View Full Version : Arthur Kemp

12-02-2004, 07:40 AM
Alright. Time to change the subject. What do you think about Arthur Kemp? He is at it again.


12-02-2004, 07:53 AM
that post was made in 10-31-2002, 03:52 AM btw.

12-02-2004, 10:34 AM
They say that Kemp has no Ph.D. Is that correct?

There isn't a single footnote in his not-so-magnum opus "The March of the Titans."

Get a good laugh by looking at Kemp's childish idea of "sourcework" here!


Nothing more annoying than a clumsy fool who thinks he's smart!


12-02-2004, 10:59 AM
Bring on Aryansuperman Fade for more indepth study of that master work.

12-02-2004, 11:15 AM

12-02-2004, 04:01 PM
Kenneth Molyneaux for proofreading

Auther Kemp needs a new proof-reader!

12-02-2004, 04:08 PM
What do you think about Arthur Kemp?

I think he makes a better African (http://www.geocities.com/kempcountrymen/) than Arfocentrist Richard Poe.


12-02-2004, 04:09 PM
He looks like a greasy Latino talk-show host.

12-02-2004, 04:16 PM
This is nothing new. Kemp needs to change the record.

Parodies of Kemp:



12-02-2004, 06:05 PM
Kemp's work has some exaggerations, but does point out some things that many works on history would fail to mention.

Did you even read the book, Petr? He makes many citations, footnotes or not. I just opened the chapter (7) where he discusses Hammurabi's Code and it contains at least one citation.

"Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I should rule over the black-headed people like Shamash, and enlighten the land, to further the well-being of mankind..."

"Hammurabi, the prince, called of Bel am I, making riches and increase,...who enriched Ur;...the white king,...the mighty, who again laid the foundations of Sippara...the lord who granted new life to Uruk, who brought plenteous water to its inhabitants...the White, Potent, who penetrated the secret cave of the bandits ..."

(Translated by L. W. King, The Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910. Further translations of Hammurabi's code can be found in The Code of Hammurabi, R.F. Harper, University of Chicago Press, 1904).

12-02-2004, 06:36 PM
"Some" exagerations? LMAO

12-02-2004, 11:25 PM
"Some" exagerations? LMAO
Exactly; that in itself is an exaggeration.

12-02-2004, 11:26 PM

This site is indeed hilarious, but it does include many good genuine Ladogan images.

12-02-2004, 11:31 PM
Bring on Aryansuperman Fade for more indepth study of that master work.How many times do I have to point out that AryanSuperman is not me. I did an IP search of that username the other day. For some reason it turned up "il ragno" and "der kleine Doktor" amongst other names. Check it out for yourself.

12-03-2004, 01:18 AM
My favorite part of Arthur Kemp's book is when he writes that the terror during the French Revolution was really a plan to kill off the nordic population in France.

12-03-2004, 01:27 AM
My favorite part of Arthur Kemp's book is when he writes that the terror during the French Revolution was really a plan to kill off the nordic population in France.

I think it is more likely to have been a Celtic/Germanic antagonism.

12-03-2004, 01:30 AM
Kemp explicitly advances his silly theory that it was an anti-nordic plot.

12-03-2004, 01:46 AM
My favorite part of Arthur Kemp's book is when he writes that the terror during the French Revolution was really a plan to kill off the nordic population in France.
But of course, as everyone knows the French aristocracy is of exclusively Skando-Nordid descent, of the Frankoid/ Normanoid subtype. It has proven its aversion to ethnic mixing throughout the ages ever since REFUSING to mix with the dirty Dinarid/ Alpinid Roman elite of classical Gaul. HEIL FRANKZOG!

12-03-2004, 09:27 AM
I think he makes a better African (http://www.geocities.com/kempcountrymen/) than Arfocentrist Richard Poe.

Kemp isn't South African, he was born in Southern Rhodesia, he has a British father and a Dutch mother. He just went to school in South Africa.

link (https://www.tightrope.cc/kemp.htm)

Notice it took him 17 years to write MOTT and he considers some articles written by William Pierce to be his "best resource."

