View Full Version : I'd like to gain about 15 pounds
01-04-2005, 02:33 PM
I'm 5 feet tall and weigh about 100 pounds, maybe a little less. This is supposed to be my 'ideal' weight, however I feel too skinny. At my heaviest I was 135 pounds, which for a 5-foot-tall female is quite a lot of junk in the trunk. At that time (about 7 years ago) I needed to wear a clothing size 13-14. I currently wear size 2-4 clothing depending on the brand.
My current diet consists of typical Hungarian food- boiled/baked chicken, tons paprika, greasy slabs of salted pork baked in lard, pasta, potatoes, fatty peasant-style sausage, soup and I drink mainly fresh organic milk or tea. I only eat breakfast and dinner, though. Almost everything I eat is made from scratch (people here actually cook, rather than in US where opening a brightly colored cardboard box and adding hot water is called 'cooking'). Most of the vegetables and meat in my diet is grown/raised on a small organic farm belonging to my boyfriend's grandmother.
The closest thing to exercise I get is walking around the house all day cleaning, moping, cooking, having sex (hey, its good exercise) and other housewifery. And walking to the store/post office/bank/etc which is about 2 or 3 miles from here.
What should I be doing/eating to get a little bit more juice in my caboose?
01-04-2005, 02:51 PM
Try drinking a lot of milk.
01-04-2005, 03:54 PM
But put a lot of beer in the milk and it will work better.
01-04-2005, 06:11 PM
Beer will do it for everyone.
01-04-2005, 06:55 PM
Eat at Wendy's 3 times a day.
01-04-2005, 07:07 PM
There's no Wendy's here, fortunately. :)
I don't want it to be all cellulite, either. :p
01-04-2005, 07:12 PM
If you want to gain muscle poundage without gaining fat poundage work out a lot including intense weight training increase your protein and carb/fat intake...
But you'll probably have to fine tune this regimen with a professional...
Von Apfelstrudel
01-05-2005, 06:13 PM
Beer will do it for everyone.
more accurately : Ale ...
though this may place the gained pounds in unwanted areas ...
01-05-2005, 09:42 PM
Little bit of weight lifting, slightly higher calorie intake, would probably do it.
01-05-2005, 09:44 PM
Too much beer gives you a very flexible 'muscle' on your abdomen. Beware.
01-05-2005, 10:01 PM
Different body types tend to gain weight in different places. This is mentioned here
Gender also influences where one puts on weight.
01-05-2005, 11:08 PM
Gender also influences where one puts on weight.
Erzsebet Bathory told me that women only put on weight on their ass because society has conditioned them to store adipose tissue there.
Erzsébet Báthory
01-05-2005, 11:15 PM
Erzsebet Bathory told me that women only put on weight on their ass because society has conditioned them to store adipose tissue there.No, I did not.
Did society condition you to be a paranoid neo-Nazi, or is that more due to a genetic predisposition?
01-05-2005, 11:22 PM
No, I did not.
Well, anybody who suggests that estrogen creates an anabolic environment in the human body is likely to suggest equally absurd things about the nature of human physiology.
Did society condition you to be a paranoid neo-Nazi, or is that more due to a genetic predisposition?
I'm not a "neo-Nazi"...but I would argue that I am somewhat predisposed to attack Gramsciian vomit wherever I find it spewed.
01-07-2005, 07:39 PM
Women have more fat cells than men. Whereas the average man has 26 billion fat cells, or adipocytes, in his body, the average female has 35 billion. Fat comprises 27% of an average woman's total body-weight but for a man comprises only 15%. Nature ordains that women have more fat on their bodies than men. Fat is essential for reproduction and therefore fat stores are maintained on the female body in case of pregnancy. Adequate levels of fat are also necessary for ovulation - it's known that girls don't begin to menstruate until their bodies are composed of at least 17% fat.
