View Full Version : Barry Bonds - Cheater Who Should Not Be Destined For Hall Of Fame
John Rocker
12-07-2004, 03:48 AM
The truley great Pete Rose is denied the Hall of Fame for betting on games.
The racial double standard is pretty apparent as Giambi is scrutinized much more than Bonds.
The cheater Barry Bonds received steroids in order to cheat for years. His "records" are impressive. But imagine if Roger Maris, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and other great players took steriods.
Even the great Hank Aaron said, "Let me say this. Any way you look at it, it's wrong."
Before and after the steroids. Even his nostrils gained weight. :p
12-07-2004, 08:27 AM
The truley great Pete Rose is denied the Hall of Fame for betting on games.
The racial double standard is pretty apparent as Giambi is scrutinized much more than Bonds.
The cheater Barry Bonds received steroids in order to cheat for years. His "records" are impressive. But imagine if Roger Maris, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and other great players took steriods.
Even the great Hank Aaron said, "Let me say this. Any way you look at it, it's wrong."
Before and after the steroids. Even his nostrils gained weight. :p
Johnny McCain is a Senator who represents the state of Arizona...Arizona is a state that is currently enduring hostile foreign invasion. Senator McCain's response to this crisis?: Testing for Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids must be made mandatory in professional baseball. Way to go Senator McCain! I can sleep better at night knowing that Giambi is no longer doping up on Sustanon and HGH.
RE: Bonds
Bonds is probably using a lot of synthetic Human Growth Hormone, hence the latent tissue growth. HGH cannot be tested for...that is why Bonds always pisses clean.
As an aside, Anabolic Steroids are a genie that can't be put back in the bottle. In the 21st century, athletes use drugs...and if they don't, people stop watching. The public demands a level of performance that is only possible with the aid of AAS and HGH. I also don't know why people care so damn much. How does it affect your life if Bonds and Giambi juice their asses off? Additionally, AAS are equally available to any pro athlete...equal availability = not cheating in my mind.
baseball is a game that requires skill and reflex to excell. Its not bodybuilding, powerlifting, or track and field. If Anabolic Steroids made a man a great baseball player, how come WWE wrestlers aren't great baseball players? I can juice my ass off until my liver fails and I still won't be able to hit home runs or throw a 100mph fast ball. If anything, carrying as much lean mass as Giambi did his last couple of seasons would almost constitute a positive detriment in terms of what baseball demands of players physically.
12-07-2004, 10:01 AM
Is use of HgH( not a BAD steroid in any way, no roid rage no deaths) illegal even in professional baseball?
12-07-2004, 05:04 PM
Is use of HgH( not a BAD steroid in any way, no roid rage no deaths) illegal even in professional baseball?
HGH was very "bad" before it was synthesized. Before synthetic HGH was available, the substance would be extracted from the pituitary gland of human cadavers. The problem with this was that the practice was very a number of deadly diseases could be transfered to the user this way (including creuzfeldt-jacobs disease which likey killed Lyle Alzado). HGH is not androgenic, so it will not cause a lot of the same side effects as anabolid-androgenic steroids...however, the long term effects of usage are not known at this time. HGH WILL prompt latent tissue growth (acromelagy) in high doses and this can be a problem.
the danger of anabolic steroids to a user's health is really rather overstated. If steroids are cycled properly, in moderation and certain compounds are avoided, steroids will pose very little risk to a user's for probably raising blood pressure temporarily and altering the user's lipid profile for the worst. That said, abusing steroids the way that pro athletes do, coupled with recreational drugs, alcohol, etc. is a recipe for disaster.
General W.T. Sherman
12-14-2004, 04:01 AM
Johnny McCain is a Senator who represents the state of Arizona....
John McCain is a doofus.
I am a huge baseball fan and I have played for many years. Steroids does make you a better baseball player. The faster you can get the bat around the farther the ball will go and the better chance you have of pulling it into a line drive to left field rather than a pop-up to right field. I am of average build 6' 00" 175 pounds and I throw about 80 to 85 mph accurately. The average speed of a Major League pitcher is about 90 mph... or it used to be. Speeds now are reaching 100 MPH easy but it is because of steroids. Since they have been testing for steroids the average speed has dropped greatly though.
12-15-2004, 02:43 AM
I am of average build 6' 00" 175 pounds and I throw about 80 to 85 mph accurately
You could probably get an MLB job if thats true dude...
Not in todays game. Ive always had a dream of being a pitcher in the MLB. 80 to 85 is really not that fast. Most pitchers can throw at least 90. Plus, im a fastball, splitfinger, and slider pitcher which requires a llittle more speed than a curveball or changeup pitcher.
12-15-2004, 07:55 AM
I am a huge baseball fan and I have played for many years. Steroids does make you a better baseball player.
This is misleading, GebirgsJager. The media and the Beltway clowns like McCain and Joe Biden make it out like Barry Bonds would be an average Joe but for his use of anabolic steroids and HGH. This is clearly absurd. You are correct, in that if a man like Bonds, who is already possessed of extraordinary skill, augments his regimen with anabolic-androgenic steroids and HGH he will likely hit more home runs...however, he will NOT become a better batter in terms of connect percentage. Furthermore, a pro baseball player must be very, very careful about the compounds that he selects to use...many combinations of AAS will inhibit mobility on account of water retention...others will compromise the connective tissue in the joints...some will undermine respiratory capacity.
I'm not proud of it, but I'm very experienced with the use of anabolic steroids...and they give you a huge edge in the weight room and on the running track...but they do NOTHING for the improvement of hand-eye coordination, balance, reflexes, etc.
Speeds now are reaching 100 MPH easy but it is because of steroids. Since they have been testing for steroids the average speed has dropped greatly though.
AAS has something to do with this, but its not the whole picture. Shit, when I was in high school, the older coaches would tell us not to lift weights as it would make us "musclebound" :rolleyes: Today's players and coaching staffs are actually knowledgable about what methods will maximize on the field performance...there is real science behind pro sports these days that was not there even 10 years ago. Speed and performance reflect this trend.
Pro athletics has entered the 21st century...and the training and diet principles that are utilized by pro athletes reflect that. In the old days, athletes trained like shit, ate like shit, drank and smoked with abandon, etc. No more. This makes a world of difference.
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