View Full Version : Science and Technology
- Stargate: Atlantis
- Sneakiest primates have biggest brains
- Speed of light may have changed recently
- Recipe unearthed for 'glassy' metal
- Nanowires get connected
- Scientists invent synthetic skin
- Human cloning
- Hand Scanners
- Color picture of Titan
- Cassini Enters Orbit Around Saturn (July 1)
- Entanglement breaks new record
- The future will be a confusing place
- Once in a blue moon
- 101 Amazing Earth Facts
- Soyuz 11
- Hubble discovers 100 new planets
- Russia's answer to Star Wars
- LOL! Russian Fighters are superior saids Pentagon
- Dating Terminology - humour
- It Rained On Mars - Three Billion Years Ago
- Sci Fi Weapons Closer Than You Think
- Monkeys master 'mind control'
- Women And Minorities In Science
- Ancient Genetic Engineering
- Endosymbiosis and The Origin of Eukaryotes
- Hawking cracks black hole paradox
- Blind really can hear better
- Bacteria tested in Mars simulator
- Babies babble in sign language too
- Seas absorb half of carbon dioxide pollution
- X-43A: Full Speed Ahead to Mach 10
- NASA to launch Mercury probe Aug. 2
- Variation in Color Vision Genes May Have Helped Humans See the Fruit for the Trees
- Gender split in science attitudes
- Ammonia on Mars could mean life
- No cure yet for Obesity
- Ariane launch with Anik satellite
- Boys will be girls - eventually
- MPs back free access to research results
- Helping Hospitals: Space Technology Aids Life on Earth
- Rovers to get extra time on Mars
- Blue eyes?
- Instant meals for soldiers - just add urine
- Sunspot Grows to 20 Times Size of Earth
- Be warned, this could be the matrix
- ET first contact 'within 20 years'
- Warning of bigger burn for sunbathers
- The Future History of Planet Earth
- Fighter pilots could command drone 'swarms'
- Family words came first for early humans
- Researchers Find Marker for Premature Birth
- Countdown Begins for Private Space Race
- Freak Waves Spotted From Space
- White elephant spotted in Sri Lanka
- Bone-devouring worms discovered
- Earth-like planets may be more rare than thought
- Highways Help Pigeons Find Their Way Home
- Pig/human hybrid cells created
- Life on Mars Likely, Scientist Claims
- Big picture of Titan
- ESA studies hibernation for space travel
- Physicists discover dramatic difference in behavior of matter versus antimatter
- Mars rovers shows signs of wear
- Robot guard will smoke out villains
- Salmon give birth to trout
- Decoders target 18 new genomes
- Skin used to transmit key data
- Social status influences brain structure
- The future of nanotechnology
- Renewable Energy
- NASA Scientist Sees Possible Mat of Martian Microbes
- Smart windows block heat not light
- Gene therapy turns lazy monkeys into workaholics
- Scientists create "metal rubber"
- Cosmic ray link to global warming boosted
- Scientists given cloning go-ahead
- Glass breakthrough
- Breakthrough Nanotechnology Will Bring 100 Terabyte 3.5-inch Digital Storage Disks
- Hefty Strykers bog down transport planes, report finds
- Language May Shape Human Thought
- Alien contact
- Teleportation goes long distance
- Is this the answer to God, the universe and all that?
- Computer chips get tough
- Solar hydrogen: free energy?
- Mental ping-pong could aid paraplegics
- Extrasolar planets
- SETI at home
- Strange life on Titan?
- Is strange space signal a sign that ET's mother has called back?
- Chinese dyslexics have problems of their own
- North Pole had sub-tropical seas because of global warming
- Let 1000 reactors bloom
- Self-sustaining killer robot
- Excerpt from Rodney Stark's "For the Glory of God"
- Hypnosis really changes your mind
- Stroke victim robbed of her dreams
- Likely First Photo of Planet Beyond the Solar System
- Eternal Universe
- Electrons stop spuds sprouting
- Prime numbers
- Perfect, amicable, and social numbers
- Entanglement
- Red shift, blue shift
- The Fermi paradox
- how to build your own mortar
- closed form of factorial?
- China's GM trees get lost in bureaucracy
- Swimming in syrup is as easy as water
- Only in Quantum Physics: Spinning While Standing Still
- Frozen sugar at center of Milky Way
- R.p.g. 7
- Optical technique promises terabyte disks
- Video disks ditch binary storage
- Tense Moments During Trailblazing Private Space Flight
- An atom-smasher on your desk?
- Mount St Helens growls again
- Liquid freezes when heated
- We need a webmaster...
- SpaceShipOne wins X Prize for spaceflight
- America's Space Prize: Reaching Higher Than Sub-Orbit
- Scientists discover new element
- Sex change hormones rampid in English rivers!
- Paralysed man sends e-mail by thought
- Strange organism may be completely new form of life
- Sleepwalking woman had sex with strangers
- Fossil dinosaur slept like a bird
- Mother's genetics could influence sexual orientation
- How to build the Universe
- Scientists seek to create 'three-parent' babies
- Dinosaur Diversity Struck Down
- Mice do fine without 'junk DNA'
- Petr: My response to Safarti's rebuttal of Rennie
- Petr
- row reduction
- Scientists Find Prehistoric Dwarf Skeleton
- Titan's complex and strange world revealed
- Titan pic
- The ultimate weapon
- Seeing where no-one else has affects reality
- Revolutionary plane prepares to set speed record
- European spacecraft prepares to orbit Moon
- Music mirrors tone patterns in our speech
- France to Host Nuclear Fusion Project - EU Source
- Scramjet to attempt 7,000 mph flight
- Scientists face the fact of Mars methane
- Shock waves tear food bugs apart
- Optical trap dates Egyptian water
- Nanotubes keep tabs on breathing
- XM-8: The Future of Killing Is Here
- Geneticist claims to have found 'God gene' in humans
- NASA scramjet smashes speed record
- Psionics
- SMART-1's Ion Drive: From Fiction to Fact
- Following in Pioneer's footsteps
- U.S. Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons
- Scientists get their own Google
- Scientists create human/animal hybrids
- No Sci-Fi Tech for "Future Combat"
- Everyone is a potential torturer
- Europe prepares to go for fusion alone
- Self-replicating Nanomachines Feasible
- Technology vs. Tradition in Military thinking
- Left-handers flourish in violent society
- Artificial cells take shape
- Bush’s Brain; what is Bush's IQ
- Christian Doctor Warns Against Radical Human Hybrid Research
- Missile Defence Shield - another multi-billion-dollar Bush flop
- Scientists take first photograph of electron orbitals
- 'Nano-needle' operates on cell
- Move To France, Hippie
- Myths and Misconceptions about Learning a Second Language
- String Theory: Accurate or Not?
- Air burst munitions
- Cassini Releases Huygens Probe
- First cloned pet revives ethical debate
- Flexible scanner works on curved surfaces
- Natural selection acts on the quantum world
- Transgender operations
- Gaia - The Living Earth
- Sumatran quake sped up Earth's rotation
- One Year of Science on Mars
- Oh, Global Warming
- Giant tortoise adopts baby hippo
- Rats Can Tell Human Languages Apart, Study Shows
- quantum computing
- an idea in discrete math that came to me
- Drug barons make GM cocaine
- Micromachine grows its own muscles
- Huygens sends postcards and sounds from Titan
- Gene control hits new level
- Woman becomes mother at 66
- Booze boosts brainpower
- Mystery compound in beer fights cancer
- High IQ Test Scorers Have Less Suicide Risk: Study
- W00t !
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