12-03-2004, 11:59 AM
Here's a typical example of Kempian dishonesty: he presents us with some Sumerian statue from a front perspective so that we could see his supposedly blue eyes, but he does not let us see this guy's profile image, for then we would see that Sumerians had huge hooked noses.


12-03-2004, 02:12 PM
Which picture is that?

It's been a while since I've studied the Sumerians, but their were two groups of Sumerians. The "darkheads" and the "lightheads." The "darkheads" would have been your more semetic ones.

Here's a typical example of Kempian dishonesty: he presents us with some Sumerian statue from a front perspective so that we could see his supposedly blue eyes, but he does not let us see this guy's profile image, for then we would see that Sumerians had huge hooked noses.


12-03-2004, 02:40 PM
Kemp and his ilk are one of the worst enemies. If subracial fetichism is not bad enough this man goes out of a leg trying to steal other subraces´acomplishments and continuing by slandering them as reward. I fail to understand why would Stormfront host his crap or why NA would sell his stuff too. This man has been caught so many times in his outright fabrications and falsifications that it should have suficed.

12-03-2004, 03:08 PM
How many times do I have to point out that AryanSuperman is not me. I did an IP search of that username the other day. For some reason it turned up "il ragno" and "der kleine Doktor" amongst other names. Check it out for yourself.

Please inform then the gallery why il Ragno or der kleine Doktor have given this account "back door" access to the Admin CP. It has to be an Admin and none, barr Loki, that I can think of would create this aberration. Then, of course, you have always had a love for secondary accounts and this persona here is suspciously close to your past Spicky Gonzales gag.

12-03-2004, 03:19 PM
Maybe it is a new secret admin.

12-04-2004, 12:13 AM
Please inform then the gallery why il Ragno or der kleine Doktor have given this account "back door" access to the Admin CP. It has to be an Admin and none, barr Loki, that I can think of would create this aberration. Then, of course, you have always had a love for secondary accounts and this persona here is suspciously close to your past Spicky Gonzales gag.

Whoever it might be, it would either have to be an admin or have been given backdoor access by an admin. This Aryan caricature doesn't offend me in the slightest way, but I think I speak for Ebus and others when I say I do not appreciate the dishonesty of whoever is behind the gag.

12-04-2004, 01:35 AM
Please inform then the gallery why il Ragno or der kleine Doktor have given this account "back door" access to the Admin CP. It has to be an Admin and none, barr Loki, that I can think of would create this aberration. Then, of course, you have always had a love for secondary accounts and this persona here is suspciously close to your past Spicky Gonzales gag.
Spicky Gonzales (Odin parody) was also FTB? Not bad, Fade-- I'd have expected less from someone so outwardly critical of 'degenerate trolls' and so on. ;)

12-04-2004, 02:40 AM
Arthur Kemp is a HERO to true ARYANS! Many people dislike his work because he proves that all the great civilizations of the planet were NORDIC! Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Sumeria, Roman Empire, Spain, were all NORDIC NATIONS! WHITE POWER!


12-04-2004, 03:06 PM
I swear it is not me. Just delete the account.

12-04-2004, 03:42 PM
I swear it is not me. Just delete the account.
I think I know who it really is now: sit back, relax, and don't delete the account.

12-04-2004, 03:43 PM
Please inform then the gallery why il Ragno or der kleine Doktor have given this account "back door" access to the Admin CP. It has to be an Admin and none, barr Loki, that I can think of would create this aberration.

Why would I do such a thing? Are you drunk or just plain stupid?

12-04-2004, 04:06 PM
Kemp and his ilk are one of the worst enemies. If subracial fetichism is not bad enough this man goes out of a leg trying to steal other subraces´acomplishments and continuing by slandering them as reward.

