View Full Version : The Racialism of Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson

11-22-2004, 09:15 PM
The problem with our message is that it has become associated with all sorts of ideas that don't necessarily have anything to do with racialism. This is why we should return to the sort of racialism that used to be so successful in America. What the Europeans want to do is their business.

11-22-2004, 09:44 PM
The problem with our message is that it has become associated with all sorts of ideas that don't necessarily have anything to do with racialism. This is why we should return to the sort of racialism that used to be so successful in America. What the Europeans want to do is their business.

What form exactly was successful in your opinion?

11-22-2004, 10:40 PM
What form exactly was successful in your opinion?I was referring to the sort of racialism that Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson subscribed to. I call it 'Western racialism'. It is quite far removed from Neo-Nazism.

11-23-2004, 04:31 PM
I was referring to the sort of racialism that Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson subscribed to. I call it 'Western racialism'. It is quite far removed from Neo-Nazism.

Lincoln and Wilson were bloodthirsty tyrants deserving the contempt of all good Aryans today.

Jefferson's "racialism"? I have no idea what that is and neither does anyone else. A few old comments does not a racial movement make.

11-23-2004, 05:07 PM
Lincoln and Wilson were bloodthirsty tyrants deserving the contempt of all good Aryans today.That's preposterous. But let me guess. Adolf Hitler was an altar boy and lover of peace, right?Jefferson's "racialism"? I have no idea what that is and neither does anyone else.Thomas Jefferson was a white American racialist. This is a well known and generally acknowledged fact. See his Notes on the State of Virginia.A few old comments does not a racial movement make.They shed enormous light on our situation. This is because at one time racialism was not controversial in this country. Race was an essential aspect of the American identity. It was also part of a greater constellation of ideas generally regarded as Americanism. This constellation of ideas did not include fascist dictatorships or totalitarianism.

11-23-2004, 05:56 PM
That's preposterous. But let me guess. Adolf Hitler was an altar boy and lover of peace, right?Thomas Jefferson was a white American racialist. This is a well known and generally acknowledged fact. See his Notes on the State of Virginia.They shed enormous light on our situation. This is because at one time racialism was not controversial in this country. Race was an essential aspect of the American identity. It was also part of a greater constellation of ideas generally regarded as Americanism. This constellation of ideas did not include fascist dictatorships or totalitarianism.

Lincoln violated States' rights by waging war on the South.

11-23-2004, 05:59 PM
As everyone on this forum well knows, I can hardly be described as a fan of Abraham Lincoln. Yet I can't say that I blame Lincoln for invading the Confederacy. Any head of state facing the disintegration of his country would have done the same thing.

11-23-2004, 06:31 PM
Quoting Jefferson to a mass of American lemmings has done nothing in the past to help our cause. Are you saying that Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson were not bloodthirsty dictators? :222

11-23-2004, 06:33 PM
As everyone on this forum well knows, I can hardly be described as a fan of Abraham Lincoln. Yet I can't say that I blame Lincoln for invading the Confederacy. Any head of state facing the disintegration of his country would have done the same thing.

So now he's not a dictator because he's american? What kind of a name is abraham? :jew:

11-23-2004, 06:37 PM
You also largely ignore the fact that America's Forefathers were in favor of Violence.

11-23-2004, 06:45 PM
Quoting Jefferson to a mass of American lemmings has done nothing in the past to help our causeSure it has. That America was a white nation was a self-evident fact of life for most Americans up until the 1960s. This changed when the Neo-Nazi groups began to discredit us.You also largely ignore the fact that America's Forefathers were in favor of Violence.Please point out the Founders of the United States who were in favor of rounding up the Jews and murdering them en masse.So now he's not a dictator because he's american? What kind of a name is abraham? He wasn't a dictator. He was the duly elected President of the United States. Not even I dispute that. Lincoln was not a Jew either.Are you saying that Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson were not bloodthirsty dictators?Of course not. Where on earth did you come up with such a notion in the first place?

11-23-2004, 06:46 PM
You also largely ignore the fact that America's Forefathers were in favor of Violence.

Yep! I've noticed while fade doesn't condone violence, he sure loves his American icons who did. :)

11-23-2004, 06:48 PM
Yep! I've noticed while fade doesn't condone violence, he sure loves his American icons who did. :)I don't have any principled objection to violence. I am not a pacifist. However, I am convinced that violence is not a practical way to make racialism a success in America.

11-23-2004, 08:40 PM
I don't have any principled objection to violence. I am not a pacifist. However, I am convinced that violence is not a practical way to make racialism a success in America.

And you suppose eating the poor would?

Hitler was duly elected into office and every action he proposed was voted upon. Even the USSR had a constitution. Are you so naive as to think that America was ever a "free" nation?

You and your position is nothing but a fraud.

