View Full Version : US Congressman's Appeal On Behalf of Pollard

08-15-2004, 04:01 PM

US Congressman´s Appeal On Behalf Of Pollard
20:15 Aug 12, '04 / 25 Av 5764

American Congressman and Democratic Whip Anthony D. Weiner, representing New York's Queens and Brooklyn boroughs, is requesting that the White House pardon jailed Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard.

"Mr. President, the time has come to free Jonathan Pollard. As he celebrates his 50th birthday in jail, I respectfully urge you to grant him clemency and send him home to Israel," Rep. Weiner wrote in an August 7th letter to US President George Bush.

The following are further excerpts from Mr. Weiner's letter:

"Today is Mr. Pollard's 50th birthday. This is the 19th year he has celebrated his birthday in prison. No other person convicted of espionage on behalf of an United States ally has ever been imprisoned for so long.

"Mr. Pollard has admitted he broke U.S. laws. He has expressed sorrow for what he did. Mr. Pollard cooperated fully with the investigation into his activities and he waived his right to a jury trial. He has served more than enough time for the crime of passing information to an ally.

"The life sentence which Jonathan Pollard is now serving is not a reflection of the severity of the crimes he committed, but rather the result of ineffective counsel.

"...I hope that your administration will ensure that Mr. Pollard's security-cleared legal counsel is given an opportunity to review [sentencing] documents so that they can present an effective and viable clemency application...."

Representative Weiner, whom the Forward newspaper has called one of the 50 most influential Jewish Americans, made headlines on Israel National News two years ago, when, in honor of missing IDF soldier Guy Hever's birthday, he delivered a speech in Congress saying, "[The US] government should be far more aggressive in demanding the release of Israel's missing men. Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East, is our closest ally in that region. In 1991, when Americans were held hostage in Lebanon, Israel went to extraordinary lengths to help secure the release of those hostages. As Syria and others in the region who have benefited from American aid and military assistance equivocate as to whether to assist America in its war on international terror, Israel has always been by our side."

08-21-2004, 07:11 PM
Only a decadent society, deep into its decrepitude, would have members of its government actively working to aid a traitor.

The plague of the tribe continues to rot America.

08-21-2004, 09:05 PM
In the early days of the Republic, patriots would have "tarred and feathered" Congressman Weiner and drug him through the streets of Washington.

08-21-2004, 10:10 PM
In the early days of the Republic, patriots would have "tarred and feathered" Congressman Weiner and drug him through the streets of Washington.

More than likely.
What also stands out is the persistence of the tribe in pushing forth their agenda against America. From the immigration issue to liberating traitors and so on. They never give up. Maybe that is why NS is looked at as the only effective counterforce to the tribe.

08-22-2004, 03:42 AM
Zionism mirrors Nazism. Both isms were born in the the "Blood and Soil" movement of Nineteenth Century Europe. In Zionism, Jews replace Ayrans as the master race. One must fight fire, with fire.