I agree, Its the insolent Nordic supremacism.
I don't know much about standpoints of medicist(?) Pontikos yet if the stated allegations are true, Kemp made few good points:

>>>Pontikos believes that North Africans and Southern Europeans are the same race;

Isn't this exactly what the Nordicists are trying to prove? The relation of other non-Nordic Europeans to various non-Europeans in order to present them selves as the purest Europeans?

>>>Pontikos believes that if all of the races in the world were mixed together, a "Mediterranean" would result!

More assisting to the nordicists idiocy. Who is this guy?! :rolleyes:

12-04-2004, 04:43 PM
I think I know who it really is now: sit back, relax, and don't delete the account.Do you want me to merge your account with your old Mary Poppins account? :p

12-04-2004, 04:58 PM
I really don't see Nordicism or Slavicism or Medicism what have you as being that big of a deal anymore. Its a moot question as far as I am concerned. The Meds and the Slavs in my area are a miniscule minority. There is, however, a Negro and a Mexican problem, which is absorbing my attention at the moment. It should also be pointed out that the greatest problem facing us is the lack of racial consciousness amongst our own people. My own philosophy, which stresses positive racialism (that is, intraracial activism and outreach), is more concerned with this issue than anything else. Negative racialist solutions are impractical anyway. Having said that, I do not see much of a problem with 'positive Nordicism' or 'positive Medicism' or 'positive Slavicism', but this is largely a European issue anyway and should be left to Europeans to sort out. Taking pride in one's own regional identity, people, and culture is not really that controversial. Its this sort of negative racialism which focuses upon conflict between races and subraces that most people are finding problematic.

12-04-2004, 05:10 PM
Do you want me to merge your account with your old Mary Poppins account? :p
That is not necessary. Do you imply that you will do this if I do not inform you of the Superman's identity? :p

12-04-2004, 06:03 PM
Having said that, I do not see much of a problem with 'positive Nordicism' or 'positive Medicism' or 'positive Slavicism', but this is largely a European issue anyway and should be left to Europeans to sort out. Taking pride in one's own regional identity, people, and culture is not really that controversial. Its this sort of negative racialism which focuses upon conflict between races and subraces that most people are finding problematic.

I generally agree, yet I started to regard subracialism as something extremely harmful to the number of European national states including my own. In any country where there is a strong regional cultural and economic north-south difference, subracialism can only encourage regionalism, and perhaps even separatism. It is anti-nationalist.

12-04-2004, 06:24 PM
I think he makes a better African (http://www.geocities.com/kempcountrymen/) than Arfocentrist Richard Poe.


Kemp certainly is more honest and better-informed than Poe.

I'm not a great admirer of Kemp or his theories, but his claims that Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians were "Nordic" are no more ridiculous than Richard Poe's version where the Egyptians were negroid and that the Greeks borrowed everything they achieved from their negro betters.

I invite anybody to go to the nearest natural history museum with mummies on display and look at the shape of the skull and whatever other facial features are preserved. Even in their current state (and from their accompanying artwork) it is obvious that the Egyptian Pharaohs were Caucausoid (though almost certainly not "nordic"). So why is Kemp a "pseudo-scholar" while Poe is considered a reputable source when Kemp's is merely a distortion of the truth while Poe's version is an outright lie? Rhetorical question, of course.

Also, the geocities site on Kemp you link to claims that among other things Paul Kruger has negroid blood. Are there any disinterested sources out there that back up this claim?

12-04-2004, 06:38 PM
I don't think many scholars would consider Kemp or Poe to be a reputable source. This protracted debate between the Afrocentrists, Medicists, and Nordicists over the racial identity of the Egyptians is generally ignored by Egyptologists.

Erzsébet Báthory
12-04-2004, 06:48 PM
Even in their current state (and from their accompanying artwork) it is obvious that the Egyptian Pharaohs were Caucausoid (though almost certainly not "nordic").
I was just looking at pictures of Amenhotep III.


12-04-2004, 07:34 PM
I´m all for regional pride, even subracial pride if you will but when the common ground is lost to the point we see here then its time to call the fetichists back home.

