View Full Version : Science and Technology

  1. Stargate: Atlantis
  2. Sneakiest primates have biggest brains
  3. Speed of light may have changed recently
  4. Recipe unearthed for 'glassy' metal
  5. Nanowires get connected
  6. Scientists invent synthetic skin
  7. Human cloning
  8. Hand Scanners
  9. Color picture of Titan
  10. Cassini Enters Orbit Around Saturn (July 1)
  11. Entanglement breaks new record
  12. The future will be a confusing place
  13. Once in a blue moon
  14. 101 Amazing Earth Facts
  15. Soyuz 11
  16. Hubble discovers 100 new planets
  17. Russia's answer to Star Wars
  18. LOL! Russian Fighters are superior saids Pentagon
  19. Dating Terminology - humour
  20. It Rained On Mars - Three Billion Years Ago
  21. Sci Fi Weapons Closer Than You Think
  22. Monkeys master 'mind control'
  23. Women And Minorities In Science
  24. Ancient Genetic Engineering
  25. Endosymbiosis and The Origin of Eukaryotes
  26. Hawking cracks black hole paradox
  27. Blind really can hear better
  28. Bacteria tested in Mars simulator
  29. Babies babble in sign language too
  30. Seas absorb half of carbon dioxide pollution
  31. X-43A: Full Speed Ahead to Mach 10
  32. NASA to launch Mercury probe Aug. 2
  33. Variation in Color Vision Genes May Have Helped Humans See the Fruit for the Trees
  34. Gender split in science attitudes
  35. Ammonia on Mars could mean life
  36. No cure yet for Obesity
  37. Ariane launch with Anik satellite
  38. Boys will be girls - eventually
  39. MPs back free access to research results
  40. Helping Hospitals: Space Technology Aids Life on Earth
  41. Rovers to get extra time on Mars
  42. Blue eyes?
  43. Instant meals for soldiers - just add urine
  44. Sunspot Grows to 20 Times Size of Earth
  45. Be warned, this could be the matrix
  46. ET first contact 'within 20 years'
  47. Warning of bigger burn for sunbathers
  48. The Future History of Planet Earth
  49. Fighter pilots could command drone 'swarms'
  50. Family words came first for early humans
  51. Researchers Find Marker for Premature Birth
  52. Countdown Begins for Private Space Race
  53. Freak Waves Spotted From Space
  54. White elephant spotted in Sri Lanka
  55. Bone-devouring worms discovered
  56. Earth-like planets may be more rare than thought
  57. Highways Help Pigeons Find Their Way Home
  58. Pig/human hybrid cells created
  59. Life on Mars Likely, Scientist Claims
  60. Big picture of Titan
  61. ESA studies hibernation for space travel
  62. Physicists discover dramatic difference in behavior of matter versus antimatter
  63. Mars rovers shows signs of wear
  64. Robot guard will smoke out villains
  65. Salmon give birth to trout
  66. Decoders target 18 new genomes
  67. Skin used to transmit key data
  68. Social status influences brain structure
  69. The future of nanotechnology
  70. Renewable Energy
  71. NASA Scientist Sees Possible Mat of Martian Microbes
  72. Smart windows block heat not light
  73. Gene therapy turns lazy monkeys into workaholics
  74. Scientists create "metal rubber"
  75. Cosmic ray link to global warming boosted
  76. Scientists given cloning go-ahead
  77. Glass breakthrough
  78. Breakthrough Nanotechnology Will Bring 100 Terabyte 3.5-inch Digital Storage Disks
  79. Hefty Strykers bog down transport planes, report finds
  80. Language May Shape Human Thought
  81. Alien contact
  82. Teleportation goes long distance
  83. Is this the answer to God, the universe and all that?
  84. Computer chips get tough
  85. Solar hydrogen: free energy?
  86. Mental ping-pong could aid paraplegics
  87. Extrasolar planets
  88. SETI at home
  89. Strange life on Titan?
  90. Is strange space signal a sign that ET's mother has called back?
  91. Chinese dyslexics have problems of their own
  92. North Pole had sub-tropical seas because of global warming
  93. Let 1000 reactors bloom
  94. Self-sustaining killer robot
  95. Excerpt from Rodney Stark's "For the Glory of God"
  96. Hypnosis really changes your mind
  97. Stroke victim robbed of her dreams
  98. Likely First Photo of Planet Beyond the Solar System
  99. Eternal Universe
  100. Electrons stop spuds sprouting
  101. Prime numbers
  102. Perfect, amicable, and social numbers
  103. Entanglement
  104. Red shift, blue shift
  105. The Fermi paradox
  106. how to build your own mortar
  107. closed form of factorial?
