View Full Version : GOP Looks for More Jewish Votes for Bush

09-04-2004, 03:10 AM
Is it really all that inconcievable that Bush would attack Iraq and depose its government as part of a ploy to capture enough of the Jewish vote in key battleground states like Florida and Pennsylvania to get himself re-elected?

http://www.herald-sun.com/nationworld/14-518061.html (http://<a%20href=/)

NEW YORK -- At a Republican gathering in the heart of the nation's largest Jewish community, GOP strategists are trying to chip away at the long-standing bond between the Democratic Party and American Jews.

Bush won just 19 percent of the Jewish vote in 2000, and no one expects dramatic gains for him this Election Day. But Republicans believe Bush's defense of Israel and his stand against terrorism have given them an excellent chance to attract more Jewish support this year. In a tight race, Republicans believe even a small shift to the GOP in closely contested states could help them win the election.

"If we communicate the president's strong message on Israel and on terrorism, and his desire to fight anti-Semitism, we feel pretty good that we'll do better than in 2000," Michael Lebovitz, a Jewish outreach coordinator for the Bush-Cheney campaign, said this week at a discussion on the GOP and Jews at the Republican convention.

Democrat John Kerry is countering this drive, aided by his brother Cameron, who converted to Judaism 20 years ago. Cameron Kerry has met with groups in Florida and other battleground states, as have Jewish advocates of the Massachusetts senator.

On the eve of the convention, Kerry published an op-ed in the Forward, an influential Jewish newspaper based in New York, promising "as president, I will never pressure Israel to make concessions that will compromise its security.". . .

09-04-2004, 03:11 AM
Bush has it won now, the Swift Boaters did it for him, their new ad is just devastating. He'd have to be caught molesting a little boy at this point.

09-04-2004, 03:41 AM
Bush has it won now, the Swift Boaters did it for him, their new ad is just devastating. He'd have to be caught molesting a little boy at this point.
Elections in the U.S. are about nothing but personalities. That's probably because there is little substantive difference between their actual positions. Both are 100% in favour of legalising millions of illegal aliens. Both are 100% behind Israel. The scariest thing about this is how candidates stress their differences in the campaigns but abandon many of their earlier positions later on. A good example of this is how Bush promised to have a 'humble foreign policy' that was 'worthy of our greatness' in the debate with Gore.