12-04-2004, 08:52 PM
Kemp and Poe's arguments are equally ludicrous, but I find something particularly repulsive about the notion that ancient Egyptian civilization was created by the Nordic race, which at that time had not even evolved into that which we know today. Kemp's arguments are not a mere 'distortion of truth': though both his and Poe's are ultimately incorrect, compare the assertion that Egyptian civilization was created by a Nordic race that at the time didn't exist as we know it and was not suited to Egypt's environment with that claiming it was created by the Negro race which occupied lands a few miles to the south and founded kingdoms with architecture, religion and so on that were remarkably similar to that of the Egyptians.

Fade is correct about the irrelevance of the pseudoscientific "who were the Egyptians" debate. Each nutty argument is corract only in that the ancient Egyptians were not closely related to anyone presently occupying that area.

. . .However, this reconstruction of Tutankhamen's head is of interest:


There are more and better images available that show it from many angles; apparently he was very round-skulled.

Erzsébet Báthory
12-04-2004, 08:57 PM
Kemp and Poe's arguments are equally ludicrous
How so? There are many renditions showing obviously Negroid Pharoahs. There are none that show Nordic Pharoahs!

12-04-2004, 09:14 PM
I´m all for regional pride, even subracial pride if you will but when the common ground is lost to the point we see here then its time to call the fetichists back home.Lets be friends. :)

12-04-2004, 11:13 PM
. . .However, this reconstruction of Tutankhamen's head is of interest:


There are more and better images available that show it from many angles; apparently he was very round-skulled.

This is nothing but malicious PC facial reconstruction.The same thing has been done with queen Nefretiti.
Compare the original bust:
with this forgery
Amenhotep III doesn't look negroid on this picture:
Here is one nordic pharaoh. :D
Alexander as pharaoh
Luxor, temple of Amenhotep III
Couple of Ptolemaean kings were kind of nordic looking,allthough this is a Hellenic dynasty.

12-05-2004, 09:34 AM
This is nothing but malicious PC facial reconstruction.The same thing has been done with queen Nefretiti.
Compare the original bust:
with this forgery
Amenhotep III doesn't look negroid on this picture:
Here is one nordic pharaoh. :D
Alexander as pharaoh
Luxor, temple of Amenhotep III
Couple of Ptolemaean kings were kind of nordic looking,allthough this is a Hellenic dynasty.

Im with you on that one. I do believe I would trust the Egyptians own artists rather than believe some liberal 3D artist.

Also, I remember Fade being a huge fan of MOTT and highly recommending it to many people including myself.

12-06-2004, 04:47 AM
The best evidence for the Egyptians being Caucasian comes from the human remains themselves. Take a look at the mummy on the cover of "Royal Mummies" http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/071562959X/ref=sib_dp_pt/104-4153266-9579938#reader-link

for an image of the typical Caucasoid face of an Egyptian. Some of the Egyptian mummies had red hair, as do many of the Copts of Egypt today (who are distinct not only in their religion but in their appearance from the Arab population, and are thought by many to be direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians).

Furthermore, it is instructive to look at paintings of the Egyptians themselves: they portrayed their own kind with characteristic tan skin, relatively thin lips and sharp noses. These same murals also portray negroid peoples with dark skin, thick lips, and flat noses, almost invariably as slave laborers among Caucasoid priests, soldiers, landowners, and aristocrats.

Any negroid blood in the Pharaohs would have been due to intermarriages between Egyptian and Nubian royalty. The latter were Hamitic negroes who were often at war with the Egytians over control of the upper Nile. No doubt such intermarriages were a contributing factor to the decline of Dynastic Egypt in the long term, as the Nubians were a primitive and uncivilized people by comparison.

12-07-2004, 01:12 PM
- "the typical Caucasoid face of an Egyptian"

How would you define "Caucasoid"? Arabs and non-Dravidian Indians also qualify as "Caucasoid."


