View Full Version : Parliament urged to condemn anti-Semitism

08-07-2004, 10:37 PM
Honestly, this smells so much like a hoax. The same sort of incidents have been getting a lot of press in France and Australia at the moment.


PARLIAMENT is to be asked to formally condemn anti-Semitism following a second attack on a Jewish cemetery in Wellington.

A prayer house was set alight at Makara Cemetery and about 100 graves were desecrated.

Ethnic Affairs Minister Chris Carter says Australian federal and state parliaments have condemned anti-Semitism and New Zealand should too.

He says it is important for the Jewish community that Parliament sends out a message that they and all other New Zealanders should feel safe to practise their religion and culture.

Chris Carter says it would be an important public gesture from New Zealand's leaders.

One relative told the Herald how she felt after yesterday's attack.

Deborah Hart (picture below) said she was "very sad, really, really sad and then angry" after seeing her father's gravestone among the 95 pushed over in an attack in the Jewish section of the cemetery.

Ms Hart said the attack on the cemetery by vandals who also set fire to a prayer house and daubed a swastika on its wall was senseless.

It is the second time in three weeks that Jewish gravestones have been desecrated in a Wellington cemetery. The attack has been condemned by community leaders and politicians, and received coverage in internet news sites around the world.

Ms Hart is the daughter of photographer Ronald Woolf, who died at the age of 58 in a 1987 helicopter crash.

"He was a wonderful man. All he did in his lifetime was bring beauty to the world and I just thought he did not deserve that," said Ms Hart.

"And then I looked around and there were many other people's gravestones that I knew and none of them deserved it. They were good people."

New Zealand's Jewish community is horrified at the attack.

And the police officer leading the investigation says catching the offenders is the number one priority for the city's police this weekend.

Detective Sergeant Tim Leitch said it was likely the destruction was a "hate crime".

"It's an appalling crime. It's disturbed a great number of people," he said.

"I saw person after person arriving to check that their grandfather, father, mother, brother, their gravestone was not damaged."

Eighty-five-year-old Rae Regan, whose husband Robert is buried at the cemetery, said she was losing faith in New Zealand.

Although relieved her husband's gravestone was not attacked, she felt devastated by what occurred.

"I've lost such a lot of faith in this country that we came to. I still think it's wonderful but what's happening? I really am at a loss. "I never thought it was that bad ever but it certainly seems to be growing now ... I really can't face anybody today. I'm at a loss for words."

Members of Wellington's Jewish community are considering offering a reward for information on who was behind the attack.

It was discovered about 4am by a newspaper delivery worker who saw the fire.

Acting Prime Minister Michael Cullen said it was "ugly and unforgiveable" racism and particularly concerning after the attack three weeks ago on 16 Jewish headstones in the central city Bolton St Cemetery.

The city council said it would increase security patrols. Mayor Kerry Prendergast said attacking the dead was "cowardly and contemptible".

Jewish Council chairman David Zwartz (left) visited the cemetery yesterday morning. He said most of the 95 headstones were on the graves of people he had known.
"I just felt tremendously sad because it reminded me of the whole history of Jewish people and the attacks on them in so many countries. "So little seems to have been done to change the attitudes that the Jews are here to be killed, but I don't think it is a general attitude in New Zealand society."

Mr Zwartz said the fact there had been two attacks in the same region in a short space of time suggested it was more sinister than drunken youths on a rampage. When the Bolton St graves were desecrated, he said he thought it was linked to the jailing hours earlier of the suspected Israeli spies Eli Cara and Uriel Kelman for passport fraud and Prime Minister Helen Clark's criticism of Israel's refusal to apologise.

"I think it's a continuation of the same thing," he said yesterday, "possibly also linked with the extra talk about the proposed visit of David Irving, who's a notable anti-Jewish speaker."

The Wellington City Council has increased security at Makara and the Karori cemetery, which has even more Jewish graves.

In Auckland, a spokesman for Waikumete Cemetery said last night that security had been increased in the graveyard's Jewish section following the latest attack.

Mr Leitch said he would be reviewing the earlier grave desecration. "We can't discount a link," Mr Leitch said, but it was possibly a copycat crime.