.... (
See also: Menstrual Disturbances in Female Athletes (
Through observations evolutionary biologists have found a link between the popular fascination for Barbie doll curves (or small waist to hip ratios) in women and a higher disposition of fertility and health. Worldwide men of diverse backgrounds, ethnicity and ages have ranked women with a small waist to hip ratio of around 0.7 (the waist is 70% the size of the hips), irrespective of variance in weight as the most attractive and healthy. This corresponds to scientific assessments that verify a woman with a small waist to hip ratio (WHR) as the most healthy and fertile. WHR is found to be positively correlated with high testosterone and negatively linked to estrogen, thereby high degrees of estrogen lead to low WHR. A high concentration of estrogen in the female body especially after puberty results in nearly 35 pounds of reproductive fat deposited on the hips and thighs rather than on the waist. A study conducted in Netherlands has found that even a slight increase in waist to hip circumference might lead to reproductive problems and infertility, as a woman with a WHR of 0.9 is nearly one third less likely to get pregnant than a woman with a 0.8 WHR. In addition, a higher degree of adult onset diabetes has been observed in women with high WHR. Thereby it could be observed that a female with a more hourglass figure is more fertile and healthy than non-curvaceous or high WHR woman. Male fascination with more curvy women therefore translates into a reasonable indicator of the actual reproductive value of females since the low WHR is associated with high fertility and good health. This is a good example of sexual selection in the evolutionary process.
Biology of Beauty (
01-07-2005, 08:16 PM
This Body Fat Percentage Calculator ( is telling me I'm overweight and should lose 5 pounds: :p
Hips 36"
Waist 23"
Neck 11"
Height 60"
Your weight is: 100 pounds
Your sex is: Female
Your Body Fat percentage is: 22%
Your Lean Body Mass is: 78 pounds
Your 'Ideal' weight is: 95 pounds
Your activity factor is: 0.73
Your recommend blocks per day are: 8 (60 grams of protein)
Recommended BF% for a woman is 22%.
The least I ever weighed was 98 pounds and I felt terrible.
I also had a look at this calculator for waist to hip ratio, which tells if you're at risk for heart disease: Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator (
You have a waist to hip ratio of 0.64. Your shape puts you at reduced risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Frequently referred to as pear shape, you tend to keep fat off your midsection and more on your hips. Your body does not convert this lower body fat as readily as midsection fat, which keeps cholesterol down.
I'm going to drink lots of cocoa. I don't enjoy the taste of beer. If my boyfriend's dog didn't want to kill me I'd take him for a walk every day for exercise. The dog is an anti-American German Shepherd. :(
Lisa GT
01-07-2005, 08:27 PM
When I was underweight the doctor had me drink a can of Ensure and eat a bowl of ice cream before going to sleep in the evenings. I know there's another version of Ensure out there now, I think it's called Boost.
01-22-2005, 04:14 PM
Gaining muscle mass through weight training is all about shocking your body thus forcing it to grow to adapt to the punishment. Success depends 90% on eating right and 10% on your workout. If you dont currently workout with weights it will be fairly easy to put on 15lbs because even a low intensity workout routine will shock your body into growth. However keep in mind that if you dont eat right your body wont have the raw materials it needs to build and maintain new muscle. You should try to eat as "clean" as possible.
Few rules of thumb:
Your daily protien intake in grams should be equal to your body weight in lbs.
To gain weight (aka bulk) you should eat 18-20 times your body weight (lbs.) in calories daily. To lose body fat while attempting to retain muscle mass (aka cut) reduce this to ~15 but do not lower protien intake.
Sarah, you should use the inspiration provided by your pic there. I'd start with the patented moon waffles. mmmmmmm, sacrelicious.
Derrick B
01-23-2005, 04:14 AM
5' ft and 100 lbs?
Yes, you could stand to gain a solid 10 pounds, but again it depends on your bone structure. How big are your breasts?
Not trying to be fresh, but that would give us a better indication of your overall physique.
If/when you do gain the weight, unless you are working out with weights (and because you are short you could put on a bit of decent muscle relatively quickly), the new weight will most likely be in your ass and hips.
Most men like a little padding and curves so don't buy into that faggy cosmo skinny look. Your b/f though likes you for you, no matter how you look... :)
Advice: lift a little weight - just squats, leg press, shoulder shrugs, military presses, calf raises.
Eat more food. More dairy and meat products. You'll gain 10 pounds of solid healthy weight in about 6-8 weeks.
Enjoy the new you!
Sounds simple, it is.
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