows the subject)

I have a question. What came first, Alpha, or aleph? The Greek or the jewish?

If you read the second link above you will not need to ask that question (three times no less!) - the origin is Semitic.

09-12-2004, 03:48 PM
Bearing in mind the context of this argument, you could have meant two things.

Bearing in mind the context - linguistics etc - Semitic means the semitic language group.

I take semitic to mean jewish, as there is no phoenican aleph: http://members.tripod.com/~davidmyriad/phoenician.alphabet.index.html#a

Here we go again. This is not VNN. Flaming, and calling posters jews is not permitted here.

First of all I am not familiar with VNN. Secondly I am not calling you a Jew - you will search in vain for such an accusation. I did say that you argue like one. Notice - comparing not ascribing.

Being polite in the face of a deceitful, insinuating swine is jewish?

The jews are semites. In addition, you contend that the first three characters of the Greek alphabet are jewish in origin. Aleph, etc.

That the Jews are Semites and that I said the alphabet is of Semitic origin does not entitle you to ascribe to me the straw-man argument that I am saying the alphabet is Jewish. As you acknowledge below.

There is no phoenican aleph, LIAR. Aleph is hebrew exclusively. The jews are semites, no?

You have been lying, have been proven wrong, or have been busy promoting the jewish historical contribution.


Your argument is that jews stole the alphabet off the Phoenicans, passed it on to the greeks.

I made no argument to such an effect; I speculated that this was so.

Don't you dare edit what I've stated, you worm.

Here's what I posted:Your argument is that jews stole the alphabet off the Phoenicans, passed it on to the greeks... whereby it passed through the Roman empire, and is an integral part of modern civilization?

It was a QUESTION, not a statement, you decietful, insinuating worm.

Now, answer me this: to what language does aleph belong to? Hebrew!

You are either trying to associate the alphabet with jews, or you are arguing an important historical role for them.

,Neither, I said that the alphabet was transmitted to the Greeks by the PHOENECIANS.

You state aleph is semitic, yet it only exists in hebrew!

This is the link I was referring to, with the quote

but I reposted that link because of this;

Didn't you state earlier that hebrew letters correspond with body parts? According to your own link, they do not.

Did you miss this link- http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/yetzirah.html - when I first posted it?

No, I have already addressed this: The first letter of the hebrew alphabet refers to a bovine. There might well be twelve bodily references in the hebrew alphabet, but what do the rest signify?

The second link I posted - http://www.percepp.demon.co.uk/alphabet.htm -was to demonstrate the Semitic origin of the alphabet (something not disputed by any one who knows the subject)

Aleph is hebrew exclusively! And you claim it was the root of the Greek Alpha.

I have a question. What came first, Alpha, or aleph? The Greek or the jewish?

If you read the second link above you will not need to ask that question (three times no less!) - the origin is Semitic.

The origin is jewish!There is no phoenican aleph: http://members.tripod.com/~davidmyriad/phoenician.alphabet.index.html#a


You have argued that the Greek alphabet is a derivative of a semitic alphabet-with aleph being the root of Alpha-yet aleph does not exist in any other language other than hebrew.

You are either 1) Arguing for the jewish creation of the alphabet


2)Have had your argument refuted.

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 05:01 PM
I did not know the Phoenician alphabet before now but thanks for the link because as you will see, the first three letters are;

Phoen - Gk
Alpu - Alpha
Beytu - Beta
Gimu - Gamma

as you can see, the Greek is closer to the Phoenician than the to Hebrew.

I used the Hebrew EXAMPLE because it is the only semitic alphabet I am familiar with, but now, thanks to you, I will use the Phoenician henceforth. The purpose was not to attribute the invention to the Jews - that is your straw man

I take semitic to mean jewish, as there is no phoenican aleph

LOL! They are cognate as is obvious. I suppose now you are going to deny that Phoenician is a semitic language!

Being polite in the face of a deceitful, insinuating swine is jewish?
LIAR . . . You have been lying . . . you worm . . .decietful, insinuating worm . . .

It seems to me that the only person looking for a flame war here is the author of those words.

Incidentally, btw, the only people who have ever abused me on message boards and usenet so far have been Jews.

09-12-2004, 05:06 PM
Incidentally, btw, the only people who have ever abused me on message boards and usenet so far have been Jews.

Everybody saw. Post forever for all I care.

How old are yo?

Reinhold Elstner
09-12-2004, 05:36 PM
Old enough to know not to take the bait ;)

09-13-2004, 09:43 AM
I'm not you. And I'm not deaf either. I'm Noddy, you.