He said he would also talk to colleagues investigating the June attacks. - HERALD STAFF and NEWSTALK ZB

08-07-2004, 10:38 PM
Vandals wreak havoc in Jewish cemetery


SHE experienced the horrors of Nazi Germany as a child but found safety in New Zealand. Yesterday, as Inger Woolf (right) stood in the rain and wept by her husband's desecrated grave, the nightmares came flooding back ...

THE Jewish community has been left in a state of shock by the violent desecration of a burial site, the second attack in Wellington in less than a month.

The incident has also provoked outrage from political, religious and social groups, including the right-wing National Front, which have condemned the vandalism.

As daylight broke yesterday at the isolated Makara Cemetery, about three kilometres west of Karori, the extent of the early-morning rampage became obvious.

Ninety-two gravestones had been knocked over. A small chapel, used for prayers during funeral services, was reduced to a smouldering shell.

A swastika etched crudely on the chapel wall greeted members of the Jewish community as they began arriving to witness the damage. A second swastika was gouged into grass between two rows of headstones.

The incident comes three weeks after 16 historic Jewish headstones were smashed at central Wellington's Bolton St Cemetery when swastikas and Nazi slogans were etched in the ground. Police are investigating the two incidents together, but have no clues to the culprits.

For Inger Woolf, who survived the horror of the Nazis, finding the vandalised grave of her husband, Wellington photographer Ron Woolf, awoke painful memories. After coming to New Zealand in 1957, she found a safe haven from anti-Semitism. Her earliest memories -- of being frightened by Nazis marching into her birthplace, Vienna, and putting up swastikas and of having to deny being a Jew -- were pushed to the back of her mind.

Yesterday, all the memories came flooding back as she experienced first-hand the effects of race-hate, the first in almost 50 years in New Zealand. "I didn't think that it could happen in New Zealand."

Ruth Gotlieb, a former city and regional councillor of 18 years, was one of the first to arrive at the cemetery yesterday. The grave of her son, Jake, who died 22 years ago after committing suicide, was untouched, but all around it gravestones lay scattered.

Comforted by her sister, Blanche Weinstein, a distraught Mrs Gotlieb repeatedly cried out "so many, so many" as she walked through the graves.

She had a strong message for the vandals.

"I think they are the scum of the earth, the scourge of mankind. I am disgusted that it could happen in this wonderful country. I can hardly believe that a human being could do the terrible things that I have just seen."

David Schnellenberg, of Island Bay, said the desecration was a problem for all New Zealanders and called for leadership from politicians, the churches and the wider community to prevent further attacks.

Detective Sergeant Tim Leitch of Wellington said police had little to work with, as heavy rain had washed away evidence. He was keen to hear from anyone who saw people or vehicles in the area, particularly about 4am, or knew the offenders. A newspaper delivery man for The Dominion Post raised the alarm after he spotted a glow coming from the cemetery during his morning run.

Police believe the vandals entered through an unlocked gate at the south side of the cemetery. Wellington City Council cemeteries manager Stuart Baines confirmed the gates had not been locked by the caretaker as they should have been.

A security review was under way, and nightly patrols could be introduced, as at Karori Cemetery. A guard would be at Makara during the weekend while long-term arrangements were made. Security would be stepped up at Karori Cemetery.

Acting Prime Minister Michael Cullen, Mayor Kerry Prendergast and other political, religious and social leaders moved swiftly to condemn the attack. Dr Cullen said: "Racism of any sort is ugly and unforgivable and has no place in New Zealand." Ms Prendergast called on all Wellingtonians to support the Jewish community. "This is an appalling act of vandalism . . . and I am disgusted and ashamed that it has happened in our city."

08-07-2004, 10:43 PM
David Irving comments:

ANY PUBLIC COMMENT from me at this stage would be superfluous, and perhaps seen as unhelpful.

In private, for my worldwide circle of supporters however, I can state that my first reaction is one of compassion: these people have suffered so horrendously in History already, and now this.

My second reaction is a more sober reflection: as readers of this website will know, 80 percent, yes eighty percent, of all such world-wide outrages investigated and solved by the authorities over the last few years have turned out to be perpetrated by disordered members of the Jewish community themselves.


Jewish chapel burned down, 90 headstones damaged
A CHAPEL has been burned down and dozens of headstones knocked over in an early morning attack on the Jewish section of Makara Cemetery, on the western outskirts of Wellington.

Detective Sergeant Tim Leitch, who is heading the investigation into the attack, said 90 headstones had been pushed off their bases.