12-07-2004, 02:26 PM

I likesd his book overall. 75% of "The March of the Titans." is great. His attack on the Portuguese is untrue. I one can find a number of other problems.

Kemp's work has some exaggerations, but does point out some things that many works on history would fail to mention.- ManAgainstTime

Very True.

The best evidence for the Egyptians being Caucasian comes from the human remains themselves. Take a look at the mummy on the cover of "Royal Mummies" http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/071...938#reader-link

for an image of the typical Caucasoid face of an Egyptian. Some of the Egyptian mummies had red hair, as do many of the Copts of Egypt today (who are distinct not only in their religion but in their appearance from the Arab population, and are thought by many to be direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians).

Furthermore, it is instructive to look at paintings of the Egyptians themselves: they portrayed their own kind with characteristic tan skin, relatively thin lips and sharp noses. These same murals also portray negroid peoples with dark skin, thick lips, and flat noses, almost invariably as slave laborers among Caucasoid priests, soldiers, landowners, and aristocrats.

Any negroid blood in the Pharaohs would have been due to intermarriages between Egyptian and Nubian royalty. The latter were Hamitic negroes who were often at war with the Egytians over control of the upper Nile. No doubt such intermarriages were a contributing factor to the decline of Dynastic Egypt in the long term, as the Nubians were a primitive and uncivilized people by comparison.

The Nubian were a people of the same race as the Egyptians but lived farther South so the effects of intermarriage happened much sooner. Same true of the Ethiopians and other ethnic groups of the area.

12-07-2004, 03:17 PM
The Egyptians looked Egyptian, I would guess. "Claiming" them as being black or white is foolishness.

12-07-2004, 04:24 PM
An interesting link.

12-07-2004, 04:45 PM
To tell you the truth, I am skeptical about these claims of ancient Egyptians being "White" people. They sure weren't pure blacks, but probably about as dark skinned as your average Mexican or Indian...

Sir Richard Burton, a 19th-century non-Christian Orientalist and a certified racist, says in his preface to "Arabian Nights":

"[f/n 7] Debauched women prefer negroes on account of the size of their parts. I measured one man in Somali-land who, when quiescent, numbered nearly six inches. This is a characteristic of the negro race and of African animals; e.g. the horse; whereas the pure Arab, man and beast, is below the average of Europe; one of the best proofs by the by, that the Egyptian is not an Asiatic, but a negro partially white-washed."

"[f/n 372] Although the Arab's ideal of beauty, as has been seen and said, corresponds with ours the Egyptians (Modern) the Maroccans and other negrofied races like "walking tun-butts" as Clapperton called his amorous widow."


And to put it bluntly, Egyptians had a reputation for having large genitals already by the time of prophet Ezekiel, in the 590s BC:

Ezekiel 23:

19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.

20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Erzsébet Báthory
12-07-2004, 04:54 PM
To tell you the truth, I am skeptical about these claims of ancient Egyptians being "White" people. They sure weren't pure blacks, but probably about as dark skinned as your average Mexican or Indian...
Many were obviously as "pure" black as one can be, judging by their art. This includes many members of the royalty, priesthood, and aristocracy. Frankly it's odd how many WNs feel a need to play down any possibility of black achievement. It's not as if blacks need to fail in order for whites to succeed.
Debauched women prefer negroes on account of the size of their parts.
This is indeed true for some women, and there is also fascination with certain other negro attributes.

12-07-2004, 05:54 PM
To tell you the truth, I am skeptical about these claims of ancient Egyptians being "White" people. They sure weren't pure blacks, but probably about as dark skinned as your average Mexican or Indian...

Sir Richard Burton, a 19th-century non-Christian Orientalist and a certified racist, says in his preface to "Arabian Nights":

"[f/n 7] Debauched women prefer negroes on account of the size of their parts. I measured one man in Somali-land who, when quiescent, numbered nearly six inches. This is a characteristic of the negro race and of African animals; e.g. the horse; whereas the pure Arab, man and beast, is below the average of Europe; one of the best proofs by the by, that the Egyptian is not an Asiatic, but a negro partially white-washed."

