12-24-2004, 03:22 AM
I am overweight. I need to lose a good 20-30 pounds. I am well on that road, getting a proper diet and regular exercise. I see no shame in admitting this, as the only shame is having a problem and not taking steps to rectify it.
That said, I feel especially annoyed by fat people, especially obese and morbidly obese, who blame others for their problems. Instead of the actually quite simple steps of eating a healthier diet (not really that hard) and half an hour to an hour of moderate physical exercise a day (walking, ffs!) they bitch and moan and blame others. This is why BS like fast food companies getting sued happens: People are often quite unwilling to assume blame: It's not their fault they're fat, it's the fast food joint they eat at several times a week. Now, fast food is garbage, and the people who run them in my opinion should be peeled, salted, and hung up for the necrophiles to play with, but Goddamnit, eating there is a personal choice.
People don't seem to like taking responsibility for their choices. Eating french fries instead of celery sticks? Not their fault. Eating food greasy enough to make paper transparent? Not their fault. Exercise? Who the fuck has time for that! There's barely enough time in the day to choke down multiple hamburgers!
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who have any right to complain about their problems are those with thyroid conditions. It pisses me off to no end to see some Goddamn whale talking about personal choice. This is an issue: Here in Canada, we have a public healthcare system. If people are going to be getting their healthcare paid for (and I think that public health is a good thing) at the expense of others, they should be responsible in terms of their health. When some fatty's heart decides to go on strike, my parents (and by extension, me, considering that I'm nearly of age to pay taxes) have to pay for it, same as somebody who's cracked their head open because they were too damn cool to wear a bike helmet, or somebody who got fucked up in a car accident because wearing a seatbelt was apparently not their idea of fun, gets a free ride. If there are helmet and seatbelt laws, why are there not laws to keep people from eating freakish amounts of food?
Aaargh. I just needed to get that out of my system.
That said, I feel especially annoyed by fat people, especially obese and morbidly obese, who blame others for their problems. Instead of the actually quite simple steps of eating a healthier diet (not really that hard) and half an hour to an hour of moderate physical exercise a day (walking, ffs!) they bitch and moan and blame others. This is why BS like fast food companies getting sued happens: People are often quite unwilling to assume blame: It's not their fault they're fat, it's the fast food joint they eat at several times a week. Now, fast food is garbage, and the people who run them in my opinion should be peeled, salted, and hung up for the necrophiles to play with, but Goddamnit, eating there is a personal choice.
People don't seem to like taking responsibility for their choices. Eating french fries instead of celery sticks? Not their fault. Eating food greasy enough to make paper transparent? Not their fault. Exercise? Who the fuck has time for that! There's barely enough time in the day to choke down multiple hamburgers!
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who have any right to complain about their problems are those with thyroid conditions. It pisses me off to no end to see some Goddamn whale talking about personal choice. This is an issue: Here in Canada, we have a public healthcare system. If people are going to be getting their healthcare paid for (and I think that public health is a good thing) at the expense of others, they should be responsible in terms of their health. When some fatty's heart decides to go on strike, my parents (and by extension, me, considering that I'm nearly of age to pay taxes) have to pay for it, same as somebody who's cracked their head open because they were too damn cool to wear a bike helmet, or somebody who got fucked up in a car accident because wearing a seatbelt was apparently not their idea of fun, gets a free ride. If there are helmet and seatbelt laws, why are there not laws to keep people from eating freakish amounts of food?
Aaargh. I just needed to get that out of my system.