Mr Leitch said the chapel had been destroyed.

Police had not found any signs of desecration around the graves, other than the headstones being knocked over, but it was still early in the scene examination.

The incident comes three weeks after about 16 historic headstones were smashed (http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/w-eur/2004/jul/16/071603658.html) on Jewish graves at central Wellington's Bolton Street Cemetery

Asked if there appeared to be a connection between the two attacks, Mr Leitch said: "At this stage I wouldn't like to say."

Mr Leitch said the fire was reported about 4am by a newspaper delivery person who saw a glow in the sky.

When firefighters arrived just before 4.20am, they found the chapel "well alight".

Fire investigators have cordoned off the scene, and Wellington City Council staff responsible for cemeteries are in attendance.

Another police officer, Sergeant Dexter Trail, said police were not sure if last month's attack and this morning's attack were "one and the same".

He said the first attack, in which headstones were desecrated with swastikas and Nazi slogans gouged into the ground, was still being investigated.

The attack happened just hours after the jailing of suspected Israeli spies Eli Cara and Uriel Kelman for passport fraud.

At the time, New Zealand Jewish Council chairman David Zwartz linked the desecration to their sentencing.

Mr Leitch said police particularly wanted to hear from anyone who saw people or vehicles in the rural area overnight, particularly around 4am.

Police believed those responsible would have needed a vehicle to get to the cemetery.

"There were probably a number of people involved, and they would have been here for a long time," he said.

Acting Prime Minister Michael Cullen condemned the vandalism and said it was particularly concerning as it followed the earlier attack in Wellington's Bolton Street cemetery.

"Racism of any sort is ugly and unforgivable and has no place in New Zealand," he said.

Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast described the attack as an "appalling act of vandalism'.

Ms Prendergast said the council would reinstate the 90 headstones affected, and increase security at both Makara and Karori cemeteries.

Attacking the dead was a cowardly and contemptible act, she said, and she was disgusted and ashamed that it had happened in the capital.

"Most Wellingtonians will be as sickened as I am by this act of cowardice and my sympathy goes out to the Jewish community today, especially those people who have been affected by this terrible event. "I have always been proud of the fact that Wellington is a tolerant, caring community. I call on Wellingtonians today to demonstrate this by supporting our Jewish community and condemning this act of violence and hatred." Which brings me to me third reaction. If that is so, the traditional enemy of free speech must be taking their problems in New Zealand very seriously if they feel the need to fire off both barrels of their shotgun like this. That is two cemetaries in as many weeks.

Like myself, most members of the non-Jewish community would not have the first idea where to find such cemeteries, or what to scrawl on them. Time will tell, and I am confident that the N Z authorities will find, and even expose, the perpetrators of this nasty crime.

A prophesy: It will not be long before they fire off the third barrel, and this time, the people scrawl not only Sieg Heil, but IRVING WAS RIGHT.

Yes, that should do the trick nicely.

08-08-2004, 01:34 AM
The Germans might do a Ocktoberfest display to promote Germany in the world, Italy a pasta feast, etc...But Israel & Jews must be the only ones making public relations stunts like these...Most people already dislike them and thus the retort to emotional blackmail with this kind of crap. Suddenly the Jews who are shooting 10 Palestinians daily are again victims, deserving of outmost consideration and white guilt.

Bastards, they know their tactic well

08-08-2004, 01:38 AM
Let's be cynical here, and admit we can't blame them for using a tactic they know works well. Can't blame them for manipulating dumb sheep, if the sheep are too stupid to realize what's happening.

08-08-2004, 01:39 AM
Oh by the way: you're up late ebus.

08-08-2004, 08:31 AM
LOL...Hey, Sunday is my only day off damnation! :D

08-08-2004, 03:07 PM
Dear Ebusitanus, time dictates to the Germans adopting Israel's tactic! It is the only way, much better than Oktoberfest, to winn the struggle for rebuild their image.
Kindest Regards!
The Germans might do a Ocktoberfest display to promote Germany in the world, Italy a pasta feast, etc...But Israel & Jews must be the only ones making public relations stunts like these...Most people already dislike them and thus the retort to emotional blackmail with this kind of crap. Suddenly the Jews who are shooting 10 Palestinians daily are again victims, deserving of outmost consideration and white guilt.

Bastards, they know their tactic well