"[f/n 372] Although the Arab's ideal of beauty, as has been seen and said, corresponds with ours the Egyptians (Modern) the Maroccans and other negrofied races like "walking tun-butts" as Clapperton called his amorous widow."


And to put it bluntly, Egyptians had a reputation for having large genitals already by the time of prophet Ezekiel, in the 590s BC:

Ezekiel 23:

19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.

20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Do you have some kind of phallus obsession?Negro phallus precisely?
Refuting the myth.
Anyway what does the penis size and race of ancient Egyptians have in common?

Some random egyptian statues:

12-07-2004, 05:55 PM
And some more:


12-07-2004, 06:01 PM
- "Do you have some kind of phallus obsession?Negro phallus precisely?"

No-one had not yet presented this angle of the argument, so I thought I could do it. I am not obsessed with penises, and I do not feel myself insecure on this area.

- "Anyway what does the penis size and race of ancient Egyptians have in common?"

Like I've shown, a famous Victorian explorer and a racist, Sir Richard Burton, thought it had some significance on the issue. Don't shoot the messenger.


12-08-2004, 03:51 AM

Some modern Coptic Christian Egyptian.

Father Mauritius Mikhail

Father Thomas Rizkallah

Father Abrahim Aziz Gindi

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Shenouda III Patriarch of Alexandria

12-19-2004, 03:19 AM
Kemp tries, rather painfully to show how changing a civilizations race destroys it. In order to do this, he must therefore show how previous civilizations have fallen due to racial mixing. Its this that makes him appear nordicists. However, he draws completely incorrect conclusions from the distribution of various genes. In fact, I would be willing to go on record in saying that he interpreted the data in a subjective matter and drew unscientific conclusions. He may not be a liar, but his methodology is so flawed, the conclusions he draws have as much merit as anyone elses unsupported prejudice. MOTT does have some, a little, decent research, but its largely pseudo-scientific fiction.

Sulla the Dictator
12-20-2004, 06:14 PM
The best evidence for the Egyptians being Caucasian comes from the human remains themselves.

Take a look at the mummy on the cover of "Royal Mummies" http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/071562959X/ref=sib_dp_pt/104-4153266-9579938#reader-link

He doesn't look Caucasian to me. Though you know, considering the abundance of mummies available for study its odd how scientists and Egyptologists continue to show Egyptians as darker peoples, looking like Semitic peoples.

Why do they do that?

for an image of the typical Caucasoid face of an Egyptian.

.....You judge this from a frontal PICTURE you saw on the Internet and expand that to include the Egyptian aristocracy? :p

Furthermore, it is instructive to look at paintings of the Egyptians themselves: they portrayed their own kind with characteristic tan skin, relatively thin lips and sharp noses. These same murals also portray negroid peoples with dark skin, thick lips, and flat noses, almost invariably as slave laborers among Caucasoid priests, soldiers, landowners, and aristocrats.

LOL You omit the fact that the Egyptians also portrayed Caucasians in reliefs of captives, alongside black captives. A perfect example being the Sea People:


Any negroid blood in the Pharaohs would have been due to intermarriages between Egyptian and Nubian royalty.

And where are the infusions of Nordic/Caucasian blood coming from?

The latter were Hamitic negroes who were often at war with the Egytians over control of the upper Nile. No doubt such intermarriages were a contributing factor to the decline of Dynastic Egypt in the long term, as the Nubians were a primitive and uncivilized people by comparison.

LOL Explain how the infusion of Nubian blood led to the decline of Egypt.

12-20-2004, 06:46 PM
He doesn't look Caucasian to me. Though you know, considering the abundance of mummies available for study its odd how scientists and Egyptologists continue to show Egyptians as darker peoples, looking like Semitic peoples.

Why do they do that?