This entire forum is nothing but a bunch of egomaniacs on the government payroll who condemn whites for believing in a cause. You are COINTELPRO. What do you say to that?

11-23-2004, 08:42 PM
I have to agree about Wilson... he was as destructive a force in history as Hitler was. Without Wilson there would have been neither Stalin Hitler nor an indepedent fundamentalist Islam.

11-23-2004, 08:42 PM
Fade, I see also that you never condemn nonwhites who use violence. Every minute some nonwhite murders someone in the US. But do you go on a tirade about that?

11-23-2004, 09:07 PM
And you suppose eating the poor would?That is an allusion to Swift's A Modest Proposal.Hitler was duly elected into office and every action he proposed was voted upon. Hitler was not elected Chancellor of Germany. He was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenberg. He also later assumed all the trappings of a dictatorship after the passage of the enabling act. Lincoln, Jefferson, and Wilson all stood for re-election.Even the USSR had a constitution.The United States is not the USSR by any stretch of the imagination.Are you so naive as to think that America was ever a "free" nation?That turns on how how you would define the term. But sure. Americans are free to select their own leaders. They are also free to choose not to participate in the political process.You and your position is nothing but a fraud.I am not the one here calling Wilson, Lincoln, and Jefferson dictators while at the same time claiming Hitler was elected to his office.This entire forum is nothing but a bunch of egomaniacs on the government payroll who condemn whites for believing in a cause. You are COINTELPRO. What do you say to that?ROFL

11-23-2004, 09:08 PM
Fade, I see also that you never condemn nonwhites who use violence.
Every minute some nonwhite murders someone in the US. But do you go on a tirade about that?I have over 4,000 posts on this forum. Feel free to read them before making ignorant accusations.

11-23-2004, 11:40 PM
Lincoln was a shitty president IMO but I certainly have no problem with what he had to say about Negroes.

11-23-2004, 11:43 PM
Lincoln was far better then Wilson

11-24-2004, 03:11 AM
The problem with our message is that it has become associated with all sorts of ideas that don't necessarily have anything to do with racialism.

Indeed. Ideologues have a habit of seeing a faint likeness of their beliefs affirmed (in this case in Fascism, et al.) and accepting whatever goes along with them in the context of where they find this-- which makes 'ideologies' (in this case racialism) change quickly in character and become more vague.

This is why we should return to the sort of racialism that used to be so successful in America. What the Europeans want to do is their business.

It's so refreshing to see that at least one of you has the sense not to discard everything 'American' as associated with (and leading inevitably to) our present American mess.

11-24-2004, 03:19 AM
That is an allusion to Swift's A Modest Proposal.

Interesting; that is one of my favorite pieces. I just re-read it last night. Previously, I was going to suggest you ditch the "Eat The Poor" line (though it makes you all the more suited to your new position as President, such frankness is not becoming for a politician :D ).

At any rate, could you elaborate on your intent?

Sulla the Dictator
11-24-2004, 04:53 AM
Quoting Jefferson to a mass of American lemmings has done nothing in the past to help our cause. Are you saying that Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson were not bloodthirsty dictators?

Which part of their past do you see as dictatorial? The part where they were elected to office or the part where they left office after the end of their Constitutional term?

The idea that Wilson was a dictator is the most ridiculous part of your statement.

11-24-2004, 04:56 AM
I actually hate Wilson almost as much as Hitler and Stalin Sulla... his last minute intervention was a disaster, he laid the groundwork for the current socialistic state of affairs in the US, and in WWI he was indeed dictatorial... would throw people in prison without trial for disparaging his foreign policy in casual conversation. Etc

Sulla the Dictator
11-24-2004, 05:03 AM
I have to agree about Wilson... he was as destructive a force in history as Hitler was.

Where do you get that idea, Bismarck?

Without Wilson there would have been neither Stalin Hitler nor an indepedent fundamentalist Islam.

Thats actually ridiculous, since Wilson opposed virtually every punative measure at Versailles and was the author of the points the Germans were hoping would be adopted when they signed the Armistice in the first place.

The Kaiser is more responsible for Hitler than Wilson, and the Kaiser isn't really responsible for Hitler at all.

Wilson CERTAINLY isn't responsible for Stalinism or fundamentalist Islam.

Sulla the Dictator
11-24-2004, 05:06 AM
I actually hate Wilson almost as much as Hitler and Stalin Sulla... his last minute intervention was a disaster

So the United States is supposed to accept not only German raids on its shipping, which is bad enough, but its also supposed to sit by while Germany tries to cajole our neighbors into invading us?

he laid the groundwork for the current socialistic state of affairs in the US

How? No regulation put into place by Wilson was more far reaching than that of Teddy Roosevelt.

and in WWI he was indeed dictatorial... would throw people in prison without trial for disparaging his foreign policy in casual conversation.

Thats a bit of an oversimplification.