  108. China's GM trees get lost in bureaucracy
  109. Swimming in syrup is as easy as water
  110. Only in Quantum Physics: Spinning While Standing Still
  111. Frozen sugar at center of Milky Way
  112. R.p.g. 7
  113. Optical technique promises terabyte disks
  114. Video disks ditch binary storage
  115. Tense Moments During Trailblazing Private Space Flight
  116. An atom-smasher on your desk?
  117. Mount St Helens growls again
  118. Liquid freezes when heated
  119. We need a webmaster...
  120. SpaceShipOne wins X Prize for spaceflight
  121. America's Space Prize: Reaching Higher Than Sub-Orbit
  122. Scientists discover new element
  123. Sex change hormones rampid in English rivers!
  124. Paralysed man sends e-mail by thought
  125. Strange organism may be completely new form of life
  126. Sleepwalking woman had sex with strangers
  127. Fossil dinosaur slept like a bird
  128. Mother's genetics could influence sexual orientation
  129. How to build the Universe
  130. Scientists seek to create 'three-parent' babies
  131. Dinosaur Diversity Struck Down
  132. Mice do fine without 'junk DNA'
  133. Petr: My response to Safarti's rebuttal of Rennie
  134. Petr
  135. row reduction
  136. Scientists Find Prehistoric Dwarf Skeleton
  137. Titan's complex and strange world revealed
  138. Titan pic
  139. The ultimate weapon
  140. Seeing where no-one else has affects reality
  141. Revolutionary plane prepares to set speed record
  142. European spacecraft prepares to orbit Moon
  143. Music mirrors tone patterns in our speech
  144. France to Host Nuclear Fusion Project - EU Source
  145. Scramjet to attempt 7,000 mph flight
  146. Scientists face the fact of Mars methane
  147. Shock waves tear food bugs apart
  148. Optical trap dates Egyptian water
  149. Nanotubes keep tabs on breathing
  150. XM-8: The Future of Killing Is Here
  151. Geneticist claims to have found 'God gene' in humans
  152. NASA scramjet smashes speed record
  153. Psionics
  154. SMART-1's Ion Drive: From Fiction to Fact
  155. Following in Pioneer's footsteps
  156. U.S. Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons
  157. Scientists get their own Google
  158. Scientists create human/animal hybrids
  159. No Sci-Fi Tech for "Future Combat"
  160. Everyone is a potential torturer
  161. Europe prepares to go for fusion alone
  162. Self-replicating Nanomachines Feasible
  163. Technology vs. Tradition in Military thinking
  164. Left-handers flourish in violent society
  165. Artificial cells take shape
  166. Bush’s Brain; what is Bush's IQ
  167. Christian Doctor Warns Against Radical Human Hybrid Research
  168. Missile Defence Shield - another multi-billion-dollar Bush flop
  169. Scientists take first photograph of electron orbitals
  170. 'Nano-needle' operates on cell
  171. Move To France, Hippie
  172. Myths and Misconceptions about Learning a Second Language
  173. String Theory: Accurate or Not?
  174. Air burst munitions
  175. Cassini Releases Huygens Probe
  176. First cloned pet revives ethical debate
  177. Flexible scanner works on curved surfaces
  178. Natural selection acts on the quantum world
  179. Transgender operations
  180. Gaia - The Living Earth
  181. Sumatran quake sped up Earth's rotation
  182. One Year of Science on Mars
  183. Oh, Global Warming
  184. Giant tortoise adopts baby hippo
  185. Rats Can Tell Human Languages Apart, Study Shows
  186. quantum computing
  187. an idea in discrete math that came to me
  188. Drug barons make GM cocaine
  189. Micromachine grows its own muscles
  190. Huygens sends postcards and sounds from Titan
  191. Gene control hits new level
  192. Woman becomes mother at 66
  193. Booze boosts brainpower
  194. Mystery compound in beer fights cancer
  195. High IQ Test Scorers Have Less Suicide Risk: Study
  196. W00t !