Why do they do that? Probably because the Ancient Egyptians were a darker, Semitic people. I never claimed in any of my posts that they were "Nordic" or even Indo-European, I was simply refuting the Afrocentric nonsense that claims that the Egyptians were negroes. How many "scientists and Egyptologists" (Richard Poe is neither) take the Afrocentric view seriously? None, I would wager, just as none take Kemp's view seriously.

LOL You omit the fact that the Egyptians also portrayed Caucasians in reliefs of captives, alongside black captives. A perfect example being the Sea People:


And where are the infusions of Nordic/Caucasian blood coming from?

I don't know why you insist on putting words into my mouth other than to be obnoxious. Where did I ever state that Egyptians were "Nordic?" I did state they they were Caucasoid (as opposed to negroid), a broad racial term that includes both Indo-Europeans and Semites.

I said just that in an earlier post on this thread


LOL Explain how the infusion of Nubian blood led to the decline of Egypt.

Since Sub-Saharan negroes have average IQ's in the 60's today (and there is no reason to think they were any brighter two and a half millenia ago), an influx of negro bloodlines into the ruling castes of Egypt could not have helped.

12-20-2004, 07:08 PM
Why do they do that? Probably because the Ancient Egyptians were a darker, Semitic people. I never claimed in any of my posts that they were "Nordic" or even Indo-European, I was simply refuting the Afrocentric nonsense that claims that the Egyptians were negroes. How many "scientists and Egyptologists" (Richard Poe is neither) take the Afrocentric view seriously? None, I would wager, just as none take Kemp's view seriously.

Richard Poe only said they were partially black... the later egyptian religious prints seem to bear this out. Mixing with the people of Kush...

Sulla the Dictator
12-20-2004, 08:03 PM
Why do they do that? Probably because the Ancient Egyptians were a darker, Semitic people. I never claimed in any of my posts that they were "Nordic" or even Indo-European, I was simply refuting the Afrocentric nonsense that claims that the Egyptians were negroes. How many "scientists and Egyptologists" (Richard Poe is neither) take the Afrocentric view seriously? None, I would wager, just as none take Kemp's view seriously.

None, however, they're not the ones defending him. :p

I don't know why you insist on putting words into my mouth other than to be obnoxious. Where did I ever state that Egyptians were "Nordic?" I did state they they were Caucasoid (as opposed to negroid), a broad racial term that includes both Indo-Europeans and Semites.

"The best evidence for the Egyptians being Caucasian comes from the human remains themselves"....followed by a discussion of 'red hair'. Caucasian seems to be a bid more specific than the rather nebulous "Caucasoid".

Why so defensive? :p

Since Sub-Saharan negroes have average IQ's in the 60's today (and there is no reason to think they were any brighter two and a half millenia ago),

LOL There's no reason to think the average ancient Egyptian, Roman, or Greek would score any better on a modern IQ test.

Or how do you think a Greek would answer this:

"How many weeks are in a year?"

an influx of negro bloodlines into the ruling castes of Egypt could not have helped.

The state of Nubian civilization was higher than Scandinavian during the time period we're discussing. :p

Higher than Germanic civilization too, while we're at it.

12-20-2004, 08:11 PM
"The best evidence for the Egyptians being Caucasian comes from the human remains themselves"....followed by a discussion of 'red hair'. Caucasian seems to be a bid more specific than the rather nebulous "Caucasoid".

I use "Caucasian" as a synonym of Caucasoid, meaning non-negroid, austroloid, or mongol peoples.

LOL There's no reason to think the average ancient Egyptian, Roman, or Greek would score any better on a modern IQ test.

Or how do you think a Greek would answer this:

"How many weeks are in a year?"

The point is not how an ancient Greek would perform on a modern IQ test. The point is that negroes today have an average intelligence that is considered borderline retarded in whites or asians, and there is nothing to suggest that the average difference in ability between Caucasians and Negroes was not the same two thousand years ago.

