07-11-2004, 02:05 PM
The decision that came out of The Hague is a document whose one-sidedness cries to the heavens. It contains not a single word of condemnation of terrorism, no recognition of Israel's right to self-defence against terrorism. The Hague document does not even have the pretence of minimal balance: It expresses without reservation the Palestinian side. The Hague opinion locates the state of Israel outside the fence of the community of legal nations. Herein lies its perversion. Herein lies its danger.
Editorial in Yediot Aharonot
The Supreme Court of Israel recognised the unquestionable reality that the security fence has saved numerous lives and promises to save more, but it also recognised that this benefit must be weighed against the material disadvantages to West Bank Palestinians. The International Court, on the other hand, discounted the saving of lives and focused only on Palestinian interests. By showing its preference for Palestinian property rights over the lives of Jews, the International Court displayed its bigotry.
Commentator in Jerusalem Post
Israel's image took a beating from the ICJ on Friday. The judges' decision in The Hague damages Israel's legitimacy and portrays it as a criminal state that has been acting contrary to international law for 37 years in the [occupied] territories.
Commentator in Ha'aretz
The decision is harmful to the international standing of the country. It constitutes another challenge to the legitimacy of Israel's actions in the territories it conquered in 1967. The idea of the fence was justified but the flawed planning locked Israel into an unnecessary and damaging diplomatic conundrum, which undermines international support for the war against terrorism and presents it as a war against occupation.
Editorial in Ha'aretz
The court's opinion is of a non-binding declarative nature; it is supposed to provide UN institutions with the legal basis for their future acts and guide their debates on the issue. Only the Security Council is authorised to impose sanctions on Israel, if it adopts the opinion. It may be assumed that in this case the US will use its veto right in the Security Council.
Commentator in Ha'aretz
The court in The Hague acted as a court martial, a political playing field on which a match sold in advance was played. Instead of dismantling the fence, it should have demanded the dismantling of the terrorist organisations whose activity led to the construction of the fence. Instead of Israel, the Palestinian terrorists and their senders should have been put on trial, those who are responsible for war crimes par excellence. The government of Israel will not sacrifice Israelis' lives on the profaned altar of international law. Israel will continue construction of the fence.
Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Yediot Aharonot
The fence was as necessary as air is to breathing for the security of Israel as a whole, most importantly for the hundreds of thousands of Israelis living along its length. Its route should have clung to the Green Line without deviations or clever tricks. A security fence, not a border. However, those who determined the route, from the prime minister downward, preferred to play clever. Instead of concentrating on security, they played politics. The High Court gave Sharon a convenient ladder to climb down from the fence route. Instead of surrendering to the dictate from The Hague he can submit to the dictate from Jerusalem - the earlier the better.
Commentator in Yediot Aharonot
The ruling of the ICJ in The Hague is like red writing on the wall. The world's lack of patience in relation to what is happening here breaks new records. No-one has patience for Israel and its troubles. Time is working against us. We will not be immune forever. Now it is possible to regret one's mistake. How we, as usual, committed all possible mistakes, paid the highest price, travelled along the most twisted road, got stoned, walked over mines and in the end got this harsh opinion. For in the end, the fence will be more logical, less penetrating, thanks to the High Court. We had to learn it the most difficult way, as usual.
Commentator in Ma'ariv
The court did not surprise when it decided that the fence is a de facto annexation. It is a fact that Justice Minister Tommy Lapid opposed the route inside the territory where Israel is seen to be a military occupier. It is forbidden to belittle the influence of the court on certain states and it is Israel's duty to promote the search for political solutions for the conflict without surrendering to internal pressures, which will undoubtedly be hard.
Commentator in Ma'ariv
The decision that came out of The Hague is a document whose one-sidedness cries to the heavens. It contains not a single word of condemnation of terrorism, no recognition of Israel's right to self-defence against terrorism. The Hague document does not even have the pretence of minimal balance: It expresses without reservation the Palestinian side. The Hague opinion locates the state of Israel outside the fence of the community of legal nations. Herein lies its perversion. Herein lies its danger.
Editorial in Yediot Aharonot
The Supreme Court of Israel recognised the unquestionable reality that the security fence has saved numerous lives and promises to save more, but it also recognised that this benefit must be weighed against the material disadvantages to West Bank Palestinians. The International Court, on the other hand, discounted the saving of lives and focused only on Palestinian interests. By showing its preference for Palestinian property rights over the lives of Jews, the International Court displayed its bigotry.
Commentator in Jerusalem Post
Israel's image took a beating from the ICJ on Friday. The judges' decision in The Hague damages Israel's legitimacy and portrays it as a criminal state that has been acting contrary to international law for 37 years in the [occupied] territories.
Commentator in Ha'aretz
The decision is harmful to the international standing of the country. It constitutes another challenge to the legitimacy of Israel's actions in the territories it conquered in 1967. The idea of the fence was justified but the flawed planning locked Israel into an unnecessary and damaging diplomatic conundrum, which undermines international support for the war against terrorism and presents it as a war against occupation.
Editorial in Ha'aretz
The court's opinion is of a non-binding declarative nature; it is supposed to provide UN institutions with the legal basis for their future acts and guide their debates on the issue. Only the Security Council is authorised to impose sanctions on Israel, if it adopts the opinion. It may be assumed that in this case the US will use its veto right in the Security Council.
Commentator in Ha'aretz
The court in The Hague acted as a court martial, a political playing field on which a match sold in advance was played. Instead of dismantling the fence, it should have demanded the dismantling of the terrorist organisations whose activity led to the construction of the fence. Instead of Israel, the Palestinian terrorists and their senders should have been put on trial, those who are responsible for war crimes par excellence. The government of Israel will not sacrifice Israelis' lives on the profaned altar of international law. Israel will continue construction of the fence.
Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Yediot Aharonot
The fence was as necessary as air is to breathing for the security of Israel as a whole, most importantly for the hundreds of thousands of Israelis living along its length. Its route should have clung to the Green Line without deviations or clever tricks. A security fence, not a border. However, those who determined the route, from the prime minister downward, preferred to play clever. Instead of concentrating on security, they played politics. The High Court gave Sharon a convenient ladder to climb down from the fence route. Instead of surrendering to the dictate from The Hague he can submit to the dictate from Jerusalem - the earlier the better.
Commentator in Yediot Aharonot
The ruling of the ICJ in The Hague is like red writing on the wall. The world's lack of patience in relation to what is happening here breaks new records. No-one has patience for Israel and its troubles. Time is working against us. We will not be immune forever. Now it is possible to regret one's mistake. How we, as usual, committed all possible mistakes, paid the highest price, travelled along the most twisted road, got stoned, walked over mines and in the end got this harsh opinion. For in the end, the fence will be more logical, less penetrating, thanks to the High Court. We had to learn it the most difficult way, as usual.
Commentator in Ma'ariv
The court did not surprise when it decided that the fence is a de facto annexation. It is a fact that Justice Minister Tommy Lapid opposed the route inside the territory where Israel is seen to be a military occupier. It is forbidden to belittle the influence of the court on certain states and it is Israel's duty to promote the search for political solutions for the conflict without surrendering to internal pressures, which will undoubtedly be hard.
Commentator in Ma'ariv