View Full Version : Major US Christian Denomination Backs Divestment From Israel

07-16-2004, 06:52 AM

Leaders of the largest Christian Presbyterian denomination have officially equated Israel with apartheid-era South Africa and voted to divest from Israel, according to a report in the New York Forward.

The decision by the Presbyterian Church was approved 431 to 62 in a vote at the 216th annual General Assembly of the church, which has a membership of 3 million and a foundation and pension fund of $7 billion.

According to the Forward, the Protestant group is the largest organization or institution to join the divestment campaign against Israel. They are also the first Christian denomination to join the divestment campaign being waged on campuses and elsewhere against the Jewish State. The church also voted to continue funding "messianic congregations," which target Jews for conversion.

At an international interfaith meeting in Buenos Aires last week, Roman Catholic officials signed a document that called for "the total rejection of anti-Semitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism as a more recent manifestation equated anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.”

The Anti-Defamation League condemned the Presbyterian decision. “We were offended and distressed by the actions of the Presbyterian Church USA at your most recent General Assembly pertaining to Jews and Israel.” said ADL director Abraham Foxman. “Specifically, we cite the vote to continue funding the Avodat Yisrael Church [a church in Philadelphia that targets Jews for proselytization –ed.], and other missionizing churches targeting Jews, and the "overture" or resolution calling for divestiture from Israel.” The Presbyterian Assembly also voted overwhelming to condemn Israel's construction of the separation/security fence and to officially disavow Christian Zionism as a legitimate theological stance.

07-16-2004, 07:05 AM
Roman Catholic officials signed a document that called for "the total rejection of anti-Semitism in all its forms, including anti-Zionism as a more recent manifestation equated anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.”

WTF... something weird is going on... can't figure this angle at all. If its signed by "officials" then it was approved at the top. Why is the Vatican changing sides...

07-16-2004, 08:33 AM
It's encouraging to know that some Protestants in the U.S. are wising up to the Zionist menace. I was channel surfing a few Sundays ago and was surprised to see some preacher from the Oral Roberts network promoting New Covenant theology in lieu of the Deispensational heresy.

I'm not a churchgoer, but I do know that Christian Zionists are spiritual crriples-- lunatics who confound the message of Christ with Zionism and modren-day Israel. The movement stinks of the Antichrist.

07-16-2004, 11:57 AM
How much believers does this evangelic movement of shabbos goyim have in America? I know they're huge zionists, are they bigger in numbers than the Presbyterian xhurch?

07-16-2004, 06:50 PM
The Presbytarian church is the one my parents took me to as a kid. I'm glad to see Foxman being "offended" about them not giving Israel money. :p