The state of Nubian civilization was higher than Scandinavian during the time period we're discussing. :p

Higher than Germanic civilization too, while we're at it.

The Nubians were probably originally of the same stock as the ancient Egyptians, they simply received a greater and earlier influx of negro blood than their neighbors to the north. Anything they accomplished was in spite of, not because of their partial negro stock.

12-20-2004, 08:15 PM
Why do they do that? Probably because the Ancient Egyptians were a darker, Semitic people. I never claimed in any of my posts that they were "Nordic" or even Indo-European, I was simply refuting the Afrocentric nonsense that claims that the Egyptians were negroes. How many "scientists and Egyptologists" (Richard Poe is neither) take the Afrocentric view seriously? None, I would wager, just as none take Kemp's view seriously.

Richard Poe only said they were partially black... the later egyptian religious prints seem to bear this out. Mixing with the people of Kush...

How is this any different from the United States? The US has a substantial population of colored people that are of mixed African and European ancestry (almost all American "blacks" have some European blood). This does not make the US a "black" nation, and it does not follow that America's achievements are due to having a significant mixed-race population. In ancient Egypt, negroes were slaves as they were in 19th century America. That some were freed and interbred with the native population is undeniable, but Poe's contention that this was the reason for Egypt's great architectural accomplishments is one of the worst non sequiturs that I've ever seen.

Sulla the Dictator
12-20-2004, 09:07 PM
I use "Caucasian" as a synonym of Caucasoid, meaning non-negroid, austroloid, or mongol peoples.

So then Subcontinental Indians are Caucasoid? You use that term meaning what 'someone is not' rather than what 'someone is'?

The point is not how an ancient Greek would perform on a modern IQ test. The point is that negroes today have an average intelligence that is considered borderline retarded in whites or asians, and there is nothing to suggest that the average difference in ability between Caucasians and Negroes was not the same two thousand years ago.

No, actually, the point is how an ancient Greek would perform on a modern IQ test. An IQ test, using language, relates to background an experience. How would an ancient Greek get the answer to the question I asked? He doesn't even use the Julian calander. Does his culture use a system of mathmatics thats easy to calculate for a timed test?

Is the AVERAGE Greek citizen capable of unassisted division? Unlikely.

Yet you pretend as though a rural African, whose nation has a rudimentary infrastructure and the most paltry of educational systems has all the advantages of someone living on the upper West side of Manhattan. Its strange.

To give an IQ test to one of the ancients we would have to make drastic revisions in order to make a test which would reflect the culture and the educational level of the subjects.

When someone suggests the same thing needs to be done to 3rd world nations, fellows like you scoff. Yet the logic is inescapable.

The Nubians were probably originally of the same stock as the ancient Egyptians

Really? Where did you read this?

12-20-2004, 09:34 PM
So then Subcontinental Indians are Caucasoid? You use that term meaning what 'someone is not' rather than what 'someone is'?

It's called "process of elimination." I basically accept the broad racial categories of Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and Australoid, and within this scheme continental Indians are indeed Caucasoid (and the lighter-skinned "Aryan" Indians are fairly closely related to white Europeans).

No, actually, the point is how an ancient Greek would perform on a modern IQ test. An IQ test, using language, relates to background an experience. How would an ancient Greek get the answer to the question I asked? He doesn't even use the Julian calander. Does his culture use a system of mathmatics thats easy to calculate for a timed test?

Is the AVERAGE Greek citizen capable of unassisted division? Unlikely.

Yet you pretend as though a rural African, whose nation has a rudimentary infrastructure and the most paltry of educational systems has all the advantages of someone living on the upper West side of Manhattan. Its strange.

To give an IQ test to one of the ancients we would have to make drastic revisions in order to make a test which would reflect the culture and the educational level of the subjects.

When someone suggests the same thing needs to be done to 3rd world nations, fellows like you scoff. Yet the logic is inescapable.

Do you also believe that "culture bias" also explains why negroes in the US do so poorly?