11-24-2004, 05:41 AM
So the United States is supposed to accept not only German raids on its shipping, which is bad enough, but its also supposed to sit by while Germany tries to cajole our neighbors into invading us?

The Germans said they were going to sink the Lusitania, and it was loaded with ammo. I don't view the submarine "blockade" as any more of a cassus belli then the British blockade.

As for the Zimmermann telegram... an invasion by Mexico lol, and only if America declared war on Germany did it apply. Wilson was looking for an excuse he could sell, Zimmermann's idiocy unfortunately provided it.

And yes his intervention is responsible for WWII the Cold War and Militant Islam. Obviously if the Germans won there would have been no Hitler, the Bolsheviks would be quickly toppled( and because of Brest Litosk even if left in place the USSR would have been too weak to cause any trouble).

As for militant Islam since Turkey was with the Central Powers you would have in the event of a German victory an Ottoman Empire under Ataturk's control, all the Wahhabists and Arab nationalists would have been promptly rounded up and shot.

How? No regulation put into place by Wilson was more far reaching than that of Teddy Roosevelt.

Him and his progressive pals gave us the income tax, direct election of senators, the Federal Reserve and prohibition. Teddy Roosevelt only busted a few monopolies.

Thats a bit of an oversimplification.

How so...

11-24-2004, 01:07 PM
Indeed. Ideologues have a habit of seeing a faint likeness of their beliefs affirmed (in this case in Fascism, et al.) and accepting whatever goes along with them in the context of where they find this-- which makes 'ideologies' (in this case racialism) change quickly in character and become more vague.Racialism is "an emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events." Or more accurately, you could say that racialism is an acknowledgement of the existence of racial differences. That is all it is. Racialism itself is not a very controversial position. The majority of physical anthropologists would agree that race exists and that it is a valid construct. Still less has racialism been controversial throughout the majority of American history.

However, you can't tell this to the Neo-Nazi swarm that posts on the internet. In their minds, racialism also means totalitarianism, fascism, antisemitism, and mindless hatred of other races. It also means that Hitler was right and that the Holocaust never happened. Thus if you disagree with any of these propositions, you are a 'liberal' or a 'neocon' or better yet 'COINTELPRO'. Unfortunately, the general public has also come to associate racialism with such ideas. And this is why it is damn near possible to have an honest discussion in this country about racial differences these days.

The Neo-Nazis have lost sight of the fact that their version of racialism is not the only version of racialism to have ever existed. They also forget that Hitler was driven first and foremost by radical national chauvinism. He only brought in pseudoscientific racialist theories in order to justify his hatred of other European ethnicities. The Neo-Nazis and the general public ignore the existence of what I call Western racialism. This was the racialism of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Rudyard Kipling. It is best associated with the notion of the White Man's Burden: that racial differences exist, that racial integration is a folly, yet this should not prevent races from cooperating in order to improve the general condition of mankind.

11-24-2004, 02:21 PM
Now I see why you cut this thread from my original post. I am not a "nazi" and I don't worship hitler. I am pointing out to you your stupid double standards and failure to see that the US is as much a dictatorship run by violence and intimidation as the USSR or Hitler's Germany. There is no level of society in the world that is free from intimidation. It's how the world works.

What is laughable is that you don't realize the US has the same policies as the USSR had and yet you flat out deny that the US is communist.

11-24-2004, 03:01 PM
Now I see why you cut this thread from my original post. I split the thread because the discussion had gone off topic.I am not a "nazi" and I don't worship hitler.You certainly had me fooled. Well then. What are you, MidnightSun?I am pointing out to you your stupid double standards and failure to see that the US is as much a dictatorship run by violence and intimidation as the USSR or Hitler's Germany.Please point out for the gallery my 'stupid double standards'. If you are trying to argue here that I am not highly critical of the brutalization of whites by nonwhites, then I am sure that several of the posters in this thread will find your proposition laughable in the extreme. The United States is not a dictatorship either. It is not run by violence either. Nor can any reasonable person compare the U.S. to Stalin's USSR or Hitler's Nazi Germany.There is no level of society in the world that is free from intimidation. It's how the world works.Who is being intimidated, MidnightSun? Alex Linder? He rants and raves on his website about exterminating entire peoples. Why such an individual would find himself shunned by decent human beings is no mystery, still less a vast Jewish conspiracy.What is laughable is that you don't realize the US has the same policies as the USSR had and yet you flat out deny that the US is communist.So let me get this straight, lest there be no further confusion in this debate. You think the U.S. is a Communist dictatorship. You think Adolf Hitler was democratically elected Chancellor of Germany while simultaneously subscribing to the notion that Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, and Abraham Lincoln were brutal dictators. You think the U.S. is the mirror image of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. And not only that, you think I work for COINTELPRO and The Phora is a false flag operation set up by the U.S. Government to make the Nazis who post at VNN look retarded.
